Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 110

Little Dog

That night, they just slept and cuddled together. Jiang Chengyuan had barely slept in the detention center, and he came straight out to pick up Xiao Zhou without resting, feeling extremely tired.

Now, back in familiar surroundings with a familiar person by his side, everything felt safe and satisfactory, allowing him to quickly fall asleep.

Xiao Zhou, however, couldn’t sleep.

He lay there, eyes open in the moonlight, his body still in pain, torn apart. Jiang Chengyuan wasn’t exactly gentle or patient in bed, but Xiao Zhou didn’t feel any resentment, instead feeling peaceful, almost as if dreaming.

In reality, when alpha meets alpha, they supposedly repel each other. The pheromones usually cause either nausea or disgust.

Luckily, since Xiao Zhou reverted, he hadn’t felt that repulsion. Instead, he found Jiang Chengyuan’s scent of light alcohol quite pleasant. Though it no longer caused the same intense sexual attraction as before, it was not unpleasant.

He propped himself up, looking at Jiang Chengyuan’s face softly illuminated by the moonlight, every detail clear.

Jiang Chengyuan’s features were extremely handsome and refined, lips faintly red.

In the deep quiet of the night, there was no sound except for the steady heartbeat.

A sudden impulse made Xiao Zhou lean in to kiss him, finding his lips soft and the kiss very comfortable, not at all repulsive.

After a brief touch, he pulled back, quietly observing.

It felt like he was looking at Jiang Chengyuan from a completely new perspective, free from the pheromone-driven confusion, everything becoming unprecedentedly clear. The long-standing feelings hadn’t disappeared; Jiang Chengyuan still represented safety, warmth, and familiarity.

Xiao Zhou sighed in relief, feeling happiness well up. He lay back down, curling up like a little dog next to Jiang Chengyuan.

He’s back. I still love him, Xiao Zhou thought. This is really good.

When Xiao Zhou woke up, Jiang Chengyuan had just returned from a morning run, bringing breakfast with him.

Sitting at the table to eat, Jiang Chengyuan had already showered, his body exuding a fresh scent of body wash, wearing a V-neck sweater that made Xiao Zhou notice how much weight he had lost, the clothes hanging loosely on him.

After breakfast, Jiang Chengyuan took a phone call.

Xiao Zhou’s case was settled, but Jiang Wenxing’s case was being handled separately and was still under trial. Due to the long time that had passed, evidence was hard to trace, and the case had not yet gone to court.

Jiang Chengyuan nodded, telling the person on the other end to keep an eye on it.

After hanging up, he walked over to Xiao Zhou, lifting him up and sitting him on the sofa, asking what his plans were for the day.

Xiao Zhou, with a blank look in his eyes, had no idea. He wasn’t one to go out much and didn’t like crowded places, perfectly content at home.

But Jiang Chengyuan wasn’t having it. He hadn’t paid much attention before, but now he sharply noticed that Xiao Zhou’s preference seemed more like avoidance. At least before the disaster, based on Jiang Chengyuan’s information, Xiao Zhou had been a sunny, curious college student who liked to explore new things, frequenting bars, KTVs, and cinemas. He wasn’t as reclusive and introverted as he was now.

With Xiao Zhou undecided, Jiang Chengyuan made the plans for him, helping him change clothes and dragging him out to find food.

After the first frost, it was already the beginning of winter, another year coming to an end.

The weather was harsh, everything desolate, with floating ice on the river, the bare branches of the street trees standing tall, and people on the streets wrapped in thick clothing.

It was still too early for lunch, so the two drove around the city.

Xiao Zhou lazily followed him, not caring what they watched, bought, or ate; as long as Jiang Chengyuan liked it, he was fine with anything.

Now, Jiang Chengyuan had lost his license and was burdened with a case, making it impossible for him to work. However, his bank account was well-stocked, and he had assets under his name, including an investment broker who exclusively managed his investments. The daily income from those alone was considerable, enough for him to live comfortably without worry.

But the sudden halt in his once-busy life left him unsure of what to do. Staying at home meant aimlessly bothering Xiao Zhou, so it was better to go out and relax.

They finally stopped at a movie theater, planning to watch a movie before having dinner. Jiang Chengyuan went to buy tickets while Xiao Zhou idly looked up at the movie posters hanging around the lobby.

It had been a long time since he had done something so leisurely. The movies seemed both new and unfamiliar. The last time he watched a movie was when he had just received his ID card. Jiang Chengyuan had bought him a rose, but on the way back, he felt a strange emotion, overwhelmed and at a loss from the kindness. Were those feelings related to pheromones? Maybe, making him so fragile and sensitive.

Xiao Zhou became lost in thought, recalling everything that happened after he was imprisoned. It all felt like a dream, as if there was a misty barrier on the water’s surface. Even though he was on the shore, he could still feel the coldness of being submerged.

Jiang Chengyuan came back after buying the tickets and saw Xiao Zhou’s profile, with his neat short hair, tall and slender figure, and high, straight nose. His eyebrows and eyes had matured. He used to look a bit boyish, with childish eyes, but now he had completely outgrown that innocence, his features becoming more profound. Standing under the movie posters, he looked like a movie star.

He slowly walked over and stood beside him.

Xiao Zhou turned his head, initially startled, but then recognized him, moved closer, and reached out to hold his hand, relaxing his shoulders and leaning in.


The movie was boring, a spur-of-the-moment choice. Jiang Chengyuan had picked the closest showing, which was a romance film with poor reviews. Even the few couples present didn’t seem too interested.

But Xiao Zhou watched intently and quietly, barely making a sound. When the emotional music played as the female lead was diagnosed with cancer, he even shed a few tears.

This surprised Jiang Chengyuan, who frequently glanced at him. Realizing his reaction, Xiao Zhou turned his head in embarrassment and quickly wiped his eyes.

After the movie, Jiang Chengyuan commented on the plot, saying it was quite touching. Xiao Zhou, feeling teased, quickened his pace, leaving him behind.

They had a hot pot lunch and then took a walk on the bridge by the river.

The weather was cold, the distant mountains bare and desolate, the sky blue, with the ice completely melted, making the river look especially wide.

Xiao Zhou only wore a thin wool coat, his hands tucked in his pockets. Jiang Chengyuan, worried he might be cold, took off his scarf and wrapped it around Xiao Zhou’s neck.

While tying the scarf, Xiao Zhou pulled his hands out of his pockets, grabbed Jiang Chengyuan’s hand, and breathed into his palm before rubbing it.

Jiang Chengyuan’s hands were cold, never warm, much like his heart, unable to be warmed.

Feeling Xiao Zhou’s warmth, Jiang Chengyuan thought Xiao Zhou was adorably naive, stubborn to the point of cuteness, sincere and full of passion, trying to warm a cold-hearted snake. What if he never succeeded? What if a lifetime of care wasn’t enough to warm it?

Jiang Chengyuan chuckled softly, held his hand, and walked back together.

While walking along the waterfront , Xiao Zhou’s heel was hit by a small black ball, rocketing towards him and then collapsing in a heap.

He turned and saw a dirty little creature lying on the ground, whimpering pitifully, its black eyes showing a helpless look, limbs weak as if unable to move.

Xiao Zhou squatted down, looking at the pitiful puppy that had hit him, and couldn’t help but reach out to pet its head.

The puppy whimpered and obediently nuzzled into his palm.

Standing nearby, Jiang Chengyuan watched expressionlessly, noting the puppy’s round belly, suggesting it had been well-fed despite the sparse population in the cold winter. It seemed less like a coincidence and more like a scam.

Jiang Chengyuan was indifferent to people and even less compassionate towards animals, not hesitating to assume the worst.

Xiao Zhou turned to Jiang Chengyuan, not needing to say anything for Jiang Chengyuan to frown, “Don’t pick it up, it’s too dirty.”

Xiao Zhou turned back. The puppy seemed to understand, whimpering pathetically, testingly placing a paw on his knee, only to collapse again.

Worried, Xiao Zhou told Jiang Chengyuan, “It looks like I hit it just now.”

It was clearly the other way around.

Jiang Chengyuan, immune to dogs but helpless against Xiao Zhou, looked at the pitiful puppy with a complex expression, he had a premonition he couldn’t shake off.

They took the dog to a pet hospital, where it was bathed and examined, revealing only minor parasites.

After being cleaned and groomed, the puppy turned out to be a small golden retriever, soft and innocent, its ears flopping down. Its black eyes were utterly innocent

The dog nudged, sniffed, and circled around Xiao Zhou, and after being fed, it would affectionately lick his fingers, showing no signs of wariness. This made Xiao Zhou delighted and unwilling to part with it.

After Jiang Chengyuan paid the bill and came down from the second floor of the pet hospital, the little dog ran over cluelessly, bumped into Jiang Chengyuan’s calf, rolled on the spot, then stood up again and excitedly bit Jiang Chengyuan’s pants leg, shaking its head and pulling forward, drooling all over the floor tiles.

Jiang Chengyuan stared at the little dog for a while, then realized that maybe this dog was genuinely silly.

After bringing the dog home, the place became lively. There were often loud barks and chaotic movements, making the tables and chairs a mess.

The dog didn’t get close to Jiang Chengyuan because he was too cold and distant. It only liked to stick to Xiao Zhou, most eager to pounce on him on the sofa, playfully messing around with him, and licking his face with its tongue, leaving his face covered in saliva. Even though it was a small dog, Xiao Zhou couldn’t handle it, laughing and dodging.

Every time Jiang Chengyuan looked up and saw this scene, he despised the dog even more because it did what he wanted to do, making him want to throw it out immediately.

That night. Jiang Chengyuan picked the dog up by the neck and threw it outside the room, shut the door, and no matter how much it scratched and whimpered, its good owner wouldn’t let it in. The good owner was too thin-skinned, and being watched by a dog could make him embarrassed to death.

The next morning, Jiang Chengyuan came out of the room and saw the little dog sleeping at the door. It ignored the comfortable dog bed they made for it and foolishly kept watch at the door, showing its infatuation and stubbornness.

Xiao Zhou, sleepy-eyed, came out, bent down to pick up the dog, and put it back in the dog bed.

Jiang Chengyuan, feeling quite content after a passionate night, went to the kitchen to make coffee. “Did you give it a name?”

Xiao Zhou pulled a small blanket over the dog and nodded, “Yes, it’s called Xiao Bao, Bao as in treasure.”

Jiang Chengyuan stared at the dog, thinking the name was quite cute; at least it was loyal.

If it loved its owner so much, keeping it as Xiao Zhou’s companion wasn’t a bad idea.

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