Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 103

Palm Reading

Xiao Zhou was watching a line of tiny ants carrying crumbs bigger than their bodies into the grass, not noticing someone approaching. By the time he realized, Jiang Chengyuan was already standing in front of him.

“Why are you here?”

Xiao Zhou looked up, noticing Jiang Chengyuan seemed to be in good shape. Except for his hair being a bit disheveled without gel, he looked much the same as usual. Xiao Zhou sighed in relief. “To take you back.”

Back home, Xiao Zhou applied medicine to the red marks on Jiang Chengyuan’s wrist. Maybe because of mostly intellectual work, although Jiang Chengyuan exercised regularly, he still had delicate skin, and even a small bump would leave a mark. Now, he was injured just from being restrained for less than two hours.

Xiao Zhou held Jiang Chengyuan’s hand, placing it on his knee. The fingers naturally curled, and his hands were long and beautifully structured with smooth nails and slightly protruding knuckles. Xiao Zhou gently squeezed the fingers and traced the lines on the palm. Jiang Chengyuan’s hands were cold, unlike a living person, more like a finely crafted sculpture. Xiao Zhou remembered reading that people with cold hands tend to be aloof and indifferent.

Jiang Chengyuan felt a bit ticklish and grabbed his hand in return, smiling, “What, are you reading my palm?”

Xiao Zhou spread his hand flat and said calmly, “Yes, would you like to see?”

Jiang Chengyuan was intrigued, “Sure, let’s see what you can tell.”

Xiao Zhou lowered his head, tracing a line at the end of his little finger. “This indicates your digestive system isn’t very good; you should drink less alcohol and eat a light diet.”

Jiang Chengyuan found his serious demeanor amusing. “Hmm? And then, Dr. Xiao?”

“The tips of your fingers are smart and elegant, and your palms are broad and thick, which indicates great wealth and high status.”

“So it seems like my fate is pretty good?”

Xiao Zhou nodded, “The line below the ring finger is the line of wisdom. It’s straight and strong, which means you’re very smart and have good fortune, with no major disasters. The line of benefactors indicates you have good fortune with people who will help you, and you’ll turn misfortune into good luck.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, “Are you only picking out the good parts to say?”

Xiao Zhou placed his own hand on top, interlocking their fingers, then looked up and said sincerely, “This indicates you’ll live a long and happy life.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s breath caught. Hearing him speak so seriously, he instinctively tightened his hand. He looked into Xiao Zhou’s eyes, which were still clear and bright despite everything that had happened. In that moment, he felt as if he saw an eternal flame and an unfalling star, as resilient as bamboo swaying in the wind.

He slowly leaned toward Xiao Zhou, resting his forehead against Xiao Zhou’s, gently rubbing their noses together. His long lashes brushed against Xiao Zhou’s cheek, his breath like a gentle breeze, and his lips curved into a smile. “Alright, I said it’s not a big deal.”

“Mmh.” Xiao Zhou closed his eyes, opened his other hand, and wrapped his arms around Jiang Chengyuan’s waist, leaning into his embrace, his body softening. He became silent again, as if those few words just spoken weren’t from him, and not the kind of sweet nothings that could make someone’s heart flutter.

After applying the medicine, Xiao Zhou wiped his hands with a tissue and said, “I’ve already called to resign.”

“What?” This time, it was Jiang Chengyuan’s turn to be surprised.

“For the next period, I’ll stay by your side. You can think of me as your driver, bodyguard, personal assistant, whatever you need.” Xiao Zhou looked up at him with his bright black eyes. “The person who was following you last time was also related to this case, right?”

Jiang Chengyuan sank back into the sofa, his long legs crossed, and didn’t speak for a moment, his eyes darkening. “Do you really have to follow me?”

Xiao Zhou didn’t seem scared at all and simply nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan sighed helplessly, pulled him over to sit beside him, and said, “Why can’t I do anything about you?” Then he kissed the back of his neck, his tone both doting and pained.

In the following days, Xiao Zhou indeed returned to the law firm.

As soon as he entered Jiang Chengyuan’s office, he saw the withered lotus flower that was completely out of place, with only bare stalks remaining. He was stunned for a moment, then went forward to touch the stalks, finding the water clean, the soil moist, and a small spray bottle nearby, indicating it had been well taken care of.

He turned around and saw Jiang Chengyuan taking off his coat and hanging it on the rack, and couldn’t help but ask, “Why did you bring it here?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “I’m seldom at home, and you weren’t there before, so it’s better taken care of here.”

Xiao Zhou turned back to see the flowerpot placed in the sunniest spot. Although it was withered, the ample sunlight still made it look vibrant. He stroked the flowerpot in a trance, “I’ll take it home; it should still live.”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “Alright, I don’t really know how to take care of it.”

“I’ll bring you a blooming one, they’re easy to take care of.” Xiao Zhou turned around, smiling at him, standing in the sunlight, glowing and looking very beautiful.

Jiang Chengyuan was dazed for a moment, then walked over after a long while and gently caressed his head, “Okay.”

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