Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 98

 Reopening the Case

Jiang Chengyuan took a taxi back to the hospital, his mind disturbed by a few words from Liang Hanqing.

He knew Liang Hanqing was right; every word had precisely touched his thoughts. Why should he play the good guy? Why should he do something meaningless to him? Helping Xiao Zhou overturn his case was like personally pushing him away, letting him go. This unprofitable deal was not worth it no matter how he looked at it.

He had been good to Xiao Zhou before, but that was it. Too many things were put in front of Xiao Zhou, but in the end, he didn’t value him much. He wanted him, merely to satisfy his own desires, so he could lock him up, regardless of what Xiao Zhou thought. Even if he understood now and recognized that he loved him, what did that matter? Which of the things he did could be called love?

When he went upstairs, he saw Ji Yang waiting in the hallway, smoking one cigarette after another. When Ji Yang saw him coming, he threw the cigarette butt away and walked over, “Where did you go? You didn’t even take your phone with you.”

“What’s wrong?”

Ji Yang’s cheeks were flushed, “He went into heat, and there was no sign beforehand. I almost got killed in there.”

Jiang Chengyuan was startled and took big strides toward the ward, “What about now?”

“They’ve locked him up, just him inside. Some things were prepared for him to relieve himself. It’s good that you’re here now.”

Opening the tightly shut ward door and stepping inside, Jiang Chengyuan was immediately hit by the overpowering pheromones. He paused for a moment, locked the door again.

What met his eyes was a scene of debauchery. The omega, deeply in heat, was delirious and touching himself with the things provided. It was originally quite seductive. Jiang Chengyuan had always thought that the heat period was the most exciting. Xiao Zhou was usually a bit reserved, which, while having its own charm, was not as exciting as during his irrational moments during heat periods. But now, looking at all this, Jiang Chengyuan felt strange and couldn’t muster his usual excitement.

He walked to the bedside, one leg pressing down on the bed, carefully removing Xiao Zhou’s hands from his body. Xiao Zhou was sweating profusely, arching his chest, flushed white, and his body twisted like a pretzel. His hands were suddenly restricted, and he struggled in pain to free himself, but Jiang Chengyuan’s fingers interlocked with his and pressed them on the bed sheet. Jiang Chengyuan leaned over, the rough black coat brushing against Xiao Zhou’s sensitive parts, making him shiver. Jiang Chengyuan kissed his lips, gently exchanging a kiss, then pulled out the object moving inside him and threw it aside.

After two waves of climax, Xiao Zhou gradually came to his senses.

He reached back and touched Jiang Chengyuan’s arm, instinctively gripping it and leaning his head against his shoulder, “It’s only been two months, and it seems more frequent.”

Jiang Chengyuan kissed the back of his ear and bit down on the soft earlobe. Xiao Zhou inhaled sharply, then chuckled softly, “Ji Yang was just here; I almost embarrassed myself in front of your friend. He doesn’t think much of me anyway; it was too embarrassing.”

Jiang Chengyuan was unexpectedly annoyed. He lifted Xiao Zhou’s legs, turning him around so they were facing each other, “You don’t need to care about what others think; it has nothing to do with you.”

Xiao Zhou wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his sweaty head on his shoulder, “I know. I just hate this heat period.” He sighed and smiled bitterly, “Being an omega is really not easy; you only know it after going through it yourself.”

Jiang Chengyuan thoughtfully stroked his back, “Do you want to go back?”

Xiao Zhou joked, “I think about it in my dreams. But forget it; someone had actually contacted me before, saying they could help me with reversal surgery.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s hand paused, “How did you respond?”

Feeling his wariness, Xiao Zhou lifted his head and soothingly kissed his jaw, “Don’t worry, I refused. You can’t live without me.”

Jiang Chengyuan seemed to release a heavy burden from his heart, but after hearing his words, he smiled again, “Can’t live without you? Where exactly can’t I live without you?”

Xiao Zhou lightly traced his fingers around the gland on the back ofJiang Chengyuan’s neck, “Then just consider me as being overly sentimental and wanting to stay with you.”

Jiang Chengyuan felt a mix of surprise and tenderness in his heart upon hearing this. He merely closed his eyes and leaned his head against Xiao Zhou, and for a moment, the room was so quiet it was as if there was no sound at all. After a while, he said somewhat nostalgically, “You might not know, but we actually met before. The Clemency Court wasn’t the first time I saw you.”


Jiang Chengyuan chuckled softly, “You weren’t exactly innocent at that time. You broke my nose with one punch, and I was in pain for several days.”

Xiao Zhou was shocked, “How could that be? I wouldn’t just hit someone casually. And if I had met you, I would have had an impression.”

“It was raining heavily that day, and it was just a minor incident. You probably forgot about it,” Jiang Chengyuan said lightly. “I didn’t like you much back then either. Although your methods were rough and unreasonable, they were just right for dealing with someone like me who doesn’t listen to advice.”

Xiao Zhou laughed, “That sounds so pitiful.” He straightened up and held Jiang Chengyuan’s face, kissing him on the nose. “It’s a pity I forgot that I hurt you.”

“Why is it a pity?”

“It’s a pity I missed the sight of you being so embarrassed. I probably won’t get another chance to see that.”

Jiang Chengyuan couldn’t help but smile and hugged him tighter, though he wasn’t very happy; instead, he felt a wave of sadness. As the sadness fermented, it suddenly turned into an impulse. Even though he knew he would regret it later, his mouth couldn’t control itself, as if it had a mind of its own, saying, “Your birthday is in December, right? I’ll get you a gift.”

Xiao Zhou seemed intrigued. “You’re telling me about something so far in advance?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked somewhat melancholic but also determined. “Yes.” He tightened his grip on Xiao Zhou’s waist, as if to make sure he had no way to retreat. “I’ll help you overturn the case.”

Xiao Zhou was stunned, and his smile froze like plaster, solidifying into a mask.

Ji Yang sometimes got annoyed with himself, feeling like a dog who came running whenever Jiang Chengyuan beckoned.

The car stopped downstairs at the law firm to pick someone up, waiting for nearly half an hour in the scorching sun, almost getting chased away by traffic police, when Jiang Chengyuan finally arrived, got into the car, and didn’t even ask if he had had a hard time

Ji Yang was displeased and sarcastically said, “By the way, it seems you haven’t paid my driver’s salary yet?”

Jiang Chengyuan fastened his seatbelt and, hearing his tone, turned his head with a smile, “Consider it as a debt I owe you. Only you can accompany me on this. After all, you’re a top lawyer. Others wouldn’t be of any use; they couldn’t handle it.”

Ji Yang felt a bit better. It was not easy to get a word of affirmation from Jiang Chengyuan. In the world of colleagues, where they often look down on each other, being the first to be thought of meant he ranked high in Jiang Chengyuan’s heart. Thinking of it this way, he felt he was really cheap. Even though he was also a top lawyer who charged by the minute, a simple word of acknowledgment satisfied him.

Jiang Chengyuan turned his head and saw the necklace Ji Yang was wearing around his neck, and thought the style was quite retro and distinctive, “Newly bought?”

Ji Yang uncomfortably reached up to adjust it, “It was a gift from someone. I lost a bet and have to wear it for a week. It’s both ugly and uncomfortable.”

Jiang Chengyuan slightly rolled down the car window, lit a cigarette, and with a smirk, said with interest, “No, keep wearing it. It looks quite good. Your shoulders and neck look nice; it suits you.”

Ji Yang clicked his tongue, “Why do you two always say the same things?”

Jiang Chengyuan raised an eyebrow slightly, “Who is it? Do I know them?”

Ji Yang realized he had misspoken, “No, you don’t know them. They’re just a nobody. How could you know them?”

Seeing that he wasn’t willing to say more, Jiang Chengyuan didn’t press the matter. The car soon drove off.

On the road, Ji Yang asked, “How difficult do you think this case will be to overturn?”

Jiang Chengyuan took a slow drag on his cigarette, “Hard to say. We’ll only know after checking.”

Ji Yang sighed lightly. “You’re really impulsive. No matter what the case is, this road won’t be easy.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s expression grew more serious, biting the cigarette, with a wisp of pale smoke lingering around his face. His gaze became even deeper through the smoke. He didn’t say anything more.

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