Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 25


They didn’t return to the villa that night; instead, they stayed in the capital of Bai Chuan. The buildings here were very old, with beautiful stone houses standing in the snow. The lights in the snow scenery were romantic as well.

It was arranged by Xie Huaizhou. He knew Gu Jinyi’s preferences and didn’t book the most luxurious hotel in Bai Chuan. Instead, he booked a standalone stone-built lodge right by the river, with a beautiful flower-shaped lamp hanging under the sign at the entrance.

Although a lot had happened that day, neither of them was tired. After soaking in the hot spring, they sat on the terrace drinking Bai Chuan’s specialty wine, served in light gray stone cups, with a smooth and light taste, perfect for snowy weather.

The landlady even specially brought a box of snacks, packed in a black carved box.

Gu Jinyi kept his head down, drinking. Although he didn’t oppose Xie Huaizhou’s pursuit when they left the Golden Waterfall just now, he still felt a strange sense of embarrassment.

When they checked into the lodge just now, the landlady naturally treated them as a couple and even joked with Xie Huaizhou, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a handsome young man. Sir, you’re very lucky.”

Xie Huaizhou even nodded slightly, looking approving.

Gu Jinyi suddenly felt a bit flushed. He took a piece of snack from the box. The snack was made in the shape of a flower, with a slightly transparent blue outer layer and a creamy filling inside.

He paused for a moment, murmuring, “My mother used to make this kind of snack…”

He actually rarely thought of his own mother because she had been gone for too long.

But when he was young, living outside the Gu family with his mother, she did make various beautiful and exquisite snacks because before she became a singer due to financial difficulties, she had wanted to open a pastry shop.

Gu Jinyi put the snack in his mouth, took a bite, and after a moment, he smiled. “It’s not as delicious as my mother used to make.”

Xie Huaizhou silently watched him.

Gu Jinyi was wearing a blue bathrobe, revealing his snow-white delicate neck at the collar, his hair was soft and smooth after drying, hanging to the side, and behind him was a snowscape lit by dim lights, like a portrait of a beauty from ancient times.

He could see that Gu Jinyi was feeling a bit melancholic but didn’t comfort him. Instead, he also took a snack and said, “My mother never made snacks, but she’s excellent at shooting.”

Gu Jinyi remembered seeing Mrs. Xie at the Xie family’s house, indeed looked like a spirited and graceful woman.

He couldn’t help but wonder, what would it be like if both his and Xie Huaizhou’s mothers were still alive?

Perhaps there would be significant changes, perhaps none at all.

He ate a few snacks and stopped. Music could be heard from afar, as if someone was having an outdoor concert.

Because the lodge faced the street, he could still hear young couples reluctantly saying goodbye at the intersection. Even though they had already walked several steps away, they turned back and loudly said, “XX, what should we do? I feel sad just one minute after separating from you.”

The voice sounded very naive. Gu Jinyi couldn’t help but smile. Such fervent declarations of love probably belonged only to young people.

He couldn’t help but look up at Xie Huaizhou across from him, only to find Xie Huaizhou also looking at him.

The terrace was lit by starlight, with snowflakes fluttering. Xie Huaizhou’s eyes were fixed on him.

Gu Jinyi felt a tightening in his chest from being looked at and involuntarily turned his head away.

But after a while, he couldn’t help but ask softly, “Xie Huaizhou, why do you like me?”

This question had puzzled him for a long time.

Because in his memory, except for the wedding four years ago, he and Xie Huaizhou had never even met.

He couldn’t find the reason why Xie Huaizhou fell in love with him.

Xie Huaizhou didn’t answer immediately.

He poured more wine into his and Gu Jinyi’s cups, saying, “Just consider it as love at first sight at the wedding.”

Gu Jinyi was puzzled. “What do you mean by ‘consider as’…”

But Xie Huaizhou remained silent.

After a while, he said, “The day you fall in love with me, I’ll tell you why I like you.”

Gu Jinyi could only swallow his questions. He wasn’t the type to press others for answers.

But he was still a bit curious, “Then before me, didn’t you have anyone you were interested in?”

This was too abnormal; even if Xie Huaizhou wanted to stay single, there were plenty of people willing to be with him.

Xie Huaizhou glanced at him and said straightforwardly, “No, I’ve only loved you in this lifetime.”

Gu Jinyi couldn’t ask any further, almost choking on his wine.

He dared not drink more, afraid of getting as drunk as he did on the first day on Roselle Star.

But as he looked at the snow outside the window, the world was blanketed in white. Distant music floated melodiously, making the night in Bai Chuan gentle and serene.

That night before sleeping, Xie Huaizhou didn’t kiss Gu Jinyi as he used to.

He just held him in his arms, not exerting any force, allowing Gu Jinyi to lean against his chest.

Gu Jinyi felt surrounded by Xie Huaizhou’s pheromones, the scent of the sea gradually enveloping him, pulling him into the depths of the water without feeling suffocated, but instead with a sense of protection.

His hand lightly rested on Xie Huaizhou’s shoulder, hesitated for a moment, then asked Xie Huaizhou, “Do you not need treatment today?”

He asked in a vague manner, even though both of them knew that treatment meant intimate contact.

He knew that Xie Huaizhou not initiating physical contact was out of respect for him, but he couldn’t ignore Xie Huaizhou’s condition either.

There was a contract between them, whether it was fully beneficial to him or not.

Xie Huaizhou loosened his grip on him a bit and looked down at him, “Do you want to?”

Gu Jinyi nodded without much hesitation.

At this point, refusing would be too pretentious.

But Xie Huaizhou didn’t make a move.

Instead, he caught Gu Jinyi’s hand and slowly brought it to his lips, his dry lips caressing Gu Jinyi’s palm, causing a tingling sensation.

Xie Huaizhou looked at him with a deep gaze, his warm breath brushing against Gu Jinyi’s palm.

“Then I want you to kiss me.”

Gu Jinyi froze in place, his eyes showing confusion and helplessness. His palm against Xie Huaizhou’s lips also grew hot.

But Xie Huaizhou didn’t back down. He just looked at him quietly, showing no signs of changing his mind.

After a moment, Gu Jinyi’s hand withdrew from Xie Huaizhou’s lips.

His cheeks were slightly red, his eyes a bit evasive. Slowly and hesitantly, he leaned in and pressed his lips against Xie Huaizhou’s.

He wasn’t an inexperienced teenager anymore, but just lightly touching lips with Xie Huaizhou made him tremble inexplicably.

He closed his eyes, his butterfly-like eyelashes fluttering.

He slowly parted his lips, his tongue gently probing out a bit, making Xie Huaizhou’s lips moist, tentatively and timidly.

And just as he was about to flee, Xie Huaizhou hugged him tightly, pressed him down, and gave him a real kiss.

Xie Huaizhou kissed him deeply, making Gu Jinyi’s pale lips blush.

Gu Jinyi remained quiet throughout, but when Xie Huaizhou hugged him, his whole body stiffened.

Perhaps knowing Xie Huaizhou’s feelings for him, he couldn’t deceive himself as before, pretending it was just mutual assistance.

Xie Huaizhou noticed this and after a moment, he released Gu Jinyi’s lips.

He held Gu Jinyi in his arms again, after a short period of recklessness, he gently coaxed him like a child, patting his back lightly.

He knew that Gu Jinyi liked this kind of intimacy.

Gu Jinyi was comfortable being patted and fell asleep in his arms shortly after.

But Xie Huaizhou was not sleepy at all.

After Gu Jinyi had truly fallen asleep, he withdrew his arm, got out of bed, closed the glass door, and sat back on the terrace.

He didn’t smoke again, nor did he continue drinking, just staring at the pure white snow outside the terrace.

He remembered when Gu Jinyi asked him on the terrace when he started to have feelings for him.

When Gu Jinyi asked this question, there was no suspicion in his voice, asking very calmly, mixed with a little curiosity.

But his heart skipped a beat.

Of course, he didn’t just fall for him at the wedding four years ago.

When he fell in love with Gu Jinyi, he was still very young, only twenty-three years old.

Young, arrogant, thinking that everything was within his control, so he didn’t care about anything.

Until fate gave him a heavy blow.

Xie Huaizhou rolled up his sleeve, revealing a scar several centimeters long on his arm. In this era of advanced medicine, such scars could be instantly smoothed out. But he didn’t.

He had kept this scar to remind himself of the mistake he made six years ago.

Remind himself that he had once fallen in love with an omega.

That omega was naive and easy to deceive. Despite possessing beauty that could be used as a weapon, he didn’t know how to utilize it. It was as if he hadn’t been pampered much, even his coquetry was gentle and obedient. Regardless of what lies Xie Huaizhou told, he was willing to believe them.

He fell in love with this omega but left him.

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