Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 116

Should Bear

Jiang Chengyuan waited in the office for a while before the man walked in.

Having just finished a meeting, the man took off his temporary glasses, folded them, and put them away. The secretary who followed him in, placed the meeting materials on the desk and then left, thoughtfully closing the door behind her to make it a relatively private space.

Jiang Chengyuan stood up and shook the man’s hand.

“I’ve been too busy lately, so I haven’t had time to see you,” the man said. “I understand your intention, but having someone approach Xiao Wen isn’t quite appropriate.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, “I didn’t mean anything by it, it was just a coincidence.”

The man sat down, crossed his legs, and rested his fingers on his knees. “Do you have something to discuss? To be honest, I can’t offer much help with your case…”

“Actually, I envy your age-gap relationship with Miss Wen,” Jiang Chengyuan interrupted him. “When the building outsourced by the city government collapsed years ago, the chief engineer Wen Yuan died in a car accident. After his death, you continued to support his widow and orphaned daughter. You’re a great philanthropist. Now, you and Miss Wen, his daughter, are in a consensual adult relationship. There’s nothing shameful about it; it’s a happy ending.”

After Jiang Chengyuan spoke, the man’s expression darkened, and he fell silent.

Jiang Chengyuan continued, “The investigation into the building accident ultimately blamed it on structural design flaws, and the related personnel were held accountable. However, because the chief engineer was dead, the sentences for the others were not severe.” He paused, giving the man time to process, then added, “The person who handled the lawsuit for the building incident was named Jiang Bin, and he is my father.”

The man put his leg down, leaned forward, and became wary. “What do you want?”

“I have a case going to court this afternoon. I know it involves many interests, so they’re uneasy,” Jiang Chengyuan smiled. “You have the most qualifications and prestige, and I’d like to ask you to act as a mediator to reconcile things.”

The man’s expression became ambiguous. “You’re overestimating me. I don’t have such great abilities.”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “I know you are uneasy. My case involves a wide range of people. In the judicial process, someone has to take responsibility.”

The man remained indifferent. “Whatever is found out is what it is. Everything should be based on facts.”

“What if I am willing to take the blame?”

The man was taken aback, thinking he might have misheard, or Jiang Chengyuan was being sarcastic. He hadn’t considered doing something so extreme, leaving a loose end that could lead to retaliation.

He hypocritically said, “I didn’t mean it that way. Why do you say that? I still admire you. You’re a promising young talent, much better than us old bones. Having more friends is always better than having more enemies.”

But Jiang Chengyuan wasn’t joking, “This way, they will feel it’s fairer and more assured. You will also have some room for mediation.”

The man fell silent.

Jiang Chengyuan stood up, looked out at the endless sky through the large floor-to-ceiling window, thought for a moment, and said, “I’ll go in for a year and take the blame for this. Let’s consider the past settled.”

The old, sinister eyes of the man lifted to look at him, “Are you willing to do that?”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded.

The man pondered for a moment before saying, “Alright, if you really do that, I can give it a try.”

“Don’t go in,” Jiang Chengyuan said, pulling Xiao Zhou back before he got out of the car.

Xiao Zhou was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “Don’t you dislike these kinds of settings? Just go back and wait for me.” He got out of the car and told the driver in the front seat, “Take him back.”

“Wait,” Xiao Zhou stopped the driver and looked at Jiang Chengyuan, “Why don’t you want me to come?”

“You’ve seen it many times, it’s the same procedure, nothing interesting.”

Xiao Zhou stubbornly pushed the car door open and got out, looking at him warily, “You said there wouldn’t be any surprises, right?”

Jiang Chengyuan was taken aback, then helplessly smiled. “I’m not a judge.”

Xiao Zhou felt a surge of unease, a feeling that had been lingering since the morning, making him anxious. He had only experienced this kind of situation when Jiang Chengyuan was arrested. He didn’t want to think about the worst-case scenario and attributed it to his own nervousness.

At this moment, Ji Yang also arrived and, seeing them, urged, “What are you waiting for? You’re going to be late.” Saying that, he went up the steps first.

Before entering the courtroom, Xiao Zhou, who was originally following behind, was suddenly embraced by Jiang Chengyuan, who turned around, pressed his side cheek against Xiao Zhou’s, and tightly hugged him before letting go without saying a word. Then he turned and followed the court officers to the defendant’s seat.

Xiao Zhou stood still for a while, his heart racing uncontrollably. Sun Xu waved at him from the spectator’s seats, and he slowly walked over.

After the judge finished reading the indictment, he asked the defendant if they admitted to the charges. There was usually a complete script for this, but Jiang Chengyuan didn’t follow it. He simply nodded.

Ji Yang was momentarily stunned.

Due to Jiang Chengyuan’s non-cooperation during the process, the outcome deviated significantly from expectations, rendering all of Ji Yang’s preparations futile.

Halfway through the trial, Ji Yang lost control and slammed the documents onto the table, “Jiang! What the hell are you doing!”

Except for the moment when Jiang Chengyuan first described how he directed Jiang Wenhao to fabricate the crime scene, during which Xiao Zhou abruptly stood up in shock and was reprimanded by the judge, he sat motionless like a clay sculpture for the rest of the time.

After the deliberation, everything was settled.

Ji Yang leaned back, slumping in his chair, his eyes blank and lifeless.

The murmurs in the audience grew louder, turning into urgent discussions. The bailiffs handcuffed Jiang Chengyuan and took him away. Xiao Zhou followed him with his eyes, as if just then realizing what was happening. He suddenly stood up, pushed through the crowd, and rushed down the steps towards the side door.

Two guards stood behind a railing.

Seeing Xiao Zhou rushing over, they immediately blocked him with batons. Other guards hurried over from the four corners to stop the disturbance, “What are you doing! This is a court!”

Xiao Zhou, agile as he was, vaulted over the railing. Before the guards could grab him, he leaned forward and grabbed Jiang Chengyuan’s arm. He didn’t speak, just stared at him with a fierce grip, his fingers digging deep into the flesh.

A guard grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him away, “Let go immediately!” Another guard, who arrived from behind, pulled him back by the shoulders. Seeing no response, they struck his back and arms with batons.

Xiao Zhou winced in pain but did not let go. With a furrowed brow, he finally moved his lips, “Jiang Chengyuan…”

Jiang Chengyuan, being held, turned to look at him, his face calm, “Zhou Zhou, you know everything I said just now is true.”

The pain on Xiao Zhou’s face deepened.

“This is what I deserve.”

Xiao Zhou did not respond.

Jiang Chengyuan finally said, “Let go, won’t you listen to me anymore?”

Xiao Zhou trembled but still did not release his grip. In the end, two guards together pried open his fingers one by one, and only then was Jiang Chengyuan taken away.

Xiao Zhou was forced to the ground, his hands twisted behind his back, and two guards pressed their knees against his back, one hand pressing his head down.

Xiao Zhou struggled to turn his head, watching helplessly as Jiang Chengyuan’s figure disappeared behind the door until he was completely out of sight.

His pupils contracted, the light dimmed, and the door was shut.

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