Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 25


When Jiang Chengyuan returned, Xiao Zhou was already awake. He couldn’t stand up, feeling as if thousands of horses had trampled over him, his waist in too much pain to straighten. Struggling to clean himself in the bathroom, he was shocked at his own sorry state.

It was like being ravaged by a beast. He cursed under his breath, touching the bruises on his neck and face left by Jiang Chengyuan’s grip. Too rough, he hadn’t realized Jiang Chengyuan was such a brute.

He must have been somewhat cleaned up while he was unconscious, though not thoroughly. He endured the shame, picked out the remnants, showered meticulously, and barely dried himself. Although his stomach was painfully empty, he was too exhausted to eat. After cleaning up, he collapsed back into bed and slept until the afternoon.

The orange-red sunset seeped through the curtains. Xiao Zhou awoke with a parched throat, feeling like it was on fire. Groggily, he opened his eyes, the clothes he had changed into after showering now sticky with sweat. He licked his lips, which were cracked and dry, feeling feverishly hot.

He stumbled out of bed in search of water, his steps unsteady and weak.

Finding a glass, he turned on the tap and filled it with water, gulping it down to fill his empty stomach, which only intensified his hunger. But he was too weak to make food.

Leaning on the countertop for support, his head felt heavy. He closed his eyes, the cold water causing his stomach to cramp.

The headache worsened, feeling like he was sinking into quicksand, standing on an unsteady pendulum.

Unable to stay upright, he collapsed, dizzy and faint.

Instead of hitting the floor, a hand caught his waist, lifting him up.

Cool lips brushed his forehead, “You’re burning up.”

Xiao Zhou, half-conscious, saw Jiang Chengyuan’s face above him, looking down with dark, clear eyes like black onyx, reflecting his own image.

The familiar scent drew near, and the chaotic memories from not long ago surged up, recalling those kisses, the strength of the arms supporting him, the rough calluses of fingers that had touched his whole body, the hot breath behind his ear, and his own unsightly state.

Xiao Zhou’s face turned deathly pale, already lacking in color, now even whiter like a ghost.

His rational mind resisted, but his body, influenced by the merging pheromones, felt an intense closeness, entangling and intertwining. Jiang Chengyuan’s scent was like aged wine, making one feel slightly tipsy.

His limbs were too weak to struggle, and his breathing was heavy. He closed his eyes, was carried back to the bed, and tucked into the blanket.

Jiang Chengyuan had intended to go buy some medicine for him but was stopped by a tug on his sleeve before he could leave.

Turning back, he saw Xiao Zhou furrowing his brow, weakly uttering, “Is there something to eat…?”

Jiang Chengyuan was momentarily stunned, then laughed, finding Xiao Zhou’s appearance somewhat pitiful.

His face was still bruised from earlier collisions, his chin sharp, and his cheeks hollow from hunger. His half-drooped eyelids made him look extremely aggrieved, as if he had been mistreated.

He propped Xiao Zhou up with a soft pillow behind his waist, helping him sit up in bed, and fed him some takeout sushi.

A habit from prison, Xiao Zhou was always particularly focused when eating, eyes downcast, with a serious demeanor, not wasting a single bit.

Fearing he would eat too quickly from hunger, Jiang Chengyuan fed him sushi by hand. By the end, Xiao Zhou instinctively licked his finger, removing the rice grains.

The soft, wet sensation was like a kitten drinking water, making Jiang Chengyuan dazed again.

Unable to eat too much at once, he was fed two sweet shrimp, hand rolls, tamagoyaki, and a few slices of salmon, along with a couple of sips of plum wine.

Xiao Zhou’s stomach felt heavy, and the sweet and sour plum wine added a bit of color to his pale cheeks.

Jiang Chengyuan touched his forehead and told him to lie down and rest, “Sleep a bit more.”

Drowsy and full, Xiao Zhou quickly fell asleep without thinking too much.

Half-asleep later, he seemed to be lifted up again and fed medicine, which, since he had no swallowing reflex, was pushed past his lips and teeth.

The lips and tongue that touched his were cold, like ice in the summer, feeling very comfortable. After being fed the medicine, Xiao Zhou unconsciously clung on, resulting in a deep kiss that turned heated, the ice melting into fire.

When they parted, Xiao Zhou let out a nearly suffocated groan, met with a soft laugh.

A hand fell on his hair, caressing lazily, the gesture like someone petting a favored pet.

Useful, obedient, kept nearby for companionship and relaxation.

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