Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 91


The quiet was abruptly interrupted by the sound of intense banging on the door. Liang Hanqing opened the door, and Jiang Chengyuan grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. “What did you do? Where is he?”

Liang Hanqing, his throat constricted by his collar, struggled to breathe but managed a cold laugh. “Why are you so tense? If I had really done something, it would have been finished by now.”

Jiang Chengyuan glared angrily, like an enraged bull, raising his fist and swinging it down with a fierce gust of wind.

Liang Hanqing, shocked by Jiang Chengyuan’s unprecedented loss of control, turned his head to avoid the blow. The fist landed next to his ear, creating a dent in the wall and causing plaster to fall, Jiang Chengyuan’s knuckles bleeding.

Jiang Chengyuan asked again, “Where is he?”

Liang Hanqing, afraid to say more, pointed towards the sofa.

Jiang Chengyuan pushed past him and strode over. Xiao Zhou lay on the sofa, covered with a blanket, his face flushed, and his exposed shoulders bare.

Jiang Chengyuan paused, then, as if in slow motion, bent down to pick him up. His arms tightened as if afraid the person would disappear if he loosened his grip. He pressed his face close to Xiao Zhou’s forehead, feeling the abnormal temperature, and his expression changed. But at least his panic subsided at this moment.

“It’s just a bit of an aphrodisiac, not too strong,” Liang Hanqing approached, still composed, as if confident Jiang Chengyuan wouldn’t do anything to him.

Jiang Chengyuan checked Xiao Zhou’s mark, confirming there was no damage, and felt slightly relieved. Holding Xiao Zhou, he stood up and looked coldly at Liang Hanqing. “Why did you do this?”

Liang Hanqing said, “I didn’t touch him.”

“I know,” Jiang Chengyuan interrupted, “If you had, you wouldn’t be standing here talking to me.”

“Is he that important to you?”

Jiang Chengyuan took a few deep breaths. “This time, I’ll let you go out of respect for teacher Wu. If there’s a next time, you’ll regret it.”

Liang Hanqing knew Jiang Chengyuan was serious; the disgust and murderous intent in his eyes were not fake. If Jiang Chengyuan hadn’t restrained himself, that punch wouldn’t have landed on the wall but on his face. Ultimately, he only had Wu Yichang to thank.

Feeling stifled, Liang Hanqing said resentfully, “If you really valued the past so much, you shouldn’t have left then.”

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t look at him again, leaving with Xiao Zhou as if he couldn’t stand to stay a second longer.

Downstairs, his car was parked haphazardly in the residential area. He stripped Xiao Zhou from the blanket and placed him in the back seat, tossing the blanket outside the car.

Xiao Zhou lay on the dark leather seat, his skin contrasting sharply with the cold white. The effects of the drug made him emit intermittent sounds of pain. His long legs curled up, knees together, revealing a prominent bone, and his sweat-soaked hair stuck to his sharp brow bones.

Jiang Chengyuan blocked the car door with his body, yet the night breeze still seeped in through the gaps, causing the person on the seat to shiver.

Jiang Chengyuan got in the car, closed the door, and pulled Xiao Zhou into his arms. Xiao Zhou leaned against him as if boneless, his head resting on Jiang Chengyuan’s shoulder, breathing hot and heavy.

Jiang Chengyuan touched his cheek, pushing his sweaty hair behind his ear, and asked softly, “Can you hear me?”

The only response was heavy breathing and a hand reaching for his back.

Xiao Zhou moved closer to Jiang Chengyuan, not seeming to be in a clear state of mind.

Frowning, Jiang Chengyuan pushed him away slightly, trying to dress him. But as soon as he got one sleeve on, Xiao Zhou pulled it off.

Feeling like he was about to explode, Xiao Zhou found even the slightest fabric intolerably rough. Sensing the familiar presence, his body instinctively sought it out, clinging desperately to Jiang Chengyuan.

But Jiang Chengyuan refused to let him touch him. Each time Xiao Zhou tried to kiss him, he dodged, and every time Xiao Zhou’s hands reached for him, he restrained his wrists, pushing him back into the cold seat.

So cold and unfeeling, unable to find relief for his body, and with his desires unmet, Xiao Zhou couldn’t even get a little comfort. After being turned away so many times, he became distressed, tears glistening at the corners of his eyes, his lips opening unconsciously, emitting intermittent cries.

Left alone for a long time—at least, Xiao Zhou felt it was long—a pair of hands finally pulled him back into an embrace, forcibly lifting his face, kissing away his tears, then viciously biting his lip.

As Jiang Chengyuan penetrated him, he remained silent, his serious face showing no sign of pleasure.

The car body shook, and the narrow back seat became even more crowded with the two adult men, making it impossible to stretch out their limbs. Jiang Chengyuan seemed to be just expending the drug’s effects, his actions devoid of any tenderness, more like a rigid routine.

The entire sexual encounter felt unusually oppressive and strange.

Xiao Zhou woke up halfway through, the drug metabolizing out of his body. Through his shaky vision, he vaguely recognized Jiang Chengyuan’s face. He thought he was dreaming and reached out to touch him. A drop of sweat touched his fingertip, and Xiao Zhou was puzzled by the warm, moist sensation, suddenly realizing the strangeness of his body.

His dazed expression turned to shock, and he began to try to escape, pushing against Jiang Chengyuan’s chest, “Why are you here?”

Jiang Chengyuan grabbed his wrist and lifted it above his head, “So, you’re awake now?”

Xiao Zhou stared at him, not understanding what he meant.

Jiang Chengyuan sneered and asked, “If it wasn’t me, who did you expect it to be?”

Xiao Zhou looked confused, and then for some reason, his pupils dilated slightly, his eyebrows furrowed, and he pushed against the leather seat with his feet, trying to retreat. His body shrank, but Jiang Chengyuan grabbed his ankle and pulled him back.

Looking up, the figure above him was shrouded in shadow, his dark eyes gleaming with a beast-like ferocity, “Scared now? Who was it clinging to me desperately just a moment ago?”

For the first time, Jiang Chengyuan showed real emotion. His face muscles twisted with rage, his eyes fierce, the veins on his temples throbbing, and he forcefully thrust into Xiao Zhou.

Xiao Zhou’s long legs were braced against the seat in front, his toes curling, his well-proportioned legs tensed before hanging down limply.

Afterwards, Jiang Chengyuan handed him a wet wipe for cleaning, then helped him put on his pants and clothes. Though his expression was grim, his actions were relatively gentle. Xiao Zhou weakly tried to block him, but with little strength, Jiang Chengyuan withdrew his hand, watching him coldly from the side. Xiao Zhou rested for a while and regained some strength, gritting his teeth as he sat up to button his clothes.

The back seat was a mess, so Jiang Chengyuan wanted to move him to the front passenger seat. But when he touched Xiao Zhou’s waist, Xiao Zhou pushed him away, his eyes red. Jiang Chengyuan’s heart softened slightly, retracting his hand, and said, “Sit in the front.”

Supporting himself on the seat, Xiao Zhou moved towards the car door, sliding out and nearly collapsing when his legs gave way upon stepping down, barely managing to stand by gripping the door.

Seeing him get in, Jiang Chengyuan also moved to the driver’s seat. Before starting the car, he leaned over towards Xiao Zhou, their faces close, eyes meeting. Instinctively, Xiao Zhou flinched back, giving him a stiff glance before turning his face away. Jiang Chengyuan paused, then lowered his head and reached out to buckle the seatbelt around Xiao Zhou’s body before sitting back.

As the car drove off, Xiao Zhou, despite his daze, could feel the abnormality in his body. He looked out the window in a daze, the pitch-black night sky stretching out infinitely. He cracked the window slightly, letting the night wind blow in, dispelling the scent in the car.

The car ascended a spiraling ramp onto a bridge, the river breeze carrying a moist chill. Xiao Zhou felt heavy, his heart filled with emotions, like damp cotton clogging and oppressing him.

Jiang Chengyuan remained silent, the stifling atmosphere in the car becoming unbearable. Xiao Zhou couldn’t hold it any longer and asked, “What did you give me?”

Jiang Chengyuan replied expressionlessly, “Can’t you feel it?”

Xiao Zhou was embarrassed and angry, “Why did you do this?”

“Do you think it was me?” Jiang Chengyuan sneered, “Oh, right, I am that evil, by all means. I’ll deceive you, use you, and drug you. But do you know that you’re more obedient and responsive when you’re asleep than awake? Why don’t you just stay asleep?”

Such sarcastic words were humiliating. Xiao Zhou’s expression changed, but he could tell Jiang Chengyuan was speaking out of anger. His memories before fainting came back, and he widened his eyes, “Liang… why did he do this?”

Jiang Chengyuan turned to look at him, his expression gloomy, “Didn’t I tell you not to see him again?”

Xiao Zhou faltered, then said, “How did you know I was with him?”

“I didn’t,” Jiang Chengyuan gritted his teeth, “If he hadn’t contacted me, how would I know where you were?”

Xiao Zhou’s eyes widened, “He threatened you?”

“No, not this time. But what about next time? I don’t even know what he plans to do. If it’s not him, what about someone else? How do you expect me to save you every time? Can you always come out unscathed?” Jiang Chengyuan became more agitated, hitting the steering wheel hard, the sharp honk echoing.

Xiao Zhou, feeling guilty, softened his voice, “I’m sorry, I just went to ask about the case.”

“The case? What case?” Jiang Chengyuan’s gaze was as cold and sharp as lightning, “Is it about Chen Jin’s case again?”

Xiao Zhou nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan let out a cold laugh, “So, what do you want? For me to lose the lawsuit? If you want to beg Liang Hanqing, you might as well beg me directly.”

“That’s not what I meant…”

“You’re doing all this for someone irrelevant?” Jiang Chengyuan interrupted him, “But I hate people who think they’re righteous, yet keep causing stupid trouble. Do you want revenge for Chen Jin? Is a dead person more important than me? So, you want to give me the cold shoulder, ignore me, and turn a deaf ear to all I’ve told you?”

Xiao Zhou frowned slightly, “Would it make any difference if I came to find you? You never listen to me anyway.”

“That’s right,” Jiang Chengyuan responded mercilessly, “What right do you have to expect me to listen to you? You’ve been in prison for four years. I thought you had learned your lesson. Do you want to go back in for another four years? If you do, I can arrange it anytime until you come to your senses!”

The half-open car window let in the roaring wind, and in the distance, a steamship whistled as it entered the port, raising a milky white mist on the river’s surface.

Xiao Zhou sat motionless, the cold wind blowing into his collar. His face turned pale at Jiang Chengyuan’s words. “Are you threatening me?”

Jiang Chengyuan’s face was cold. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what do you mean? Do you think Chen Jin deserved to die unjustly? Does no one need to take responsibility for this?”

Jiang Chengyuan’s voice was chilling. “If he weren’t an omega, he would have been dead long ago. He was a murderer. The fact that he lived this long was already a form of mercy. He didn’t know how to be grateful and constantly thought of deceitful ways. He even manipulated you. Who knows what trouble he caused outside? Petty theft, fraud—only you would see him as a good person!”

Xiao Zhou’s fingers turned cold. Hearing Jiang Chengyuan say this made his lips tremble with disbelief. “So just because of that, he can be trampled on, slandered, and killed without consequence? Why give him hope at all? Why not just finish it cleanly?”

The car gradually slowed down, the noise no longer assaulting their eardrums. Jiang Chengyuan turned his head and unexpectedly saw Xiao Zhou’s tears.

Xiao Zhou turned away, his pride stung sharply. He raised his hand and wiped his tears forcefully. “I hate this. I hate being in this position in front of you. I hate how we met. If things were different, maybe everything would be different. Maybe I could make you truly love me.”

Jiang Chengyuan frowned deeply, not understanding. “What are you talking about?”

“Chen Jin and I are no different. The way you see him is the way you see me.” In the car’s outside light, Xiao Zhou’s eyes looked like two fragile, translucent pieces of glass, cold and delicate. “I know you don’t love me. You can be generous in trivial matters, but you’ve never cared about the crucial ones. Everything you do is just to make me willingly maintain this relationship, but that can’t compare to genuine loyalty. Making me love you was easy, but since you’ve never invested in this, you won’t hesitate or respect when it comes to hurting me.”

He paused, then gave a cold, self-mocking laugh. “That’s why you’ve never made any promises. How could you have feelings for a human-shaped suppressant? To you, I’m just a dog, a pet. You can be considerate and caring, but I’ll never be a person to you.” His voice faltered, filled with sadness. “I’ve often wanted to ask you what the ring you put on my finger on the yacht meant, but now I see it was just my own wishful thinking.”

The silence in the car felt like a noose tightening around their necks.

“Let me out.” Xiao Zhou took a deep breath before speaking again. “I can’t be the partner you want. I can’t meet your demands, and I can’t persuade you to change your mind.”

Jiang Chengyuan showed no intention of stopping, his back as rigid as iron.

Xiao Zhou placed his hand on the car door handle, his voice flat and firm. “If you don’t stop, I’ll jump out.”

Jiang Chengyuan ignored him and even increased the speed, the engine roaring loudly.

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth and began to bang his elbow against the window. The impact didn’t break the glass, but the force numbed his entire arm. Yet he seemed oblivious to the pain, his face expressionless as he repeated the action mechanically.

The car suddenly braked sharply, the tires screeching on the asphalt. Jiang Chengyuan, frustrated, grabbed Xiao Zhou’s hand and pulled him close. “Are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous this is?”

Xiao Zhou’s face was pale, his lips the same pale color. He lowered his eyes. “I know, but I’m afraid that if I stay with you any longer, I’ll change my mind.” His voice trembled, tinged with a hint of self-mockery, mocking himself for seeing the truth yet choosing to blindfold himself.

Jiang Chengyuan was stunned, still gripping his hand tightly. Xiao Zhou slowly withdrew his hand, opened the car door, and stepped out. His legs wobbled as they touched the ground, almost causing him to kneel. Jiang Chengyuan reached out to support him, but halfway there, he saw Xiao Zhou steady himself and limped down the path without looking back.

Jiang Chengyuan withdrew his hand, leaned back in the car seat, and clenched his fist, pressing it against his eye socket.

After a long time, the black car suddenly turned around and followed the path. It caught up with Xiao Zhou but did nothing, maintaining a slow, tortoise-like speed, keeping a careful distance.

The streetlights along the road were broken, casting alternating patches of light and shadow. Only the car’s headlights shone brightly, like a silver dagger slicing through the dark blue velvet, casting a long shadow.

Xiao Zhou, slowed by his hidden injuries, continued walking. Aware of the car following him, his back stiffened, but he didn’t stop or quicken his pace, maintaining a slow and steady walk.

It took him two hours to walk home from the bridge, a journey that usually took one hour, made longer by the dark and the circuitous route.

The car followed him neither too close nor too far, neither reminding him when he took a wrong turn nor urging him when he sat down to rest. When the lights were bright, the car was inconspicuous; when it was dark and deserted, its headlights shone. It went on, stopping and starting along the way. When Xiao Zhou entered the community, the car stopped outside, and the lights in the residential buildings flickered on and off. The car only turned away when Xiao Zhou got inside. It finally disappeared into the night mist, like a long farewell.

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