Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 104


The trial was heavily reported by the media. Subsequently, the investigation revealed that during the acquisition of the factory by Jiang’s Group for the construction of an amusement center, they forcibly closed the factory and dismissed the workers without reaching an agreement with them. This led to dissatisfaction among the workers, who gathered to protest. Jiang Wenxing violently dispersed the protesting workers using a high-pressure water gun, causing one worker to suffer a shattered eye and near blindness.

During the incident, Jiang Chengyuan, as the Jiang family’s lawyer, colluded with unethical experts to coerce the victims into accepting a very low compensation by fabricating medical reports.

This incident overshadowed the trial, leading to widespread condemnation of Jiang Chengyuan as a villainous lawyer and placing Jiang’s Group in the spotlight. The group’s products faced a broad boycott, plunging them into the biggest public relations crisis since their founding.

Jiang’s Group’s two sons, one accused of intentional homicide and imprisoned, and the other a rich, arrogant man who blinded someone without remorse, were both scrutinized.

As the scandal unfolded, various rumors, some true and some false, emerged about the Jiang family. Writers and social media platforms quickly painted a shameful, scandalous picture of the wealthy family.

Compared to Jiang Chengyuan, the public was more intrigued by the scandals of the Jiang family’s wealthy disputes, which dominated discussions.

Jiang Chengyuan, accustomed to being criticized, was not significantly affected, and it diverted attention from his previous courtroom mistakes.

Lin Shen, aware of Jiang Chengyuan’s conflicts with Jiang Wenxing, quickly deduced the orchestrator behind the scandal. He admired Jiang Chengyuan’s decisive and ruthless approach, exposing his vulnerable points to seize control and reverse the unfavorable situation.

Now, Jiang Heng was overwhelmed, trying to quell public opinion and stabilize stock prices while also seeking favors to bail out his son, leaving him with no energy to deal with Jiang Chengyuan.

Moreover, the scandal tied the two men together, and in Jiang Heng’s self-preservation mindset, he wouldn’t suspect Jiang Chengyuan but rather wonder if someone else was taking advantage of the situation.

Although the Jiang family temporarily had no energy to deal with Jiang Chengyuan, it didn’t mean he was safe.

Within two days of the news breaking, trouble came to the law firm. Relatives of the injured worker came to demand compensation, which was quite unfair since the debt was Jiang’s, not the lawyer’s.

For two days, they made a scene downstairs, and Jiang Chengyuan ignored them. On the third day, they couldn’t sit still any longer, and as Jiang Chengyuan entered the office, they surrounded him, which Xiao Zhou, who was following behind, noticed and stepped in to block.

The scene was chaotic, with several burly men leading the charge, reaching over Xiao Zhou’s shoulder to grab Jiang Chengyuan. Xiao Zhou quickly elbowed one away.

Seeing the situation escalate, the lobby security rushed to maintain order.

Concerned about the situation escalating further, Xiao Zhou put an arm around Jiang Chengyuan’s back, protecting him as they quickly moved towards the elevator.

As he pressed the elevator button, Xiao Zhou turned to see a security guard being hit in the head with a water bottle, bleeding heavily. The injured guard, enraged, kicked the assailant to the ground and began to fight.

Some people stepped in to break up the fight, while others joined in, and soon the two groups were brawling, causing complete chaos at the scene.

One person, driven into a frenzy, saw that Jiang Chengyuan and Xiao Zhou were isolated. Grabbing a mop used for cleaning in the lobby, he charged at them, yelling wildly, his face twisted in a terrifying form like a demon from hell.

Jiang Chengyuan stood there, watching the man charge at him with a fierce look, but he didn’t panic. He simply frowned, showing a bit of annoyance and disdain.

He had someone protecting him, watching over him attentively, knowing there wouldn’t be any danger, so he remained calm and composed.

Sure enough, before the man got close, a long leg swept in front of him, and the mop he intended to use as a weapon was stepped on, firmly held in place. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t pull it out. Angered and humiliated, he threw away the mop and charged bare-handed, with no technique at all.

Xiao Zhou never dealt heavy blows to such hateful yet pitiable people. He also worried that if he fought back and hurt the man, it might turn self-defense into mutual combat.

Focusing on defense, he blocked a couple of punches. When the elevator arrived, he turned to Jiang Chengyuan and said, “You go up first.”

Jiang Chengyuan glanced at the unruly mob, knowing they were no threat to Xiao Zhou, and said, “Be careful,” before stepping into the elevator.

Xiao Zhou nodded, watching the elevator doors close and rise. He then turned, grabbed the punch coming from his right, took two steps closer, and with a forceful move, flipped the man onto the ground, leaving him groaning.

After dealing with this man, Xiao Zhou immediately joined the chaotic battle on the other side of the lobby, pulling apart the fighting groups in no time.

By the time Xiao Zhou walked into the office, it was almost afternoon. The police had arrived to handle the disturbance, and he had to accompany them to give a statement, which made him return late.

When he arrived at the office, someone was treating everyone to coffee.

A young lady with red nail polish handed him a mocha, smiling sweetly as she said he was so sweet and well-behaved, he should drink chocolate.

It was the first time Xiao Zhou had heard someone describe him this way, leaving him a bit at a loss.

The young woman laughed, covering her mouth, and handed him a hot Americano. “Look, this one is bitter as hell, take it to the boss.”

Xiao Zhou didn’t know what to say, so he smiled and took the coffee to Jiang Chengyuan.

Pushing open the office door, he found it empty.

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