Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 76

I Can Too

After leaving the hospital, Ji Yang took the driver’s seat, and the car drove out of the parking lot. The two did not speak throughout the drive.

The atmosphere in the car was quiet and oppressive.

When they exited the intersection, Ji Yang finally spoke, “You didn’t tell me beforehand that contacting this professor was for this purpose.”

Jiang Chengyuan pressed his nose, “The purpose of obtaining this material is for pre-trial mediation, to persuade the other party to abandon criminal prosecution and only seek civil compensation. This would be more favorable for families like theirs.”

Ji Yang asked, “Are you explaining yourself to me?”

Jiang Chengyuan remained silent.

“This shows you also know that what you just did was dangerous,” Ji Yang said, tapping the steering wheel, “If I were still a prosecutor, I could charge you just for what you did.”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, “I’m glad you’ve resigned.”

Ji Yang said, “The difference between making a voluntary choice and using manipulation and coercion to influence someone is significant.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s tone was calm, “I did not use threats, just saving them time. It’s better for everyone, and we will also try to make up for it in the compensation.”

After Jiang Chengyuan finished speaking, Ji Yang, sounding somewhat angry, said, “Don’t pretend you’re thinking about the victim. You’re just exploiting their ignorance and weakness, covering up for that idiot Jiang Wenxing.”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “Why are you so angry? A lawyer is of course only responsible to the client.”

Ji Yang took a deep breath, “We’re friends. I trust you. I’ve done everything you’ve asked without question, but I thought you would be a bit more cautious. Do you know how many people are waiting to catch you out? Is it worth risking so much over such a small matter?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “Alright, Ji Yang, you don’t need to worry.” He turned and spoke gently, “Want to go have a drink?”

Ji Yang glanced at him, “What do you mean?”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, “You’re too tense. Let’s go have a drink. I’ve been tired lately too.”

Ji Yang watched his smile for a while, and finally calmed down, “Shall we go to the old place?”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, “Sure.”

The car turned a corner, and the sky darkened, with misty rain streaking the car window. Ji Yang said, “I heard from Sun Xu that you recently took on a murder case. It’s very complicated. Is it because of that case that you haven’t been resting well?”

Jiang Chengyuan turned his head back and closed his eyes. “It’s a bit tricky.”

Ji Yang asked, “What are the demands over there?”

Jiang Chengyuan replied, “Spare one life.”

“Even without the death penalty, it’s this difficult?”

Jiang Chengyuan scoffed, “Some people are so stupid they think they have the privilege to escape death no matter what they do.” He leaned his head back, “Even causing trouble in the detention center. Now, I really want to see what happens when it comes to executing the death penalty.”

Ji Yang said, “Then you shouldn’t help him anymore.”

Jiang Chengyuan shook his head and smirked slightly, “I have to maintain some professional ethics, don’t I?”

The car finally stopped in front of a very discreet little bar.

It was a members-only bar, focusing on privacy. Pushing open the door, a long staircase led downstairs, and only after turning a corner did the bar come into view. There was a bar counter, booths, and a stage where a singer with a smoky voice was singing jazz. The dim yellow light added an extra layer of mystery.

Ji Yang and Jiang Chengyuan sat down in a corner booth, ordering a dozen beers and two glasses of whiskey. They were just here to have some drinks, listen to music, and relax. After a few drinks, their conversation became casual. They didn’t talk about cases when they were out, especially when alcohol was involved, so they talked more about the past.

Ji Yang licked the alcohol from the corner of his mouth and looked at Jiang Chengyuan across the table. His face was half illuminated and half in shadow, giving him a relaxed and free-spirited appearance. The hazy atmosphere lights made him look particularly attractive, not to mention Ji Yang was already quite smitten with him. Even though he had a crush, it wasn’t reciprocated—Jiang Chengyuan had never shown any romantic interest in him.

Ji Yang had been easily bullied and harassed because of his pheromone and appearance since his differentiation. In college, he was noticed by the captain of the basketball team who thought he was an omega. The captain pursued him for half a semester, and to shake off the harassment, Ji Yang released his pheromones. The captain, unable to accept the fact that he was pursuing an alpha, was furious and threatened to teach him a lesson. Ji Yang was cornered by the basketball team members at the sports hall, and it was Jiang Chengyuan who came to his aid. Though they managed to escape, they were both injured. They later met again in a mock court competition and became quite familiar. Jiang Chengyuan’s personality was rather aloof and cold, but he was very different in court. Ji Yang was likely attracted by his demeanor there. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Jiang Chengyuan seemed born for the profession, effortlessly mastering all legal rules and logical tricks. That was when Ji Yang realized he couldn’t surpass him in criminal litigation and chose another path.

He had never shared his feelings with Jiang Chengyuan. During university, he was too young and unsure of himself, and the impact of liking someone of the same sex was too great to digest quickly. After trying relationships with both Alphas and Omegas, he slowly came to understand himself. Later, when they reunited at work, Jiang Chengyuan had changed completely, becoming very sensitive to pheromones. Not to mention dating, even interacting became a problem. Over time, his feelings had faded from passionate intensity to a comfortable routine. If Jiang Chengyuan could not accept anyone, being a friend by his side was also good.

But now Jiang Chengyuan had marked someone, which was quite odd and hard to accept. Maybe he couldn’t see what was attractive about that person. Even the omega identity, which was supposed to be superior, seemed like a twisted product.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang became a bit irritated, furrowing his brows. He took a big gulp of his drink and slammed the glass on the table. Jiang Chengyuan glanced at him, “What’s wrong?”

Ji Yang wiped his mouth and said nothing, “I’m going to the restroom.”

He stood up and walked out of the booth toward the restroom.

As soon as he pushed open the door, he smelled a sweet, sticky scent accompanied by intermittent moans.

Ji Yang found it somewhat amusing and didn’t pay much attention. He went straight to the urinal to relieve himself. The door of the adjacent stall was heavily slammed from the inside, followed by heavy breathing, and the sweet scent was completely overpowering.

Ji Yang zipped up his pants, turned on the faucet to wash his hands. The moans from the stall grew more loud, and with the final scream, a strong scent spread out, like a spilled bottle of perfume. Ji Yang was also somewhat affected, feeling a bit overheated.

Annoyed, he walked over to the stall and knocked on the door, “If you want to do it, go home. Don’t disturb others here.”

There was no response, only more intense banging from inside.

Ji Yang rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to disrupt the couple, and slammed the door shut as he left.

He returned to his seat and saw Jiang Chengyuan leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed. The singer on stage had switched to a soothing exotic melody, and the bar’s lighting was soft.

Ji Yang approached, intending to wake him and check if he had fallen asleep, but his hand hesitated just before touching him. Standing beside Jiang Chengyuan, the light cascaded, making his originally deep features look strikingly beautiful, as if made up. Ji Yang stared at him for a while, feeling a surge of impulse, and then slowly bent down.

As their lips were about to touch, Jiang Chengyuan suddenly opened his eyes, staring at him with his dark eyes without blinking. His voice was hoarse, “Your scent…”

Ji Yang was startled and then remembered that he had picked up the scent of the couple from earlier; it would have some smell.

“Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Jiang Chengyuan frowned, trying to endure, slowly forcing a sound from deep in his throat, “Hmm.”

Ji Yang looked at him, his heart suddenly racing. He suppressed the excitement and tremor in his voice, moving his lips to Jiang Chengyuan’s ear. “Chengyuan, maybe we can give it a try.”

“Try what?”

“I’m sure I’m better than that modified omega,” he said softly, his breath warm and ambiguous, brushing against Jiang Chengyuan’s earlobe like a feather, stirring the most sensitive nerves. “If he can do it, so can I.”

Ji Yang’s voice was husky. “I can also make you happy.” He held Jiang Chengyuan’s shoulder with one hand and kissed him.

When their lips met, his tongue skillfully explored inside, encountering no obstruction from Jiang Chengyuan. He felt a rush of joy and tasted a strong alcohol flavor.

Due to the excitement, his alpha pheromones could no longer be restrained and began to spread freely.

Jiang Chengyuan noticed the increasing intensity of the alpha scent at his nose, mixed with the faint pheromones from an AO coupling. His nerves felt like they were on fire. He gazed deeply at Ji Yang, who was kissing him, and suddenly grabbed his neck, pulling him back and forcefully pushing him against the wall.

The back of Ji Yang’s head and spine hit the wall, making him feel a moment of dizziness and pain.

Then, his throat was suddenly squeezed, sending a suffocating pain up. He opened his eyes, trying desperately to pry apart the hands gripping him, but Jiang Chengyuan was holding too tightly, almost feeling the cartilage in his throat cracking under his grip.

He struggled to look at Jiang Chengyuan, who was so close. Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes were bloodshot, his face expressionless but his muscles tense, veins bulging in his neck. It was hard to tell if he was conscious or not.

Ji Yang struggled to speak from his throat, “Jiang Chengyuan, it’s me…” He tried to touch him, but Jiang Chengyuan coldly avoided his hand.

His consciousness was fading, and the lack of oxygen caused a throbbing pain in his brain. He could only feel his racing, congested nerves, and his vision started to darken. His remaining thoughts were a mess—why was Jiang Chengyuan reacting this way? Would he kill him?

Suddenly, Ji Yang heard a chaotic noise, and after a moment, the hand gripping him finally loosened.

He clumsily fell onto the sofa, fresh air rushing in as he gasped for breath. After a while, he looked up, and in his disoriented vision, he saw two figures entangled, gradually coming into focus—one of them was Jiang Chengyuan.

It looked like a fight. The sounds of breaking glass bottles and tables filled the air, drawing the attention of others in the bar.

At first, the other person had the upper hand, pressing Jiang Chengyuan onto the sofa. The person didn’t use violent methods but tried to neutralize Jiang Chengyuan’s movements with his body. This approach clearly wasn’t effective, and soon the positions were reversed. Jiang Chengyuan used his knee to pin the person’s lower back but didn’t do it the same way he did with Ji Yang. Instead, he bent down and bit the person’s neck. The person let out a painful gasp but stopped struggling, exposing his neck and reaching back to grasp Jiang Chengyuan’s arm. Once Jiang Chengyuan calmed down completely, the person carefully turned around, hugging him from below and whispering something in his ear. Jiang Chengyuan closed his eyes, his arms still tightly holding the person below him, but he seemed much more relaxed.

Ji Yang’s expression changed. He stopped looking at them, coughed a couple of times, feeling a lingering pressure on his vocal cords.

“Lawyer Ji, are you okay?”

He turned and saw a handsome man standing in front of him, smiling and extending his hand. Ji Yang recognized him as Liang Hanqing, the new head of the criminal court. Although they hadn’t interacted directly, Ji Yang had seen him in court a few times. He had heard that Liang Hanqing had issues with Jiang Chengyuan, so he had paid special attention to him.

Ji Yang took his hand and used it for support to slowly stand up. “Thank you, I’m fine.”

After standing up, Ji Yang asked, “How did you end up here?”

Liang Hanqing withdrew his hand, still smiling. “I’m actually a regular here. I ran into Xiao Zhou when leaving the courthouse today and invited him for a drink. I didn’t expect to run into you.”

Ji Yang showed no interest and simply responded with a brief “Oh,” turning his head to look again and noticing that the two people had already sat up. Jiang Chengyuan seemed to have recovered a bit, holding the person and resting his head on their back. Xiao Zhou appeared somewhat awkward, gently nudging him and speaking to him.

Liang Hanqing said, “Actually, I saw you guys a long time ago. I just didn’t come over earlier. From a distance, it looked quite lively. I didn’t recognize the people involved and thought it would be inappropriate to intrude.”

Ji Yang felt a bit embarrassed, knowing what Liang Hanqing was implying. The presence of the upright figure here made his previous behavior seem quite disgraceful. Staying any longer would only add to the awkwardness, so he took a stack of money from his pocket and threw it on the table, “I’ll leave now.”

“Wait.” Liang Hanqing suddenly approached and grabbed his hand.

“What are you doing?” Ji Yang’s current physical state made him sensitive to others’ touch. He abruptly shook off Liang Hanqing’s hand and took a cautious step back.

“Don’t be nervous,” Liang Hanqing smiled at him, his eyes curving like beautiful crescent moons. “I’m not going to suddenly go crazy.” He raised his hand and lightly touched the mark just left on Ji Yang’s neck. “Don’t you think it’s strange how Jiang Chengyuan showed anger when he was in his sensitive period? Normally, an alpha would show a desire for mating, but he displayed anger.”

Ji Yang grabbed his hand, his eyes fixed on Liang Hanqing. His body was still affected by the recent arousal, feeling like it was on fire, while Liang Hanqing’s hand was cool, like a piece of ice-cold jade. “What are you doing?”

Liang Hanqing withdrew his hand, smiling, “I just don’t understand why you like someone like him so much.”

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