Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 52

 Stray dog

Xiao Zhou looked up and met Jiang Chengyuan’s gaze for a while.

Instinctively distancing himself from Liang Hanqing, Xiao Zhou didn’t even know why he was avoiding suspicion.

Jiang Chengyuan walked in without looking at Xiao Zhou, focusing on Liang Hanqing, “Why are you here?”

Liang Hanqing stood up gracefully, putting the half-eaten orange aside, “Visiting a friend.”

Xiao Zhou noticed that despite Liang Hanqing’s harsh words about Jiang Chengyuan, his attitude towards him was natural and not repulsive.

Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes were cold, “Do you know each other?”

Xiao Zhou quickly said, “He was my defense lawyer in the second trial.”

Liang Hanqing stared at Jiang Chengyuan without speaking.

Jiang Chengyuan frowned slightly, as if remembering, “So that lousy defense argument was yours? How could you have gotten worse over the years?”

Liang Hanqing’s face turned pale. “Have you seen this case?”

Jiang Chengyuan walked in, took off his coat, and hung it on the coat rack. “I looked into it a bit. I forgot that you were the one who signed off on it.”

His demeanor was so familiar and overbearing, like an elder brother. Liang Hanqing took a deep breath. “Shall we go out and talk?”

“I thought we had nothing left to talk about,” Jiang Chengyuan turned around with a slight smile.

Liang Hanqing clenched his fists, standing tall and tense. After a moment, he also sneered. “Your condescending attitude hasn’t changed.” Without saying goodbye to Xiao Zhou, he turned and left.

As the door closed, Jiang Chengyuan retracted his gaze, looked down at Xiao Zhou sitting on the hospital bed, and ruffled his hair. “Finish the rest of the tangerines before I get back.”

Then he followed Liang Hanqing out.

The hospital corridor was quiet and empty. Liang Hanqing leaned against the wall, waiting for him.

Jiang Chengyuan walked up to him. “I heard about Wang Yaolin’s case. In the end, you still sentenced him.”

Liang Hanqing nodded. “Yes, it was a unanimous decision by the trial committee, and the dean’s will. I couldn’t change anything. Besides, he was indeed guilty. The sentencing procedure was just a formality; it wasn’t an excuse for him to escape legal punishment. His under-the-table operations and accepting bribes led to the collapse of a bridge under construction, killing two construction workers and causing countless economic losses.”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “I thought you’d hold out a bit longer.”

Liang Hanqing leaned back against the wall, his shoulders relaxing, a hint of mockery on his lips. “Hold out? Some things have too high a price for too little reward. Teacher Wu held out all his life, and what did he get? Didn’t you leave back then because you thought his persistence was meaningless?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “It’s not that I thought it was meaningless, my mindset changed.”

“It’s all the same,” Liang Hanqing said. “But it’s still quite a pity.”

“Pity about what?”

“Pity that you weren’t in court for this case. Otherwise, I’d like to see your expression during the sentencing. It’s said in the courts that you’ve never lost.” Liang Hanqing smiled. “Do you know why I switched from being a lawyer to a judge, and why I transferred from the judicial office to this court? I could have gone straight to the provincial high court, but now I’m in a position that looks like a promotion but isn’t.”

Jiang Chengyuan waved his hand. “Don’t believe those exaggerated stories. I’ve lost, more than once. If you came here just to see me lose, you’re really gambling with your future.”

Liang Hanqing said, “Gambling my future to see you lose once would be worth it.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s sharp eyes swept over Liang Hanqing. “You’re too extreme.”

Liang Hanqing looked up at the ceiling, his thin figure cast in the white light from above. “Yes, the teacher used to say I was impatient and superficial, unlike your steadiness. But if he were alive now, would he regret his judgment seeing this? Times change. In these years at the judicial office, I’ve seen many high officials fall and wealthy businessmen go bankrupt, their world turned upside down overnight.  Maybe one day you’ll become a stray dog that everyone wants to beat.”

Jiang Chengyuan remained silent, his eyes deep.

Liang Hanqing met his gaze, then looked away. “Senior, do you like that kid inside?”

“Is that any of your business?”

Liang Hanqing said, “We always had similar tastes. I like him too. He was so pure and cute when he was still an alpha.” He smiled brightly, his handsome and delicate features glowing.

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t have time for jokes. “Stay out of things that don’t concern you, and don’t get involved with people you shouldn’t. You’ve been in the civil service for so many years; don’t you understand the principle of self-preservation?”

When Jiang Chengyuan came back in, he saw Xiao Zhou stuffing a tangerine into his mouth, his face scrunched up. Seeing him come in, Xiao Zhou quickly swallowed the tangerine.

Jiang Chengyuan was amused by his expression. “Is it that bad?”

Xiao Zhou swallowed again, his face still tight. “Too sour.”

Tangerine juice dripped from the corner of his mouth. Jiang Chengyuan wiped it away with a tissue. “Then don’t eat it.”

Xiao Zhou looked up, not speaking, just staring at him.

Jiang Chengyuan suddenly understood his meaning. Because he had asked him to eat it, his eyes squinted with amusement. “Since when did you become so obedient?” He caressed his face, his thumb brushing over the scar on his cheekbone. “Because you suffered a big loss? Who told you to go to that place?”

Jiang Chengyuan leaned in, his tall figure exuding an invisible pressure.

Xiao Zhou, under his control, still stared at him. “I won two million.”

Jiang Chengyuan was dismissive. “Do you think I care?”

Xiao Zhou shook his head. “I gave one and a half million to my brother and kept fifty thousand for myself.”

“Okay.” Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes darkened, and his grip tightened. It seemed that if Xiao Zhou said anything else unpleasant, these hands would choke him to death. He had saved him and could send him back.

“You gave me two hundred thousand last time, I’ll repay you.” Xiao Zhou said.

Jiang Chengyuan’s fingers tightened, then he withdrew his hand and straightened up. “So you think we’re even?”

Xiao Zhou said, “My brother has a gambling problem. My family spent a lot to get me out before, but now it’s fine. This one and a half million can repay the previous debts.”

“Congratulations.” Jiang Chengyuan said coldly, “You’ve done what you wanted to do.”

Xiao Zhou noticed he was unhappy, but still spoke slowly, “I won’t cause any more trouble. Now that I have my identification documents, I can find a job myself.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s expression darkened even more. “You scared Amoline with a hunger strike to get her to contact me, just to tell me this boring stuff?”

Amoline was the name of the Filipino caregiver, who seemed to have already reported everything. Xiao Zhou looked at Jiang Chengyuan’s face, dark enough to drip water, and softened his tone. “I just wanted to say, I misspoke last time. Don’t be angry.”

Jiang Chengyuan was frustrated by his mix of firmness and softness., frowning deeply.

Xiao Zhou said, “Counting this time, you’ve saved me twice. I’m very grateful.” He lifted his chin slightly, the curve of his neck vulnerable yet clear. “When you took me from the fighting arena, you just gave me a suppressant and didn’t appear again. If you really think…”

Jiang Chengyuan, barely suppressing his temper, impatiently interrupted, “You had broken ribs and were covered in injuries. If I wanted to take advantage of you, I wouldn’t have given you the suppression.”

Xiao Zhou’s eyes moved slightly, looking at him. “So, I suppose you still want to continue this relationship? You don’t want me to leave.”

Jiang Chengyuan pressed his lips together. “Do you think I spent so much time, effort, and money just to send you back? Do you think I’m some kind of philanthropist?”

Xiao Zhou felt relieved; he was initially worried that if even the connection through pheromones was cut, there would be no reason for him to stay.

Jiang Chengyuan suddenly stepped forward, gripping his chin. The previous gloom on his face disappeared, replaced by a hint of amusement. “Why do I feel like you really want to stay now?”

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