Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 107


Liang Hanqing was dead. The rescue team found his body, crushed under the wreckage of a car, after two days and nights of searching. His face was unrecognizable. Jiang Chengyuan would never understand if, in his last moments, Liang Hanqing had tried to force him out of the car or genuinely wanted to die with him.

After learning of Liang Hanqing’s death, Ji Yang seemed a bit disoriented. Jiang Chengyuan heard that Ji Yang had also gone to the cliff base during the rescue and had found the body and arranged for its burial.

After dealing with the body, Ji Yang appeared dazed and silent, no longer the witty and playful person he usually was. It was understandable, as anyone seeing a living person burst into pieces in front of them, leaving only shattered limbs, would not be in good spirits.

Jiang Chengyuan noticed his strange state but didn’t think too much about it, as his mind was preoccupied with where Liang Hanqing’s so-called evidence was.

He had already searched the house thoroughly and found no clues. For these past few days, he could only lie in bed, mentally re-examining every inch of space, still not reassured, and wanted to search again. Unable to move himself, he asked Ji Yang to help check once more.

Ji Yang listened to him, thought for a moment, then suddenly took off the necklace around his neck. It was a heart-shaped locket with a live clasp. Opening it, they found a memory card inside. When inserted into a computer, it contained complete surveillance videos, audio recordings, forensic reports, and other data.

“Did Liang Hanqing give this to you?” Jiang Chengyuan asked, surprised. “Is it reliable?”

Ji Yang nodded and then shook his head. “It doesn’t seem fake; he had no reason to do that.”

Jiang Chengyuan frowned, still puzzled. “Why did he give it to you?”

Ji Yang smiled slightly. “Perhaps it’s because we shared a similar fate.”

Jiang Chengyuan glanced at him, feeling that his sorrow was more than just shock.

When Xiao Zhou entered the ward, he saw Jiang Chengyuan already sitting up and typing on a computer.

The window was half-open, and the wind blew the curtain, making the sunlight flicker on and off. Small dust particles danced in the light.

Xiao Zhou carried a bowl of soup, standing at the door with a frown, looking both angry and helpless.

After a while, he walked in, turned his back, and placed the congee on the table.

Jiang Chengyuan was in a VIP room, as high-end as a small hotel suite, with complete facilities.

He scooped the chicken soup, which had been simmering for hours, into a bowl, stirred it with a spoon, and walked over, extending it towards Jiang Chengyuan without saying a word.

Jiang Chengyuan looked up and saw Xiao Zhou’s cold expression, realizing he was angry. He moved the computer aside and obediently drank the soup spoonful by spoonful. 

“Didn’t I tell you to rest a bit more?”

The chicken soup had a layer of oil on top, made from a freshly-birthed hen, fragrant and tender. Xiao Zhou blew on the soup before handing it over. “What could be so important that you’re still dealing with it?”

His tone was a bit stern, unlike his usual self. Jiang Chengyuan smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m aware of what I’m doing. It’s fine.”

Xiao Zhou bit his lip and after a while said, “Fine, as long as you know what you’re doing.”

Halfway through the soup, Lin Shen arrived. Jiang Chengyuan said he needed to talk with Lin Shen and asked Xiao Zhou to step out.

The hospital ward corridor was quiet and a bit desolate, with the smell of disinfectant in the air. Xiao Zhou leaned against the wall, next to a pot of green plants, and met Sun Xu, who was reporting on work. Sun Xu was puzzled as to why Xiao Zhou was standing in the corridor.

Xiao Zhou, bored and scrolling through his phone, looked up and suddenly asked, “Was he always this much of a workaholic?”

Sun Xu instinctively praised his boss, saying he was always very professional.

Xiao Zhou, however, looked worried and muttered, “But he’s still injured.”

Knowing that the two main bosses were in a meeting inside the ward, Sun Xu stayed with Xiao Zhou and sat down. He wondered what kind of case Jiang Chengyuan had at the moment. Xiao Zhou shook his head and said he didn’t know; he didn’t ask about these things.

After a while, Lin Shen came out, and Xiao Zhou went in. Sun Xu exchanged a few pleasantries and, noticing Jiang Chengyuan’s irritated look as if he was a nuisance, he left after staying for less than two minutes.

Xiao Zhou, seeing the soup had cooled a bit, took it out to reheat. When he returned, there were more lawyers visiting the ward: three men and two women. Their conversation was filled with flattery and intimacy, and one of them spoke with a somewhat flirtatious tone.

“When Lawyer Jiang came to X city for a lecture last time, I sat in the front row. I wanted to meet you afterward, but I could never arrange it. Now, thanks to Professor Wang, I finally get to see you.” “I heard your hometown is X city. I went to university there, and the Lover’s Lake there is especially beautiful after the rain. I wonder if locals often visit it?” Another person hinted, “Xiao Yang’s family is a traditional Chinese medicine family. Her massage skills are quite good. If you don’t mind Lawyer Jiang, she could give it a try.” As she spoke, a beautiful woman with a fair complexion and graceful demeanor walked out, shyly glancing over.

Jiang Chengyuan politely waved his hand to decline. “No need, my injury hasn’t fully healed. The doctor said I shouldn’t move now. I’m not worthy of this kindness.”

The person awkwardly backed down. At this moment, Xiao Zhou walked in with the bowl, ignored the others, and went directly to the bedside, looking at Jiang Chengyuan. “Take your medicine.”

One of them asked, “Who is this?”

Jiang Chengyuan took Xiao Zhou’s hand and smiled. “This is my partner.”

The others looked surprised, and one person looked especially embarrassed, stammering, “I didn’t know you were already married, Lawyer Jiang.”

Jiang Chengyuan maintained his smile. “Not yet. It depends on when he agrees.”

After they left, Xiao Zhou withdrew his hand, his face flushed with embarrassment. “What are you talking about?” He handed Jiang Chengyuan water and the medicine.

After Jiang Chengyuan swallowed the medicine, he teased, “Did I say something wrong?”

Xiao Zhou stared at him, never having thought of it this way. The mark was already there; why would he need something so flimsy to bind them?

Jiang Chengyuan said gently, “If I’m no longer here, these things still matter.  At that time, you would be the one who officially sees me off, helps with my funeral, and my name on the tombstone would be signed by you. Even in death, we can still be buried together. Isn’t that good?”

Xiao Zhou glared at him and covered his mouth, anxiously saying, “What are you talking about? What do you mean, ‘if you’re not here’?”

Jiang Chengyuan took his hand and rubbed it gently. “It’s nothing much. It’s just that this incident was so frightening that it made me reflect. It’s always good to be prepared.” After a pause, he asked, “Did you bring the ring?”

Xiao Zhou reached into his collar, finding the ruby ring strung on a silver chain hanging in the middle of his collarbone, making the stone appear even more vivid against his fair skin.

Jiang Chengyuan took the necklace off, removed the ring, and took Xiao Zhou’s hand. Xiao Zhou initially tried to pull away, but Jiang Chengyuan pulled him close and gently said, “Zhou Zhou, please put it on.” His voice was like a seductive whisper, and Xiao Zhou, in a daze, complied.

The ring slipped onto his ring finger, the gemstone shining brightly.

Jiang Chengyuan looked at it with satisfaction, finally smiling and placing a serious kiss on the ring. “It looks beautiful, though it’s a bit large. Let’s go buy a fitting pair of wedding rings another day, and you can put one on me.”

Xiao Zhou tightened his hand. Jiang Chengyuan was often unserious, speaking casually, making it hard to tell what was real. But this time, although he was smiling, Xiao Zhou saw an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Jiang Chengyuan had been lying in the hospital for a long time and became very busy, dealing with many matters, which led to a poor recovery of his injury.

Finally, one day, he relaxed enough to hand over his computer. Xiao Zhou sighed in relief, but Jiang Chengyuan locked the door and spent the entire day in bed with Xiao Zhou, trying to make up for the past month. He couldn’t move around too much, so Xiao Zhou had to take the initiative. Jiang Chengyuan was suddenly very interested and found it fresh and amusing, as if getting sick again wouldn’t matter.

However, a few days into this sweet time, unexpected trouble arose.

Two police officers suddenly entered the ward, showing their credentials and asking Jiang Chengyuan to cooperate with their investigation.

Xiao Zhou put down the fruit knife and stood up abruptly, “What’s the investigation about?”

“We cannot disclose that at the moment.”

Jiang Chengyuan didn’t seem panicked; he merely nodded and asked them to wait outside while he changed clothes.

The police stood still.

Jiang Chengyuan smiled at them, “Do you think I’m going to run away? We’re on the 9th floor, with no other way out. I wouldn’t jump out of the window, would I? Besides, we’re cooperating with an investigation. If I ran, it would only prove I’m fleeing from guilt. I’m not that foolish.”

The police officers were still unsure about the seriousness of the case but remained polite, “Lawyer Jiang, It’s not that serious, and we do trust you.” They then stepped outside.

Jiang Chengyuan washed up, dressed, and put on his watch and cufflinks. He looked at Xiao Zhou’s anxious face, touched his face, kissed his forehead, and said gently, “Wait for me to come back.”

After the police took Jiang Chengyuan away, the ward fell into silence. Xiao Zhou stood alone in the empty room for a while, feeling his hands and feet grow icy.

His first reaction was to call Lin Shen. After listening, Lin Shen said, “Hmm, I understand. You don’t need to worry too much.”

“What’s it about? Will he be okay?”

Lin Shen said, “Chengyuan mentioned something to me before. We’ll need to find out more details later. For now, just go back home and rest. Worrying won’t help.”

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