Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 5


Jiang Chengyuan entered Hongsheng Law Firm. His assistant, Sun Xu, handed him a cup of black coffee. He hadn’t been in the office all day since picking up Xiao Zhou yesterday, and the desk was piled with documents.

Sun Xu picked up a stack from the top and handed it over. “Boss, these are the files you asked me to borrow. They’re from four years ago, not digitized, so I made copies of everything. There’s quite a lot; it seems they’re trying to mess with us.”

Jiang Chengyuan sipped his coffee, glanced at the extensive pile of papers calmly. “No surprises there. Standard procedure. The useful parts are probably only a few pages.”

Sun Xu had anticipated his response, smiling proudly. “I’ve sorted through them. It’s just seven pages of relevant material.” He picked out a transparent folder from the stack. “I’ve also reviewed the case. It went through an appeal once. Boss, do you want to use it as a precedent? Need any help from me? Although we haven’t received similar cases recently.”

Jiang Chengyuan took the folder and quickly flipped through it. “Tell me, what problems did you spot?”

Sun Xu had been eagerly waiting for Jiang Chengyuan to praise him for doing his homework ahead of time, but unexpectedly, not a word of approval came. Instead, he faced an on-the-spot quiz, meticulously digging out issues from finalized cases, which made him break out in a sweat instantly.

He had reviewed the case briefly, skimming through just two judgments. He focused on legal provisions and determinations, neglecting the detailed contents—statements, physical evidence, records, appraisals, and the like, which were too numerous and intricate, amounting to hundreds of thousands of words.

Sun Xu stuttered for a long time without saying much, mentioning only the time gap between the time of death and the incident, suggesting the possibility of other events causing the injury.

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t press him further, setting aside the documents Sun Xu had organized, and turning to the piles of old papers resembling a vast sea of smoke. The heat rising from the hot coffee on the desk slowly dissipated into the air.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the office reflected the blue sky above, overlooking a dense jungle of steel below. The sun had risen from the east and was now blazing, prompting Jiang Chengyuan to close the case files. He picked up his now-cold coffee, took a shallow sip, and frowned slightly, reluctantly swallowing the bitter liquid that tasted like crude oil.

While Jiang Chengyuan read, Sun Xu followed along, though not as quickly. He struggled with the reading speed, but managed to roughly grasp the sequence of events and glean some insights.

Jiang Chengyuan set down the coffee, pushed it away, glanced at him, and asked, “What do you think?”

Sun Xu cleared his throat and began, “Within the evidence system of the case file, there’s a piece of clothing from the deceased with blood stains from a third party, but at the time, it wasn’t identified whose blood it was. It was explained as possibly from a bar fight, but the explanation isn’t precise.”

“During hospital resuscitation, they found bleeding under the scalp on the left side of the deceased. Witness testimonies and surveillance videos at the scene only mention Xiao Zhou hitting Li Xin on the head once, after which Li Xin fell and bled. There’s only one forensic death report, and the connection between the bleeding and the hit isn’t clear.”

“Normally, the investigation detention period shouldn’t exceed two months and can be extended by one month with approval. However, this case was sent back for supplementary investigation once, and the total detention lasted five months. In the first week of detention, there were over fifty intensive interrogation sessions, possibly involving fatigue-induced confessions, indicating procedural errors.”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded approvingly this time. “Good observations.”

Sun Xu breathed a sigh of relief and then hesitated, “This case has been going on for so many years. Even the second trial has concluded. Are you planning to reopen the case?”

Jiang Chengyuan took out a cigarette from his pocket, and Sun Xu skillfully lit it for him. He exhaled a puff of smoke. “No plans. What’s the point? There’s no solid evidence proving innocence, and no other suspects have emerged. There are just unresolved aspects in the case and minor procedural flaws. The suspicion against the defendant hasn’t been ruled out at all. What you’ve mentioned, none of it qualifies as groundbreaking new evidence. Even if you submit it, no one will pay attention.”

Jiang Chengyuan paused, frowned slightly, and added, “Although the sentencing does seem a bit heavy-handed. That lawyer… I don’t know what he was thinking. Not even a plea for self-defense was accepted, and they convicted him of intentional injury. No one believes he had a grudge against that family.”

Sun Xu found it all rather unbelievable. “The defendant is quite pitiful. He’s only 20 years old, and at such a young age, he ended up in this mess because of loyalty to his friends. Moreover, the others involved came out unscathed, while he’s been in prison for so long. Even if he gets out, his life is ruined.”

Jiang Chengyuan curled his fingers around the cigarette, reminiscing about Xiao Zhou standing naked in front of him, visibly terrified yet managing to lift his head.

His eyes were slightly double-folded, narrow and long, but still clear and bright. There was a scar on his eyelid, twitching nervously, exuding a shattered sense of pity. Thinking about it made Jiang Chengyuan’s abdominal wound ache again. He pressed on it lightly, smiled faintly, “Pitiful, but also quite fierce.”

Sun Xu caught a hint in his words. “Boss, do you know him?”

Jiang Chengyuan raised an eyebrow. “Not well, but I could introduce you sometime.”

Sun Xu was startled. “Are you planning to send me in, or are you planning to get him out?”

Jiang Chengyuan stopped teasing him and looked at the spread of documents on the table, shaking some ash into the cold coffee. “Alright, pack up these materials.”

Sun Xu did as instructed, swiftly organizing the case files. As he did, he asked, “If you’re not planning to reopen the case, why did you suddenly want to look into it? Is there something special about this?”

Jiang Chengyuan replied, “Cases put down by the Amnesty Court are worth your attention. They could be helpful to you.”

Sun Xu nodded understandingly, carrying the case file back to the office and neatly placing it into a large cabinet against the wall. The mahogany cabinet stood tall, filled with files, legal codes, and regulations.

Jiang Chengyuan glanced at other documents, then asked, “What about Lin? How’s he doing?”

Sun Xu answered, “Still working on that merger and acquisition case, it’s been several months. The other side is probably reaching their limits soon. Lin is truly a formidable opponent, always strategizing. His team is battling in paperwork every day.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled at the words, “Isn’t it easier to work for me?”

Economic cases were intricate and complicated, taking almost half a year at times, and sometimes even several years was not surprising. Some mergers and acquisitions were simply a competition of financial strength, which could sustain such prolonged legal battles. While business owners found it unbearable, it was a rolling source of income for lawyers. Once Lin Shen’s case concluded, the law firm’s expenses for the next two years were estimated to be stable.

Lin Shen focused on civil and commercial cases, while Jiang Chengyuan specialized in criminal cases. He also took on miscellaneous civil cases, although the majority of the firm’s revenue came from Lin’s side. Jiang Chengyuan wasn’t too concerned about remuneration; he accepted cases based on his own preferences.

Sun Xu laughed dryly. Lin Shen’s workload was heavy, but he treated his subordinates generously. Besides their fixed salary, legal assistants also earned commissions from cases. Sun Xu had been learning under Jiang Chengyuan’s reputation in criminal defense. Even though his family’s financial support hadn’t ceased, he would switch to Lin Shen’s side if Jiang Chengyuan continued to be inactive.

As they were talking, there was a knock on the office door.

Jiang Chengyuan looked up. “Come in.”

Secretary Xiao Ya opened the door. “Lawyer Jiang, Lawyer Ji said he has an appointment with you…”

Before she could finish her sentence, the door was pushed open. Ji Yang entered in a casual manner, his flashy appearance contrasting with the courtroom attire he seldom wore. “Chengyuan, I’ve tried to meet with you several times. You’re always busy. Are you avoiding me?”

Jiang Chengyuan raised an eyebrow and smiled faintly, not getting up to greet him. “I’ve been busy recently.”

Ji Yang waved his hand, cutting him off. “I know. Can’t blame you. It’s such a serious sexual harassment case making headlines. Everyone had to prepare well. I heard they even sent you a warning letter. Are they really going to revoke your lawyer’s license?”

Jiang Chengyuan paused for a moment, then said calmly, “Not that serious. She withdrew the lawsuit herself later on.”

The atmosphere between them was tense. Sensing this, Sun Xu didn’t dare to linger and quietly cleared the cold coffee from the desk before leaving the office.

Just as he left, he ran into Secretary Xiao Ya, who was about to enter with tea.

Xiao Ya exclaimed, almost spilling the tea on her work suit.

Fair-skinned and beautiful, Xiao Ya spoke softly, her face blushing slightly. “Are you alright? Did I burn you?”

Sun Xu took her hand opportunistically, enchanted by her delicate beauty. He advised her gently, “It’s fine. Don’t go in now; you’d be walking into a battlefield. You know how lawyer Ji and the boss have been at odds for years, from school to work, each establishing their reputation. Even if you bring tea, they wouldn’t drink it, and it would disturb their discussion.”

Recently, Jiang Chengyuan had taken a minor case, pressured by Lin Shen to work harder or leave the partnership. The case involved a major celebrity suing for defamation, certain of success.

But rumors often have some truth to them.

However, defamation cases allowed for considerable maneuvering, and Jiang Chengyuan didn’t find it particularly challenging.

They agreed to meet to discuss the details. To avoid prying eyes, they chose a hotel where the celebrity often stayed.

Upon entering, Jiang Chengyuan felt something was off. The air was filled with a faint sweet fragrance, Omega pheromones, though not very strong. His sensitivity to pheromones was heightened due to past surgeries. Most people wouldn’t notice.

Initially, he didn’t pay much attention, thinking the woman had forgotten to apply her suppressant patch.

But halfway through their conversation, the pheromones suddenly intensified. Jiang Chengyuan felt dizzy; his mind was overwhelmed by the pheromones, and his blood seemed to boil.

Then he watched as that Omega went into heat before his eyes.

Jiang Chengyuan barely managed to escape from the room, his life in jeopardy. As a result, his own pheromones became unstable, overflowing uncontrollably in the hotel, causing a disturbance. He later forcibly broke into an empty room to contain the situation.

Releasing pheromones in public was a severe offense, leading to him being reprimanded. Subsequently, the woman accused him of provoking her, seeking legal retribution, and sending him a lawyer’s letter.

The Judicial Bureau had a talk with him, indicating that such incidents had occurred before due to his unstable Alpha pheromones and prolonged sensitivity periods, causing multiple disruptions. Although the lawyer’s association had previously managed to suppress complaints, the current case reaching court necessitated that he find an Omega to stabilize his condition or cease practicing law, which required interaction with many emotionally volatile Omegas and maintaining social stability and justice.

That’s what Ji Yang referred to as the sexual harassment and lawyer’s license revocation incident.

“Well, that’s a shame. I thought you wouldn’t be appearing in court again. I even ordered a case of good wine to celebrate your early retirement,” Ji Yang said.

Jiang Chengyuan lazily looked at him, “Where’s the wine? Bring it over now, it’ll help calm my nerves.”

Ji Yang crossed his legs, “I returned it since you were fine. But Mr. Wang from the pharmaceutical company just bought a winery and has been trying to invite you but couldn’t reach you. If you’re craving, let’s find some time to go together. With me around, he wouldn’t dare to pull any tricks on you. If there’s any Omega you don’t want to deal with, just push them onto me.”

Jiang Chengyuan sneered, “You wish. You’re enjoying the benefits, both upper and lower body, from my connections.”

Ji Yang blinked shamelessly, “You can’t enjoy it, so I have to take it on for you. It’s also a physical job, you know.”

After pausing for a moment, he continued, “Actually, it’s obvious it’s impossible. That little celebrity? Come on, you’re Jiang the Great Lawyer, why would you need to harass her? Her scandals are everywhere, with directors and producers, she’s been played through and through. Everyone knows you have a cleanliness obsession, you wouldn’t touch anything that’s been used by others. You even went through the trouble to remove your mark…”

He was cut off halfway, “Alright,” Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes turned cold, “Stop gossiping. Lin Shen took the case later, she’s still a client of the law firm.”

Ji Yang zipped his lips, mimicking a zipper gesture, “Oh, I see, a patron. I won’t mention it anymore. But I do have a serious matter to discuss with you.”

Jiang Chengyuan responded indifferently, “You can have serious matters?”

Ji Yang rolled his eyes but had to endure, “There’s a case I want you to take. The fee is negotiable, you name your price.”

Jiang Chengyuan gave him a sideways glance, smiled, and played with a pen, “Price isn’t an issue. The important thing is how you ask me.”

Ji Yang stared at him for a while, then stood up, squinting his fox-like eyes. He leaned over the desk, shamelessly sticking out his butt, pulling Jiang Chengyuan’s collar down, and said in a coquettish voice, “Yuan Ge, please take my case. I’ll do anything you want in the future.” He finished with a flirtatious wink.

Jiang Chengyuan looked at the pretty face inches away, remained silent for a while, “You truly disgust me.”

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