Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 114

Wen Ruohan

Xiao Zhou changed into a custom-tailored white suit, the black trim on the collar and cuffs shimmering with a silky sheen.

He walked out of the fitting room, the fitted clothes tightly wrapping around his long waist and legs, his face handsome, his expression calm.

Jiang Chengyuan always knew he suited formal wear well—tall and lean, slender and straight. Such a good figure had previously been hidden by ill-fitting clothes, like a white pearl covered in dirt. Once wiped clean, it shone anew.

Noticing the long silence, Xiao Zhou looked at him suspiciously, tugging at the hem of his clothes. “What’s wrong? Doesn’t it fit?”

Jiang Chengyuan snapped out of it, shaking his head. “No, it fits well. You look completely different.”

Xiao Zhou chuckled shortly. “Clothes make the man.”

The designer beside them said, “Mr. Xiao looks great in white. Most people can’t pull it off.” As he admired the figure before him, he felt something was missing. He circled Xiao Zhou thoughtfully, then glanced around the shop, quickly picking a bright red flower from a display. He placed it in Xiao Zhou’s chest pocket. “Black and white are too stark; a touch of color looks better.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at the flower, then at the corners of Xiao Zhou’s eyes and brows. The previous white was pure and ethereal, hard to grasp. With the flower, the white seemed grounded, like snow fallen to the mortal world. He smiled leisurely. “A beauty with a flower indeed looks good.” He nodded to the designer. “Thank you for your trouble.”

The designer grinned. “You’re welcome.”

A private villa.

Xiao Zhou followed Jiang Chengyuan out of the car in the courtyard. A huge fountain and lush vegetation greeted them. A doorman led the way as they walked into the hallway.

Inside was already bustling, people mingling in small groups, with a grand, golden spiral staircase in the center.

As soon as Jiang Chengyuan entered, two men came to greet him. Seeing he had brought someone new, who didn’t look like an omega, they asked about his background. Jiang Chengyuan pushed Xiao Zhou forward, saying he was his newly accepted apprentice, brought here to see the world, asking them to guide him well.

Xiao Zhou looked at the two men in front of him. Both were somewhat aged, one bald and the other with a protruding belly. Their appearances were ordinary, but their eyes were sharp. Knowing Xiao Zhou was a junior, they were courteous and considerate, routinely praising, “Indeed a talented young man, looking very handsome. How should we address you? Where did you graduate from?”

Xiao Zhou maintained a humble attitude, answering smoothly, and reciting the fabricated stories Jiang Chengyuan had provided him.

After a few rounds of small talk, Jiang Chengyuan was indeed led upstairs. In such social gatherings, people were categorized into different classes, each having their own circle and position.

Xiao Zhou wandered alone on the first floor and in the back garden, eventually finding the lady Jiang Chengyuan had mentioned in the hall. She was beautiful and intelligent, surrounded by many admirers. Observing her for a while, Xiao Zhou could tell she was perfunctory towards those around her, showing no real interest. She appeared approachable but was actually quite unapproachable, with a certain prideful reserve.

He knew that approaching her rashly would only result in a perfunctory response, and might even make him seem insincere. In such a case, not to mention giving her something, he wouldn’t even be able to get close.

Sipping champagne, he stood in a corner of the banquet, watching the beautiful woman surrounded by admirers. He thought he was unnoticed, but he didn’t realize he was also being observed.

When the clock struck, the ball began. People started dancing into the center of the dance floor like butterflies, their spread skirts resembling blooming bouquets.

Wen Ruohan, supported by a suitor, also joined the crowd.

Xiao Zhou lowered his eyes, the golden liquid in his glass reflecting the colorful spinning crowd.

“May I have this dance?” A delicate, fair hand entered his view.

Xiao Zhou looked to the side and saw a cute-looking girl. He put down his glass, tilted his head in slight confusion, and said nothing.

“I noticed you’ve been standing here for quite a while. I thought you were waiting for a dance partner?” The girl blinked her dark eyelashes, asking tentatively.

After a brief hesitation, wanting to test what he had learned the previous day, Xiao Zhou nodded.

He gentlemanly took the girl’s hand, and they walked gracefully from the corner into the bright light of the crystal chandelier, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, looking harmoniously matched.

His hand rested lightly on the girl’s back, her soft, fragrant body close but not too close, his touch always light, barely there.

Fast steps and slow turns, spins and crosses, one song finished, the girl looked up at him, her eyes sparkling, her face flushed, breathing slightly, still wanting more.

Everything was unspoken. Xiao Zhou smiled slightly, a smile like a nimble fish gliding across a calm lake, naturally drawing attention. Soon, the second dance began.

By the next song, the music changed to a lively country dance, and people began to switch partners.

After several rounds, as if heaven was helping him, Xiao Zhou was surprised to find Wen Ruohan in front of him.

He remained calm. Mid-dance, Wen Ruohan frowned briefly, the discomfort fleeting but caught by Xiao Zhou. He asked softly, “What’s wrong? Am I not dancing well?”

Wen Ruohan looked up in surprise, embarrassed, “It’s not you, it’s these shoes, they’re not very comfortable.”

Xiao Zhou glanced at her shoes, a pair of seven-inch silver high heels, the pointed toes adorned with rhinestones, sparkling under the lights, not quite matching Wen Ruohan’s temperament, instead exuding a nouveau riche extravagance. “Do you need a break?” he asked in her ear.

Wen Ruohan slowed down, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Xiao Zhou guided her out of the dance floor to a secluded seat to rest. Wen Ruohan, unrestrained, took off her shoes, freeing her feet and propping them up on a nearby chair, sighing with relief.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhou noticed the bucket of ice by the buffet table. He went over, dumped out the ice, wrapped it in a napkin, and knelt before Wen Ruohan, asking, “Your feet are swollen, you need an ice pack. Otherwise, you won’t be able to walk back. I know a bit about this, do you mind?”

Wen Ruohan was first stunned, then shook her head with a smile, “Go ahead.”

Xiao Zhou placed her foot on his thigh, using the ice to massage and cool the swelling.

Wen Ruohan, feeling relieved, found it unbelievable to see a man kneeling before her, attentively caring for her. Many men had tried to win her favor, but few were this considerate, liberating her from pain without any impropriety. Supporting her chin, she asked curiously, “Do you know who I am?”

“Yes,” Xiao Zhou nodded, “I know you, but you don’t know me.”

Wen Ruohan smiled, “Do you like my paintings?” She then pouted, “They all say that, but how many truly do? They just agree because I won an award. Before that, my paintings gathered dust in the gallery, unsold. People are like that, following the crowd. It’s rare to find someone who genuinely supports you.”

Xiao Zhou lowered his head, saying, “It’s not me who likes them, it’s my sister. She loves your paintings, her biggest dream is to get into the Academy of Fine Arts like you and then go abroad for further study.”

Wen Ruohan sighed, “I see. When is her exam? I can help give some guidance.”

“No need.”

“Why not?”

“She died. She was hit by a car while crossing the street,” Xiao Zhou said lightly.

Wen Ruohan fell silent, her body trembling imperceptibly for a moment.

After finishing the massage, Xiao Zhou stood up and wiped his hands with a napkin nearby.

Wen Ruohan put her shoes back on, without fastening the straps, which felt more comfortable.

“Sit a little longer. I had someone buy a pair of shoes; they should be back soon.”

“You know my size?”

“Guessing, it’s 36 and a half.”

Wen Ruohan was a bit surprised, “I didn’t expect that. You really know how to charm girls.”

“After all, I had a sister.”

“You bought me a pair of shoes, so let me give you a painting. Come to my studio tomorrow to choose one,” Wen Ruohan said with a smile, “It can be considered a gift for your sister.” She paused, then said softly, “I also lost an important family member in a car accident.”

Soon the shoes arrived. Wen Ruohan changed into them, and Xiao Zhou helped her as they left the noisy main hall. The night breeze was cool. The driver hadn’t arrived yet, so they took a walk in the back garden.

Walking side by side, Xiao Zhou moved closer and noticed a faint orchid scent on her. Initially, he thought it was perfume but then realized it was her pheromones.

It was light, sweet, and non-threatening. After being accustomed to Jiang Chengyuan’s intense scent, the omega’s scent was both novel and comforting.

He sincerely said, “You smell really nice.”

Wen Ruohan turned to look at him and said after a moment, “You really are…” She sighed, “If it were another alpha, it would be considered harassment.”

Xiao Zhou’s eyes moved slightly in confusion, “Sorry, did I scare you?”

“Yes, but not to that extent,” Wen Ruohan said, “Do you know why I’m brave enough to come out alone with an alpha?”

Xiao Zhou shook his head.

Wen Ruohan said, “Because I can see that you’re not thinking about me in that way.” She turned to the side and considered, “Your gaze is very clean, different from others.”

“Is that so? That’s a bit disappointing,” Xiao Zhou said half-jokingly, “I thought you were willing to come out with me because you liked me.”

Wen Ruohan giggled, “I do like you, just not in that way. And besides, you don’t like me either, right? That’s fine. I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time.”

The driver arrived. As they were about to part ways, Xiao Zhou took something out of his pocket. “Can you accept this?”

“What is it?” Wen Ruohan took it. It was a very worn-out amulet, with some dark, dried stains on it.

“My sister got it from a temple. She believed in it very much and said that as long as you carry it, you’ll have good luck and inspiration. Unfortunately, she left it at home the day of the accident. I don’t need it for painting. Maybe it will be useful for you,” Xiao Zhou said gently.

Wen Ruohan looked at him in surprise. Under the bright moonlight, he looked so upright and handsome, radiating an indescribable gentle charm, almost like a white fairy.

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