Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 86

Unable to Catch

Coming out of the police station’s interrogation room, Xiao Zhou felt uneasy in such places.

Jiang Wenxing had brought him there and, seeing him come out, asked how it went.

Xiao Zhou moved forward a couple of steps, involuntarily putting a hand on his shoulder. Jiang Wenxing then noticed his hands were as cold as ice, sticky with sweat. “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Zhou took a deep breath, trying to calm the nagging fear, “It’s an old problem. I always feel this way when I come here.”

Jiang Wenxing’s expression darkened, “Did they give you a hard time?”

“They didn’t ask me much, just about my relationship with him and the last time I went to the bar looking for him.”

“What about the case?”

Xiao Zhou shook his head, putting his hand down and resting it on his pants, “They didn’t say anything, not even who the culprit was. They just asked a few questions and let me go.”

He looked dejected, his eyes lacking any sparkle.

On the way back, Xiao Zhou remained silent, staring out the window. Because of the delay at the police station, he received a call midway. He rested his head against the car window, holding the phone to his ear, speaking softly with someone on the other end.

Jiang Wenxing glanced over while driving, noticing that Xiao Zhou seemed to have had a rough time over the years, having lost a lot of weight. His jawline was excessively sharp, and his exposed collarbone was very prominent. His gaze lingered there for a moment before slowly moving down to his thin yet strong chest and waist. Even sitting down, he had a perfect waist-to-hip ratio, with long, pale fingers resting on his knees, and his slightly bent joints looked delicate.

He had seemed so troubled before, but after talking on the phone, he appeared to relax and his expression softened.

Who exactly was that person? Jiang Wenxing looked back at the traffic ahead. Did this person have such a powerful influence that Xiao Zhou could change so much in less than a year? He suddenly felt frustrated, gripping the steering wheel more tightly.

Was it too late? If Liang Hanqing had succeeded in persuading Xiao Zhou to accept help back then, he could have been the savior, a glimmer of hope in the darkness, a support in despair. Everything might have been different. But now, it was too late to say all this.

The car arrived at the building, and Xiao Zhou opened the car door. Jiang Wenxing also got out from the driver’s seat. He looked at the figure and suddenly called out, “Xiao Zhou.”

Xiao Zhou was stopped and turned around with a puzzled expression. “Hmm?”

Jiang Wenxing had many things he wanted to say but was momentarily at a loss for words. He could only say vaguely, “Don’t forget our appointment tomorrow.”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “I’ll remember. Thanks for today.” He waved his hand at Jiang Wenxing and quickly turned around, as if he had been waiting for a long time and was eager to cross the street.

On the other side, there was a row of plane trees, and under the shade of the trees was a discreet black car, which was unremarkable compared to the flashy sports cars lined up in front of the building.

Xiao Zhou started walking and couldn’t contain himself, breaking into a light jog towards the car.

As he ran, the car door opened from inside, and a man in a well-tailored suit stepped out with a calm and restrained aura. When Xiao Zhou got closer, the man opened his arms and embraced him warmly, as if welcoming a bird back to its nest.

They snuggled under the dense shade of the plane trees for a while, sharing an intimacy and connection that others could not intrude upon.

Jiang Wenxing watched from a distance, stunned. His hands clenched into fists uncontrollably. He recognized the man but hadn’t expected to encounter him in such a situation.

A subtle, bitter sensation swelled in his chest. He loosened his spasming fingers and fumbled for a cigarette in his pocket but couldn’t grasp it, like a missed opportunity.

By the time he finally managed to get the cigarette box out, the two people on the other side had already separated, still whispering to each other, as if they were magnetic poles irresistibly drawn together.

Xiao Zhou walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat, while the man opened the car door.

In that fleeting moment, almost inadvertently, the man glanced over with his dark, narrow eyes, his sharp gaze like a predator marking its territory, warning intruders, while also showing disdain for any offense.

It was only for a moment, and then he disappeared, vanishing into the car.

Jiang Wenxing’s fingers holding the cigarette trembled slightly, and the sourness in his chest turned into anger. What right did he have? No matter how important or capable he was, he was just a dog waiting for rewards in the realm of power.

In the car, Xiao Zhou talked about Chen Jin, and Jiang Chengyuan listened quietly.

“Do you want to go see him?”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “I want to see him once.”

The vehicle turned around in the rushing traffic and headed towards the municipal hospital.

In the cold morgue, under a white sheet was a cold corpse, shattered and stitched back together after the car accident, the originally delicate face no longer recognizable. In the hospital lobby, Zhang Chao had gathered a group of people creating a ruckus. It was clear they were a professional extortion team, trying to get more money by causing trouble. If they stayed a few more days, the hospital would likely compromise as Chen Jin’s body could not be preserved. Xiao Zhou glanced at the commotion with disgust, knowing that his presence would only worsen the situation. Zhang Chao’s marked identity allowed him to do as he pleased with Chen Jin’s death, and Chen Jin would not find relief even in death. Feeling stifled, Xiao Zhou tugged at Jiang Chengyuan’s sleeve to leave.

On the way back, Xiao Zhou intentionally focused on the passing scenery, trying to control his tears.

“You can cry,” Jiang Chengyuan handed him a tissue.

Xiao Zhou turned his head, moved his lips, then sniffled and said, “It’s so unfair.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked straight ahead, “Sometimes life is like this, full of unexpected events.”

Xiao Zhou looked at his emotionless profile, “If Zhang Chao had chosen me at that time, I would be the one lying there now.”

“No, you’re different from him,” Jiang Chengyuan said.

“What’s different?” Xiao Zhou was calmer now, bending forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his palms pressing against his eyes. “Chen Jin was a good person. He did nothing wrong.”

Jiang Chengyuan thought for a moment, then placed his hand on the back of Xiao Zhou’s neck, “You have me.”

Xiao Zhou’s bent back stiffened. The warmth of Jiang Chengyuan’s hand seemed to travel to his heart. His heart raced rapidly at Jiang Chengyuan’s unexpected words, and after a while, he said, “If I had been chosen, I would never have met you.”

Jiang Chengyuan withdrew his hand, “Don’t assume things without basis. Anyway, now that I know you, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Xiao Zhou lowered his eyes and smiled, “Are you planning to protect me for a lifetime?”

“Is that not allowed?”

Xiao Zhou was taken aback, never having considered the idea of a lifetime before. He didn’t speak for a moment, turned his head to look out the window, gathered his emotions, and then said, “I saw Chen Jin a few days ago. He told me he bought insurance.”

Jiang Chengyuan raised his eyebrows, “Insurance?”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “Yes, he said that if he’s gone, his grandmother’s living conditions would still be guaranteed.”

“Who is the beneficiary?”

“Me. He wanted me to help take care of things, so I plan to go see his grandmother tomorrow.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s expression became inscrutable again, “Did you promise him?”

Xiao Zhou nodded, his voice somewhat sad, “I just wanted him to stop worrying. I didn’t expect it to come true.”

Jiang Chengyuan freed one hand to pat his head, like comforting a dejected puppy, “Don’t be sad.”

The next day, Xiao Zhou took a leave from work and went to see Chen Jin’s grandmother. The elderly lady was unaware of the situation, very ill, and somewhat unable to recognize people, confusedly calling Chen Jin’s name while holding Xiao Zhou’s hand.

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t go inside. When Xiao Zhou came out, he saw him leaning against the hospital’s outer wall, hidden in the shadow cast by a patch of ivy, quietly smoking a cigarette. He smoked intensely, looking like he was troubled by something, a side of him he had never shown to the outside.

Inside the barbecue restaurant, tender red pork curled up on the grill, with drops of oil sizzling as they fell onto the red-hot charcoal beneath.

“So that person is your Alpha?” Jiang Wenxing asked.

Xiao Zhou used tongs to flip the meat on the grill and placed the cooked pieces into Jiang Wenxing’s bowl. “Yes, I had no other choice at that time.”

Jiang Wenxing furrowed his brows and leaned in closer. “And now? Now you don’t have to be without choices.”

Xiao Zhou looked up. “What do you mean?”

“If you don’t want to anymore, I can help you,” Jiang Wenxing said.

Xiao Zhou paused with his chopsticks. “How do you want to help? Actually, I deserve what I’m going through now; this is something I should bear.”

Jiang Wenxing said, “I know, but you,” he glanced at the back of Xiao Zhou’s neck, “you’ve become an omega, and that’s unavoidable. But you can choose someone else.” He spoke urgently, then, fearing his eagerness might show, he hurried to add, “Any kind of person is fine. Just tell me, and I’ll help you find someone, someone more attractive and gentle, until you’re satisfied.”

Xiao Zhou was a bit surprised. “So that’s what you meant.” He shook his head, retracting his chopsticks and dipping the meat into a seasoning bowl. “No, it’s not necessary.”

Jiang Wenxing didn’t expect him to refuse so decisively. “Do you willingly stay with that person? Is he good to you? Why?”

Xiao Zhou poked the meat in his bowl, then calmly said, “Because I like him.” He had expected some hesitation when saying this to someone who knew his past, but it came out unexpectedly smooth. He didn’t feel any shame about this kind of affection.

Jiang Wenxing grabbed the edge of the table, his eyes red with anger. “Are you crazy? You’re an alpha. Even if your body has changed, this,” he pointed at his chest, “shouldn’t change. How can you…?” He stopped, too furious to continue speaking.

Xiao Zhou was taken aback by his intense reaction and after a moment said, “I know you’re trying to help me, but if I have to choose, I can’t endure being with anyone else.”

“None other than him?” Jiang Wenxing asked.

“None,” Xiao Zhou shook his head.

“That’s not it, is it?” Jiang Wenxing sneered. “Isn’t it the case that whoever appeared at that time, you had to follow? You were ready to accept anyone just to leave. Jiang Chengyuan just happened to appear at the right time.”

Xiao Zhou frowned slightly.

“Do you know what you look like now?” Jiang Wenxing said with resentment. “He just has to beckon you, and you obediently go to him. Even though you’re an alpha, you act like an omega. Did he use you and make you submit? Is that why you’re so devoted? If he can do it, why can’t I?”

Xiao Zhou looked at him in shock and suddenly stood up. “What did you say?”

Jiang Wenxing also realized his mistake, his expression turning panicked. He stood up, his knee hitting the table, causing the bowls and chopsticks to fall. “I-I’m sorry, let me explain. That’s not what I meant.”

Xiao Zhou’s face turned pale. Jiang Wenxing reached for his hand, but Xiao Zhou shook it off roughly. Xiao Zhou took a deep breath and turned to leave.

Jiang Wenxing wanted to chase after him but found himself frozen in place. He felt both regret and shock for what he had just blurted out, as well as a sudden clarity.

Why can’t I? That was his true thought. From the moment Xiao Zhou had not yet differentiated, he had secretly hoped that Xiao Zhou would become a beta or omega while he could become an alpha, so he could be the protector. Accepting Xiao Zhou’s admiration and praise, shining brightly like looking up at the sun. But Xiao Zhou ended up becoming an alpha, which disappointed him, leading him to suppress all his feelings and believe that no outcome was possible. His background would never allow him to go against the norm and choose an alpha.

After standing there for a while, he finally sat down dejectedly, holding his head, feeling tortured. And what did he do? What right did he have to be jealous of Jiang Chengyuan?

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