Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 84


The case was still under investigation, and many details were not convenient to disclose. Jiang Chengyuan personally visited the identification center to understand the situation.

His gaze skimmed over the photos and name of the deceased, and he paused slightly.

“Jiang Wenhao and the deceased had an argument a few days ago. The police believe this is not just a simple traffic accident; it might be upgraded to a charge of intentional murder,” Sun Xu said.

Jiang Chengyuan was looking at the forensic report on the deceased, “Let’s handle it as a regular traffic accident.”

Sun Xu swallowed, looking conflicted, “Boss, is this really okay? It feels quite unfair.”

“Unfair to whom?” Jiang Chengyuan asked with a sideways glance.

Sun Xu said, “The deceased. I heard he’s quite pitiful, with no relatives except a grandmother, who is in the hospital with little time left. No one dares to tell her. The deceased’s alpha is now making a scene, just trying to extort money from the accident and won’t even collect the body from the hospital.”

Jiang Chengyuan turned his gaze back without saying anything.

Sun Xu continued, “Honestly, Jiang Wenhao is just a jerk and not worth helping.” Sun Xu’s tone was filled with resentment, “You saw his attitude in the meeting room. Even now, with the person dead, he shows no regret or guilt. I wouldn’t feel sorry if he were sentenced to death. We don’t need to get involved with people like him.”

Jiang Chengyuan interrupted him, “Did you find out what I asked you to?”

Sun Xu stopped talking and nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan closed the documents, “Let’s go. We’ll stop by the hospital first.”

In the evening, as dusk fell, the large windows bathed the room in a golden-red glow.

The secretary came in to update him on the evening’s schedule.

Jiang Chengyuan considered it for a moment, asked the secretary to reschedule, and then called Xiao Zhou. “Where are you now? I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight.”

It was noisy where Xiao Zhou was. After covering the phone and moving to a quieter spot, he gave Jiang Chengyuan an address.

“Why are you there?”

“I changed jobs,” Xiao Zhou’s voice sounded cheerful, with the rumbling of machines in the background.

“Wasn’t the previous job okay?”

“Had some issues,” his voice faltered, “but it turned out for the best. I’m learning a lot now.”

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t press further, “What time do you finish work?”

Xiao Zhou looked at his surroundings and replied, “I have to work overtime today, probably around seven or eight.”

Jiang Chengyuan checked the time, “I’ll pick you up at seven then.”

Xiao Zhou happily agreed.

After hanging up, he walked back. An intern from the next room poked him in the arm and winked. “Who was that? You had to run to the side to take a call? A girlfriend? Is she a beta? Could she be an omega?”

Xiao Zhou, holding his phone, shook his head and said, “No, it’s a call from home.”

It was easier to maintain his beta identity outside. Although there had been some unpleasantness during the interview, he still joined Jiang Wenxing’s company. He had originally been assigned to work in the company’s building, but he volunteered to follow the supervisors to the construction sites with a group of interns. Even though it wasn’t directly related to his major, he saw it as a valuable learning experience, gaining more and faster insights in the field. Compared to the suffocating atmosphere of the building, he felt more comfortable on-site.

They didn’t actually do any physical labor, like carrying steel bars or moving cement. Most of their work involved quality control by checking the progress against the blueprints.

During the day, the heat delayed the start of work. By the evening, with the sun not completely set and the weather cooler, they were busiest catching up on progress. “President Jiang,” someone called out.

Xiao Zhou, observing the concrete pouring, looked up upon hearing the voice.

Jiang Wenxing, followed by a group of people, approached him. Seeing Xiao Zhou in this state, he frowned, “No wonder I couldn’t find you around the company. What are you doing here?”

A bead of sweat trickled down from Xiao Zhou’s forehead. He wiped it away and stood up, straining his back. He grimaced in pain, taking a breath before saying, “It’s busy here. I’m learning more.”

Jiang Wenxing seemed displeased with his self-imposed decisions. He wanted to say something but restrained himself and simply asked, “What happened to your back?”

Xiao Zhou lowered his hand from his waist. “It’s nothing, just a slight twist.”

“You will get injured here. I told you not to come here,” Jiang Wenxing complained and reached out to massage his waist. Originally, he had no other intentions, but as soon as his hand touched Xiao Zhou, he found it unexpectedly pleasant. Xiao Zhou’s waist was—flexible and firm, with a slender curve that made the clothes sink into a smooth arc. Jiang Wenxing, almost unconsciously, applied a bit more pressure. Xiao Zhou’s muscles tensed immediately, his body shrinking away from the unexpected alpha touch.

He took a step back, awkwardly looking at Jiang Wenxing. “Really, it’s fine. I didn’t get injured here.”

Jiang Wenxing retracted his hand, feeling somewhat disappointed. “Are you free tonight? Let me take you out for dinner to welcome you to the job.”

Xiao Zhou hesitated. “But I already have plans…”

“Can’t you reschedule? We haven’t hung out in a long time. I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

Jiang Wenxing’s point was reasonable. Xiao Zhou’s successful employment was partly thanks to him, so he should reciprocate. But he thought for a moment, “How about tomorrow? I really have plans tonight.”

Jiang Wenxing seemed displeased. He reviewed Xiao Zhou’s previous social circles in his mind. Most people should have lost contact with him. If he had any friends after being released, they wouldn’t be the ones helping him now, as he was working as a waiter in a restaurant. It seemed that no one would be more useful or important to Xiao Zhou than him. After thinking for a while, he said, “Is it dinner with your mother?”

Xiao Zhou shook his head. “No,” then smiled, “Tonight really doesn’t work. Let’s go tomorrow. What do you want to eat? I’ll treat you as a thank you for your help this time.”

Jiang Wenxing was momentarily stunned. He remembered Xiao Zhou as somewhat aloof, having been this way since elementary school. Although he wasn’t physically strong, he was a natural leader, indifferent to outsiders but loyal and caring to those close to him. He was used to being the protector, rarely joking, a bit serious, and it was somewhat a novelty to see him smile. His features were soft, with a shallow dimple at the corner of his mouth, his eyes dark and bright, lips thin, and his nose well-defined. His sweat-drenched features were strikingly bright and captivating.

Jiang Wenxing looked at him, as if returning to the past when Xiao Zhou was punished and apologized for mistakes he made. Even then, Xiao Zhou would smile at him without a care.

The innocent charm of the young boy was unforgettable, etched into memory. Yet, a sudden pang of dull, almost regretful pain ached in his chest, like a heart-wrenching sorrow.

Jiang Wenxing hurriedly turned his face, “Alright, then tomorrow. I’m fine with whatever you choose, just decide.”

Xiao Zhou looked a bit troubled, “You want me to decide? I’m not familiar with these new places, and I don’t know if your tastes have changed over the years.”

Jiang Wenxing swallowed hard and said with difficulty, “No, I still like the old places.”

Xiao Zhou said, “That makes it easier. I’ll ask around and book a place in advance. Is it just the two of us?”

“Yes,” Jiang Wenxing nodded. “Where are you going now? Let me give you a ride.”

“No need, he will come to pick me up.”


Xiao Zhou hesitated for a moment, and his voice seemed a bit pleased and shy.

Jiang Wenxing looked over, surprised to see a hint of unusual redness peeking from under the helmet’s cover, not understanding why he looked so awkward. He frowned slightly, “Who is it?”

Xiao Zhou said, “Just a friend…”

Jiang Wenxing found it suspicious, wanting to ask more, but was interrupted by a phone call. He fell silent, watching Xiao Zhou answer the phone. After a few words, Xiao Zhou’s expression changed, and he stood there like he had been hit with a hammer, holding the phone, unmoving, with a stiff face.

Jiang Wenxing asked curiously, “Who is it?”

Xiao Zhou glanced at him and said after a while, “It’s the police.”

“What happened?”

“They want me to assist with an investigation.”

Jiang Wenxing wondered why his responses were so mechanical, like a puppet controlled by fine strings. “What are they investigating?”

With eyes wide open and a slightly trembling face, as if in shock, Xiao Zhou took a long time to answer, “They said Chen Jin is dead.”

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