Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 12

You’ll look good dressed up

A small private hospital

Xiao Zhou entered the hospital, spoke briefly to the receptionist, and took the elevator.

This hospital focused mainly on research and didn’t usually accept external patients. It was the designated medical facility for the Mercy Court. Xiao Zhou’s surgery and post-operative recovery were done here.

On the third floor, a nurse came to register his information. After checking his ID, she went inside to inform someone, and soon Xiao Zhou was allowed to enter.

He was familiar with this consultation room, having been here many times. It was a small space, predominantly white, with cold ceiling lights, cold metal instruments, and a man in a doctor’s coat organizing tools with his back to him. These images were always associated with painful memories, causing a part of Xiao Zhou to twitch slightly as he recalled what he tried to forget.

The man turned around upon hearing Xiao Zhou enter. He was middle-aged and fairly well-maintained for his age. With a mask on, his facial expression was unclear, but he seemed kind. “You haven’t been here in a while.” His tone was familiar.

“Come right in.”

Xiao Zhou moved further in, standing in a space covered by curtains, which contained a bed and a large machine.

The doctor pulled back the curtain and entered, adjusting his rubber gloves to fit snugly. “Take off your clothes and lie down.”

Xiao Zhou’s stiff fingers fumbled as he started undressing, folding his T-shirt and pants neatly and placing them on the bed. It took some time, but the doctor didn’t rush him, just watched and waited.

“You look good.” The cold touch of an unfamiliar instrument invaded his body. Xiao Zhou let out a low groan of pain, his legs instinctively curling up slightly. “Relax,” the doctor said, patting his thigh and signaling him to spread his legs.

Although he had been through this several times, it still felt humiliating. Lying here stark naked for the examination, like a skinned frog awaiting dissection, his limbs splayed out without any dignity. Despite knowing that, to the doctor, the body was just a collection of bones and flesh, his scalp still tingled, and he shut his eyes to avoid it, finding it almost impossible to breathe as shame washed over him like a tidal wave.

The instrument began imaging, and the doctor manipulated the metal probe embedded inside him, pressing against the inner walls, then probing deeper to observe the development of the gland.

Every inch of movement seemed magnified countless times. He clenched his teeth, inevitably feeling the subtle internal contact. His nerves were heightened, and the feeling of being scrutinized made him feel exposed under the glaring sunlight.

The doctor noticed his tension, which was clearly hindering the process. “You’re acting just like the first time, this will prolong the examination.”

“Sorry, I can’t quite control it,” Xiao Zhou’s eyes were tightly shut, his lashes slightly damp. His body shivered, covered in goosebumps from the cold air.

Perhaps to help him relax, the doctor started talking about other things. “I heard you got out of there, is that true?”

“Yes,” his lips still trembled, and his teeth chattered as he spoke, even biting the inside of his mouth, the taste of blood spreading in his mouth.

“And how is that person?”

“I can’t comment.”

“Why not? Don’t you like him?” The doctor squinted slightly. “It looks like you haven’t been touched; everything here is still intact.”

Talking about such private matters made Xiao Zhou clutch the white sheet beneath him uncomfortably. He said nothing.

After what seemed like an eternity, the probe was slowly withdrawn, and Xiao Zhou’s tense nerves finally relaxed, allowing him to breathe out slowly.

He dressed, his fingers fumbling several times before he managed to button his jeans.

“In the first month, you need to come once a week, right?”

The doctor removed his rubber gloves, pulled back the curtain, and walked to the computer to enter data. Xiao Zhou followed him and sat in the chair. “Yes, according to the regulations, I need to bring the medical report to the clemency court weekly for my status to be legally valid.”

The doctor nodded. “You know that without being fully marked, even with a medical report, it’s not enough, right?”

Xiao Zhou tensed momentarily. “Yes.”

“Then why is that? Can I ask?” The doctor’s tone sounded businesslike.

Xiao Zhou found it difficult to speak. “I can’t go into natural heat.”

“Oh,” the doctor understood. “That’s quite unfortunate. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Xiao Zhou lowered his head and fell silent again.

“I’ll prescribe you some medication. You can take it with food; it might help.”

His throat moved with difficulty, and Xiao Zhou nodded, unable to refuse the doctor’s kindness. It was a necessary part of the process. He was also considering that if he delayed too long, he would never be completely free and always faced the risk of Jiang Chengyuan changing his mind.

The printer slowly spat out the paper, and the doctor walked over to sign it and handed it to Xiao Zhou.

The fresh scent of ink wafted from the paper.

The doctor took out some medication for him. “Your body is very healthy, and the effects of the pheromones are gradually showing. Have you been observing your body? It’s slowly changing, becoming like an omega.” His voice was low, deliberately rough.

Xiao Zhou frowned. Jiang Chengyuan’s voice was also low, slightly hoarse from smoking and drinking, but it was pleasant, like a flute’s soft notes or the grand sound of a cello in a grand hall, rich and magnificent. But this voice felt irritating, like sand grating underfoot.

He instinctively stepped back a bit, feeling slightly uncomfortable but didn’t think much of it. He had been receiving treatment from this doctor and had only recently begun to adapt to the process. If he had to switch doctors, it might be even harder to endure, and he would find it difficult to explain his reasons to the clemency Court. This doctor was assigned by them after all.

Until the doctor placed his hand on his thigh.

“Unfortunately, I’m a Beta. He’s very lucky,” the doctor paused, his eyes becoming thick and twisted. “Your body is very beautiful, young and firm, and sensitive.” He leaned closer. “You know, when you’re nervous, it turns a lovely pink.”

Xiao Zhou’s eyes widened in shock. The obscene words hit him like a heavy blow, and humiliation and anger crawled up his spine like a swarm of ants.

The doctor didn’t seem to care, just withdrew his hand and turned around. “You can contact me directly before your next appointment.” After a moment, he added with a strange expression, “By then, you might be fully developed.”

He was confident that no matter what happened, as long as it didn’t cross a line, Xiao Zhou wouldn’t retaliate.

Because Xiao Zhou didn’t dare to; in some ways, the doctor held his fate in his hands.

Xiao Zhou’s mind roared, his body felt like a puppet controlled by thin strings, then he suddenly stood up, the chair legs scraping against the floor with a harsh screech. The air in the narrow consultation room felt so thin he couldn’t breathe, and he felt nauseated.

He tightly clutched the two thin sheets of inked paper and then left, the door slamming violently behind him.

Even after stepping onto the street, his heart continued to pound fiercely in his chest like a drum, his temples buzzing. The sudden bright sunlight left him momentarily blinded, seeing only white.

He walked briskly along the sidewalk for a long time, his back drenched in cold sweat. The cold in his chest made his hatred grow, but his heartbeat gradually calmed down.

Though he still felt unbearably repulsed, every inch of skin that had been touched felt nauseating, and every place that had been scrutinized by eyes gave him a destructive, peeling sensation.

He felt like a bug pinched between fingers, only able to gasp and struggle desperately in the crevices, unable to do anything else. Anyone could easily crush him to death with a pinch or a kick.

What was the use of escaping from there? He still carried a great mountain on his back, pressing down on him so much that he couldn’t breathe.

He was like a drowning dog rolling in the sewer, living humbly, giving everything to exchange for a bit of freedom.

He had fought with all his might for the sake of family ties, but what could he do after getting out? This upheaval had already destroyed everything. The family had fallen from grace, his father’s condition unknown, his mother working desperately to support the family, and his brother’s future ruined, sinking into despair. And himself? What role did he play in this family? Wasn’t he the source of all the tragedy, the unforgivable culprit?

His steps grew heavier, resentment making his throat taste bitter, the weight of the sunlight on his back bending him over. He felt a wave of dizziness, even some fear of the brightness and heat.

When he finally entered the building, the first thing he felt was a cool shade, the tall structure blocking out the sun.

The elevator ascended to the 12th floor. He leaned tiredly against the cabin wall. The elevator’s interior was lined with a huge mirror. Xiao Zhou looked at himself in it, haggard and resentful, his eyes hollow, full of self-pity.

He stared for a while, feeling disgusted with himself. Slowly, he straightened up, wiped the dampness from his face, and though his eyes were still red, it wasn’t too noticeable.

By the time he walked through the law firm’s door, he had managed to put himself together enough to look presentable. Sun Xu didn’t notice anything unusual, motioning to him while on the phone, indicating that Jiang Chengyuan was looking for him.

The office door was closed. He knocked, and after a moment, a voice from inside told him to come in.

Xiao Zhou pushed the door open and entered. Jiang Chengyuan looked up from his desk, glancing at him. Behind him was a large floor-to-ceiling window, allowing bright, dazzling light to stream in. The light seemed to coat Jiang Chengyuan, making him slightly blinding to look at, so Xiao Zhou had to squint to see him clearly.

Jiang Chengyuan stared at him for a while, then stood up from behind his desk, walked over to him, and suddenly raised his hand, placing it over Xiao Zhou’s eyes. “Have you been crying?”

Xiao Zhou was startled, instinctively closing his eyes. The palm was broad and warm, firmly covering his eyelids.

Jiang Chengyuan put his arm around Xiao Zhou’s shoulder, quietly shielding his eyes, as if protecting him from shame.

Xiao Zhou’s body first tensed, then gradually relaxed. The feeling emanating from Jiang Chengyuan was very calming, as if he inherently had a steady, peaceful aura, with no problem that couldn’t be solved or unexpected. Xiao Zhou slowly calmed down.

His previously chaotic thoughts settled, his emotions no longer as agitated as before.

His earlier wild thoughts were just a momentary reaction to a sudden shock. Xiao Zhou wasn’t inherently fragile; someone fragile couldn’t have survived in such a place. While not exactly optimistic, he wasn’t pessimistic or negative either; he had a tenacious spirit that wouldn’t give up.

Burying his head in the sand like an ostrich wouldn’t solve anything. If he collapsed, what would happen to his mother? How would he repay Xiao Ping? As long as he was around, he could slowly change things, gradually push the great millstone of fate.

He exhaled the resentment stuck in his chest, raised his hand, and touched the back of Jiang Chengyuan’s hand.

Jiang Chengyuan understood and let him go.

Xiao Zhou stepped back a bit, feeling a little embarrassed about what had just happened. He looked up, forcing a smile on his face. “Thank you.”

He was thanking Jiang Chengyuan both for the comfort and for not asking too many questions.

It was the first time Jiang Chengyuan saw him smile. Although it was fleeting, when his face relaxed and his eyes curved slightly, he looked much softer, not as prickly, stubborn, and guarded.

He seemed very young, even a bit naive in his smile. Jiang Chengyuan suddenly remembered that Xiao Zhou was only 24. Under normal circumstances, he would have just graduated from university, still a young person new to society.

Jiang Chengyuan withdrew his hand, feeling a vague emotion in his chest.

Turning back to his desk, he remembered what he wanted to tell Xiao Zhou. “Don’t go home tonight. Come with me to a place. I’ll send you the address later.”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “Okay.”

“Have you bought a phone?”

Xiao Zhou walked over and handed him the phone from his pocket. “Sun Xu picked it out.”

“You two are quite familiar with each other.” Jiang Chengyuan operated the phone, inputting his number, then handed it back.

He looked Xiao Zhou up and down, then called the secretary to measure him and buy a suit.

Xiao Zhou felt a bit uncomfortable. “Is it a very formal place?”

Jiang Chengyuan leaned against the desk, watching as the tape measure outlined his trim waist, his eyes deepening. “Not formal, but I think you’ll look good dressed up.”

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