Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 106

Car Accident

Another sharp turn came. Jiang Chengyuan took a deep breath and quickly turned the steering wheel, but the car’s speed didn’t decrease; instead, it sped up more due to the downhill slope.

The mountain road was already steep and narrow, with one side a cliff and the other a mountain wall. Branches and stones were scattered on the road. As the car raced down, it nearly spun out several times. Jiang Chengyuan fought to control the steering wheel and narrowly avoided scraping against the cliffside railing.

The screeching sound of the tires and the swaying sensation of the car made Jiang Chengyuan sweat coldly, feeling like he was on the brink of life and death, with his back soaked through.

He maneuvered the car to stay as close to the mountain wall as possible, using the side of the car to slow down by rubbing against the wall while trying to avoid a severe impact, pressing into the driver’s seat.

The contact between the metal car body and the mountain wall created dazzling sparks and sharp sounds. Despite his efforts, there were still minor collisions, causing fist-sized rocks to fall from the mountain top, hitting the car roof with a dull thud. Occasionally, some hit the windshield, risking cracks if the impact were stronger, making further attempts dangerous.

Despite the friction helping to slow the car, the downhill trend was still uncontrollable.

Liang Hanqing, who had been lying in the backseat, now sat up, seemingly unfazed by the dangerous scene before him. He glanced out the window with indifference and said with a cold smile, “Will we die together here?”

Jiang Chengyuan shot him a sharp look through the rearview mirror and said, “Stop talking nonsense; no one is going to die.”

Liang Hanqing continued, “It’s happening so fast. I knew they would take action, but I didn’t expect it to be this way.”

Jiang Chengyuan gritted his teeth, “Liang Hanqing, do you really want to die this badly?”

Liang Hanqing shrugged as if indifferent. “I’m already someone close to death. Does it really matter how I die?” He hugged his knees and murmured, “I’d be glad to die with you.”

Jiang Chengyuan ignored him, continuing to drive while dialing Ji Yang’s number. Once the call connected, he put it on speaker and said to Liang Hanqing, “Where did you say you put the evidence? To overturn the case, what you just said isn’t enough.”

Liang Hanqing glanced at the caller ID and said, “Let’s see how lucky you are; maybe you’ll find it.”

Ji Yang, confused by the nonsensical conversation, asked, “Chengyuan, Xiao Zhou just asked me if I knew where you were. Are you okay? Who are you talking to?”

Liang Hanqing smiled and said softly, “Ji Yang, can’t you recognize my voice?”

Ji Yang paused, then, unable to hide his shock, said, “Why are you with him?”

Liang Hanqing replied, “Senior is just giving me a ride…”

Jiang Chengyuan interrupted, turning to Ji Yang, “Ji Yang, I need to tell you something just once, and you must remember. The real culprit behind the Xiao Zhou case is Jiang Wenxing, and Wu Yichang was killed by Jiang Wenhao. Wu Yichang and Li Xin’s bodies have already been cremated, but you should check with the forensic doctor who did the initial autopsy. There should be some breakthrough. The surveillance from the bar to Li Xin’s home and the schedule of the Jiang brothers that night might have clues…”

Ji Yang interrupted, “Wait a minute, why are you telling me this!?”

Jiang Chengyuan’s eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the narrow road ahead. “Because I don’t have much time left!”

After quickly explaining everything to Ji Yang, he hung up, and Xiao Zhou’s call came in immediately.

Jiang Chengyuan took a moment to calm himself, looking at the incoming call with an indescribable feeling. He wasn’t sure if he would safely get off the mountain. Perhaps the final outcome would be falling off the cliff, with no remains left, becoming just a smear of blood and flesh at the bottom of the mountain.

But fortunately, he didn’t have any particular attachments, except for one person—a thin thread tied to his heart, making him want to struggle a little more, to hold on for just one more moment.

He had been a walking corpse for a long time, and now he had finally managed to live again. The living are always greedy, self-seeking, and fragile; they are unwilling to let go, to release their grasp.

But all of this was his own concern. At least Ji Yang was reliable, and Xiao Zhou should soon return to his normal identity and life. Meeting him was just an unfortunate episode in his complete life, and with his abilities, he would definitely be able to live well.

Maybe the first few years would be very hard for him, because of his inner kindness. But time will smooth everything out, and after a few years, he might forget him. Or rather, he won’t forget but just won’t mention it. After many years, he might get married, have a child, and during festivals, take the child to see his lonely tombstone, even if the tombstone only contains an empty coffin and nothing else. He might occasionally think of him, who once marked him, invaded him, treated him both well and poorly, and ultimately overcame his inherent narrow-mindedness, giving him freedom.

Would he be grateful for this? Would it be love or gratitude at that time? When he has other close family and friends, after the passage of time, could he still say he loved him without hesitation?

Jiang Chengyuan suddenly felt a pang of panic and selfishly admitted that even if Xiao Zhou would be in pain, he hoped Xiao Zhou would never forget him for the rest of his life.

His fingers trembled slightly, but he still pressed the answer button. He heard Xiao Zhou’s breathing, urgent and clear, accompanied by the rushing wind, and neither of them spoke.

Jiang Chengyuan calmed down a bit, even though he increasingly couldn’t control the car.

When making a turn, the car felt like it was going to fly out. Once, half of the wheel was already at the edge of the cliff, and the car almost lost balance, nearly falling off. If it weren’t for his quick reflexes, this would have been the final moment.

As they neared the mountainside, Jiang Chengyuan saw a black shadow burst out from the opposite lane, and as the distance closed, it became clearer.

Jiang Chengyuan’s heartbeat accelerated, almost holding his breath.

It was a black motorcycle, shining with a metallic luster, the rider hunched low, the jacket flapping, speeding towards them.

The motorcycle only slowed down after seeing Jiang Chengyuan’s car, moving to the side. After the car passed, it turned around and caught up, adjusting its speed to match Jiang Chengyuan’s car.

Jiang Chengyuan rolled down the window and saw Xiao Zhou pulling up the visor of his helmet, his sweat-drenched black hair sticking to his forehead. Xiao Zhou half-sat up, throwing another helmet towards him. “I’ll try to keep the bike parallel to you. Can you grab my hand and jump over?” His voice was loud but still torn apart by the wind.

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him deeply, his gaze complex with many unspoken things, then nodded towards the back, “There’s another person.”

Xiao Zhou then saw Liang Hanqing in the back seat, his pupils dilating. After a moment of hesitation, he said, “I can only save one.”

Liang Hanqing suddenly lunged towards the front seat, grabbing the steering wheel and jerking it towards the cliff side.

Jiang Chengyuan was startled, unable to think, as the car tilted out. He turned to see Xiao Zhou reaching out to him. He quickly opened the car door, grabbed Xiao Zhou, and pushed off the ground, leaping to the motorcycle that was level with the car.

The movement was completed in a flash. At the same time, the black car broke through the guardrail at the mountain top and fell into the abyss.

Jiang Chengyuan landed behind Xiao Zhou. The motorcycle, carrying the weight of two people, lost balance and shook violently.

Xiao Zhou gripped the brakes, using his feet to increase friction and slow the momentum. After a violent shake, the motorcycle still toppled over, and they were thrown off. Fortunately, the speed wasn’t too fast.

They rolled on the ground. Jiang Chengyuan grabbed Xiao Zhou, pressing his back to protect him, hitting the cliff wall heavily, letting out a muffled groan.

The motorcycle skimmed the ground and fell into the abyss, following the car silently.

After being thrown down the mountain, Xiao Zhou stabilized himself, removed his helmet, and used his hands and feet to crawl over. He turned Jiang Chengyuan’s body, finding the ground beneath them a bloody mess. Coupled with the impact against the cliff wall, Jiang Chengyuan’s chest was caved in. Xiao Zhou was wearing protective gear and wasn’t badly injured, but Jiang Chengyuan’s clothes were thin, and the friction against the ground had already shredded the clothes, injuring his skin.

In the heavy rain, Jiang Chengyuan’s face was pale and covered in sweat, unable to say a word.

Xiao Zhou knelt beside him, half-supporting him. Seeing his devastated condition, his eyes suddenly reddened, and he shouted in frustration, “Why did you shield me? Are you crazy?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him, unable to speak. First, he touched Xiao Zhou’s face with his hand, then, enduring the intense pain, he pulled him by the collar and kissed him heavily on the lips.

In the pouring rain, with sweat and dust on their lips, the kiss was still soft and sweet. Jiang Chengyuan tasted blood, but this kiss was enough to intoxicate him, like rich honey, creamy milk, and celebratory beer, filled with the relief of surviving.

Tears ran down his dust-covered face, seeping into the gaps between their lips, and were swallowed along with the kiss. He kissed Xiao Zhou passionately, like a miser unwilling to waste even a bit of the taste, savoring Xiao Zhou’s joy, bitterness, and pain, finding everything sweet.

Ignoring the intense pain in his chest, Jiang Chengyuan crazily bit Xiao Zhou’s lips, his skin, and his sharp chin, leaving deep bite marks that almost drew blood. The surge of adrenaline numbed the pain, making his heart pound as if it might leap out of his chest. His chest felt compressed, as if he could hear two hearts beating together.

When Jiang Chengyuan held the person in his arms, he realized how absurd his earlier thoughts had been. How could he let him go, let him get married, and have a child? What was this nonsense about visiting his grave once a year? These were just delirious, mad ramblings.

If he died, he would drag him down with him, so that after their flesh and blood rotted, their bones would be tangled together, even if flowers grew on their bones, they would be entwined like two flowers of the same stem and leaves. He knew he couldn’t go to heaven, but even if he went to hell, he wouldn’t let go. He would protect him, not letting him suffer, taking the double punishment himself, hiding him in his heart, only taking him out to look at when he couldn’t bear it anymore.

When the rescue team arrived, Xiao Zhou was found sitting under the rock wall, holding Jiang Chengyuan.

Jiang Chengyuan seemed to have passed out, while Xiao Zhou looked okay, though pale and disheveled. When he saw people coming, he shakily stood up, “Help him, his body is so cold.”

Later, both were taken to the hospital. Jiang Chengyuan was rushed into the emergency room, and doctors found that his ribs were broken, his legs fractured, and large areas of his arms and thighs were bruised and torn, but fortunately, none of the injuries were fatal.

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