Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 51

The End

Gu Jinyi slept for a long time.

Although it was Xie Huaizhou who went through the sensitive period, he also obviously expended more physical energy.

When he woke up, it was already afternoon.

The room was very quiet, the window was slightly open, the light was bright but not dazzling, a fresh and warm breeze flowed in from outside, gently brushing against his face.

He opened his eyes groggily and saw Xie Huaizhou sitting by his bedside.

Xie Huaizhou had changed his clothes, wearing a dark blue shirt, his hair neatly combed behind his neck, his cold and noble face, but with long eyelashes, when he looked at Gu Jinyi, there was a different kind of affection in his eyes than usual.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Gu Jinyi gradually regained his senses from his sleep, remembering where he was and the three days he spent with Xie Huaizhou.

He could still feel the soreness on the back of his neck.

Xie Huaizhou bit too deep, and he didn’t need to see it to know how shocking the bite marks on his glands were.

An alpha in the sensitive period, no matter how restrained, was essentially a madman.

But he didn’t have the right to blame Xie Huaizhou, there was an element of indulgence in this itself.

Perhaps he showed a slight pain, Xie Huaizhou immediately became nervous, holding his hand.

“What’s wrong, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?” Xie Huaizhou looked him up and down, “Should I call the doctor?”

In fact, when Gu Jinyi was asleep, the doctor had already come and said there was nothing wrong with him, just that he was too tired, but he still couldn’t rest assured.

Gu Jinyi shook his head and sat up.

He took the warm water Xie Huaizhou handed him and drank half a cup before feeling relief from the dryness in his throat.

As he drank, there was a subtle tension in the air in the room.

Gu Jinyi could see that Xie Huaizhou was uneasy.

Although he promised Xie Huaizhou another chance while in isolation, and even accepted Xie Huaizhou’s confession, he knew that Xie Huaizhou didn’t dare to fully trust him.

After all, it was the sensitive period.

Perhaps he was just momentarily soft-hearted, perhaps it was just a temporary measure, and he would regret it when he was sober again.

Xie Huaizhou had probably been thinking about it for a long time, but he didn’t dare to ask when he saw Gu Jinyi awake.

Gu Jinyi put the cup aside, half-leaning on the soft pillow, and looked up at Xie Huaizhou, “You saw that I woke up, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Xie Huaizhou’s body tensed imperceptibly.

He couldn’t tell what Gu Jinyi wanted him to say.

But before he could speak, he heard Gu Jinyi say in a low voice again, “I didn’t even need you to coax me, I came back on my own, do you think I’m pretty spineless?”

When Gu Jinyi said this, there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, wearing a soft white robe, with a face as fair as jade, incredibly gentle.

He didn’t blame Xie Huaizhou.

Xie Huaizhou froze. He had prepared what he wanted to say to Gu Jinyi, but it was useless now.

He didn’t expect Gu Jinyi to let him off like this.

Even in the isolation room, Gu Jinyi forgave him and even indulged him in completing the mark. He didn’t think he could be forgiven immediately.

He thought Gu Jinyi might be cold towards him for a while.

But now, he understood the meaning behind Gu Jinyi’s casually spoken words.

Gu Jinyi had truly forgiven him, no longer holding his faults against him, nor leaving him.

Xie Huaizhou felt a bit bewildered, which was rare for him.

He had faced many difficult moments in his life, even moments where his life was in danger, but it seemed that all the hardships combined didn’t leave him as unsure as he was now.

And Gu Jinyi was still quietly waiting for his response.

“I didn’t feel that way,” he said softly, “I just feel lucky. You didn’t really give up on me.”

Xie Huaizhou lifted his head, his deep black eyes, with long lashes, tinged with a faint golden hue in the sunlight, had an extraordinary beauty and depth, staring straight at Gu Jinyi.

Gu Jinyi, being stared at by those eyes, didn’t speak for a moment. After a while, he sighed softly and said, “How could I give up? Even if I ran to the ends of the earth, I would come back sooner or later. So why bother with unnecessary actions.”

But after saying this, he restrained his smile and looked at Xie Huaizhou seriously again.

“But what I said to you before, I meant it. This really is the last chance. Once it’s used up, it’s gone.”

His voice wasn’t loud when he spoke, and even because he had just gotten up not long ago, it still had a bit of a soft hoarseness.

But anyone could hear the weight in his words.

Xie Huaizhou was even clearer about it.

“I won’t, I won’t lie to you again,” Xie Huaizhou said solemnly, with a kind of compliance in his eyes that had never been seen before.

Gu Jinyi looked at Xie Huaizhou somewhat surprisingly.

He never expected to see such an expression on Xie Huaizhou’s face.

He couldn’t help but touch the healed mark behind his neck.

They said that in the days after the bonding mark, alphas had the highest loyalty, like gentle large dogs, just eagerly waiting by their omega’s side.

Now it seemed to make sense.

Gu Jinyi thought for a moment, then reached out his hand to Xie Huaizhou, who obediently leaned his face into his palm.

He couldn’t help but smile.

In fact, the lifelong bond didn’t just affect alphas; he was no exception.

Xie Huaizhou showed a little obedience, and his heart melted like water.

He gently touched the side of Xie Huaizhou’s face, where there was a scar that hadn’t fully healed, and asked, “Enduring these four years, so many times sensitive periods, did it hurt?”

“It’s okay, once those few days passed, it was always fine,” Xie Huaizhou brushed it off, speaking lightly, as if the four years of suffering were not worth mentioning.

If Gu Jinyi hadn’t seen him hysterical during his sensitive period awhile back with his own eyes, he might have believed it a little.

But he had seen it with his own eyes.

He couldn’t describe what he felt in his heart, as if there was a small piece that had collapsed.

He asked Xie Huaizhou, “In these four years, didn’t you ever think about taking me away from Chu Miyun?”

He wasn’t interrogating Xie Huaizhou, just based on Xie Huaizhou’s personality, even if he thought he was in love with Chu Miyun, he would still use any means to keep him by his side.

That’s what Xie Huaizhou would do.

But strangely, Xie Huaizhou hadn’t done that. He had endured his and Chu Miyun’s wedding, and endured these four years of marriage.

Xie Huaizhou fell silent for a moment.

He had just promised Gu Jinyi not to lie anymore, so he answered the question.

“How could I not? I almost thought about it every day, thinking about how you wouldn’t forgive me.”

“But I was also afraid that you’d hate me, afraid that even if you came to me, you wouldn’t compromise.”

“Your health has always been fragile. If I pushed you further, who knew what might happen?”

He feared that he would eventually push Gu Jinyi into the hospital, so he dared not do anything. It wasn’t until he was sure Gu Jinyi’s health had recovered significantly that he began to consider his next move.

But unexpectedly, before he could act, Chu Miyun got into trouble first.

Indeed, life is unpredictable.

But when Xie Huaizhou spoke to this point, he felt a slight regret.

If he had known that Gu Jinyi still loved him at that time, he wouldn’t have endured these four years at all.

Gu Jinyi laughed silently.

He hadn’t expected that what Xie Huaizhou feared most was his poor health.

He stared at him for a while.

Xie Huaizhou’s features were extremely handsome, but his usual cold demeanor masked his stunning appearance.

But now, with his expression restrained, his brows and eyes lowered, the superiority of his features suddenly became prominent. Even sitting quietly, he resembled a vivid painting.

“Xie Huaizhou, you’re actually quite foolish,” Gu Jinyi suddenly said.

Xie Huaizhou looked over in confusion.

Gu Jinyi held Xie Huaizhou’s hand. Their hands were not the same size, but when they intertwined their fingers, they fit seamlessly.

He gently leaned his forehead against Xie Huaizhou’s shoulder, smiling somewhat helplessly.

“If you truly wanted to win me back, you shouldn’t have resorted to tricks and schemes.”

“You should have shown weakness to me, shed a tear or two, and I would have agreed to anything.”

In the isolation ward, when Xie Huaizhou made his vows, he cried, tears welling in his eyes.

A person who was usually cold-hearted, shedding tears would make anyone exceptionally moved.

He just glanced at him, and Gu Jinyi’s defenses collapsed instantly.

But Xie Huaizhou couldn’t be sure if he was serious or joking, furrowing his brow in confusion.

Gu Jinyi didn’t explain further.

The two of them sat quietly together for a while, until someone knocked on the door of the ward and they separated.

Xie Huaizhou’s condition was not serious. After observing him for a day, the hospital said he could be discharged.

Xie Ke exaggeratedly sighed in relief, sincerely and dramatically thanking Gu Jinyi, “Thank goodness you’re here, otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do.”

Gu Jinyi just smiled and accepted it.

Since Xie Huaizhou was fine, there was no need to stay in the hospital.

But he was a bit uncertain whether Gu Jinyi would be willing to return to the Xie family with him.

He already knew that Gu Jinyi’s visit to Baidi Star this time meant he was willing to start anew with him.

But he didn’t see Chu Xiaonian by Gu Jinyi’s side.

He was well aware that if Gu Jinyi decided to stay on Baidi Star for good, he wouldn’t leave Chu Xiaonian elsewhere.

Although the child left behind by Chu Miyun had no blood relation to Gu Jinyi, he was the most important bond in his life.

Gu Jinyi swept a glance at Xie Huaizhou, knowing what he was thinking.

He didn’t want to make things difficult for Xie Huaizhou on this matter and directly said, “Chu Xiaonian is with Qu Xi. I plan to go pick him up in a couple of days. Will you come with me?”

This sentence relieved Xie Huaizhou from his anxiety.

“I will,” he answered quickly.

Gu Jinyi followed Xie Huaizhou back to the Xie family.

At this point, with lifelong marks imprinted on their necks, there was no need to fuss over these trivial matters.

The Xie family hadn’t changed much since he left.

The garden was still lush green, and the mansion was too spacious because the masters were not present, with only the butler and servants dutifully maintaining the operation of the house.

Seeing Gu Jinyi return with Xie Huaizhou, the butler and the several maids who were on good terms with him were a little excited.

Gu Jinyi greeted them and chatted for a few moments.

Xie Huaizhou quietly watched from the side, not participating in the conversation, but holding his hand all along.


The sensitivity period had passed, but Xie Huaizhou’s deficiency syndrome was still not completely cured, but his body was otherwise healthy.

On the other hand, Gu Jinyi, due to recent mental exhaustion and accompanying Xie Huaizhou through the high-pressure sensitivity period, felt a bit weak. The doctor repeatedly advised him to rest more and prescribed two mild supplements for him.

After dinner, Gu Jinyi reluctantly put the supplements in his mouth, lowered his head, and chatted with Qu Xi, telling her that he was doing well now.

Qu Xi had been terrified by his sudden disappearance, and it was only through Xie Ke’s relay that she found out Gu Jinyi was fine.

Now that she heard Gu Jinyi was at Xie’s house, she didn’t have much else to say, so she sent Gu Jinyi a rolling eyes emoji.

While Gu Jinyi was chatting, Xie Huaizhou didn’t disturb him but instead dealt with the backlog of work on the side, occasionally glancing at him.

The atmosphere in the study was warm and calm.

It was as if Gu Jinyi had just taken a trip and was now returning home.

But Xie Huaizhou knew very well that this was not the case.

He could have this moment of tranquility, and countless nights of happiness to come, only because he was lucky.

Gu Jinyi’s love and tolerance for him seemed boundless.

Stopping his work, he walked over to Gu Jinyi when he saw that his conversation with Qu Xi seemed to have ended.

Gu Jinyi raised his head, puzzled.

Facing Gu Jinyi’s clear, watery eyes illuminated by the light, Xie Huaizhou’s Adam’s apple moved slightly.

This was really not the appropriate occasion for a proposal.

Both he and Gu Jinyi were wearing simple home clothes, Gu Jinyi’s long hair hanging loosely, with supplements in his mouth. The setting was just the ordinary study.

But he still knelt down on one knee.

From his pocket, he took out the ring that Gu Jinyi had returned to him.

It was a gift from his mother.

He lifted Gu Jinyi’s finger and placed the ring on the tip.

“Although it’s a bit rushed, I can’t wait any longer.”

He smiled at Gu Jinyi, his face handsome and impeccable under the light.

“Yi Yi, will you marry me again?”

“I still owe you a wedding.”

He always remembered, when Gu Jinyi was twenty, he had been eager to marry him.

To have a traditional lawn wedding, nothing too gLande, without inviting too many guests, as long as there was a rose arch he liked, and the weather was clear, everything would be fine.

Gu Jinyi stared blankly at the ring.

Probably, there were not many proposals like his in the world.

This ring had once been worn on his finger for almost half a year, and now it was presented to him again.

He took off the supplements and threw them on the nearby table.

He stared at Xie Huaizhou for a long while.

Xie Huaizhou was undoubtedly an outstanding alpha suitable for marriage.

But the time he most wanted to marry Xie Huaizhou happened to be Xie Huaizhou’s most obscure period.

No social status, no money or power, not even a real name.

But it was precisely during that time that Xie Huaizhou, didn’t marry him.

If he had any memory at all, he shouldn’t have easily agreed to Xie Huaizhou’s belated proposal.

But after looking at Xie Huaizhou for a while, he said softly, “You owe me more than just a wedding. You owe me a lot of things.”

This soft statement carried no hint of blame.

Xie Huaizhou earnestly said, “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you in the future.”

“Alright then.”

Gu Jinyi easily compromised.

He extended his fingers forward, and Xie Huaizhou placed the round, golden ring on his finger.


Xie Huaizhou lowered his head and kissed Gu Jinyi’s finger.

As summer was coming to an end, when Gu Jinyi left, the lotuses in the garden had just bloomed.

Now the lotuses had withered.

But his lover had returned to his side.

The person he should have married home six years ago was finally no longer deceived by his lies and a contract.

From now on, he could openly stand by Gu Jinyi’s side as his partner.

Author’s note: 

The main story ends here. Yi Yi and Xie Huaizhou missed each other for six years, but finally they have each other. 

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