Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 78

Sending You Roses

After the judge’s verdict, Jiang Chengyuan sat down. Someone in the audience immediately relayed the judgment.

Twenty years in prison—this sentence was already lenient considering the severity of Luo Jing’s case. If it hadn’t happened abroad and been deliberately suppressed, the media would have exploded long ago.

In the courthouse corridor, someone handed Jiang Chengyuan a check, respectfully saying, “This is your fee from Chairman Lin.”

Jiang Chengyuan let Sun Xu accept it.

Outside the court, Sun Xu said, “Boss, Lawyer Lin has prepared a birthday party for you and asked me to make sure you attend.”

Jiang Chengyuan seemed not to hear clearly, “What?”

Sun Xu forced a laugh, “It’s a birthday party for you. Many people have been invited. He wanted to surprise you, so he didn’t tell you beforehand.”

Jiang Chengyuan frowned, clearly uninterested, “He’s being presumptuous again.”

“Well, it’s not the first time. You will attend, right?”

Jiang Chengyuan hummed in response, “Send me the guest list in advance.”

Sun Xu agreed readily, “Should I notify Xiao Zhou or will you?”

“Why notify him?” Jiang Chengyuan glanced at him.

Sun Xu was stunned, “Xiao Zhou is also part of our firm, right?”

Jiang Chengyuan shook his head, “No need to inform him.” He bent down and got into the car, “I’ll go myself.”

Sun Xu stood there in a daze, beginning to hate himself for being so quick to speak, for telling Xiao Zhou everything in advance. How would he explain now? Say Jiang Chengyuan didn’t want Xiao Zhou to attend? Why? What would Xiao Zhou think? It was too hurtful.

The day before Jiang Chengyuan’s birthday, Xiao Zhou went to pick up the custom-made gift and then collected some documents from Liang Hanqing.

Xiao Zhou didn’t understand why Jiang Chengyuan was so averse to Liang Hanqing. He was grateful to Liang Hanqing and considered him a friend. It was impossible to stop associating with him just because of a word from Jiang Chengyuan. Eventually, Jiang Chengyuan had compromised with a sullen face, reluctantly agreeing to Xiao Zhou’s plan as long as he informed him in advance.

On the way back, he passed by a flower shop. A customer came out, pushing the glass door, and the wind chime hanging on it jingled. The scent of flowers filled the air. Xiao Zhou, on a whim, walked over.

A young girl wearing a green apron smiled sweetly at him, “Good afternoon, welcome! What would you like to see?”

Xiao Zhou was dazzled by the array of flowers and didn’t know where to start.

The shop wasn’t very big. Fresh cut flowers were arranged in the middle, with various potted plants, large flower arrangements, and small succulents along the walls. Two small birds with green feathers and red beaks chirped noisily whenever a customer entered.

The young girl accompanied him around the shop, “Are you buying for someone or for your own home?”

“For someone else.” Xiao Zhou couldn’t decide among the different bouquets.

“Is it for a loved one?” the girl asked. “We have a new variety of roses that are very popular.”

The roses were called “Red Sleeve,” with yellow bases and red edges, resembling the hem of a girl’s skirt. A large, vibrant bouquet, beautiful and eye-catching, conveying all emotions without a word.

Xiao Zhou bent down and touched the petals, which were so soft and delicate that he didn’t dare press too hard.

He had the shop assistant wrap a bouquet, then noticed a few pots of white lotuses in a corner. Their appearance wasn’t great, with green moss covering the pots. Each pot had four or five flowers, some drooping. Only two stood tall, their petal tips tinged with pink. He pointed at those pots and bought them as well.

Back home, he found a glass vase, filled it with some water, and placed the roses in it on the dining table. The cold, gray-toned room instantly brightened up.

He put the white lotuses on the balcony, changed the water, and left the soil in the pots untouched. Not knowing much about flower care, he searched online and learned that the moss-covered pots were good for the flowers. Under the bright sunlight, the lotuses swayed gracefully, even the drooping ones seemed more spirited.

He stepped back to admire them and suddenly felt like laughing. Besides the mundane tasks of daily life, he now had the elegant hobby of flower arranging.

Jiang Chengyuan came home early that day. As he walked in, the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room were casting the sunset’s glow. The roses and white lotuses, bathed in the evening light, made him pause, almost thinking he had entered the wrong house.

Xiao Zhou peeked out from the kitchen, saw Jiang Chengyuan’s surprised expression, and smiled, walking out while wiping his wet hands on his apron, “Why are you back so early today?”

Jiang Chengyuan averted his gaze, changed his shoes, and walked inside while loosening his tie, “I came straight home after the court session.”

Xiao Zhou walked over, “You didn’t tell me. I thought you wouldn’t come back, so I made some fried rice for myself. Do you want to eat something? I can go buy it now.”

Jiang Chengyuan wrapped an arm around his waist, kissed his nose, “No need, I’ll eat whatever you make.” He hugged him briefly, then let go and looked at the flowers on the table, “Why did you buy these?”

Xiao Zhou happily introduced them, “Do you like them? The flower shop said these are a new variety.”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, “Not bad.” He walked to the balcony, squatted down, and touched the white petals, “These flowers aren’t blooming well, they’re about to wilt.”

Xiao Zhou came over, “Yes, but this one with a hint of pink is very special.” He pointed at the best-blooming flower.

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, “It is beautiful.” Then he added, “Lotuses don’t mind the sun, they love sunlight. The more they get, the better they grow. You can put them out to get more sun and air.”

“Got it, I’ll remember.” Xiao Zhou nodded and then said, “How about putting the best-blooming ones in your study?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him, “Why?”

Xiao Zhou said, “No particular reason, just thought it would be suitable.”

Jiang Chengyuan tilted his head, “Do you know where I saw the most white lotuses when I was young?”

Xiao Zhou shook his head, “Where?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “At the vegetable market, placed next to eggplants and greens. When buying vegetables, you could grab a bunch.”

“Why at the vegetable market?”

Jiang Chengyuan stood up from his squatting position, “There’s a dish in our hometown, deep-fried lotus petals in sesame oil. They remove the outer old petals, keeping only the tender ones inside, frying them in good sesame oil. They’re crispy on the outside, soft inside, with a lotus fragrance. Kids love it.”

Xiao Zhou paused, hesitating as he looked at the flowers, reluctant, “Do you want to eat them?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him, amused, “Just kidding. Cooking flowers is really quite a waste of their beauty.”

Xiao Zhou felt relieved knowing that the flowers were saved, but suddenly he smelled something burning. His expression changed, “Oh no, my fried rice!” He exclaimed and rushed towards the kitchen.

Jiang Chengyuan followed him, leaning against the kitchen door, watching as he frantically tried to salvage the situation by adding some water to the scorched rice. The sizzling sound was accompanied by oil splatters, and the rice in the pot was already burnt. Jiang Chengyuan chuckled softly, his eyes filled with warmth, “Forget it. If there’s nothing left, let’s go out to eat.”

Xiao Zhou turned off the stove, dumped the contents of the pot into the trash, and sighed dejectedly. He washed his hands, took off his apron, and rolled down his sleeves. “What do you want to eat?”

Jiang Chengyuan thought for a moment, “Come on, I’ll take you to a place.”

Xiao Zhou assumed that Jiang Chengyuan would take him to a fancy high-end restaurant and worried if his casual attire was appropriate. However, he was surprised when they arrived at a small wonton noodle shop. Despite its modest appearance, the place was clean and bright. They had to park a street away and walk back since there was no parking space nearby.

Though the shop was small, it was bustling with business. People who couldn’t find a seat inside were eating at the plastic stools set up outside, or even sitting on the roadside. The weather was still warm, and the night brought some relief from the heat. Many people were shirtless, enjoying the cool breeze under the trees after their meal.

Jiang Chengyuan had changed into casual clothes, but his tall and well-dressed figure still stood out prominently. He ordered two bowls of wonton noodles, and the shop owner, wrapped in steamy air, looked up and recognized him immediately. “Lawyer Jiang, here for a late-night meal? It’s been a while.”

Jiang Chengyuan scanned a QR code to pay while replying, “I’ve been too busy lately.”

The shop owner glanced at Xiao Zhou and smiled, “Is he your friend? First time seeing you bring someone along.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at Xiao Zhou and nodded, “Yes, I’m bringing him to try it.”

A table inside just became available, and the sharp-eyed shop owner quickly reserved it for them, “You two can sit there, under the fan. It’s cooler.”

The wonton noodles were served quickly. The noodles were springy and crisp, and the wontons were filled with whole shrimp, making them very substantial. The broth was particularly fragrant and delicious, yet the price was not high. No wonder the business was so good.

The owner also brought them two bottles of iced soy milk.

Xiao Zhou didn’t expect that Jiang Chengyuan would be friends with even the small noodle shop owner. Curiously, he asked, “How do you know each other?”

Jiang Chengyuan took a bite of wonton, “This shop used to be near my old law firm, and it was open all night. Whenever I left the office, it was the only place still open, so I often came here. Over time, we became familiar with each other.”

Xiao Zhou asked, “Then why did they move here?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked up, “The owner’s son had an accident while working at a high place and got injured. The medical expenses were too high, and they couldn’t afford the rent in that area anymore. I helped them apply for subsidies and assistance, and also found them a new place. It’s more convenient for me to come here.”

Xiao Zhou was surprised that Jiang Chengyuan had done so much for them without any charge, 


Jiang Chengyuan simply said, “I like their wonton noodles.”

This reason was very much in line with Jiang Chengyuan’s way of doing things—not out of pity, but because it didn’t disrupt his usual habits.

After finishing their meal, the two of them slowly walked back to retrieve their car. The night breeze was cool, and the moon was bright and clear, casting a serene light. Xiao Zhou walked along the curb, feeling peaceful. Despite the surrounding noises, it felt as if they were encased in a transparent bubble, making everything seem still and quiet. He felt a bit disoriented, as if this reality was too real to be true—going out to eat their favorite food and then walking back together.

Back home, Xiao Zhou took a shower first. As he was drying his hair and came out, he saw Jiang Chengyuan standing by the dining table. “What’s up?”

“This is a rose,” Jiang Chengyuan suddenly turned and said to him.

Xiao Zhou was taken aback and then nodded, “The store staff said this kind of rose is called ‘Red Sleeves’.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s expression paused for a second, then he looked down and gently touched the petals, “Why did you buy roses?”

Xiao Zhou replied, “I just wanted to give them to you.”

“These fresh cut flowers don’t last long.”

“No problem, I’ll buy new ones next time.”

Jiang Chengyuan hummed softly, his tone indifferent, “Next time, buy some garden roses. They last longer.”

Xiao Zhou was momentarily stunned, then nodded, “Alright.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him for a while, walked over, hesitated, then took the towel loosely held in Xiao Zhou’s hand and started rubbing his hair for him, wrapping a few strands of bangs in the towel. “The water is dripping.”

Feeling Jiang Chengyuan’s warmth close by, Xiao Zhou grabbed his collar and pulled him down, whispering in his ear, “Are you going to take a shower?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked down at him.

Xiao Zhou’s eyes sparkled as he said, “I’ll join you.”

The sound of running water filled the bathroom as they half washed and half fooled around. Wrapped in towels, they tumbled onto the bed without drying off, soaking the sheets.

Jiang Chengyuan held Xiao Zhou’s waist tightly, leaving handprints. Xiao Zhou, face pressed against the sheets, felt weightless and couldn’t see anything, feeling a bit scared. In the middle of it, he suddenly struggled, and Jiang Chengyuan stopped, thinking he was in pain, gently touching the point where they were connected, “What’s wrong?”

Xiao Zhou took a breath and turned his body with difficulty, “Let me see you.”

Jiang Chengyuan picked him up and turned him around.

Only when he saw Jiang Chengyuan did his heart settle.

After they finished, they just held each other for a while. At midnight, Xiao Zhou, precisely on time, kissed him on the lips and mouthed silently, “Happy birthday.”

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