Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 36


Xiao Zhou’s face still looked terrible. He neither denied nor confirmed.

Jiang Chengyuan wasn’t sure what kind of experience would make Xiao Zhou react this way, knowing that he usually had considerable endurance.

“Why are you afraid?”

Xiao Zhou looked up at him for a moment, then withdrew his hand from Jiang Chengyuan’s grasp. When he spoke, his voice was somewhat hoarse, “It’s nothing, just my own issue.”

At that moment, the previously closed consultation room door opened.

A man wearing a white coat and a mask came out, accompanied by a slender omega. They were chatting as they walked out.

Upon seeing the people waiting in the corridor, the doctor stopped. He first looked at Xiao Zhou, and that gaze made Xiao Zhou feel as if he were wrapped in the slimy mucus of a reptile, sending chills down his spine. He couldn’t help but shiver.

The doctor spoke, his voice and demeanor as intimate as reuniting with an old friend, “You’re here. Why didn’t you let me know in advance? Then you wouldn’t have had to wait so long.”

Xiao Zhou responded coldly, “I happened to have some free time.”

The doctor let the omega leave first, then walked over. His gaze stopped when it met Jiang Chengyuan’s. Because Jiang Chengyuan was much taller, the doctor had to look up to meet his eyes, creating a sense of inferiority. The man in front of him was tall and handsome, with sharp, narrow eyes that exuded arrogance and dominance unintentionally.

This invisible pressure was very obvious. The muscles in the doctor’s cheeks twitched for a moment, and his eyes flashed with jealousy and hostility. He asked, “Is this your alpha?”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “Yes.”

The doctor understood, switching to a professional demeanor, “Then come with me. But your alpha has to stay outside.”

Xiao Zhou suddenly grabbed Jiang Chengyuan’s hand, “No, I want him to stay with me.”

The doctor asked, “During the examination?”

Xiao Zhou nodded again.

The doctor shook his head, “I don’t think that’s allowed.”

“There is no rule that says only one person can be present during an examination.” Xiao Zhou raised his voice.

The doctor paused, and Jiang Chengyuan inexplicably felt that his expression was somewhat mischievous. Then the doctor said, “Alright, if you like being watched, that’s fine too.”

Jiang Chengyuan felt Xiao Zhou’s hand, tense and sweaty from nervousness, relax noticeably after the doctor agreed.

After saying this, Xiao Zhou remembered to seek Jiang Chengyuan’s opinion. He turned his head, his eyes flickering. Jiang Chengyuan squeezed his hand and nodded, “It’s fine.”

The three of them entered the white examination room, everything in sight was a glaring white.

That nauseating feeling suddenly surged, and Xiao Zhou realized that compared to the humiliation this place represented, what he had gone through before was nothing.

The doctor said, “Take off your clothes.” Then he went to the inner room to adjust the machine.

In the open space, only two people were left. Xiao Zhou looked at Jiang Chengyuan awkwardly, “Can you turn around first?”

Jiang Chengyuan began to realize what this examination entailed.

He turned around, then noticed that Xiao Zhou moved closer to him, his voice coming through, “Do you think I’m being unreasonable?”

Jiang Chengyuan replied, “That doctor is a beta.”


“I deduce he is sexually impotent, so you don’t need to be afraid of him.”

Xiao Zhou’s voice choked up, then he laughed a bit, “How can you tell?”

“By his appearance, dark face, white eyes, and yellow hair, all signs of kidney deficiency.”

Xiao Zhou sighed softly, “I need his diagnosis.”

Jiang Chengyuan quickly scanned the layout of the room, then said, “Actually, there is another way.”

“What is it?”

Jiang Chengyuan asked, “Are you still wearing your clothes?”

Xiao Zhou’s voice choked again, then he said, “Yes.”

Jiang Chengyuan turned around. To avoid being heard by the doctor, Xiao Zhou stood very close to him. When Jiang Chengyuan turned, they were almost face to face.

Their eyes met, breaths quickened.

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, but his eyes were cold. “I have a suspicion about this matter that makes me angry. Can you confirm it for me?”

Xiao Zhou looked away. “Hmm?”

“There are no cameras here.”


“I can assure you that you won’t face any accusations.”

Xiao Zhou looked up in surprise. “You’re inciting a crime.”

“Do you want to handle it yourself, or do you need me to stay and help?” Jiang Chengyuan accepted the accusation calmly, even escalating it, turning incitement into potential complicity.

After a brief moment of confusion, Xiao Zhou understood. His initial nervousness faded, but he firmly shook his head, “I want you to wait outside.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, suddenly lifting Xiao Zhou’s chin, lowering his head, and whispered in his ear, “Don’t let him make a sound, you wouldn’t want to scare the nurse outside, right?”

Xiao Zhou replied, “Okay.”

Jiang Chengyuan walked out. The nurse outside was puzzled to see him come out so quickly, “Is it over already? So fast?”

Jiang Chengyuan raised his head. The nurse was startled by the sudden cold, fierce look in his eyes. But it was only for a moment. Jiang Chengyuan quickly changed his expression, his handsome features revealing a gentle, scholarly elegance, his well-shaped lips curling up, “Excuse me, where is the smoking area?”

The nurse, initially frightened, was immediately charmed by his smile, blushing as she pointed down the hallway, “You can smoke in the corridor.”

“Thank you.” He nodded politely and walked towards the direction indicated.

Inside the consultation room, the doctor emerged from behind the curtain, only to see Xiao Zhou alone. Puzzled, he asked, “Has your alpha left?”

Xiao Zhou turned around, nodded solemnly and coldly.

Thinking Xiao Zhou had weakly compromised, the doctor smirked, squinting as he appraised the person before him. Clad simply in a black T-shirt and jeans, the tall, slender figure carried the minimal outfit with grace. The T-shirt subtly outlined a tight waist and abdomen, contrasting sharply with the typical slender appearance of an omega, yet possessing a unique allure.

The doctor felt excitement; no longer interested in timid beings, playing with an omega so reminiscent of an alpha brought back a long-lost thrill. Making such a dominant male submit to him satisfied his vanity and affirmed his power.

Even if he was an insignificant beta, unable to fulfill the duties of a husband, he could still treat an alpha, biologically superior, as a plaything.

Feeling his blood rush, the doctor licked his lips and approached Xiao Zhou. “You did the right thing. It should just be the two of us here. Some secrets are meant to be kept between us, without others knowing.”

Upon hearing the doctor speak, Xiao Zhou frowned, his eyes revealing clear disgust. He looked at the gloved hands and remembered the chilling touch inside his body, a nauseating feeling flooding back. 

He took a slow breath, calming himself. “Give me the release form and let me leave.”

The doctor chuckled. “Even if it’s routine, procedures must be followed.”

Xiao Zhou said, “I don’t want to use force.”

“Are you threatening me? Do you know that even if you touch just my fingernail, I could make you rot in prison forever.” The doctor approached him, eyes gleaming with madness and malice. “To be honest, compared to your previous restraint and gratitude afterward, I prefer your current demeanor,” he said, touching Xiao Zhou’s cheek with blunt nails, “Anger and helplessness actually make you more charming. I’ve mentioned this to others, but they were all too dull and weak, nowhere near as vivid as you are now.”

Unable to endure anymore, Xiao Zhou grabbed the hand touching him and forcefully twisted it back, turning the entire forearm.

A scream like a slaughtered pig erupted from the doctor’s mouth, muscles contorted, his face incredulous, almost hysterically shouting, “How dare you! I’ll tell you…”

Before he could finish, Xiao Zhou grabbed a nearby piece of gauze and stuffed it into the doctor’s mouth. “You’re too annoying. I think you don’t need to say anything else.”

Still twisting his wrist, almost breaking it, Xiao Zhou said coldly, “Let me ask you again, will you give me the release form?”

With each forceful move, bones made fragile crunching sounds, the doctor cried out in pain, but it turned into muffled whimpering as saliva soaked the gauze.

Straightening up, Xiao Zhou pretended to listen for a moment, then said, “You don’t want to? Maybe we need to demonstrate the necessity of this matter.”

Controlling both of the doctor’s hands behind his back with just one hand, Xiao Zhou kicked the doctor’s knee, forcing him to kneel, then tore down the hanging curtain, twisted it into strips, and securely bound the person.

Once he was sure the doctor was tied, Xiao Zhou stepped back and asked again, “So, have you done this to others?”

Struggling to raise his head, eyes already filled with fearful astonishment, the doctor couldn’t retort due to the gag in his mouth.

Xiao Zhou’s expression was cold, his eyes sharp as a gleaming blade.

Not all prey willingly expose their necks; a wolf, even with its fangs and claws pulled, is still a wolf. To conquer, one must be prepared for a counterattack.

Suddenly, he felt a chill down his spine.

Jiang Chengyuan had barely finished half a cigarette when Xiao Zhou arrived.

Withdrawing his gaze from the ventilator window, a vast expanse of half-dried artificial lake lay outside, still under construction, desolate and bleak, nothing much to see. Jiang Chengyuan extinguished his cigarette and looked at the approaching person. Xiao Zhou seemed fine; there were no visible injuries on his exposed skin.

With a paper in hand, Xiao Zhou handed it over. “He signed it.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, not taking the paper but instead reaching out to wipe away a smudge on Xiao Zhou’s cheek. “Good job. Let’s go.”

“How can you guarantee he won’t come back for revenge?” Xiao Zhou asked on the way back in the car.

Jiang Chengyuan replied nonchalantly, “Because he’ll soon be preoccupied, with no time to think about what just happened.”

In the hospital, the doctor, beaten badly, seethed with rage. Undoing the binds, pale from blood loss, he struggled to get up from the floor. He hadn’t expected the worm he held so tightly would resist. He swore to retaliate, to make Xiao Zhou pay, at least by throwing him back into prison, eating prison food for the rest of his life, never giving him a chance to come out again.

The doctor made a call to the police, intending to exaggerate his injuries and make his clinic appear more chaotic, creating the image of a vicious person injuring a kind-hearted doctor.

Soon, the sirens wailed as the police arrived. The doctor forced out a couple of tears, looking pitiful and sorrowful, before he could even display his superb acting skills. With a click, the metallic handcuffs were clasped around his wrists.

The doctor was shocked and turned pale. “Officers, you must be mistaken! I’m the victim here!”

After verifying his identity again, the police replied sternly, “No mistake. You’ve been reported for abusing your position for personal gain, taking bribes and kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, and using unauthorized drugs and medical equipment from XX company in 2017, resulting in patient deaths. On behalf of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiahai City, you’re under arrest.”

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”

The doctor trembled, collapsing. He hadn’t expected his past from five years ago to catch up with him like this.

Who could claim absolute innocence, flawless in their past deeds? He had spent a fortune and used connections, thinking he had finally escaped, only to deceive himself. Who had uncovered the festering wounds beneath the pristine white coat and sought to destroy him?

As he turned deathly pale, his thoughts inexplicably turned to the man he had just hastily met.

Suddenly, he understood everything…

One Comment

  • Dai

    I was so worried for Xiao Zhou. I’m glad the doctor is arrested now; he defo needs to pay for his intentional, disgusting crimes

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