Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 33

 Laughing Gas

Xiao Zhou slept for more than half a day before waking up, finding himself lying in bed in his pajamas, his memory stopping at the moment he was soaking in the bathtub.

He lay in bed staring at the ceiling in a daze for a while. He must have fallen asleep in Jiang Chengyuan’s arms. Xiao Zhou had never thought he could sleep so soundly in someone else’s arms. Even when alone, his sleep was always light, let alone with someone else.

Perhaps he was truly too exhausted. When his nerves relaxed and he felt safe, all his vigilance vanished.

Was it Jiang Chengyuan who carried him back? Why didn’t he wake him up? Yesterday’s memories were too hazy and ambiguous. Even though nothing happened between them, Xiao Zhou felt more embarrassed and excited than if they had gone to bed together.

He was used to being treated roughly and coldly, so when someone showed him warmth and kindness, he found it hard to adapt. After a while of these chaotic thoughts, he decided to abandon them. After all, it didn’t seem to matter what he thought or if he could make sense of it all.

Some of the small wounds on his body had been treated well. He got out of bed, walked barefoot out of the room, and Jiang Chengyuan was, as usual, not there. It seemed he always had too many things to do, even though Sun Xu had said he seldom took cases personally anymore.

This time there was no freshly cooked porridge or a bright, tidy living room. The heavy curtains were drawn, so the elusive cleaning lady hadn’t played the role of the industrious fairy again.

But on the rectangular dining table in the living room, there was a stack of papers, obviously left there for him to see.

Xiao Zhou walked over, initially flipping through them carelessly, but as he read, his attitude became serious, and his expression grew increasingly solemn.

When he realized what these were, his fingers twisted the papers tightly, and his heart pounded. Xiao Zhou couldn’t believe this was real.

The papers listed some anonymous purchase and transaction information, with IP addresses noted. Some were coded, but easily decipherable. Xiao Zhou was familiar with these secret trading codes from his time in prison.

The information showed that within six months of Xu Juan’s fall, Zhou Jun had repeatedly bought a batch of laughing gas through online and phone channels. The metal cans Xiao Zhou had found while tracking him were containers for the laughing gas. Laughing gas had been classified as a third-generation drug in 2018 and was strictly regulated. Zhou Jun couldn’t handle such a large quantity openly, so he had been secretly burying it to avoid suspicion.

Among these materials was also Xu Juan’s hospital admission record from a private hospital’s detox department. It showed that Xu Juan had undergone a treatment course for drug addiction and was considered to have a low level of dependence, suitable for home observation and recovery. But after her discharge, there were no further check-up records.

These documents proved that Xu Juan had a habit of using laughing gas, and Zhou Jun was aware of it.

Laughing gas, chemically known as nitrous oxide, was initially used as a dental anesthetic. It works by inhibiting the release of excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and the transmission of nerve impulses, providing sedation and pain relief.

It was called “laughing gas” because it could induce the release of endorphins, known as “happiness hormones,” which can relieve pain, provide sedation, and eliminate fear. Small amounts of laughing gas can cause confusion and inability to concentrate, often resulting in euphoria and uncontrollable laughter.

Although initial use of laughing gas doesn’t produce noticeable symptoms and gives a brief period of pleasure, this sensation lasts only a few seconds. To maintain this feeling, users will consume large amounts, easily forming a psychological dependence. Once dependent, users cannot control their intake, leading to irreversible damage.

From Zhou Jun’s purchase volume, Xu Juan’s dependency was not as low as the hospital had indicated but had reached an intermediate to late stage.

At this moment, the phone rang. Xiao Zhou trembled and looked up at the active camera in the living room.

It seemed as if through this cold device, he could see the man behind it.

Answering the call, he asked, “Did you know all along?” His voice trembled.

Jiang Chengyuan chuckled, “Do you like the gift I sent you?”

Xiao Zhou took deep breaths and urgently questioned, “This laughing gas was used by Xu Juan, right? So Zhou Jun made Xu Juan addicted to laughing gas? And then Xu Juan, holding the child, jumped off the building because of hallucinations caused by addiction?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “You’re very close.”

“Then what happened?” Xiao Zhou asked.

Jiang Chengyuan’s voice was low, “I want you to find out for yourself.”

Because of this information, the disconnected speculations in Xiao Zhou’s mind began to piece together.

Questions that had lingered before, like why the fall happened the moment Zhou Jun returned, why a mother who loved her child so much would hold him and jump, why Xu Juan feared Zhou Jun, and what could push a shrewd and decisive woman to despair, seeking death as the only escape?

Maybe only the torment of drug withdrawal could explain it.

Xiao Zhou even suspected that Zhou Jun deliberately guided Xu Juan to use laughing gas.

Xu Juan came from a rural area with only elementary education. Despite her years of struggling in society, she might not have had the knowledge or vigilance in such matters. Zhou Jun, being her husband and the closest person to her, wouldn’t raise her suspicion. Laughing gas, initially used as a medical anesthetic, could be very deceptive.

Just as Xiao Zhou didn’t know what the metal cans were for, Xu Juan might not have known it was an addictive and harmful drug. She might have thought of it as an ordinary medicine or sedative, starting to use it under Zhou Jun’s influence and gradually becoming dependent on it.

At first, it was indeed very effective. After giving birth, she was on the verge of both physical and mental collapse, bearing the pressure of being a new mother and the immense torment of her family and career falling apart. This miraculous gas allowed her to relax, sleep well, be less irritable and anxious, treat her crying baby with kindness, and handle household chores in an orderly manner. Gradually, Xu Juan became dependent on it.

As her body developed tolerance, the dosage kept increasing, and the side effects finally began to appear…

But these were just speculations.

Xiao Zhou thought of the nanny who took care of Xu Juan. The nanny wouldn’t be unaware of what Zhou Jun was doing. Apart from Zhou Jun, the nanny was the person who spent the most time alone with Xu Juan. Even things that Xu Cuiping didn’t know, the nanny might have answers to.

Since Jiang Chengyuan was unwilling to talk more, Xiao Zhou turned to contact Sun Xu and directly obtained the nanny’s current address.

After Sun Xu knew what he was up to, he advised, “Don’t waste your effort. We investigated later and found out that the nanny is Zhou Jun’s sister-in-law. She won’t say anything against Zhou Jun.”

Hiring his own relative to take care of Xu Juan without telling others actually made Zhou Jun even more suspicious.

Even so, Xiao Zhou decided to go and ask.

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