Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 10

Exactly what you think

At Hongsheng Law Firm, on the 12th floor of an office building in Guoshang District, the elevator doors opened to a bright and clean interior, filled with large floor-to-ceiling windows and busy cubicles. Even before nine in the morning, the office area was packed with no empty seats, with only the intermittent sound of keyboards echoing quietly indoors.

The receptionist greeted Jiang Chengyuan as he entered through the glass door.

Xiao Zhou followed behind, looking around with curiosity.

However, that day he couldn’t act as a driver, as his driver’s license was still at home, and driving would mean driving without a license.

So Jiang Chengyuan drove to familiarize him with the route.

After entering the parking lot, Xiao Zhou hesitated on how to proceed. Jiang Chengyuan suggested he come up to take a look and get familiar with the office. After all, in the future, they would inevitably meet people coming and going.

Sun Xu stood up from his seat, saw Jiang Chengyuan with someone behind him, dressed plainly in a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, looking very young with a pale, tough face and deeply set eyes, like solid black ice.

It was the first time he had seen Jiang Chengyuan bring someone over. He whispered, “Boss, who’s this? A client? You brought him yourself?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “He’s the new driver I just hired. If there are any outings, you should inform him in advance.”

Sun Xu was very surprised. It was the first time he had seen Jiang Chengyuan concern himself with such trivial matters of personnel.

But he could only suppress his curiosity and not dare to ask further, nodding to show he understood. He added, “Boss,  Lawyer Lin is waiting for you in your office. He came to work early this morning and has been waiting for half an hour.”

This law firm was jointly established by Lin Shen and Jiang Chengyuan, but Lin Shen invested more and spent more effort. Jiang Chengyuan was afraid of trouble, so the position of director in the firm was taken by Lin Shen. Strictly speaking, Lin Shen was his superior, but their relationship was far from being as simple as business partners.

Jiang Chengyuan’s hand hesitated at the door, turned around, and said, “Xiao Zhou, have Sun Xu show you around and then come find me.”

This way, his employment would be formal. With full benefits and job security.

Xiao Zhou nodded.

Jiang Chengyuan suddenly remembered and instructed Sun Xu again, “His phone is broken. Later, accompany him to buy a new phone, and charge it to my account.” After that, he pushed the door and went in.

Sun Xu was left stunned. This was just a driver, and he even got a phone upon employment? He didn’t know such good things existed.

“Your name is Xiao Zhou?” Sun Xu scrutinized him suspiciously.

Xiao Zhou glanced at him and replied vaguely.

With fair skin and a young face, he exuded the vigor and recklessness of a young person. His suit was neatly worn but not too formal, loose and relaxed, which softened the strictness of a uniform.

“Did you know Lawyer Jiang before this? What’s your relationship? Is he your relative?” Sun Xu probed with a gossipy look.

Xiao Zhou paused for a moment, mumbling a vague response.

He must be a royal relative. Sun Xu thought Xiao Zhou was being low-key and naturally assumed he was Jiang Chengyuan’s nephew. He enthusiastically took him to the HR department for employment, contract signing, and orientation.

“Our previous driver’s son got married and went back to the countryside, so you’re just in time to fill his vacancy. The salary is six thousand yuan per month, with all social insurance and benefits included. You don’t need to clock in and out. You’ll be responsible for Lawyer Jiang’s transportation alone. I’ll notify you a day in advance if there are any trips. You won’t have a fixed office space since you won’t be sitting in the office. You’re free during off-hours, but don’t stray too far from the office; Lawyer Jiang often has spontaneous activities and needs to find you.” Sun Xu rattled off like a machine gun, with no hint of breathlessness. When lawyers talked, they were adept at speaking quickly, leaving Xiao Zhou somewhat breathless.

“Also,” Sun Xu pushed a piece of paper over, “you need to sign a confidentiality agreement. Keep everything you hear or come across in the firm to yourself. You should know that a lot of information in law firms is confidential. If anything leaks from you, we’ll hold you responsible.”

After signing multiple documents halfway through, Sun Xu was called out by a phone call, probably from a client. He spoke on the phone for a while, his face changing color as he listened to whatever was said. Sun Xu glanced at Xiao Zhou and turned around to leave, saying as he walked away, “Send me the stuff to look at. I’ll decide after I’ve seen the contents.”

Xiao Zhou put down his pen, sat down, and waited for his return.

After a while, Sun Xu returned, looking quite anxious. He collected the documents and led Xiao Zhou outside, saying, “We have a morning meeting scheduled in this conference room. Sit near my desk and wait. I have something to attend to.”

Sun Xu’s desk was close to Jiang Chengyuan’s office, but it was also quite secluded. Everyone was busy with their own tasks, and few paid attention to the arrival of a stranger.

The desk was piled high with documents. Xiao Zhou glanced unintentionally at the file on top, seeing several names he had heard last night, related to Xu Cuiping’s case.


Jiang Chengyuan entered the office; Lin Shen was sitting comfortably on the leather sofa, brewing tea, pouring from the pot onto the tea cup, as relaxed as in his own office.

The room was filled with a rich tea fragrance.

Seeing Jiang Chengyuan arrive, he smiled, “Good timing, the first cup is for you.”

Jiang Chengyuan sat down, took the cup from him, sniffed the tea fragrance first, then drank it all in one go, “What a waste. Drinking such expensive tea worth tens of thousands per pound is like drinking water to a cow. I can’t taste the flavor at all.”

Though he lamented verbally, he showed no hesitation in enjoying the tea, nor did his gaze linger long on it.

“It was sent by Director Gu’s wife, thanking you for your previous help,” Lin Shen sipped his tea elegantly, every move graceful. He had a high nose and deep-set eyes, handsome and with a hint of golden hues in his eyes, rumored to be of mixed descent, exuding an exotic charm.

Jiang Chengyuan remained composed, “He can afford this price. I am just a hired service provider, an ordinary worker, obliged to do my best.”

“What ordinary worker can earn millions with just a few words?” Lin Shen chuckled, “But you clearly don’t like tea, yet you spent a fortune setting up this tea set here. Others might think you’re obsessed with tea. In the end, my place is filled with top-grade tea leaves.”

“I learned from others. They say the taste of tea brewed with boiling water is fragrant and calming. Waiting for the water to boil is also a process.” Jiang Chengyuan took out a cigarette, lit it, “Xiao Sun said you’ve been sitting here early in the morning. What’s up?”

“Not much, mainly Wang Yaolin’s bribery case is going to trial, so I came to ask for your opinion.”

Jiang Chengyuan leaned back, crossed his legs, and exhaled smoke between his fingers, creating wisps of white mist, “That case isn’t difficult, you shouldn’t miss it.”

Lin Shen said, “The evidence system is indeed weak. Many pieces of evidence of bribery cannot be mutually confirmed, relying only on testimonies. It’s hard to convict with single pieces of evidence. Originally, the chances of winning were high. But the trouble lies in the fact that before this case went to trial, the grassroots court had already sentenced the middlemen and the bribers, making this trial seem like a formality. The court can’t contradict itself.”

Jiang Chengyuan calmly said, “It’s not necessarily the case. It mainly depends on the judge’s attitude.”

He flicked the ash off his cigarette and continued, “The investigative team also realized the problem of insufficient evidence, so they split the case and tried to use the established criminal judgments to coerce the court.”

“Forget whether such evidence can stand alone. Consider the new criminal judge who’s handling this. I know him, surnamed Liang, formerly at the Judicial Office, principled and stubborn, reassigned here after conflicts with superiors. If you let Xiao Li lower his stance a bit, the final conviction amount might not exceed five hundred thousand.”

“In the absence of key witnesses, all cases already judged have loopholes for pre-judgment. It’s unreliable. The new judge won’t tolerate flaws. Mention this subtly in the defense speech, and he should be inclined against it.”

Lin Shen agreed deeply with his analysis but thought for a moment before saying, “Being too explicit about this isn’t good. Not only will it offend the prosecution, but it may also make the judge feel exposed and lose face. Xiao Li is still inexperienced and might not handle it well.”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “Then prepare the defense statement, and I’ll handle it for him.”

Lin Shen still seemed uneasy, “Actually, as you said, how to argue is one thing, but in the end, it depends on the judge’s attitude. I heard that you and that judge Liang used to be senior and junior?”

Jiang Chengyuan looked at him for a moment, then smiled, “Honestly, it’s best if I don’t get involved in this. If I do, I might mess things up.”

“Why? Do you have a conflict with Judge Liang?”

Jiang Chengyuan said, “I was young and ignorant, and we had some conflicts.”

“Well, there’s no way around that.” Lin Shen shrugged, added more water to the kettle. Jiang Chengyuan paused, “Anything else?”

“I heard Ji Yang came to see you a few days ago?”

Jiang Chengyuan nodded. “His visits are always big news.”

“Did he ask you to take a case?”

“Yes, it’s straightforward. I’ve asked Sun Xu to follow up.”

“I think you shouldn’t take that case. The reputation is too tarnished. You don’t lack anything now, no need to get involved in this. It’s better to maintain your image. People say washing hands with a golden basin, although exaggerated, has the same principle. Why let others criticize you?”

“I don’t need to clean my reputation. Once it’s dirty, it can’t be cleaned. Those who earn enough fame start doing charity and public welfare to build their image, which is even more hypocritical. There’s no right or wrong in the legal profession, no need for moral labels. It’s just a job. How it should be is how it should be.”

After a pause, he added, “If you’re worried about the firm’s image, rest assured, this won’t go to trial. It’ll be resolved before that.”

“You’re so sure?”

“When have I ever lied to you?”

“Alright, you handle it yourself. I won’t say more.” Lin Shen stood up, and Jiang Chengyuan escorted him to the door.

Opening the door, Lin Shen saw a strange face sitting in Sun Xu’s place and paused, then frowned, “Who’s your client?”

Xiao Zhou was mentioned and had to stand up.

Jiang Chengyuan appeared from behind Lin Shen, leaning against the door frame. He said lightly, “I hired a driver, under the firm’s name. His salary and everything will go through my account.”

Now Lin Shen was even more surprised. He scrutinized Jiang Chengyuan from head to toe and remarked, “Quite young.” He twitched his nose. “No scent. Beta?”

Jiang Chengyuan’s expression changed slightly. “Omega. Why, does the law firm now consider secondary genders when hiring?”

Lin Shen turned sideways, raising an eyebrow. “The law firm doesn’t need to, but it’s interesting that you do.”

Jiang Chengyuan smiled with a cigarette in his mouth. He didn’t try to hide anything. “It’s exactly what you think.”

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