Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 121


The early spring was still chilly, with a persistent drizzle.

Raindrops pattered on the surface of the umbrella, forming thin streams that trickled down. The ground beneath was soft and muddy, already turning into small puddles. Standing there for so long, Xiao Zhou’s feet sank slightly, and the muddy water soaked his shoes, dirtying his pants.

He looked down, stepped aside, and checked his watch again. The release time was supposed to be at two in the afternoon, but it was already past time. He had arrived in the morning and had been waiting since then. A few people had trickled out, all of them picked up by someone, but the person he was waiting for had not appeared.

After the fight with Jiang Chengyuan, he had left the prison and never returned. But he had asked someone to look after Jiang Chengyuan. The prison guards were on good terms with him, and he had spared no expense to win them over. With Lin Jianan’s support as well, the news he received about Jiang Chengyuan indicated that he was doing relatively well inside.

He had been very angry at the time, but in retrospect, the anger had gradually faded. Jiang Chengyuan had always been like this—domineering and stubborn. Who could persuade him otherwise? But Jiang Chengyuan still needed to learn a lesson. If he didn’t want to see him, then fine, Xiao Zhou wouldn’t show up. It wasn’t entirely out of spite; Xiao Zhou wanted to give him some time and space. The sudden shift caused by the injury was something that one needed time to process alone. No one else could help, nor should they.

Now it was four in the afternoon, and the gates were about to close. Xiao Zhou felt strange and went to the guard room to ask. The guard flipped through the register. “There’s no one left. They’ve all gone. Did you come late or miss someone?”

“I was here in the morning.”

“What’s the name? I’ll check for you.”

“Jiang Chengyuan.”

“Oh, him.” The guard seemed to recognize the name. “He was picked up yesterday. Did you get the date wrong?”

Xiao Zhou was stunned. “That’s impossible. Ji Yang told me it was today.”

“It was yesterday. Look, I have the record right here.” The guard showed him the logbook, and indeed, the entries were all there.

Xiao Zhou immediately called Ji Yang, but the phone was turned off. He begged the guard to check the surveillance footage. The guard, worn down by his persistence, found the footage, but there was no sign of Jiang Chengyuan. However, Ji Yang’s car could be seen driving out of the gate.

Xiao Zhou instantly realized that Ji Yang had lied to him, but why?

Feeling a growing sense of panic, he drove to Ji Yang’s house, knocked on the door, but got no answer. He went around to the back and peered through the windows. The house was dark and silent, with no one inside.

Xiao Zhou picked up a rock from the roadside and threw it at the window. The alarm went off immediately. After breaking two windows, a neighbor called the police, and Xiao Zhou was taken away.

In the police station, Xiao Zhou claimed to know the homeowner and that there was a personal grudge, hoping the police could help mediate. The police looked at him like he was crazy, then started contacting the homeowner. The process wasn’t easy, but after some back and forth, they managed to reach Ji Yang. Just as the call connected, Xiao Zhou snatched the phone and urgently asked, “Why did you lie to me? Where did you take him?”

There was a brief pause on the other end, followed by a chuckle. “You’re pretty good at tracking me down. How did you even get this number?”

“So you are avoiding me?”

Ji Yang lazily responded, “It’s not my idea; it was Chengyuan’s.”

Xiao Zhou was stunned. “What?”

“Yeah, he said that since you’re an alpha, there’s no substantial bond between you two. He feels he’s not the same as before and can’t offer you anything more. Since you’ve managed a whole year without him, he thinks there isn’t much feeling left. If everything has changed, he thinks it’s better to just let it go.”

“You’re lying!” Xiao Zhou’s gaze suddenly turned fierce. “Where did you take him?”

There was another pause on the other end, and after a long silence, the voice said, “Why do you say I’m lying? He agreed to help you overturn your case because he wanted to set you free. You still don’t understand him.”

Xiao Zhou remained calm, insisting, “That’s not his exact words. Let him say it to me himself.”

“Are you that confident?” Ji Yang hesitated. “Actually, I also think this is for the best. You should return to a normal life. When you were an omega, you followed him for too long, and your obedience to him has become a habit.”

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth, saying, “Ji Yang, I don’t need you to make decisions for me. I know he wouldn’t say those things.”

Ji Yang chuckled softly. “How can you be so sure? Not even a bit of doubt?”

Xiao Zhou spoke each word clearly and deliberately. “You always think you know him best, don’t you? After everything he’s done, would he just let me go like that? How could he be stupid enough to think I don’t love him at all?”

Ji Yang was silent for a moment. “You’ve thought this through.” Then he sneered, “He’s always been a smart person, but he did something so foolish.”

Ji Yang didn’t feel like teasing him anymore and said simply, “I took him abroad. Do you remember the condition I told you about before? Just give him to me for a year.”

Xiao Zhou was stunned by Ji Yang’s words, momentarily at a loss for how to respond. “What do you mean?”

Ji Yang replied, “It doesn’t mean much. I just need a year. You won’t go back on your word, right? After a year, if he wants to come back, I’ll bring him back.”

“And him? Did he agree to this?”

Ji Yang hummed in acknowledgment, “Yes. Isn’t what I’ve done for him worth a year?”

Xiao Zhou clutched the phone, staring blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

Ji Yang said, “Alright, I’m hanging up now. I just got off the plane and haven’t arrived at my destination yet.”

“Wait, I want to talk to him.”

“Talk about what? He’s just been sedated and is asleep.”

Xiao Zhou’s eyes widened. “Then bring the phone to him. Let me hear his breathing. I won’t go back on my word. I just want to make sure he’s there.”

Ji Yang was silent for a moment but didn’t refuse. There was some rustling movement, then the sound of soft, even breathing came through the phone.

Xiao Zhou didn’t dare make a sound, covering his mouth as he greedily listened, careful not to wake him. He was terrified yet also reassured once he confirmed the person was there.

Soon, the phone was moved away, followed by the sound of footsteps. Ji Yang asked, “Is that enough?”

Xiao Zhou tightly pressed his lips together, sniffing to hold back tears before choking out, “Is he okay? Is it serious? Why is he asleep?”

Ji Yang didn’t explain clearly, just let out a dry laugh. “Why do you ask so many questions?”

Xiao Zhou immediately fell silent, not daring to annoy Ji Yang further. He softly asked, “Can you bring him back sooner?”

Ji Yang replied, “Depends on my mood.”

As for his window being smashed, Ji Yang didn’t pursue the matter. Xiao Zhou listened to a lecture and was then released.

He walked out of the police station in a daze, stumbling into puddles. It was still raining outside; the sky was gloomy, dark clouds gathered, and the rain poured continuously, soaking through his clothes, drenching flowers, and falling into the mud.

As he walked back, lost in thought, he suddenly realized how pointless his stubbornness and anger were. Who would have thought that a year wasn’t enough, and now there was another year to wait.

Drenched and shivering, he could no longer hold on. He leaned against a wall, slowly squatting down.

But at least it was over. At least they were still alive. He comforted himself with this thought. Everything was over now.

Taking a deep breath, his clenched hands dug his nails into his palms, leaving bloody imprints.

Then, unable to hold on anymore, he slowly covered his face with his hands, burying his head in darkness as he began to sob, tears seeping through his fingers, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

He missed him, and wished he could rush overseas right now to find Ji Yang and demand Jiang Chengyuan back. But he didn’t dare, the confidence he had just shown was a hollow pillar, and he wasn’t really that sure.

He knew Ji Yang had his reasons for doing this. He didn’t fight back because he understood the sacrifices Ji Yang had made for Jiang Chengyuan. Now, he dared to ask himself: Jiang Chengyuan put him back together, healed him, but what had he done for him? Instead, he had destroyed him. If not for meeting him, Jiang Chengyuan would still be a proud, untouchable lawyer. How could he have fallen to this state?

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