Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 108


How could Xiao Zhou calm down? He was restless and anxious, even pouring a cup of water burned his hands. He put his hands under cold water. Jiang Chengyuan being arrested felt like a vice tightening around his brain.

The next day, Lin Shen brought a stack of documents for him to sign. Handing over the pen, he said, “This is the application for a case retrial that you requested. All the relevant materials are prepared; we just need the authorization from the parties involved.”

“What?” Xiao Zhou didn’t immediately understand. “What retrial?”

“Chengyuan has been investigating for two or three months now. He insists there’s something else going on with your case, meaning Li Xin wasn’t killed by you.”

“Not me?” Xiao Zhou was confused.

Lin Shen said, “Currently, the true culprit seems to be Jiang Wenxing. I’ll explain more details later.”

Xiao Zhou’s expression suddenly changed, “So, Jiang Chengyuan’s arrest this time is related to my case?”

Lin Shen hesitated a bit but responded honestly, “His arrest means Jiang Heng has noticed our actions and plans to sacrifice one son to protect the other. Since Jiang Wenhao is considered a pawn, Jiang Heng will use any means to drag Jiang Chengyuan down. However, the situation is still favorable for us. Our goal isn’t to convict Jiang Wenxing but to prove your innocence or at least that you’re not guilty. It’s not too difficult, and we have a good chance of success.”

Xiao Zhou waved his hand, raising his voice, “That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking why he got involved in this?”

Lin Shen said, “You should have heard about the Chen Jin case. The trial caused a huge stir and is not easily resolved. Bribery and false testimony are serious crimes, especially with the testimony of the involved parties. However, the Jiang family has been in trouble recently and hasn’t had the resolve to make drastic decisions, so there hasn’t been much movement. Now that Jiang Heng knows our intentions, it’s normal for there to be action.”

“What about Jiang Chengyuan if you’re handling this?”

“He thinks Ji Yang is better suited to handle that. Don’t worry; he’s already made all the preparations. Honestly, I feel quite ashamed taking this case. Even the defense arguments for the court have already been prepared,” Lin Shen said with a helpless smile, “I have no room to maneuver. Even if the case is successful, I won’t feel much sense of accomplishment.”

So Jiang Chengyuan, while recovering from his injuries, worked day and night for this? He really had long-term plans, even anticipating that he might not be able to appear in court himself but still wanted to ensure everything was perfect.

Xiao Zhou’s face turned pale. He stared blankly for a while before putting the pen back on the table. “I don’t need it. As long as he can get out, I don’t care about the retrial. If we don’t pursue the past, Jiang Heng will let him go, right?”

Lin Shen seemed to have anticipated this response and didn’t look very surprised. “You should know, if Chengyuan wants to do something, he will. To make him bow to Jiang Heng because of this threat and abandon his original intention would be too humiliating for him. Even if released, he wouldn’t be happy if he can’t win openly.”

Xiao Zhou looked at Lin Shen. Even though he was burning with anxiety and worried about Jiang Chengyuan’s safety, he couldn’t deny that Lin Shen was right.

“Don’t let him down. Jiang Wenhao’s case is already a done deal. If you don’t sign, this prison turmoil will be for nothing,” Lin Shen picked up the pen and placed it back in Xiao Zhou’s hand. “Since we’re going to take a gamble, what if the outcome is favorable for everyone?”

With his fingers gripping the pen tightly, Xiao Zhou stared at the black-and-white authorization form. His eyelashes fell, and his lips moved, “He’s willing to go this far just for me? Doesn’t he think it’s not worth it?”

Lin Shen said, “I asked him why he wanted to do this. After all, you two are getting along well now, and he’s not particularly righteous. At least from my perspective, the risk doesn’t seem proportional to the reward. But Chengyuan feels that the risk he took is nothing compared to what you’ve given him.” Lin Shen smiled softly. “Since he thinks it’s worth it, it only means you’re more important to him.”

A drop of water fell on his palm. Xiao Zhou calmed down, wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and signed his name on the paper. “He’ll be okay, right?”

Lin Shen flipped through the documents, confirming their accuracy before taking back the file, “Of course, I hope he’ll be okay.”


“You look like you’ve suffered greatly.” Ji Yang pulled out a chair and sat down, with a hint of worry in his expression.

The small meeting room was lit only by a glaring desk lamp, casting a ghostly pallor on the person.

“Is there any water?” Jiang Chengyuan spoke wearily, looking like he hadn’t had water for a long time, with cracked and peeling lips.

“They don’t even give you water?” Ji Yang’s tone turned angry.

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t have the strength to repeat it, only nodding.

Ji Yang yanked open the door, walked out of the meeting room, and went straight to the water dispenser to pour some water into a plastic cup. Someone who saw him come out asked, “Are you done with the discussion?”

Ji Yang turned around and glared angrily at the person. “What are we discussing? He is almost dying of thirst, and you’re still talking?”

The person was startled by his fierce look and took a step back. Jiang Yang ignored him, pushed him aside, and walked back into the meeting room.

Jiang Chengyuan picked up his cup and drank quickly, spilling some water onto his collar.

“Drink more slowly,” Jiang Yang frowned and advised, pouring him two more cups. After a few cups of water, Jiang Chengyuan finally started to recover a bit.

The metal handcuffs fell onto the table, and Jiang Chengyuan cleared his throat. “Is everything going smoothly otherwise?”

“Are you asking about your case or Xiao Zhou’s?”


Jiang Yang said, “There were some issues with the bail process; the higher-ups haven’t approved it yet. We’re trying to pull some strings, so you might have to stay here for another couple of days. As for Lin Shen, we’ve gotten media attention and the hype is high. The materials have been submitted, and the provincial procuratorate has accepted the appeal and issued a recommendation. We’re now waiting for the higher court’s response. It should start a retrial soon.”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded. “It seems quite smooth.”

“Smooth?!” Jiang Yang’s face turned cold. “You’re almost being tortured to death. Look at yourself, haven’t slept for days? What’s going on? Did they take money from Jiang Heng? Are they using torture techniques?”

Jiang Chengyuan shifted his shoulders, clearly in pain from a muscle strain. “I don’t know. One of them has a grudge against me. They were very careful, no physical punishment left marks, so there’s no way to get a diagnosis.”

Jiang Yang walked over, pulled up Jiang Chengyuan’s clothes to check the painful area, and saw it was already bruised and swollen. He cursed under his breath. “This is still considered no physical punishment? You just tolerate it because of your good temper? Look at you now, looking like a ghost. Who knows what they’re up to.”

The more Jiang Yang thought about it, the more he felt it was not worth it. Why should Jiang Chengyuan suffer in such a place, enduring such things, and have to stay low until Xiao Zhou’s case was completely resolved? It was normal for such old cases to drag on for one or two years, but did he really have to stay here and then spend another year or two in prison?

Jiang Yang pressed on his red, swollen shoulder. “The association has already revoked your lawyer’s license. Think about what you’ll do when you get out.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Jiang Chengyuan gritted his teeth through the pain, letting Jiang Yang pull up his clothes, and then relaxed against the back of the chair. “As long as I have hands and feet, I won’t starve.”

“After studying for over a decade and fighting for the law for so many years, now that there’s no path left, you just give up without any regrets?”

“The environment is not good. Retreating wisely is also a choice,” Jiang Chengyuan pressed his lips together and asked, “Got any cigarettes?”

Jiang Yang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, tapped the bottom of the box to get one out, and handed it to him.

Jiang Chengyuan raised his handcuffed hands, smiling slightly, “Excuse me.”

Jiang Yang sighed, came close to put the cigarette in his mouth, and then took out a lighter to light it.

Jiang Chengyuan lifted his hand to take it and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. He looked down at the cigarette he was holding. “Haven’t been able to smoke for a few days. It feels a bit strange, like I’ve developed a craving.”

Jiang Yang sneered. “Craving or not, who knows? It seems like you’re just obsessed.”

Jiang Chengyuan looked up. He had lost quite a bit of weight in these few days, but his features were more pronounced. His eyes were deeply sunken, dark and profound, his face looked haggard, yet there was a kind of gloomy, pale beauty to it. “How is he?”

Jiang Yang naturally knew who “he” referred to. “He’s doing quite well. Eating, drinking, and sleeping as usual. He hasn’t asked much about you.”

Jiang Chengyuan lowered his head and smiled. “Please pass on my regards. I don’t want him to worry.”

Jiang Yang grunted heavily, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

The entire meeting lasted only 20 minutes. The door was knocked open, and the cigarette, which had been replaced by another, was still burning. The incoming officer saw the room filled with smoke and said to Jiang Yang, “Lawyer Ji, smoking is not allowed here.”

Ji Yang’s gaze was like fire. “Stop the bullshit. The cigarette butts in your ashtray could hold a conference.”

The officer, irritated by Jiang Yang’s profanity, struggled to keep his temper in check. “The time’s up. You should leave.”

Jiang Yang stood up, picking up his coat, and as he passed by, he bumped into the officer’s shoulder, coldly saying, “Don’t try any more tricks. If anything happens to him, I’ll hold you accountable.”

Ji Yang was smart in his way, knowing that it’s easier to deal with individuals rather than whole institutions. Often, an individual would be sacrificed to appease others and take on the collective guilt. As long as one person was frightened or stopped, Jiang Chengyuan’s situation would be much easier.

Unfortunately, the officer Jiang Yang was speaking to was not easily intimidated and had his own logic.

After Jiang Yang left, the officer came in, placed his gun on the table, and sneered. “Are all your lawyers the same? Think you can do whatever you want with just your mouth, distorting the truth and making everyone afraid of you?”

Jiang Chengyuan had no visible expression, finished his last puff of cigarette, and extinguished it on the table. “I told you, you won’t get anything out of me.”

The officer approached, unlocked his handcuffs, and then restrained him in a very uncomfortable position, handcuffing him to the back of the chair. His shoulders and arms were stretched tightly, every muscle quivering. Jiang Chengyuan let out a muffled groan, breaking out in a cold sweat from the pain in his injured area.

“Weren’t you quite arrogant before? Even wanted me suspended. What about now?” After re-cuffing Jiang Chengyuan, the officer kicked the chair hard. He then stepped back, adjusted the angle of the desk lamp to shine bright white light directly into Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes. As soon as the intense, glaring light hit, Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes immediately shut, but he could still feel the brightness through his eyelids, with flashing spots in his vision. His exposed facial skin seemed to be burning from the light.

Jiang Chengyuan closed his eyes. From the moment he first saw this person, he recognized him as the one who had been suspended as per his earlier interrogation of Jiang Wenxing. He knew there would be some physical punishment involved. He said calmly, “Two months of suspension, and you still haven’t learned your lesson.”

The man grabbed Jiang Chengyuan by the hair, forcing him to look up, and slapped his face as if dealing with an animal. “Stop struggling. Do you think you can survive just by being stubborn? With some money, you think you can do whatever you want without facing consequences? Let me tell you, I’ve seen plenty of people like you. They only recognize money, not people. They’re all lackeys and accomplices who can do anything insane. You won’t escape any of the mess they create! It’s better for you to cooperate and confess, so you can accumulate some good karma for your next life!”

Jiang Chengyuan remained silent for a moment before saying, “You have no evidence, only one side of the story, and there is bias. If this continues, you’ll face trouble.”

The man sneered coldly, “You’re quite stubborn. Let’s see who gets into trouble first—me or you?”

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