Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 100

 Don’t Mess Around

On the way back, Jiang Chengyuan kept calling Liang Hanqing’s phone, but couldn’t get through.

Seeing his serious expression, Ji Yang couldn’t help but ask, “Still can’t get through? What did you see that made you react like this?”

Jiang Chengyuan put down his phone, pursed his lips, and said, “A familiar person.”

Jiang Chengyuan’s drastic change in expression was because he saw Jiang Wenhao’s name in the case. In the previous Chen Jin case, Liang Hanqing had inexplicably avoided this case, which already made Jiang Chengyuan suspicious.

If so many coincidences accumulate in one matter, it can’t simply be explained as coincidences; there must be an unknown connection.

But did Liang Hanqing have a relationship with Jiang Wenhao? Did this relate to Liang Hanqing’s sudden entry into the judiciary and rapid promotion within three years?

If there was a connection, why would he do this? What role did he play in the deaths of Wu Yichang and Li Xin?

Too many thoughts mixed in his mind, like a tangled web, connected yet unclear.

And the key to all this lay with Liang Hanqing. He must have played an indispensable role.

But if so, why would he persuade him to overturn Xiao Zhou’s case? Wasn’t he afraid of exposing the truth? Or did he have some unavoidable reason?

Jiang Chengyuan had too many unanswered questions, and the urgent matter was to find Liang Hanqing and ask him clearly.

They went directly to Liang Hanqing’s place, only to find the door wide open, with movers inside. A middle-aged woman was directing the move. They found out that Liang Hanqing had suddenly moved out yesterday, leaving only some personal items behind.

When they contacted the court where he worked, they found out that Liang Hanqing had resigned, and even his colleagues didn’t know where he went.

This was clearly intentional avoidance. He had left Jiang Chengyuan with a suggestion and then disappeared, taking all the mysteries with him.

Jiang Chengyuan spent money to buy all the items Liang Hanqing left behind and rented the place from the landlord. The landlord, seeing his eagerness, charged a hefty fee, satisfied, and left.

“What’s the use of buying all these?” Ji Yang asked.

“Maybe there’s a clue.” Jiang Chengyuan looked at the few decorations inside the house.


Morning sunlight filtered through the half-open white curtains, illuminating the messy bed, revealing only a tangle of disheveled black hair. A slender white hand reached out from the blanket, trying to pull it open, only to be grabbed and pulled back by another slightly larger hand from inside, accompanied by a heavy nasal plea, “Sleep a bit more.”

His waist was hugged tightly from behind. Xiao Zhou struggled a bit, but couldn’t break free from the grip, reluctantly shrinking back into Jiang Chengyuan’s embrace, resting his head on his arm, “I have to go to work. If I don’t go now, I’ll be late.”

Jiang Chengyuan, eyes still closed, face pressed against Xiao Zhou’s hair, still not fully awake, spoke in a disgruntled tone, “Is it that company with the guy named Jiang again? Don’t go, he doesn’t have good intentions towards you.”

Xiao Zhou turned over in his arms, facing him. “I work downstairs, and it doesn’t matter who the boss is, I don’t even come into contact with him. Don’t be jealous about this.”

Jiang Chengyuan finally opened his eyes. Their faces were very close. Xiao Zhou looked at him, with a slight crease in his double eyelids. His warm, embraced body made Jiang Chengyuan feel calm, despite usually being a bit irritable in the morning from lack of sleep.

He eased his expression, naturally leaning in to exchange a good morning kiss with Xiao Zhou. “But I don’t want you to go.”

His voice was low and a bit whiny. Xiao Zhou pinched the hand holding his, helplessly saying, “Stop messing around. You made me late last time, and the supervisor already warned me. If I’m late again, my salary will be deducted.”

“Ask your supervisor if I can pay to have you work an extra hour every night?” His hand, which was holding Xiao Zhou’s waist, unceremoniously slipped into his pants, cupping his ass and grabbing a handful.

Xiao Zhou noticed his actions, his ears turning red instantly. He looked at him with a hint of warning in his eyes. “Today really isn’t possible. Don’t get me scolded again.”

“Such a hassle. This is why I don’t like clock-in jobs.” Despite saying that, Jiang Chengyuan pulled his hand out, flipped over, and watched Xiao Zhou slip out of his embrace, lift the covers, and stand up, barefoot in the line of sunlight cast by the sheer curtain.

He was bare-chested, wearing only a pair of black briefs, showing off his two well-toned long legs. The sunlight created a dividing line on his body, highlighting his beautiful abs and slim waist, with a curve at his lower back and a more pronounced, rounded butt.

Jiang Chengyuan rested his head on his arm, squinting his eyes, and noticed the red marks on Xiao Zhou’s chest, some fresh, some old, very conspicuous on his fair skin.

Xiao Zhou turned around, bent down, picked up the T-shirt he had thrown on the floor as sleepwear, and put it on. His back muscles stretched with the movement.

Jiang Chengyuan swallowed, half sat up, took a cigarette from the bedside table, and lit it.

Xiao Zhou turned back and saw him smoking again, frowning disapprovingly. “You came back late yesterday. If you don’t have work, just sleep a bit more.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled around the cigarette and shook his head, lifting the covers and standing up. “It’s fine, let’s go. I’ll take you to the company today.”

Although there was a separate bathroom, they still squeezed together to wash up. Xiao Zhou brushed his teeth while keeping an eye on Jiang Chengyuan’s hands, quickly finishing brushing his teeth and washing his face before escaping to the closet to change clothes.

After he had buttoned his jeans, Jiang Chengyuan leisurely emerged from the bathroom, only wearing a towel around his waist, with wet hair dripping water. 

Xiao Zhou brought a dry towel from the bathroom for him to sit down and dry his hair, asking, “What do you want for breakfast?”

Jiang Chengyuan closed his eyes, tilting his head up, enjoying Xiao Zhou’s service with a contented expression. “A sandwich, with a sunny side up egg and slightly burnt toast.”

Xiao Zhou responded, and when Jiang Chengyuan’s hair was about half dry, handed him the towel so he could finish drying it himself, and went to prepare breakfast.

While frying the eggs in the kitchen, the room called for him again. Xiao Zhou had to turn off the heat and go over, finding Jiang Chengyuan standing in front of the mirror in a white shirt and black trousers. His long legs were visible, and the top button of his shirt was undone, with a deep blue diamond-patterned tie hanging down. Seeing him, Jiang Chengyuan said, “Help me tie the tie.”

Xiao Zhou walked over with a helpless expression, tugging at his tie, making him bend down, and began tying it while keeping his eyes down. After tying the knot, he adjusted it and flipped the collar out. He didn’t say a word throughout.

Jiang Chengyuan, bent over, found the position uncomfortable but could smell Xiao Zhou’s scent. “Why are you so quiet?”

Xiao Zhou released his hands and looked up. “If I’m really late, you’ll have to explain to my supervisor.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled, glanced at his watch. “I’ll take you, you’ll make it on time.”

After breakfast, Xiao Zhou put the dishes in the dishwasher, and Jiang Chengyuan waited for him by the door. Xiao Zhou hesitated a bit. “You don’t have to drop me off. I can take a cab. Don’t you start work later?”

Jiang Chengyuan yawned lazily. “It’s fine. I can rest when I go to the law firm.”

As they drove through the morning sunshine, a gentle breeze flowed through the car.

During the rush hour traffic, Jiang Chengyuan leaned against the car window, looking lazy as he waited for the road ahead to clear.

Xiao Zhou glanced over, the sunlight illuminating half of Jiang Chengyuan’s face. Even though Jiang Chengyuan didn’t usually take care of his skin, his face was still smooth and delicate, with almost no visible pores. His forehead was full, his facial features smooth, and his eyelashes glistened with a layer of sunlight.

Xiao Zhou was a bit dazed. Everything had naturally progressed to this point, as if they were just an ordinary couple without any strange beginnings or conflicting issues and Jiang Chengyuan’s dark and violent inner side had never been revealed.

What exactly does he like about him? Xiao Zhou wondered. Jiang Chengyuan and he were from completely different worlds, with entirely different behaviors and attitudes. Jiang Chengyuan had his good points but had also done things hard to forgive. Xiao Zhou wasn’t deceived by his façade like someone just getting to know him. Yet, he had still been tamed by his skillful and gentle methods.

Did he like his looks? It made some sense; Jiang Chengyuan was indeed good-looking, refined and handsome, almost as if he was defying aging and didn’t show any signs of it.

Thinking this, Xiao Zhou couldn’t help but smile, feeling like he was really superficial, simply being captivated by his appearance.

Regarding Jiang Chengyuan, Xiao Zhou would always be entangled with gratitude and guilt. No matter what Jiang Chengyuan did, he would never truly blame him.

From the moment he learned that Jiang Chengyuan might be in danger, he had already given up on himself, having to admit that he loved Jiang Chengyuan unconditionally. Jiang Chengyuan even represented a successful, controlled life, a dream he once longed for but was destined to never achieve. This boundless immersion seemed like a continuation of his own dream.

Xiao Zhou shifted his gaze from Jiang Chengyuan’s face and occasionally recalled Jiang Chengyuan’s words in the hospital room about wanting to help him overturn the case. At that time, he was so stunned he couldn’t speak, and afterwards he didn’t ask, nor did Jiang Chengyuan bring it up again. Xiao Zhou just took it as a joke; in such a situation, how could there be talk of overturning the case?

After sending Xiao Zhou off, Jiang Chengyuan drove to the law firm. He was unusually early that day, and he ran into Lin Shen in the elevator. They chatted for a while, then exited the elevator. The receptionist greeted them, saying that someone without an appointment had come early, specifically asking for Jiang Chengyuan, and refused to leave no matter how they were persuaded.

Jiang Chengyuan frowned, and Lin Shen decided to go with him to see, to avoid Jiang Chengyuan being too blunt and offending the client.

When they arrived at the reception room, they found it was Jiang Wenxing. Jiang Chengyuan understood immediately.

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