Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 38


Since marrying Chu Miyun, Gu Jinyi had hardly thought about Fu Chen.

Not only because he wanted to escape from the past, but also because, except for the scene where Fu Chen left him in the end, all memories of Fu Chen were good ones.

In the villa where only the two of them lived in the sanatorium, Fu Chen was always tender to him.

He always remembered the rainy night when Fu Chen let him sleep on his lap, coaxing him to sleep like a child, while he stayed up all night modifying mechanical drawings. The next day, Fu Chen handed the modified drawings to the owner of the local repair shop, and after receiving the payment, he naturally transferred all the credits to his account without hesitation, along with a box of newly bought chocolates.

He also remembered when he and Fu Chen went to the bakery owner’s wedding. Fu Chen, who clearly had no interest in lively crowds, still squeezed in for him, snatching the lucky bouquet thrown by the bakery owner and casually tossing it into his arms.

He knew full well what catching the bouquet at a wedding meant, yet he deliberately asked Fu Chen, “Why did you catch the bouquet for me?”

Holding his hand, Fu Chen led him away from the wedding scene, lazily responding, “Reminding you to marry me soon.”

He believed him, smiling with his eyes curved, placing the bouquet in a vase and placing it in the sunniest spot.

But later, the flowers withered, and Fu Chen left.

He hadn’t forgotten these little moments, but he also didn’t dare to touch them.

But now, as he looked at Xie Huaizhou’s profile, these past scenes broke free from their constraints, playing like a carousel in his mind against his will.

He closed his eyes, pulling his hand away from Xie Huaizhou’s grasp.

Countless times, he had yearned for the person he loved to return to him, to hold his hand again and say sorry for being late.

When he sat in the sanatorium like an abandoned kitten, he had no other desire than for his beloved to be safe.

But now that day had finally come, and everything was too late.

Slowly sitting up from the bed, he took the wrinkled pajamas from beside the pillow, covering up his disheveled appearance.

Xie Huaizhou’s hand still rested on the bed, maintaining the gesture of holding his hand, but his palm was empty.

Though less than a meter separated them, it felt like an unbridgeable chasm.

Despite having just shared the most intimate moments, they now seemed like two strangers.

It was truly embarrassing.

Neither of them spoke.

Xie Huaizhou knew this wasn’t the right time to confront the issue.

Gu Jinyi’s heat didn’t come with any warning signs. He hadn’t had a chance to have him checked or comforted afterward.

He hadn’t had a chance to do anything.

He had originally planned to wait a few days before presenting the evidence to Gu Jinyi.

But just now, when Gu Jinyi called him “Fu Chen.”

It was like a person long trapped in darkness suddenly seeing a glimmer of light, even if he knew that light would burn him, he couldn’t resist the temptation.

So he admitted his identity.

He brought forward the time for himself to face the gallows.

Gu Jinyi tightened the belt of his robe and looked up at Xie Huaizhou.

Xie Huaizhou’s bone structure, contours, features, were all perfect, otherwise he wouldn’t have been one of the most popular alphas in the empire every year, not to mention his vast wealth and top-tier pheromones.

Gu Jinyi couldn’t help but smile. If you really think about it, he was the one who got lucky. To think that he randomly picked up a destitute alpha in the forest of the sanatorium, only to find out he was such a famous figure.

He chuckled and asked Xie Huaizhou, “Why did you change so much? Appearance, name, pheromones, background, education… all fake.”

As he spoke, his voice involuntarily trembled, but his lips still curved. “What is it that’s real about you?”

Everything about Fu Chen was fake.

From the moment he met this person on that remote planet, he was immersed in a huge lie, but foolishly, he didn’t know, still dreaming self-deceptive dreams.

Actually, he wanted to ask, were all those words you said about loving me also fake?

But that would be too naive to ask.

So he just forced a smile.

Tears hung on his eyelashes. With a gentle blink, they fell onto the blanket, creating faint dark spots.

He asked, “Should I call you Fu Chen now, or Xie Huaizhou?”

Either name felt wrong.

Both of these people were liars, lying from the moment they met him.

He was just naive, falling for it time and time again.

These words struck Xie Huaizhou to the bone.

He had imagined countless times what it would be like to come clean to Gu Jinyi, but when the day finally arrived, it hurt more than he had imagined.

He wanted to wipe away Gu Jinyi’s tears, but he knew Gu Jinyi wouldn’t want that; he didn’t deserve it.

He could only answer Gu Jinyi’s question softly, “The name, appearance, background, education, and pheromones, indeed, they’re all fake.”

“When I met you, I was on a mission for the Imperial Academy, so I used a false identity, underwent genetic modification, and injected pheromone suppressants. When I returned from my mission, my spacecraft was tampered with and exploded. I escaped in a life pod and landed near the sanatorium where you lived, and you found me.”

He was an outstanding graduate of the Imperial Academy, which was directly under military jurisdiction. His grades were enough to become a reserve officer of the military district directly. So when he graduated, as a test, he was sent to carry out a secret mission of the military district alone.

He received a brand-new identity card, underwent genetic modification, became a completely unfamiliar person, and infiltrated the base of the space pirates. The mission went smoothly, and after transmitting the data back to headquarters, he escaped in a spacecraft.

If his spacecraft hadn’t malfunctioned, he would have returned to the Imperial Academy smoothly to receive commendations and become a reserve officer of the military district.

But life is unpredictable.

His spacecraft was tampered with, and he crashed onto a remote planet almost impossible to find on a map, where he was rescued by a young omega who was undergoing treatment there.

Xie Huaizhou said, “When I woke up in the sanatorium, I indeed didn’t remember who I was because of the impact on my head. You said the name on my identity card was Fu Chen, and I just kept thinking I was Fu Chen.”

Gu Jinyi didn’t show much surprise.

He too had once studied in the military command department and had some suspicions. The ability to change a person’s appearance so thoroughly, suppress pheromones completely, and keep it hidden for so long could only be the military district.

Xie Huaizhou was originally designated as a reserve officer by the military district when he was at the Imperial Academy, and it wasn’t a secret.

When he picked up Fu Chen back then, Fu Chen really didn’t remember anything, his past was a blank slate, which made it impossible for him to shake off this burden. In the end, he could only reluctantly keep him.

He had never thought he would fall in love with this person back then, thinking he was just doing a good deed and accumulating luck for his surgery.

But looking back now, one’s good deeds will eventually backfire and only harm oneself.

He asked again, “When did you remember, after you left, or before you left?”

He knew the answer in his heart.

He wasn’t foolish to this extent. When he sent Fu Chen to the port back then, seeing Fu Chen’s gloomy eyes, he knew he was about to lose him.

He couldn’t explain why, maybe people really have a telepathic connection. He looked at Fu Chen and knew that this person might leave him and never come back.

But he naively wanted to gamble, so he didn’t stop him, didn’t destroy Fu Chen’s ticket, just pleaded with red eyes, begging him to come back soon.

With tears in his eyes, he asked Xie Huaizhou with a pitiful look, “Can you tell me, when you left back then, did you ever think about coming back?”

“When you lied to me, saying you were going to the nearby port to buy materials and would be back soon.”

“When you lied to me, what were you thinking?”

As Gu Jinyi asked this question, tears streamed down his face.

Six years had passed, and he finally could ask this question.

But in fact, over these six years, he had already figured out the answer.

Being by Xie Huaizhou’s side for the past six months only made this answer clearer.

“Let me guess, you remembered everything about your identity and contacted people from the Xie family.”

“You didn’t expect to fall in love with a mere burden of an omega while you were suffering from amnesia. To avoid trouble, you lied to him.”

You just left without leaving him any words, so he wouldn’t know where to find you.”

“Am I right?”

Gu Jinyi asked, but by the end, he couldn’t force a smile anymore.

He was so unwilling to admit this fact, that at his most sincere at the age of twenty, with all his heart and soul in love, it turned out that to Xie Huaizhou, it was just an unnecessary trouble.

How pitiful he must have been to almost exhaust himself waiting for this person in that sanatorium.

For Xie Huaizhou, this was the most difficult question to answer in his twenty-nine years of life.

He could face his biological father’s imprisonment without changing his expression, he could calmly deal with the pirates, but he couldn’t meet Gu Jinyi’s tearful eyes.

This was the omega he had loved in his entire life, and also the only person he had disappointed.

Still, he reached out and wiped away Gu Jinyi’s tears, as if the truth had not yet been revealed, as if he was still the gentle and considerate Xie Huaizhou.

“What you said, half right, half wrong.”

“I didn’t want to leave you, but I also didn’t know how to treat you.”

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