Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 48


Because it was the dry season, the Golden Waterfall closed much earlier than during the flood season. Gu Jinyi left the waterfall area and walked along the streets of Bai Chuan.

It was dusk now, the sky was not completely dark yet, but the street lights were already lit, reflecting off the fine snow of Bai Chuan, making it very beautiful.

He walked past a street corner and found that someone was getting married in Bai Chuan today, and it was still a traditional wedding of Roselle Star.

The tradition on Roselle Star was to hold the ceremony at sunset, with the bride draped in white veil, wrapped all over with jewelry, a pair of golden shoes stepping on white snow, the groom, like her, was also in a white suit, the patterns on the clothes were exceptionally luxurious, and jewelry was also wrapped around his hands.

Their relatives and friends stood by, sprinkling red and black berries on the white snow.

Gu Jinyi also couldn’t help but stop and watch for a while.

Perhaps it was because the newlyweds were smiling so brightly that he couldn’t help but smile lightly along with them.

He no longer had the anticipation for weddings that he had when he was twenty years old.

But when he was twenty, he had indeed wholeheartedly wanted to marry Xie Huaizhou. It didn’t need to be grand, but there had to be a ceremony to witness their union.

His mother had never had a wedding in her lifetime, nor had she had a marriage contract with the person she loved. She had always played the role of being in the shadows, even though it wasn’t what she wanted.

This somewhat affected his attitude towards marriage.

He hated his biological father, and he hated all his ways of life.

He resisted unclear relationships extremely and cared almost stubbornly about his partner’s loyalty.

He had even told Xie Huaizhou several times that if he didn’t marry him, he would break up with him.

At that time, he was actually immaturely threatening Xie Huaizhou because he believed so much in the love that person had for him that he dared to make such demands.

And Xie Huaizhou always went along with him, leaning over to kiss the corner of his lips, teasing him like a child, asking him where he wanted the wedding to be held.

But in the end, he never had a wedding with Xie Huaizhou.

In his more than twenty years, the only time he exchanged rings in front of others and made a lifelong vow of not separating was with Chu Miyun.

And in the end, he and Chu Miyun truly didn’t break that promise.

Chu Miyun didn’t divorce him, but bid farewell with death.

They were clearly a fake couple, but they accidentally achieved not leaving or forsaking each other.

Gu Jinyi’s eyelashes blinked, unable to express what he was feeling.

He watched the backs of the newlyweds disappear at the street corner, stood there for a while, then continued walking forward.

He had asked Qu Xi to help him pick up Chu Xiaonian that day.

So when he returned home, the lights in the villa were already on. Qu Xi sat in the living room with Chu Xiaonian watching cartoons. The two of them had a significant age difference, but their expressions while watching cartoons were oddly consistent.

Gu Jinyi couldn’t help but smile, attracting Qu Xi’s and Chu Xiaonian’s attention.

Chu Xiaonian immediately ran over and gave him a hug.

The three of them had dinner together, and when Chu Xiaonian went back to the children’s room, Gu Jinyi told Qu Xi about his decision.

He said he might go back to Baidi Star in a few days.

“I won’t bring Chu Xiaonian with me this time. I want to meet him alone,” Gu Jinyi said, “and then think about the future.”

To his surprise, Qu Xi didn’t have much of a reaction when she heard that he was going back to Baidir Star, and she was even very calm.

After a while, she said softly, “I knew it, you would go back sooner or later.”

After knowing Gu Jinyi for so many years, how could she not understand how stubborn this person was.

It would be fine if he simply gave up this relationship, but what Gu Jinyi couldn’t do six years ago, he still couldn’t do six years later.

She had no power to change it, she could only hope that this time Gu Jinyi’s choice was the right one.

She sat on the sofa, quietly helping him tidy up Chu Xiaonian’s building blocks. When she put the last blue block into the box, she sighed softly and said to him, “You can go back if you want. You want to find Xie Huaizhou, be with him, do whatever you want.”

Qu Xi paused here, her voice suddenly becoming very soft.

“But could you not like him so much, and like yourself a little more?” she asked softly.

Gu Jinyi closed the box of building blocks and put it in the storage cabinet.

Just by appearance, Qu Xi was already a mature and glamorous adult woman, scaring her students into submission.

But he always remembered what Qu Xi looked like when they first met. Qu Xi was not so tall back then, standing in the corner with her arms crossed, not smiling, looking unapproachable, but actually softer than anyone else.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m not that fragile,” He smiled at Qu Xi, “I’m no longer twenty years old. I have Chu Xiaonian, my own career, and enough assets to support myself. I want to go see Xie Huaizhou simply because I still love him.”

“I don’t want him to become what I was back then, waiting another six years.”

“But I always reserve the right to leave him. If one day, he still makes me sad, then I can leave at any time.”

He spoke sincerely.

When he was twenty, the love he gave was his all. He had only so much love, and he gave it all to Xie Huaizhou, so he couldn’t bear the cost of losing Xie Huaizhou.

But now, six years later, Xie Huaizhou was still the person he loved the most, but no longer his whole world.

Qu Xi pursed her lips, unsure whether to believe his words.

Gu Jinyi smiled and rubbed her head.

Since Gu Jinyi was going to Baidi Star alone, there wasn’t much to prepare.

He temporarily sent Chu Xiaonian to Qu Xi’s place and then, like a spontaneous traveler, went directly to the port to buy the earliest ticket to Baidi Star.

When he was on the spaceship, he thought about whether to contact Xie Huaizhou.

But he had a feeling akin to homesickness, thinking that delaying for a moment was just a moment, and in the end, he didn’t open Xie Huaizhou’s contact.

The whole flight took seven or eight hours. Normally, Gu Jinyi would wear an eye mask and sleep, but this time he couldn’t fall asleep.

After getting off the spaceship and following the crowd out of the port, standing on the bustling commercial street of Baidi Star, he also felt a moment of confusion.

Although it hadn’t been too long since he left, he felt like he had traveled through a lifetime.

He didn’t know if he should go to the Xie’s house or the headquarters of Xie Corporation.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to contact Xie Huaizhou first.

While waiting for Xie Huaizhou to answer, he felt a bit melancholic, wondering what Xie Huaizhou’s mood would be like when he saw his name. Maybe he would laugh at him inwardly, thinking that even breaking up was so clumsy, easily shaken.

But after waiting for several minutes, the screen remained stuck on “waiting.”

Xie Huaizhou didn’t pick up.

He tried several times, but there was still no response from the other end.

He was almost about to give up, the courage he had mustered was scattered, and he even had a momentary impulse to escape, feeling that he might as well buy a ticket and fly back to Roselle Star.

But he restrained himself and tried one last time.

This time, it only took a dozen seconds for the connection to be successful.

However, what appeared on the screen was not Xie Huaizhou’s face, but a distraught Xie Ke.

The two of them stared at each other through the screen, neither speaking for a while.

Gu Jinyi was puzzled, not understanding how Xie Huaizhou’s communication device ended up in Xie Ke’s hands, and Xie Ke was incredulous, almost suspecting that he was dreaming.

Xie Ke stared at him, so excited that he was stuttering, “Why… did you… contact my cousin?”

Gu Jinyi didn’t know how to explain to Xie Ke. He couldn’t just say he was here to reconcile with Xie Huaizhou, could he?

He could only dodge the issue and say, “I need to talk to him about something. Where’s Xie Huaizhou?”

But Xie Ke didn’t answer immediately. Just as his face showed a hint of joy, it fell again, looking embarrassed.

Gu Jinyi had a bad feeling in his heart.

He vaguely felt that the background behind Xie Ke was somewhat familiar, like a hospital.

He furrowed his brows.

He asked, “What’s wrong? Where’s Xie Huaizhou?”

Xie Ke swallowed and glanced sideways.

He struggled for a few seconds before whispering to Gu Jinyi, “My cousin can’t talk to you right now. He’s in the hospital, in isolation.”

“After you left, his illness worsened, and he fell into extreme confusion during the sensitive period.”

Xie Ke’s eyes were a little red.

He knew he shouldn’t use this to manipulate Gu Jinyi, and rationally, he understood that it was his cousin’s fault towards Gu Jinyi.

But who could be impartial when it came to their own family?

His cousin, in his whole life, appeared to be flourishing, but in reality, he had not received much warmth or kindness.

The people around his cousin, except for a few close ones, most of them were hoping for his death.

His voice couldn’t help but be pleading, “Gu Jinyi, can you, can you come see him? His condition this time is worse than before, and the extract you left hasn’t helped. He’s been in the hospital since the day before yesterday, confined to isolation.”

As Xie Ke spoke, he started sniffling.

He looked somewhat similar to Xie Huaizhou, but because he always had a cheerful smile, it softened the sharpness of his features.

“I’m begging you, even if you just see him and leave,” Xie Ke looked at Gu Jinyi with red eyes, “Just see him, for a moment.”

Gu Jinyi hadn’t expected that as soon as he returned to Baidi Star, he would coincidentally encounter Xie Huaizhou having a severe episode, with even the extract he left having little effect.

It was hard to say whether Xie Huaizhou was fortunate or unfortunate.

He pursed his lips and asked Xie Ke, “Are you at the Xie family hospital?”

Xie Ke nodded eagerly, “Yes, yes, are you coming? I’ll have someone pick you up, oh no, I’ll have a Rosellian spacecraft sent directly to you.”

He was about to rush to arrange everything.

But Gu Jinyi interrupted him, with a helpless expression in his brow.

“No need, I’m already on Baidi Star.”

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