Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 19


Xu Cuiping’s actions this time could be significant or trivial. A minor administrative penalty could resolve it, but if taken seriously, it could escalate to criminal charges.

Jiang Chengyuan was the target, the victim; a word from him could resolve everything. If he said not to pursue it, perhaps a few words of oral admonition would suffice, but if he insisted on pursuing it, fines, detention, or even going to court could all be possible.

Although Xiao Zhou and Xu Cuiping were not close, after reviewing the case files, he sympathized with Xu Cuiping. Anyone who saw what happened to Xu Juan would sigh, and instinctively sympathize with her. Moreover, what Xu Cuiping did was understandable—to seek justice for her sister, a reason that was just and noble, inspiring both respect and pity.

Jiang Chengyuan asked, “Why?”

Xiao Zhou said, “She has a daughter. If she can’t go back, her daughter will have no one to take care of her.”

“So you sympathize with her?”

Xiao Zhou hesitated, then nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan casually said, “You were the one injured this time. If you don’t want to pursue it, we’ll do as you wish.”

Coming out of the police station, they went straight to the hotel by taxi.

Xiao Zhou couldn’t stand the smell on his body and the first thing he did was rush into the bathroom to take off his clothes and take a comfortable bath. The hot water poured down, creating extra foam. The shower gel in this luxury suite was quite fragrant. The white foam gathered like clouds and rushed into the drain, washing away the persistent foul odor.

The only two sets of clothes brought were stained: one set was bought by Jiang Chengyuan, the other was originally worn by himself, and they were all dirty. So, he had to put on a bathrobe provided by the hotel.

Jiang Chengyuan sat on the sofa in the living room. Seeing that he was only wearing a bathrobe, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “No clothes left?”

Xiao Zhou felt a little embarrassed and nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan made a phone call and patted the spot beside him, signaling him to come over.

Xiao Zhou sat down, Jiang Chengyuan leaned closer, his elbow around Xiao Zhou’s neck pulling him closer to the side, nose against his shoulder, sniffing, “This scent is much more pleasant.”

Xiao Zhou was suddenly pulled into his arms, and his body reflexively tightened.

Jiang Chengyuan gently sniffed the smell on Xiao Zhou’s body, clean water vapor, sweet fragrance of cherry shower gel, and the faint sea tide of Xiao Zhou’s own pheromones, It was like licking a pinch of salt on the tongue, with a slight salty taste, reminiscent of a torrential rainstorm where heaven and earth merged into a misty haze.

It seemed richer now than when they first met. Jiang Chengyuan closed his eyes uncertainly, thinking of a pouring rainstorm.

Suddenly, a drop of water fell on his face, cool and sliding down his cheek.

Jiang Chengyuan opened his eyes and found that the drop had dripped from Xiao Zhou’s hair tips.

Xiao Zhou’s hair had grown slightly longer during this time, unlike the stubble that stuck to his scalp when he was just released from prison. It was now in an awkward stage, somewhat prickly up close. The wet tips of his hair trailed down, the undried water snaking along his neck and disappearing into the bathrobe that vaguely revealed the contours of his chest muscles.

Xiao Zhou’s body was young and firm, with attractive yet not exaggerated muscle lines, both sexy and powerful.

Conquering such a body would be quite intriguing, satisfying the alpha nature’s instinct for dominance, watching those tense muscles soften and tremble under his touch.

Jiang Chengyuan, inspired, kissed Xiao Zhou’s neck, lips against the swollen gland on his neck. Like a fierce beast capturing prey, he always instinctively went for the neck first—this vulnerable and deadly spot, filled with boiling blood and sensitive nerves.

Xiao Zhou let out a low groan, and Jiang Chengyuan could feel his own pheromones being stirred up again. He lifted his hand to touch the person in his arms, and the muscles under his palm instantly tensed and stiffened, showing no signs of softening.

Jiang Chengyuan’s lips moved away slightly but remained close to the gland. He asked in a low voice, “So how did you notice her?”

His breath felt hot against the skin, and Xiao Zhou’s breathing quickened as he asked uncertainly, “Who?”

Jiang Chengyuan continued, “There were security guards at the venue, but you were the first to notice her. You had been following her since she came in, as if you knew her purpose there, so you were on guard against her. That’s why you were able to rush out and stop her immediately.”

Pausing for a moment, Jiang Chengyuan added, “You mentioned earlier that your mother knows Xu Cuiping, is that right?”

Without thinking, Xiao Zhou nodded, restrained by the arm pressing against him.

Jiang Chengyuan’s voice turned colder, “So is this all a well-played act between you? Stirring up a scene and making me owe you a favor.”

Only now did Xiao Zhou realize that Jiang Chengyuan was interrogating him. It amused him somewhat that Jiang Chengyuan’s first reaction would be like this.

Before he could respond, Jiang Chengyuan shook his head, denying it himself, “No, if that were the case, she wouldn’t have said what she did at the police station just now.”

Releasing his grip on Xiao Zhou’s arm, Jiang Chengyuan leaned back on the sofa, his voice softening again, “So how did you do it? I know you’re sensitive to external stimuli, even making a sound during meals puts you on guard, and you’re cautious when others touch you, probably habits you developed in prison. But this time? How did you find out this time?”

Feeling uneasy under suspicion, Xiao Zhou replied firmly, “It’s nothing complex. I recognized her because I knew her. I saw her come in dressed as a janitor, which was highly unusual, so I followed her.”

Jiang Chengyuan stared at him, “Why did you do that?”

Xiao Zhou looked back directly, his gaze clear and sharp, “I would have intervened regardless of who it was. I didn’t know what she might pull out, and I couldn’t risk that.”

He felt relieved when he saw the rotten eggs. Such a nauseating yet ineffectual thing, it felt like a joke. Watching Jiang Chengyuan get hit by such a prank, seeing his expensive and beautiful suit stained with rotten egg, his face unable to maintain its arrogant certainty in public, seemed satisfying, like revenge for his high and mighty demeanor.

But Xiao Zhou wouldn’t do that. Regardless of any grievances he might have against Jiang Chengyuan, the option of watching someone else get hurt wouldn’t cross his mind.

The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the clothes.

Jiang Chengyuan leaned back further on the sofa, gesturing for Xiao Zhou to answer the door and take the clothes.

After Xiao Zhou changed and walked out, dressed in another set of fitted clothes that neatly wrapped around his young body, highlighting deep waist curves, the smooth fabric cascading down to pale feet.

Looking at the person before him, Jiang Chengyuan suddenly recalled a saying: “A uniform gives the impression of compliance and obedience on the surface but also provokes the impulse to humiliate that obedience.”

The more orderly something appeared, the greater the temptation.

Xiao Zhou had a naturally understated and reserved face, with quiet features that didn’t show extravagance. His inward-looking eyes made him seem cold and distant when observing others. He usually kept his head down habitually, as if wanting to hide himself away.

He stayed quietly by Jiang Chengyuan’s side, unobtrusive like an ornament, yet unexpectedly possessing sharp teeth that could occasionally serve as a handy weapon.

If he were truly obedient, he would be a very useful assistant. But that depended on whether his sharp teeth were turned outward, not inward.

Looking at Xiao Zhou’s faint lip lines, Jiang Chengyuan suddenly remembered touching them last night—soft and perfect for kissing.

His throat tightened, and he took out a cigarette box, lit one, letting the nicotine soothe his nerves, the smoke obscuring the expression in his eyes.

He said, “I saw you sitting in Sun Xu’s seat that day. Did you look at Xu Cuiping’s case file?”

Xiao Zhou didn’t expect to be caught, hesitated for a moment, then quickly admitted, “Yes.”

Jiang Chengyuan asked, “So you know about the case because of Xu Cuiping?”

Xiao Zhou replied, “She mentioned it to me. I was just curious to see if it matched what she said.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes darkened slightly, a cynical smile crossing his lips, “So I’ve kept a spy around me?”

Xiao Zhou’s heart skipped a beat. He lifted his eyes sharply, his voice intense, “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him with some contempt, clearly disbelieving but unconcerned, “Even if you did, I’m not worried about that.”

“But I haven’t…”

Jiang Chengyuan cut him off, “I know. If you had, Xu Cuiping wouldn’t have done what she did today.”

Leaning forward, he flicked the ash from his cigarette, “But after seeing so much, you must have formed your own opinions. What do you think? Or do you agree with their claims?”

Xiao Zhou hesitated. He could sense Jiang Chengyuan’s probing now. He had also seen the online discussions, the overwhelming public opinion that condemned Zhou Jun for allegedly killing his wife and son for a mistress and money, showing no remorse. Criticisms were also directed at Jiang Chengyuan for aiding and abetting injustice, with some lumping him together with Zhou Jun. Defending a villain as a lawyer always drew criticism; after all, standing by someone vilified by thousands meant accepting the consequences of being spat upon by the masses.

If he were to tell the truth, it would definitely offend him, after all, no one likes to be constantly contradicted. Jiang Chengyuan’s question was not necessarily seeking his opinion. It was more likely to assert authority under the pretext of the case, to test his stance, to see if he would stand with him.

The wiser choice, of course, would be to see the situation clearly. But Xiao Zhou did not intend to go against his own principles and lie. He lifted his eyes straightforwardly and said, “I think Zhou Jun is highly suspicious.”

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