Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 35

Inescapable Justice

Later, Xiao Zhou went to the prosecutor in charge of Xu Juan’s case and handed over the materials. Xu Juan’s case was reopened. Although the charges from the prosecution had changed, Zhou Jun couldn’t escape justice.

To Xiao Zhou’s surprise, this time Jiang Chengyuan did not take on Zhou Jun’s case again. His firm rejected the request outright.

Xiao Zhou once asked Jiang Chengyuan why. He hadn’t thought it was because Jiang Chengyuan had a change of heart and decided to abandon evil for good. Jiang Chengyuan placed a cigarette between Xiao Zhou’s lips and said, “Because Zhou Jun is no longer of any use.”

Since discovering that Xiao Zhou smoked, Jiang Chengyuan liked to share the same cigarette with him afterward, the lingering warmth from their lips, the same breath inhaled and exhaled, more intimate than a kiss.

Through a conversation between Jiang Chengyuan and Ji Yang, Xiao Zhou later learned that Jiang Chengyuan had taken the case because the Wansheng Group wanted to acquire Xu Juan’s factory to build an amusement center there. The surrounding factories had agreed, but this food factory refused to budge. Xu Juan was adamant, while Zhou Jun was bargaining. Only if Zhou Jun successfully inherited Xu Juan’s shares could he have the final say in selling the company and transferring the land use rights.

From Zhou Jun’s release to his rearrest, there was enough time for him to complete the contracts and legally carry out the transactions. The assets were transferred abroad, and he was intercepted before boarding the plane, the case reopened. Everything fell into place smoothly and unhurriedly.

Someone like Zhou Jun wasn’t worth Jiang Chengyuan and Ji Yang’s effort. The real powerhouse was behind him.

To Zhou Jun, Jiang Chengyuan could either save or abandon him; it was just a matter of a single thought.

In the end, all pursuits seemed meaningless. From the moment Jiang Chengyuan took the case, he had everything figured out. He didn’t trust Zhou Jun and wouldn’t fight a losing battle. To ensure his defense was invincible, he had steered the prosecution in the wrong direction from the start, making them accuse Zhou Jun of the wrong crime.

Xiao Zhou felt quite emotional, laughing at his own efforts. It turned out he was like a foolish dog chasing its own tail.

When the case went to court, Xu Cuiping came.

“I contacted Prosecutor Yu. He said the crucial evidence and direction were provided by you,” she said while they chatted in the hallway during a recess.

Xu Cuiping looked much better and had a complete turnaround in her attitude towards Xiao Zhou, being extremely cautious and affectionate.

Xiao Zhou held a paper cup filled with hot water, interlacing his fingers, feeling a bit guilty for the gratitude. He pursed his lips, knowing he couldn’t reveal Jiang Chengyuan, so he simply said, “I didn’t do much.”

Xu Cuiping thought he was being modest and sighed, “I was too timid and greedy. Even though she was my family, I needed outsiders to help. Zhou Jun gave me some money, and I was scared by those words, so I left.”

Xiao Zhou shook his head, “It’s alright, that’s normal.”

Xu Cuiping eyed him carefully, “But is it really okay for you to help us like this?”

Xiao Zhou took a sip of hot water, slightly burning his tongue, and quickly retracted it. Noticing Xu Cuiping’s careful observation, he hurriedly pulled his tongue back and, recalling her question, cautiously answered, “It’s fine. He doesn’t interfere with these things.”

Perhaps feeling relieved, Xu Cuiping became very kind, even losing much of her hostility and prejudice towards Jiang Chengyuan. “That Lawyer Jiang is not too bad after all.”

Xiao Zhou nodded. He actually didn’t think Jiang Chengyuan was that bad, except sometimes he couldn’t understand his thoughts.

The two stood silently for a while. Xiao Zhou then asked, “So why did you reconnect with Xu Juan back then?”

He didn’t want to assume the worst about people, wanting a clear understanding instead.

Xu Cuiping smiled faintly and honestly said, “I’m not a good person or a qualified sister, but Xu Juan and I are still blood-related. Blood is thicker than water. I couldn’t bear to see her suffer.”

“She sent me a message from an unfamiliar number, saying things she wouldn’t have said before. I found it strange and went to see her. I didn’t mention it earlier because I was afraid you’d really believe she committed suicide.”

“What did she say?” Xiao Zhou asked.

Xu Cuiping’s eyes reddened slightly, but her tone remained calm, “Nothing much, just some childhood memories from our village, everyday things, trivial and chaotic.”

“She never used to talk about these things. After moving to the city, she felt ashamed of her rural accent and dirt-blackened fingernails. She tried desperately to shed the label of a country girl, never mentioning her past and pretending not to recognize people from her village. Everyone thought she had changed because she had money, becoming arrogant and forgetting her roots.”

Xu Cuiping sighed softly, “But do you know why she fell for Zhou Jun? It wasn’t because of his looks, sweet talk, or his ability to charm girls. It was because of his hometown accent.”

“What she did seemed heartless, but it was actually for my good. How could I not know that? I just couldn’t swallow my pride. Looking back now, I realize how childish I was. She had always been competitive since she was young, climbing trees and swimming faster than the boys in the village. If she lost, she would be so angry that she couldn’t eat for a whole day. The next day, she would challenge them again until she won. She wanted to ignite my sense of self-respect, but I let her down.”

After the trial, the two walked out of the courtroom together. They were quickly separated by the swarm of media reporters, Xu Cuiping, as the focal point, giving interviews while Xiao Zhou was pushed out of the crowd.

He glanced back. Due to the twists and complexities of this case, media attention was unprecedentedly high, and it was no longer possible to suppress the buzz with just a few tactics.

After descending a few more steps, a car stopped in front of him. The tinted window rolled down, revealing a refined and handsome face.

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him, and Xiao Zhou stared back.

After a moment, Xiao Zhou asked, “Do you have a case in court?”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, then said, “Where do you want to go? I’ll give you a ride.”

Xiao Zhou had taken a day off specifically for Zhou Jun’s case, so he could attend the hearing.

Opening the passenger door and getting in, he realized he didn’t really have anywhere to go. After a moment of deliberation, he asked, “Do you have anything to do next?”

Jiang Chengyuan turned his face slightly, “Hmm?”

Xiao Zhou said, “I need to go to the hospital.”

“For what?”

Talking about these things was somewhat embarrassing. Xiao Zhou cleared his throat, “A post-marking check-up, and I need to go through procedures at the Clemency Court with the papers.”

Jiang Chengyuan realized he had forgotten something important and, after a brief thought, said, “Alright, I’ll go with you.”

The scenery outside the window whizzed by as Xiao Zhou turned to look at the bustling city. The thought of seeing that doctor again made him uncomfortable, with his palms beginning to sweat slightly.

The car pulled into the hospital parking lot and stopped. After unbuckling his seatbelt, Xiao Zhou remained seated. Jiang Chengyuan looked over and saw that his face was tense, shoulders rigid, his whole body like a sword ready for battle.

Jiang Chengyuan, slightly surprised, asked, “Why aren’t you moving?”

It seemed to startle him awake. Xiao Zhou blinked and realized they had arrived. He collected himself, unbuckled his seatbelt, and turned to Jiang Chengyuan, “Are you coming up with me?”

Initially, Jiang Chengyuan had planned to wait in the car. First, he thought this was a small matter and Xiao Zhou didn’t need company. Second, such a check-up was rather private; going along would imply he was Xiao Zhou’s alpha partner. They hadn’t publicly acknowledged anything before unrelated people, and Jiang Chengyuan thought Xiao Zhou wouldn’t want him to accompany him.

So, Xiao Zhou’s question surprised him.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he asked, returning the question.

Xiao Zhou hesitated for a moment, then nodded, “If you don’t mind.”

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t refuse, “Alright.”

The two entered the hospital together.

In the elevator, the enclosed space amplified the sound of Xiao Zhou’s rapid breathing. The reflection in the metallic walls showed his clenched jaw, nervously twitching eyes, and his back pressed tightly against the elevator wall, his face pale.

There were people in the doctor’s consultation room, so they sat on the plastic chairs outside. The nurse poured them a cup of water. Xiao Zhou seemed to be somewhat lost in thought. When he took the water, he spilled it on his hand. The hot water reddened the back of his hand, but he remained unaware.

With a low exclamation, the young nurse called out, and Jiang Chengyuan grabbed Xiao Zhou’s wrist, his tone deep, “What’s wrong with you?”

Xiao Zhou, however, lowered his head without responding, his eyes fixed on the cup of water in his hand.

The paper cup was squeezed out of shape, and the hot water was swaying, about to spill out.

Jiang Chengyuan’s face darkened. He moved his hand to cover Xiao Zhou’s and then firmly pried open Xiao Zhou’s fingers one by one, forcibly removing the deformed paper cup from his palm. Some hot water splashed onto Jiang Chengyuan’s hand, reddening the base of his fingers the most.

The force he used was strong enough to snap Xiao Zhou back to reality. Seeing that Jiang Chengyuan had been burned, he hurriedly let go, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Jiang Chengyuan didn’t mind the slight pain. He handed the paper cup back to the nurse and asked her, “How much longer do we have to wait?”

The nurse said, “They’ve been in there for a long time, probably just ten more minutes.”

Noticing Xiao Zhou’s hand suddenly clenching tightly, Jiang Chengyuan realized the reason behind Xiao Zhou’s strange behavior was the impending examination. His expression softened, and he leaned down to ask, “Are you afraid of the examination?”

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