Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 71


Xiao Zhou followed the supervisor.

Jiang Wenxing withdrew his hand, clenched his fist by his side. Initially, he wanted to stop Xiao Zhou but decided against it.

Seeing someone he thought he’d never see again in such a situation, he was still trying to process it, his mind in turmoil, both surprised and scared, unsure of how to react.

His assistant, noticing his grave expression, asked worriedly, “Mr. Jiang, are you okay?”

Jiang Wenxing waved his hand, cutting him off. “I need to make a call. Wait here.” Then he strode towards a secluded corner.

He leaned against the wall, flipping through his contacts, searching for a while before finding the person he needed.

The call went through, but the waiting was agonizing. Jiang Wenxing, impatient and irritable, felt every second drag on. He tilted his head, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear, and fished a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket. He struggled a few times before lighting the cigarette, realizing his hands were shaking.

Curling his fingers to shield the flame, he bit down on the cigarette. Just as the call connected, he took his first puff, the tar and tobacco flooding his senses, calming his anxious nerves. The voice on the other end was cold and indifferent, “What’s up?”

Jiang Wenxing exhaled a puff of smoke, his eyes losing focus behind the haze, “I saw him.”


“Xiao Zhou. Why is he already out? Didn’t you say he was sentenced to ten years?”

The voice paused for two seconds before responding, “He was paroled. I saw him a while back.”

Jiang Wenxing, in disbelief, gripped the phone tightly, “You knew he was out and didn’t tell me?”

A cold laugh came from the other end, “What good would telling you do? Do you want to put him back in?”

“Fuck you, Liang, you’re a useless piece of shit!” Jiang Wenxing kicked the wall hard, his face flushed with anger, “I told you to find a way to get him out for me. You said you couldn’t do it if he didn’t agree. So how did he get out so easily now?”

Liang Hanqing’s voice remained indifferent, “You wanted him convicted but didn’t want him to serve time. Do you think the court is your private playground?”

“What’s with that attitude?” Jiang Wenxing gritted his teeth, his voice low and threatening, “I can bring you up, and I can bring you down. Don’t think that just because you’ve been promoted, you can put on airs with me.”

Liang Hanqing was silent for a moment before explaining, “He was paroled two months ago, through legitimate channels. Since then, he hasn’t done anything significant. There’s nothing to worry about, so I didn’t see the need to tell you.”

Jiang Wenxing pressed the cigarette between his fingers, causing the ash to fall, “So he knows nothing?”

Liang Hanqing replied affirmatively, “Since it’s over, it’s best not to stir things up again.”

“It’s not up to you to decide whether or not I find him.” Jiang Wenxing hung up the phone and stubbed out the cigarette on the wall, walking back to the lobby. After hesitating for a moment, he still decided to follow in the direction Xiao Zhou had left.

When he found the manager, Xiao Zhou was no longer there.

Looking around the small, shabby office, Jiang Wenxing stood in front of the manager and asked, “Is the waiter from earlier not here?”

The manager, unsure why Jiang Wenxing was there, stood up nervously, “He said he had something to do, so he got someone to cover for him and left.”

Seeing Jiang Wenxing frown, the manager quickly added, “Mr. Jiang, are you looking for him? I have his registered address and phone number here.”

Jiang Wenxing glanced at the registration book, hesitated, and then shook his head, “Forget it.” He waved his hand and walked out.

He thought Liang Hanqing might be right. Missing this chance could be a sign. If Xiao Zhou had already readjusted to society and found a new life, there was no need to disturb him. Or maybe Xiao Zhou was intentionally avoiding him, not wanting to see him. Their lives were too different now, and there was no need to force anything.

He returned to the lobby, where his assistant quickly approached him, whispering something in his ear. After listening, Jiang Wenxing swiftly left the hotel with his entourage, heading to a specific location.

In fact, Jiang Wenxing had it wrong. Xiao Zhou’s departure had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Zhou flagged down a taxi and headed straight to a bar in the city center. He had just received a call from Chen Jin, asking to borrow 20,000 yuan, saying he had stained a customer’s clothes and needed to compensate, but couldn’t leave at the moment.

Chen Jin, to cover his grandmother’s medical expenses, was working as a waiter in a bar. He had said his job was just to guide customers and sell drinks, without doing anything too outlandish. But Xiao Zhou had been there once; the waiters were all young and attractive omegas or betas, dressed provocatively, with some acting as companions. It was a messy place. Luckily, Chen Jin, having grown up in a tough environment, was slick and managed to navigate the place without much trouble, always coming out unscathed.

Xiao Zhou got out of the taxi in a street full of bars, where many chauffeurs waited for business. He had an idea and walked over to talk to them, asking how much they could make in a night, and then handed them some money, giving a few instructions.

Chen Jin had given him the room number, so Xiao Zhou was led straight there after entering the bar.

Pushing open the room door, he saw it was crowded. All eyes turned to him as he walked in.

Chen Jin was kneeling next to a seat in the center of the room, his hair being pulled, two distinct slap marks on his face. The person holding his hair was a young man with yellow hair, four earrings in one ear, and a decent-looking face but with a rogue and overindulgent air. His chest was wet, likely from the drink Chen Jin had spilled on him, a spoiled rich kid not letting it go.

“Second Young Master, someone actually came.” A person sitting at the edge of the booth chuckled strangely.

The young man lifted his head, raising his slender eyebrows. “Pretty bold. Did you bring the money?”

Xiao Zhou walked in cautiously, leaning against the wall without moving. “I brought it. Let him go.”

“Are you his alpha?”

Xiao Zhou knew there was no way to fake this. One whiff of the pheromones and he’d be exposed. “No.”

“Then what are you acting all tough for?” The young man sneered. “What’s your relationship with him? His lover?”

Xiao Zhou felt disgusted by the term. “Just friends. I’m a beta.”

The rich second generation laughed, causing the others to laugh as well. “A beta trying to play hero.”

The rich second generation released Chen Jin’s hand, grabbed an opened bottle of foreign liquor from the table, and poured it directly over Chen Jin’s head. He then turned to Xiao Zhou with a provocative look, as if to say, “What are you going to do about it?”

The liquor dripped down from Chen Jin’s head. His face was injured, and the alcohol was irritating his wounds. He hung his head low, not dodging.

Xiao Zhou frowned at Chen Jin’s humiliation but didn’t make a move to stop it. “Will letting him get soaked in liquor satisfy you?”

The rich second generation slammed the bottle down, looking even more furious. “Satisfied? Not a chance! Do you know he slapped me?”

Xiao Zhou’s heart sank, realizing this situation might be hard to resolve.

A flamboyantly dressed woman standing in the room couldn’t bear it any longer and tried to mediate. “Second Young Master, he’s been hit and scolded, and now the money is here. You’re a sensible person; why not let Xiao Jin apologize and call it a day?”

The rich second generation gave her an impatient glance. “Why are you spouting nonsense? The fact that I’m still here and didn’t take this little slut away is already giving you face.”

The woman awkwardly shut her mouth, looked at her phone, and sent another urging message. All she could do now was stall this young master. If he took Chen Jin away, who knew what might happen to them.

The rich second generation stood up from the sofa and walked toward Xiao Zhou.

Xiao Zhou watched him warily, his eyes unusually bright in the dim light. The rich second generation stared at him for a moment, looking puzzled. “Why do you look so familiar?”

He bent down and leaned closer. Xiao Zhou instinctively stepped back, but before he could move, a hand suddenly reached out and tore off the patch from his nape. Xiao Zhou raised his hand to cover it, but it was too late.

The rich second generation stood back up, a look of triumphant madness in his eyes. He sniffed the air, taking in the scent coming from Xiao Zhou. “Damn, you were pretty convincing. Turns out you’re an omega.”

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