Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 21

 Branded Clothes

The seminar was interrupted by this drama, and Xiao Zhou and Jiang Chengyuan returned to A City that day.

Xiao Zhou dropped Jiang Chengyuan off at the law firm. Jiang Chengyuan had a dinner meeting that evening and told Xiao Zhou to go home without waiting for him.

While driving, Xiao Zhou was still pondering over Jiang Chengyuan’s words.

Indeed, there was no conclusive evidence proving Zhou Jun pushed Xu Juan. The balcony railing wasn’t damaged. If it were a murder, there could have been many ways to do it. Zhou Jun had no need to be at the scene, making himself the prime suspect.

But if it was truly a suicide, how innocent were Xu Juan and her baby? Why could Zhou Jun escape punishment?

Xiao Zhou also thought about Xu Cuiping’s cries in the auditorium. Some of her tears had fallen on his hand, burning hot like they could leave a hole. He didn’t want to believe Jiang Chengyuan’s words because that kind of grief couldn’t be faked.

Reaching a traffic light, he changed direction and headed to Xu Cuiping’s house. Regardless of the truth, Xu Cuiping hiring that lawyer to sue meant she could be deceived like he once was. He needed to expose the lawyer’s true nature and let Xu Cuiping decide whether to continue.

At this moment, dusk was setting in, the sun had sunk in the west, and the city was enveloped in a magnificent sunset. This street had just started to come alive, with the colorful lights of hair salons and massage parlors lighting up. People were steadily streaming into the dilapidated old buildings lining both sides of the street, as dense as a swarm of ants.

In this old, run-down neighborhood, the roads were narrow and in poor condition, barely allowing cars to pass. Xiao Zhou, worried about scratching Jiang Chengyuan’s car, took a detour to find a paid parking lot.

After getting out of the car and walking back, he had to cross two streets to reach Xu Cuiping’s neighborhood.

The uneven cement road and walls were bathed in the orange-red sunset, casting a long, thin shadow behind him. As he turned into an alley, he suddenly heard some chaotic banging noises, mixed with coarse curses. Several shadows gathered together were projected onto the wall right in front of him.

His nerves tensed, and after a moment of hesitation, Xiao Zhou cautiously pressed his back against the wall, edged around the corner, and peeked to see what was happening.

Four or five people were gathered in a semicircle, holding weapons like iron rods and machetes. The leader, a muscular, bald giant, separated from the group and kicked the person on the ground. “You brat, why are you meddling in things that have nothing to do with you? You haven’t even paid off your own debt and here you are playing the hero! You’re asking for trouble.”

He tapped the iron rod against the head of the person on the ground, who, offering no resistance, slumped to one side. The rod was already stained with blood, making the scene particularly striking.

Through the gaps in the crowd, Xiao Zhou could see the surrounded person sitting on the ground, a limp head of yellow hair, holding a constantly crying little girl. Xiao Zhou’s pupils constricted— it was Xiao Ping and Xiao Yun!

Although Xiao Ping was injured, he still had enough strength to speak. With the iron rod pressed against his head, he said calmly, “It’s her mother who owes the money. Don’t take it out on a little girl. Why are you kidnapping her?”

“Why?” The bald man sneered. “That damned woman is slippery as a rabbit. What if she runs away again? I heard she’s fighting a big lawsuit recently. If she wins, she’ll get a lot of money. By then, she’ll vanish with the cash. Where will we find her then? Are you going to pay her debt?”

Xiao Ping held the little girl tighter, his voice hoarse. “She knows nothing. I can’t let you take her.”

The atmosphere was growing increasingly tense, the bald man’s anger rising.

Xiao Zhou stepped back a bit, quietly called the police on his phone, and gave the address and situation in a low voice.

After looking around, he picked up a red brick from the corner, weighed it in his hand, and returned.

The bald man was growing impatient but hesitated to cause a fatal injury. He continued to curse and threaten, “Is it worth it? Do you have a thing with that woman? Are you willing to risk your life for someone unrelated? Don’t think that by holding out here, I can’t do anything to you!”

Xiao Ping hung his head, his body hunched. He was tall but very thin, with a pale complexion that showed his blood vessels. After taking several hits, his exposed skin was bloody and bruised, and his bony back poked through his T-shirt, looking fragile.

The bald man irritably rubbed his bare head, then casually pointed to two people. “You two, grab the little girl. If he doesn’t let go, hit him until he does. Break his hand if you have to.”

“Yes.” The two thugs stepped forward, but before they got close, they heard a loud shout, followed by the sharp wail of police sirens. “Police! Freeze!”

The thugs were startled. Someone tried to turn and see what was happening, only to hear a heavy object smash against the wall with a loud bang.

The noise frightened them out of their wits. The group didn’t even dare to look back and instinctively ran in the opposite direction like mice fleeing from a cat.

The bald man was equally scared, almost tripping over himself, grabbing someone nearby for support, and running faster than a rabbit.

But after running some distance, he sensed something was off. The sirens were still blaring, yet there were no footsteps chasing after them.

Looking back, he saw the alley was empty. Sensing something was wrong, the bald man grabbed two of his followers and turned back, cursing. “Stop running, go see what’s going on.”

The two men, trembling, stuttered, “But, but boss, there’s police.”

“Police my ass,” the bald man kicked one of them. His eyes grew sinister. “Someone must be playing tricks.”

Returning to the alley, Xiao Ping and the little girl were gone, leaving only scattered bloodstains.

Nearby, a shattered brick lay on the ground, with a white mark on the wall where it had struck.

“Damn it!” the bald man cursed, eyes wide with fury. “Damn brat, playing tricks on me!” He swung his iron rod heavily against the wall, causing a heavy thud. The wall shook, and some white plaster fell off. “If I catch him, I’ll break both his legs.”

Amidst a string of curses, the faint sound of police sirens could still be heard. A nearby lackey twitched his ears and tugged at the man, pointing in the direction of the sound, “What if they haven’t left yet?”

The man turned around, skeptically taking a few steps in that direction.

At this moment, a chaotic sound of footsteps echoed from the alley entrance.

Two groups unexpectedly met face-to-face: a team of armed police officers against a gang of bare-chested, tattooed thugs wielding iron rods and machetes.

Neither side had expected this and both were stunned.

The bald man reacted the fastest, his face turning pale. He dropped his rod and turned to flee.

The police captain shouted, “Police! Everyone freeze!”

Xiao Zhou dragged Xiao Ping along, running frantically. Xiao Ping was injured and couldn’t run, his joints dislocated, cold sweat pouring from his body, looking like he was about to faint. They hadn’t run far when they heard chaotic footsteps behind them again.

Startled, Xiao Ping’s legs gave out, leaning against the wall, barely managing to pass Xiao Yun to Xiao Zhou, telling him to go on without him.

Xiao Zhou frowned, “What are you saying? You’re my brother.” He held onto him, knowing it was more dangerous to keep running. He looked around and hid the three of them in a blind spot behind some trash bins.

When he heard the bald man cursing, cold sweat broke out on Xiao Zhou’s back.

Fortunately, the police soon arrived, and when he heard the sirens, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After everyone had left, the three of them emerged from their hiding place.

The strength Xiao Ping had been holding onto dissipated, and he could no longer move a step.

Xiao Zhou checked his leg injury; it was very swollen but didn’t seem to have any bone damage, so he felt a bit relieved. He said, “Let’s go to the hospital. The car is parked far away; I’ll carry you.”

He bent down to let Xiao Ping get on his back. Xiao Ping stiffened and, still hostile towards Xiao Zhou, said gruffly, “I don’t need your concern.”

Xiao Yun clutched her dress, standing by the side. Having just experienced such a bloody incident, it was a big shock for a little girl. Now, seeing the two brothers at odds, her tears started to fall. She stepped forward, touched Xiao Ping’s injury, and said, “Ping ge, let’s go to the hospital.”

Xiao Ping turned to look at her, his resolve melting at her tears, but he glanced at Xiao Zhou, bit his lip hard, and still said, “Xiao Yun, you don’t understand this. Don’t worry about it.”

Seeing his determination, Xiao Zhou didn’t insist. He stood up and said to the little girl, “Xiao Yun, stay with Ping ge here and wait for me, okay?”

The little girl nodded obediently.

He drove the car to them and let the two get in. Xiao Ping was still stubborn, but Xiao Yun had also scraped her arm and needed disinfecting and bandaging, so he finally got into the car.

At the hospital, Xiao Zhou borrowed a wheelchair to push Xiao Ping inside.

The city hospital was always crowded and noisy, and now it was after office hours, with only the emergency room open. Xiao Zhou had been out of touch with ordinary life for a long time and hadn’t dealt with so many people in a while, so it took him a long time to handle everything.

After getting the medicine, his white shirt was wrinkled, cuffs rolled up, back slightly damp with sweat.

Xiao Ping sat in the wheelchair, holding Xiao Yun, and took a good look at Xiao Zhou’s luxurious outfit, the belt’s logo visible. He sneered sarcastically, “Wearing brand-name clothes, huh.”

“I think you’re doing pretty well now. Driving such a fancy car, wearing expensive clothes.” As Xiao Zhou helped him back into the car, Xiao Ping touched the cold leather seat and whistled. “Your time in prison was worth it, getting all this luxury for free, hooking up with a rich person.”

“Are you rich now? Aunt Cuiping said your Alpha is a wealthy lawyer.” Xiao Ping kept asking questions that Xiao Zhou didn’t answer. 

Xiao Zhou remained silent for a while before saying, “What’s this about you owing a lot of money?”

Xiao Ping, who had been resting his head against the car window, suddenly turned his head at the question.

Through the rearview mirror, Xiao Zhou saw Xiao Ping’s face turn icy, expressionless. After a long pause, he finally said, “Dad died.”

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