Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 92

Where Do You Want To Go Now?

Deciding to leave had consequences. Their relationship wasn’t just a simple romance; there were too many complex factors involved.

His parole status, the AO mark, Jiang Chengyuan could no longer remove the mark. His glands were too fragile to withstand another surgery. As for Xiao Zhou, the consequences he had to face were even more severe.

When he was at work, he ran into Jiang Wenxing. He apologized for what happened last time, saying it wasn’t his intention. Jiang Wenxing looked haggard and dejected; Xiao Zhou guessed it was because of his brother. When Xiao Zhou mentioned Jiang Wenhao, Jiang Wenxing’s expression changed. He cursed a few times, saying he didn’t expect things to develop this way. He hoped Xiao Zhou wouldn’t harbor any resentment because of it.

Xiao Zhou felt somewhat numb and had no intention of taking his anger out on others. He continued walking forward, and Jiang Wenxing followed him, saying he was planning a high school reunion and asked if he wanted to join. Xiao Zhou thought about it and agreed, not knowing how long he could stay outside. With no news from Jiang Chengyuan, it felt like a sharp knife was hanging over his neck.

He asked Sun Xu about the court date for Jiang Chengyuan and went back to Jiang Chengyuan’s apartment to pack up some things.

He took a taxi there. When he got out of the cab, the security guard at the entrance greeted him with a surprised smile on his dark, sun-tanned face, “Little brother, long time no see.”

Xiao Zhou remembered him. On his first day here, there had been a small episode, and he had smiled at him then too.

The security guard took out a small bag of red dates and peanuts from the duty room, “I went back to my hometown for a while and brought some local specialties. Take some with you.”

Xiao Zhou repeatedly waved his hands, but the security guard said, “It’s nothing, not worth much. I specially saved it for you and Lawyer Jiang.” Saying that, he firmly stuffed the items into Xiao Zhou’s hands. Xiao Zhou felt embarrassed and tried to offer money, but the guard refused to accept it, “Don’t be so formal. It’s just a little thing, not worth anything.”

Xiao Zhou had no choice but to accept it, “Thank you.”

The security guard grinned, showing his white teeth, “But don’t blame me for meddling. I’m just reminding you—there’s surveillance in the parking lot. Just you guys…” He coughed, “Be careful.”

Xiao Zhou was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was referring to. His face flushed quickly, and he stammered a few words before almost running inside.

Upstairs, in his room, he sorted out his belongings, finding some characters Jiang Chengyuan had written for him and a button he had taken off from his shirt. He left the ring on the dining table and took everything else with him, knowing that Jiang Chengyuan wouldn’t remember them.

He went to the balcony to look for the flowers but didn’t find any. Perhaps they had died after their blooming period, and Jiang Chengyuan had thrown them away. Xiao Zhou felt a bit sad but thought it was normal. Jiang Chengyuan hadn’t shown much liking when he first bought them, so it was understandable to discard them if they didn’t look good.

He packed his neatly arranged things into a small suitcase and remembered to keep the red dates and peanuts from the security guard. He tasted a couple; the dates were small and sweet, and the peanuts were plump and crispy. He went to Jiang Chengyuan’s liquor cabinet, took out a small bottle of white wine as a gift. The bottles were covered in dust; Jiang Chengyuan hardly drank when he was at home.

At the door, the security guard suddenly pulled him into the duty room mysteriously, “Be careful when you leave. Don’t let anyone follow you.”

Xiao Zhou was surprised and looked toward the bushes where the guard’s gaze was directed, “What’s going on?”

The security guard said, “There’s someone lurking there for several days. I think they’re scouting the place.”

So even upscale neighborhoods had this kind of issue?

“He doesn’t come inside, so we can’t chase him off, just have to keep an eye on him,” the guard explained. “These young people nowadays do weird things, always thinking of crooked ways. The police don’t care even when we report them.”

Xiao Zhou noticed that the security guard was quite righteous. He handed over the wine, and the security guard, who hadn’t expected this, was very embarrassed and hesitated before awkwardly accepting it.

As Xiao Zhou was about to leave, the security guard mumbled, “But I always feel this person looks a bit familiar.”

“Maybe they’re a local troublemaker,” Xiao Zhou shrugged it off.

The security guard furrowed his brow and thought for a while before suddenly recalling something. He said to Xiao Zhou, “Remember I told you before that Lawyer Jiang was ambushed by a young person?”

Xiao Zhou was taken aback, recalling that it was indeed the case.

The security guard said, “This person looks a bit like that. Tell Lawyer Jiang to be careful. But I’m not sure; it’s been a while, and people start to look alike.”

Xiao Zhou grew suspicious, “What exactly happened back then?”

The security guard scratched his head. “I’m not sure. It was noisy and unclear, probably an old case. What kind of thing could be remembered for so long? Maybe I saw it wrong. As you age, your eyes get fuzzy.”

Xiao Zhou hailed a taxi to go back. On the ride, he started drafting a message to Jiang Chengyuan, mainly to inform him that he had taken his belongings and moved out. He edited the message three times before finalizing it, and just before sending it, he added a reminder to be careful.

The message was sent, and soon after, there was a reply. Xiao Zhou opened it to find a cold, indifferent “Hmm.”

He hadn’t expected much else, but seeing such detachment and coldness still left him somewhat stunned.


Jiang Chengyuan turned his phone face down, and after the trial ended, he packed up his materials and left.

In a hurry, he ignored the prosecution lawyer who had prepared to greet him.

Throughout the journey, his demeanor was so cold that it made others avoid him. It was only then that he realized Xiao Zhou’s attitude that night was serious, not just a moment of anger or excessive impulsiveness. But who gave him the courage to think he could come and go as he pleased?

His anger flared, burning away his reason. Jiang Chengyuan changed his plans, had the driver take him to the Clemency court, made a phone call, and the court president came out to meet him. In just a few words, he retrieved the previously surrendered handcuffs and temporarily invalidated Xiao Zhou’s identification documents.

A parolee back in the evaluation period. The bluish glow of the computer screen reflected Jiang Chengyuan’s cold face.

A few keystrokes by the staff erased a person’s existence from this world, stamped with illegal labels. The efficiency of societal order in dealing with individuals was so swift and effective, leaving no room for resistance.

To capture someone and lock them up, they can go nowhere but to his side. Jiang Chengyuan’s mind began to spin with various crazy thoughts, his emotions somewhat out of control.

At first, Xiao Zhou would definitely be angry, maybe even driven mad, resisting in every possible way. But after a while, he would adapt. He had weaknesses, his tenderness and emotional attachments were his weaknesses. He always focused on people’s good sides, ignoring the ugly ones. This kind of compassionate tolerance made people feel guilty and addicted.

The staff completed the procedures and handed over the documents to him.

The handcuffs bore Xiao Zhou’s prison number. Jiang Chengyuan remembered the ink imprint on his ankle. Xiao Zhou was very ashamed of that place and always wore long pants and sneakers to cover it, trying every means to hide it. When Jiang Chengyuan would grip his ankle, he would shrink back in fright.

Recalling these details caused Jiang Chengyuan’s thoughts to wander, including Xiao Zhou’s sensitive reactions in bed. Although he was usually reserved yet passionate, his eyes always looked up at him faithfully, and a layer of light fuzz on the back of his neck exuded fine sweat. Jiang Chengyuan once thought this kind of loyalty could last a lifetime, but reality proved that nothing is permanent.

He changed his sitting position, his long eyelashes lowered, his mouth flat, exuding coldness. How could he think he would let him go?


As Xiao Zhou left his home and planned to take the subway, two plainclothes officers approached him, handcuffed him without a word, and led him away.

The cold metal touch made his hairs stand on end. He instinctively resisted but was roughly subdued. His twisted arms caused him sharp pain in his shoulders and neck. Though panicked, he repeatedly told himself to stay calm, asking in a composed tone what was happening, whether he had committed a crime, and why he had to wear handcuffs.

The two men lowered his head and pushed him into a car, sitting on either side, only telling him to shut up.

After getting out of the car, he was directly taken to the detention center, where he was placed with many others who had not yet been convicted, looking unfriendly.

Xiao Zhou felt anxious and fearful, his nerves highly strung, constantly on guard. He didn’t even know what crime he had committed. During his arrest, he frequently asked the guarding officers if he could contact his family, but no one paid him any attention. The officers treated him as if he didn’t exist, their occasional glances complex. It wasn’t until three days later that someone came to see him—Jiang Chengyuan.

Xiao Zhou was finally released. In the meeting room, Jiang Chengyuan half-knelt, putting handcuffs on his ankles. Then he stood up, took his hand, and led him out.

As they walked past the officers and criminals, Xiao Zhou’s stomach began to cramp. He hadn’t eaten in three days and had been in a confined environment. Stepping out into the light, it was glaringly bright. He closed his eyes, gripping Jiang Chengyuan’s arm tightly, and asked, “Did they notify you?”

Jiang Chengyuan turned his head, touched his emaciated face, and said, “Yes, you can come back with me now.”

At that moment, Xiao Zhou did not understand his meaning. He was drowsily taken back, given something to eat, and then curled up under a blanket, falling asleep. He hadn’t slept properly for three days, always on alert for danger. The people locked up with him made him afraid to close his eyes, and sometimes he was taken out for questioning without knowing what to answer, only being told to confess honestly. But what was he supposed to confess?

He slept for an entire day, and when he woke up, he suddenly felt a pulling sensation on his neck and touched the cold, hard leather. Fully awake, he sat up, and with his movements, the extended chain clinked sharply.

Jiang Chengyuan was standing at the foot of the bed, backlit, only a shadowy figure and a cold, harsh jawline visible.

It felt unfamiliar.

Jiang Chengyuan asked him, “Where do you want to go now?”

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