Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 37


Xie Huaizhou quickly took Gu Jinyi to the isolation area specially set up by the hotel, one floor below the top floor.

There were only a few rooms on this floor in total, with no service staff, all operated by robots and self-service.

Xie Huaizhou paid for the room, chose the innermost one, and as he entered the isolation area, the glass door closed behind him, sealing Gu Jinyi and his pheromones tightly inside, without leaking any outside.

But before he reached the last room door, a small robot hurriedly intercepted him, saying in a flat voice from its tablet: “Please show your identification to prove that this omega is your partner and has self-awareness, otherwise the hotel will directly contact the omega rescue center and hospital.”

Xie Huaizhou showed his and Gu Jinyi’s registration card, clearly marked with their identities: Married.

Although Gu Jinyi was tormented by pheromones and high fever, he hadn’t completely lost consciousness. He heard Xie Huaizhou say, “He’s my lover.”

He didn’t know why, but when he heard the word “lover,” his eyes welled up.

The word “lover” sounded so beautiful.

But although they had registered for marriage, kissed and hugged, they had never made any promises to each other. Could they still be considered lovers?

The small robot scanned the ID and let them in. “Verification passed. If there are any emergencies, you can dial the hotel hotline or contact me.”

After speaking, this little robot scurried away, obediently hiding in the deepest part of the corridor, pretending not to exist.

Xie Huaizhou swiped open the door.

He chose the most spacious and luxurious room in the hotel, equipped with everything, but he didn’t pay attention to anything, gently placing Gu Jinyi on the bed.

Gu Jinyi’s face was still red, but because Xie Huaizhou had marked him in time, his condition wasn’t severe. Although even the soft silk sheets made his skin sensitive and painful, his eyes were still clear.

He pursed his lips and said to Xie Huaizhou, “I’ve been taking suppressants on time.”

His implication was that he also didn’t know why this heat cycle had come without warning.

He embarrassingly covered his face with his hand. The room was dim, deliberately creating an ambiguous atmosphere, with only a few dim lights on.

Even though every cell in his body craved Xie Huaizhou, he strangely didn’t want to ask for his help at this moment.

Xie Huaizhou sat on the edge of the bed, watching Gu Jinyi breathe with slightly parted lips. The pink tip of his tongue could be faintly seen against his white teeth, and the exhaled breath was warm.

He had received training in resisting pheromones. When he was studying at the Imperial Academy, they had a course specifically for resisting various types of pheromones. Even when encountering S-class omega pheromones, Xie Huaizhou was confident he could come out unscathed.

But in this world, there was Gu Jinyi, whose pheromones were a gentle and harmless scent of red tea but were naturally his kryptonite.

Immersed in this comforting scent, instead of becoming calm, he only wanted to open Gu Jinyi’s legs right now, thrust deep into him, and complete the final marking.

He opened the bedside table. Different types of suppressants were available in this isolation room. He picked the one suitable for Gu Jinyi and placed it on the bed.

Then he removed Gu Jinyi’s hand covering his eyes.

Gu Jinyi’s eyes were as watery as a lake. Every blink threatened to overflow with tears.

Xie Huaizhou was already painfully hard, yet he remained as calm as a monk in a secluded temple. He said to Gu Jinyi, “You’re in heat. You have two choices. The first is to inject suppressants. I’ll take you to the hospital. The second is for me to accompany you through the entire heat cycle.”

He paused, lifting Gu Jinyi’s drooping hand and kissing his fingertips.

“Yiyi, do you want the suppressants or me?”

Gu Jinyi parted his lips but couldn’t speak.

His bones, his skin, seemed to be melting from the fire within.

Someone had asked him the same question before, when he fell into heat, snatched away his suppressants, and cheekily asked him, “Do you want the cold suppressants or me?”

Now, the one asking him this question was Xie Huaizhou.

Xie Huaizhou didn’t force him to answer but lowered his head, kissing his collarbone, neck, and placing his hand on his waist, methodically removing his belt and undoing his pants.

Xie Huaizhou’s palm pressed against his erection, kneading it with just the right amount of pressure, full of desire yet extremely cruel, like a Buddha watching from afar, watching him struggle in the sea of desire.

Gu Jianyi bit his lips until they bled, but still couldn’t stop the moans from escaping his throat.

Xie Huaizhou asked him again, “Do you want the suppressants or me?”

As he asked this question, Gu Jinyi’s underwear had also been taken off, and the fabric floated lightly to the ground. One of Xie Huaizhou’s fingers had already entered the snowy-white cleft between Gu Jinyi’s butt.

During the heat cycle, omegas would automatically become wet, so the area between Gu Jinyi’s legs was already soaking wet, and Xie Huaizhou’s fingers slipped in effortlessly.

He circled inside Gu Jinyi’s body, gently teasing.

Gu Jinyi broke down in tears, his eyes closed, hands gripping the sheets, begging Xie Huaizhou, “Don’t ask… just do whatever you want.”

Xie Huaizhou was also nearing his limit.

He wasn’t as calm as he appeared; sweat beads on his forehead exposed the agony he was enduring.

But he forced himself to withdraw his fingers from Gu Jinyi’s body. He leaned in to kiss him, their wet lips and tongues intertwining, creating an ambiguous sound in the quiet room.

“You must choose,” he kissed the corner of Gu Jinyi’s mouth and placed the suppressant in Gu Jinyi’s hand. “Tell me, what do you want?”

Gu Jinyi held the suppressant, feeling like a small boat being tossed by waves, on the verge of being crushed to pieces.

He understood what Xie Huaizhou wanted, which is why he hesitated to speak up in this room with just the two of them.

As if speaking would lead him to a bottomless abyss, shattering him to pieces.

Xie Huaizhou still didn’t get an answer, like a trapped beast in a cage, his eyes bloodshot.

He held Gu Jinyi tighter, kissing his neck and collarbone, slipping his hand under Gu Jinyi’s shirt, feeling his waist and skin, cruelly pinching Gu Jinyi’s chest.

His erect organ pressed between Gu Jinyi’s legs, rubbing against the soft inner thighs, thrusting lightly, but never making an actual move.

It wasn’t like seeking intimacy but more like a confrontation.

To see who would give in first and raise the white flag.

The room was thick with desire, like a layer of mist, with the scent of red tea mingling with the sea breeze. It seemed to be raining outside, with the sound of pitter-pattering raindrops faintly audible.

The unopened suppressant finally fell to the carpet, making no sound as it rolled under the bedside table.

Gu Jinyi raised the white flag.

“I want you,” he said resignedly, uttering these words, surrendering himself to Xie Huaizhou, and opening his legs.

His lower body was already bare, his two long, jade-like legs sitting on the deep blue silk quilt, the secretions between his thighs having soaked the bedding.

Tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably, filled with self-disgust.

But Xie Huaizhou pulled him into his arms, parted his legs further, and slowly penetrated Gu Jinyi’s already wet entrance.

Gu Jinyi let out a muffled groan, but soon even that turned incoherent moans.

Xie Huaizhou pounded into him on the bed, his veiny and hard organ thrusting in and out of his body, hot sweat dripping onto Gu Jinyi’s body, scalding.

Gu Jinyi’s body was soft; ever since he dropped out of the Command Department, his body was no longer accustomed to high-intensity training. There were no scars on his body, like a piece of warm, fragrant jade, dazzling white, capable of being colored in any hue.

After fucking Gu Jinyi on the bed for the first time, Xie Huaizhou withdrew from his body, and fed him a nutrient solution.

Gu Jinyi obediently drank the nutrient solution, like a cat being fed by its owner, even though Xie Huaizhou had bitten his lips, he still carefully sucked on the tube of the nutrient solution.

Xie Huaizhou patiently waited for him to finish most of the solution. After Gu Jinyi shook his head, indicating he didn’t want any more, Xie Huaizhou once again spread Gu Jinyi’s legs and positioned himself to thrust inside him.

He pressed against Gu Jinyi’s genital opening; a bit further, and he could form the bond, completely marking Gu Jinyi.

From then on, Gu Jinyi would be his omega, and no one could take him away from him.

But Gu Jinyi shook his head, softly pleading, “Don’t…”

He didn’t want to.

Xie Huaizhou’s heart twisted at these words, but he still followed Gu Jinyi’s wishes, withdrawing his member slightly before thrusting it in fiercely again.

As they neared climax, Gu Jinyi hugged Xie Huaizhou’s shoulders and kissed behind his ear, where there was a small brown mole.

He ejaculated onto Xie Huaizhou’s lower abdomen, the scent of pheromones mixing with the scent of semen in the room, not unpleasant but rather sticky and ambiguous. 

Gu Jinyi leaned against Xie Huaizhou’s chest to catch his breath.

This was just the first day of his heat cycle.

He rested his head on Xie Huaizhou’s shoulder, recalling the day Xie Huaizhou took him to the amusement park. In the midst of the crowd, they got separated.

But when he turned around, Xie Huaizhou appeared behind him, tightly grabbing his hand.

He lifted his head to kiss Xie Huaizhou, their bodies pressed together, hearts beating against each other through a layer of flesh, pounding rhythmically.

But Gu Jinyi couldn’t feel his own heartbeat.

Ever since Fu Chen left him, his heart seemed to have fallen silent as well.

It was only after meeting Xie Huaizhou that he slowly began to hear his own heartbeat.

But now, he couldn’t hear it anymore.

This heat cycle lasted for five days.

By the middle, Gu Jinyi’s condition had improved, and he no longer needed extensive comforting.

But neither he nor Xie Huaizhou mentioned it.

Xie Huaizhou contacted his secretary and his cousin, Xie Ke, to handle matters at the company, and they would report back to him.

Xie Ke laughed mischievously over the holograph, teasing, “Ge, you finally got what you wanted, huh? Alright, alright, I’ll work overtime for your happiness. I’ll take it.”

But Xie Huaizhou just silently smoked by the window.

The smoke drifted out through the crack in the open window, and the rain started falling again outside. The damp mist fell onto his hand through the crack.

“That’s enough, be careful at the company,” Xie Huaizhou closed the holograph.

He returned to the bedroom, where Gu Jinyi was still resting with his eyes closed, looking quite disheveled.

But he heard Gu Jinyi murmur something in his sleep, very softly.

“Fu Chen…”

The voice was very faint, and if someone else had heard it, they might not have been able to tell who Gu Jinyi was calling.

But Xie Huaizhou heard it.

He also sensed the pain in that voice, suppressed by six years of time, crushed into pieces, then slowly sticking back together.

He sat by Gu Jinyi’s bedside for a long time.

Gu Jinyi slept deeply but kept moving restlessly, as if he had dreamt something unpleasant.

He dreamt that he was back in the sanatorium, and Fu Chen was going to a port not far away tomorrow, saying he needed to buy some repair items.

He lay on Fu Chen’s back, his body already thin due to the worsening genetic disease, but he had never told Fu Chen what disease he actually had, just casually saying it was a stomach problem.

Because he didn’t want Fu Chen to pity him, he didn’t want anyone to pity him.

But that day, he wanted to say it.

He would undergo surgery in two months, and he didn’t know if he would have a chance to wake up again. He didn’t want Fu Chen to be kept in the dark until he was on the operating table.

So he lay on Fu Chen’s back, touching Fu Chen’s ear and saying, “When you come back, I have something to tell you.”

He hesitated for a moment and asked, “”You’ll come back soon, right?”

Fu Chen turned his head to look at him. The dignified features under the light exuded a striking aura, causing Gu Jinyi to involuntarily swallow hard.

But Fu Chen’s gaze was as heavy as the sky before a storm, leaving Gu Jinyi puzzled.

After a long while, Fu Chen gently touched his face, as if teasing a kitten, “Hmm, you take care of yourself, wait for me.”

Gu Jinyi couldn’t help but smile.

The next day, he saw off Fu Chen as he boarded the spaceship bound for the port, waving goodbye foolishly.

And then, Fu Chen never returned.

The person who once promised him a wedding, a trip to a remote star, and buying a small house to open a flower shop together, abandoned him.

After desperately searching, he stayed in the sanatorium, guarding their home like a domesticated cat, stubbornly holding on.

He waited for a month, then another month, until he finally wore down his body.

Already ravaged by genetic disease, even minor illnesses posed a serious threat to him.

If Chu Miyun hadn’t worried and come looking for him, he might have died from fever in that sanatorium.

And when he woke up, Chu Miyun tearfully told him that because he had delayed treatment, his body was no longer suitable for surgery.

“You need to recuperate for half a year,” Chu Miyun’s voice choked up, “And the success rate is only 25% now, less than half of what it was.”

But he surprisingly didn’t feel too sad.

While Chu Miyun cried in front of him, he just stared out the window, murmuring, “Why is it almost winter already?”

Almost winter, why hasn’t Fu Chen come back yet?

They had planned to hold the wedding in spring. If he didn’t come back, who would he marry?

Gu Jinyi woke up from his dream.

He immediately saw the person sitting by the bed, whose silhouette was familiar to him.

For a moment, he forgot where he was, thinking he hadn’t woken up yet.

With a hoarse voice, he called out, “Fu Chen…”

The person by the bed turned his face, revealing handsome features under the light.

It clearly wasn’t Fu Chen, but Xie Huaizhou.

Yet Gu Jinyi noticed a suppressed pain on Xie Huaizhou’s face, like a prisoner awaiting judgment.

His heart started pounding wildly.

He weakly shook his head at Xie Huaizhou, “No, don’t… “

Don’t talk.

Don’t tell me.

But Xie Huaizhou closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his expression was calm.

He held Gu Jinyi’s hand, and there was a crooked scar on the inside of his arm.

“I’m here,” he said to Gu Jinyi.

Gu Jinyi’s heart shattered into countless tiny pieces.

He stared straight at Xie Huaizhou, no tears in his eyes, looking somewhat dazed.

This was obviously the answer he already knew, but when it was revealed, he still felt like his whole body was in pain, worse than when he lay on the operating table, signing the consent form, knowing he had a 75% chance of death.

He closed his eyes and remembered the patch of wind chime grass outside the sanatorium, sparse and withered shortly after Fu Chen left.

And he sat in the garden day and night, waiting for someone who would never return.

Now that person was sitting by his bedside, holding his hand.

But he still felt like he had nothing.

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