Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 63

Leaving the Island

Xiao Zhou looked at Jiang Chengyuan’s tightly furrowed brows. His muscles tensed as he pressed down on his hand with an almost unbearable force.

Xiao Zhou stared fixedly, wondering whether to believe Lu Xi. Did Jiang Chengyuan really frame Lu Xiyuan and send him to prison?

Before he could figure it out, he felt a sudden pain in his neck. His shoulder was grabbed, and Jiang Chengyuan bit him right on the previous bite mark. His canine teeth pierced the surface of the skin, leaving a new circle of marks and a bit of blood.

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth, holding back a cry of pain. He slowly raised his hand and embraced Jiang Chengyuan’s back, stroking his spine from top to bottom, feeling the tense muscles under his palm.

Xiao Zhou caught a faint scent of pheromones, even through the suppressant patch. He turned his face to press against Jiang Chengyuan’s hair, “I was just on the top floor. It was that woman who bit me.”

Jiang Chengyuan released his bite and licked away the blood, “What were you doing there?”

Xiao Zhou replied, “She injected me with an anesthetic and brought me up there. I woke up in the room.”

Jiang Chengyuan straightened up, a dark fire flickering in his eyes, “What else did she do to you?”

“Nothing. She was laughing and crying. I waited for the drug to wear off and then escaped.” Xiao Zhou downplayed the situation.

Jiang Chengyuan scrutinized him from head to toe before sitting down beside him, “Seeing her like that, don’t you have anything to ask me?”

Xiao Zhou shrugged, “Even if I asked, you wouldn’t want to talk. It would just end in another fight.”

“You don’t seem like someone who gives up easily.”

“What else can I do?”

Jiang Chengyuan laughed lightly, as if he could see right through him, “Help her escape?”

Xiao Zhou’s pupils contracted for a moment, his body stiffening, unable to move.

Jiang Chengyuan sighed silently, calmly applying a bandage to Xiao Zhou’s neck wound, “You’re selfless, righteous, wanting to be a hero. But have you ever thought about the consequences?”

Without waiting for Xiao Zhou’s response, Jiang Chengyuan continued, slowly and deliberately, “How were you planning it? Helicopters won’t work. A yacht is a good choice. Plenty of space, she could hide in the cabin, and no one would find her. Conveniently, my father owns one. Maybe you could persuade me to take the sea route. I wouldn’t care too much. Flatter me a bit, and I might agree.”

Xiao Zhou sat there, just listening, his hands clenched into fists. Was there surveillance somewhere, or could Jiang Chengyuan really see through him? If it was the latter, such thorough insight was chilling. Just knowing that he met with Lu Xi, Jiang Chengyuan could deduce his plan.

Jiang Chengyuan said, “You don’t believe she’s crazy. You think I imprisoned a sane person, so you want to help her escape. Your sense of justice needs an outlet, and she’s the weak one, so you want to save her.”

Their eyes met, Jiang Chengyuan’s mouth curling in a mocking smile.

Xiao Zhou took a deep breath, “She’s a person. She has the right to choose how she lives.”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, “Yes, you’re right. So let her go.”

Xiao Zhou almost thought he misheard, “What?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “I never intended to keep her locked up. Why would you think it was me holding her?”

Xiao Zhou opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say. Why would Jiang Chengyuan imprison her? Was it, as Lu Xi said, to prevent her from exposing his secrets, to avenge her father? What was true and what was false? What was Jiang Chengyuan’s bottom line? Having dealt with Lu Xiyuan, could he not also handle Lu Xi?

Jiang Chengyuan reached out to pinch his chin, making him lose his surprised expression, “I may not be the most moral person, but there’s no need for illegal imprisonment. If she wants to leave so badly, let’s do as you planned. We’ll leave by boat tomorrow afternoon. You can get her on board in advance.”

Xiao Zhou suddenly said, “I don’t doubt you. She did tell me some things, but I didn’t fully believe her.”

Jiang Chengyuan remained expressionless, “Oh? What did she tell you?”

Xiao Zhou repeated Lu Xi’s words.

After listening, Jiang Chengyuan’s expression remained cold and stern, showing no excess emotion. “Why don’t you believe her? There’s no apparent logical flaw in this.”

Xiao Zhou said, “Because I think you wouldn’t.”

Jiang Chengyuan stayed silent, his deep, dark eyes quietly watching him.

Xiao Zhou lowered his gaze and awkwardly touched the bandage on his neck. “I do want to take her away, but I don’t think you’re imprisoning her. Her living conditions are excellent, no cell would be like that. I just feel that if she stays there any longer, she’ll become more paranoid and crazy. So, I wonder if she should experience a bit of outside life?”

He added, “I’m here to ask for your opinion.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chengyuan paused, a slight smile replacing his usual mocking demeanor. “You’re not here to ask me; you’re here to persuade me.”

His cold, slender fingers gently traced Xiao Zhou’s face. “What makes you so sure?”

Xiao Zhou felt frozen, unable to move. He wasn’t sure what Jiang Chengyuan was referring to—his confidence in him or his attempt to persuade him.

Xiao Zhou pondered for a moment, then leaned towards the latter option. “There’s no rule saying we can’t try.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s fingers stopped at his cheek, and he leaned closer, their noses almost touching. They could see their reflections in each other’s eyes.

Xiao Zhou couldn’t move, feeling dizzy from the alcohol scent. He heard Jiang Chengyuan say, “You’re really lucky, winning again.”

After leaving Jiang Chengyuan, Xiao Zhou went to Lu Xi, briefly explained the situation, and told her to prepare. Lu Xi seemed both confused and surprised.

The next day, Jiang’s parents saw them off at the dock. Lu Xi, carrying a simple leather suitcase, stayed close to Xiao Zhou, her large, lifeless eyes nervously glancing from behind her long hair.

Seeing Lu Xi, Jiang’s parents looked puzzled, but Jiang Chengyuan must have informed them in advance. Apart from the slightly strange atmosphere, nothing else happened.

Jiang’s mother hugged Jiang Chengyuan, whispering something in his ear, looking reluctant.

When she came to Xiao Zhou, after their conversation the previous night, she looked at him warmly. She glanced at Lu Xi, pulled Xiao Zhou aside, and said, “Don’t worry about Lu Xi. Chengyuan and she are in the past.”

Xiao Zhou felt awkward, knowing that Jiang’s mother was worried he might get jealous over nothing.

Jiang’s mother still seemed uneasy. “Chengyuan insisted on taking her off the island for treatment out of sympathy, just doing a friend’s duty. Don’t overthink it. If she hadn’t used drugs, Chengyuan wouldn’t have had any involvement with her.”

Drugs? Xiao Zhou was surprised.

Seeing his reaction, Jiang’s mother realized he didn’t know and hesitated before saying, “It’s partly my fault. Their engagement was forced by me pretending to be sick. They were never really together. Later, when Lu Xi’s father was imprisoned, she sought Chengyuan’s help for the lawsuit. He refused, so she drugged him to mark him and used it as leverage. Once marked, the effect of an O on an A is very significant, and Chengyuan suffered a lot to erase the mark afterward.”

Jiang’s mother sighed softly. “That’s why I wasn’t at ease when Chengyuan brought you back and said all that.”

Xiao Zhou was speechless, Jiang’s mother’s words completely contradicting Lu Xi’s.

He nodded along, and Jiang’s mother suddenly asked, “Did you bring the ring? Don’t lose it.”

Xiao Zhou nodded.

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