Second Love

Second Love chapter 10

The day to remove the bandages arrived. Jiang Yun sat on the edge of the bed, while Cheng Huai seemed more restless in comparison. Standing by Jiang Yun’s side, he covertly squeezed Jiang Yun’s fingers.

As the bandages unraveled layer by layer, Cheng Huai’s heart tightened with tension.

Jiang Yun felt his eyes, which had been in darkness for a long time, were a bit dry. He blinked, and before him was like a thick fog, where he could barely sense a faint glimmer. Yet, this light was enough to fill him with boundless joy.

The person he most wanted to see clearly was right beside him. Jiang Yun squinted his eyes, struggling to see more clearly.

Cheng Huai noticed this and gently pinched Jiang Yun’s hand with the position between his thumb and forefinger. “Take it slow.”

Reluctantly, Jiang Yun responded as if a student caught doing something wrong by the teacher. But this method worked well for him, and his body gradually relaxed visibly.

“It’s normal if you still can’t see clearly now; recovery takes time. Remember to use the eye drops on time every morning and night. Also, try to minimize the use of electronic devices within this month,” the doctor advised.

After the doctor left, the room was left with only Cheng Huai and Jiang Yun. Facing each other while sitting, as Jiang Yun had requested, he wanted to try to see the person in front of him clearly.

“Cheng Huai…” Jiang Yun’s feelings at this moment were delicate. Though the bandages had been removed, regaining sight was not an overnight process. However, he couldn’t help feeling anxious, wanting to see Cheng Huai’s face clearly as soon as possible.

“I’m here,” Cheng Huai nodded slightly and moved his face a bit closer. Jiang Yun felt the shadow in front of him getting closer.


He just wanted to call Cheng Huai’s name.

While Cheng Huai and the doctor were getting medication, Cheng Huai discussed Jiang Yun’s situation with the doctor.

Weak photosensitivity might last for a while, perhaps several months. This was uncontrollable and could potentially continue for a lifetime, with vision remaining blurry. The likelihood of Jiang Yun regaining sight was high, but the possibility of persistent weak photosensitivity or blurred vision couldn’t be ruled out.

Cheng Huai felt a mix of emotions, experiencing an unprecedented sense of helplessness.

In fact, he had once, without telling Jiang Yun, visited a dark experience center to understand what it felt like for visually impaired individuals in daily life. He wanted to empathize with Jiang Yun’s situation.

It was his first time truly experiencing groping and stumbling in total darkness. Yet, he dared not think about how Jiang Yun endured the time right after losing his sight.

For Cheng Huai, losing sight meant losing the initiative and control over this world. 

Cheng Huai didn’t know how to describe his own feelings, encountering someone as determined and excellent as Jiang Yun. He had prepared for the worst possible outcome of this surgery. Even if Jiang Yun couldn’t regain sight, he would be a hundred times, a thousand times better to this person, helping him gradually forget about his imperfections, which he had always been doing.

He would give Jiang Yun a perfect life.

Help him forget about his own imperfections.

“I’ll help you with the eye drops.”


Jiang Yun sat on the edge of the bed, obediently listening to Cheng Huai’s instructions, tilting his head high, waiting for Cheng Huai to administer the eye drops. He cooperated well with anything that would aid in restoring his vision.

Watching Jiang Yun’s compliant appearance, Cheng Huai looked at the raised head. The delicate Adam’s apple stood out, and the neck and jawbone formed a bone-like curve, exuding a unique allure.

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