Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 8

Horror Movie

In the week following that day, Li Xingyan didn’t show up at the bar.

Even though it was late September, the autumn chill had not yet arrived in Shaojiang. After a typhoon passed, the temperature rose again to 34°C, especially in the afternoon, making people feel drowsy.

In the last class on Saturday afternoon, the students below seemed wilted like overexposed seedlings. Tang Yi, holding a water cup, stopped halfway through explaining exercises and knocked on the podium.

“Alright, alright. Is there anyone still showing the demeanor of a senior high student?”

Laughter mixed with weak sighs echoed below. Xu Hang exclaimed loudly, “Have mercy, teacher. We are nearly brain-dead from exhaustion.”

“The college entrance exam is still in June. What will you do then?” Tang Yi glared at Xu Hang, looked at the clock on the classroom wall, and saw that it was almost time.

“Alright, do some exercises on your own. Don’t blame me for not warning you. The September monthly exam is next week, and there will be a parent-teacher meeting then.”

The lamentations below grew louder. Tang Yi, with a heart of stone, pretended not to hear, left a casual “do the exercises well,” and left the classroom, cupping the water.

In Shaojiang High School Senior Three, there was a monthly exam at the end of each month, two city-level joint exams per semester, and one provincial joint exam—though this frequency was already relatively low compared to Chaocheng. Chaocheng High School had no weekends, with classes six days a week, and had a self-test before each break. The grades were available on the last day of the break, leaving no chance for people to catch their breath.

But unlike Chaocheng, after each monthly exam, Shaojiang High School would have a parent-teacher meeting.

This was a nightmare for Xu Hang.

“The exam is next Friday. I’m done for. I dropped 20 places in the beginning-of-school exam, and my mom almost disowned me. If it happens again, I’m really finished.”

Xu Hang came from a well-off family, talkative but straightforward, a rich second-generation with a relatively simple mind. The only thing he needed to worry about was his half-dead study performance.

Fang Xing was multitasking, listening to Xu Hang’s complaints while translating an ancient Chinese text. Then he asked, “Is the exam difficult?”

“The exam isn’t difficult; what’s difficult is the parent-teacher meeting. That’s the double torture for body and mind.”

Xu Hang sighed and added, “But it’s good that your parents aren’t here. I hope my parents are on a business trip when it happens.”

Fang Xing’s pen paused, and he mumbled a vague “Hmm.”

Unaware of the oddity, Xu Hang continued to console himself, “Anyway, life is meant to be enjoyed in a timely manner. Tomorrow, let’s go swimming at the city swimming pool. Come along.”

He was referring to the group of boys who had been eating together these days, both in the same and different classes. Fang Xing hadn’t spoken yet when Jiang Xinxin in front turned to look at Xu Hang.

“Impressive, four exam papers in one day, and you still have time to go swimming.”

“Learning is an endless journey. How can my vibrant and flourishing youth be wasted on studying?”

“Get lost.” Jiang Xinxin was amused, “Don’t cry during the parent-teacher meeting.”

“A true warrior faces every parent-teacher meeting head-on—”

While the two were bantering, a faint sneer came from the diagonally opposite side.

The two arguing didn’t notice, but Fang Xing’s hand, which was turning his pen, suddenly stopped, and he turned to look.

It was a beer bottle—no, it was Tan Zhuo.

Tan Zhuo was still wearing his school uniform meticulously. He looked at Xu Hang with disgust, as if he were looking at something dirty. When Fang Xing suddenly raised his head and met his gaze, Tan Zhuo seemed to be scalded, lowered his head, and focused on the exam paper in his hand.

“Next time,” Fang Xing withdrew his gaze, “Tomorrow, I have something to do.”

“Alright, next time I’ll invite you again.”

Xu Hang was enthusiastic but sensible, always inviting you to group activities, but if the invitation failed, he wouldn’t drag you along. He was a good desk mate.

Fang Xing smiled at him, “Okay, I’ll definitely go next time.”

Near the end of class, Tang Yi, having finished getting water, came back.

“Be careful on the way home, remember to finish your homework. You can relax appropriately, but if you go out to play, be sure to stay safe—”

He probably wanted to say something more, but unfortunately, the bell for the end of class rang. He waved his hand, “Alright, let’s go!”

A group of students rushed out of the classroom.

After leaving the classroom, Tang Yi was still standing at the door. Seeing Fang Xing coming out, he smiled and asked, “You’ve had a week of classes. How do you feel?”

Fang Xing nodded, “It’s okay.”

“There’s a little test next week. Keep a calm mindset and take the test seriously.”

He didn’t express any particularly high expectations, worrying that Fang Xing, who had just transferred, might not adapt, causing pressure.

Fang Xing nodded, “I’ll do my best.”

“That’s the spirit,” Tang Yi smiled, “Let’s go.”

When they reached the school gate, Jiang Zhijin was already cooling off in the shade.

He was wearing a white shirt, and the sun fell on his clothes through the gaps in the leaves, making it particularly dazzling. In his right hand, he held an unlit cigarette.

A week had passed, and Fang Xing hadn’t expected that although Jiang Zhijin couldn’t get up in the morning, he could still insist on coming to pick him up—something his parents had never done.

Zhou Ling and Fang Chenglin were too busy with work, and they insisted on not spoiling boys. In kindergarten, Fang Xing was picked up by a nanny, but from elementary school onwards, he went to and from school by himself and no longer enjoyed the treatment of someone picking him up after school.

Jiang Zhijin looked up and saw Fang Xing. Not wanting to walk out of the shade, he stood in place and waved to him, calling him over.

“No car today, I’ll take you for a walk through a shortcut, and we’ll stop by the supermarket on the way to buy groceries.”

Fang Xing’s thoughts paused for a moment, and he repeated, “Buy groceries?”

Jiang Zhijin looked at him, seemingly casual, “Yeah, I told you I can cook, right?”

He vaguely remembered such a conversation, but it was a long time ago, and besides… Fang Xing’s gaze fell on Jiang Zhijin’s hand.

“I’ll be removing the stitches tomorrow.” Jiang Zhijin seemed to guess what Fang Xing was thinking and said immediately, “Cooking a meal won’t be a problem.”

“Oh,” Fang Xing nodded.

The alleyways crisscrossed, and if they took a shortcut, the residential area wasn’t far from the school, at most half an hour. It was already half-past five, and the sun’s remaining strength was still strong, but the alleyway was shaded by residential buildings and roadside trees, creating a bit of coolness.

Walking past the alley entrance, where a group of old men playing chess were, Jiang Zhijin asked, “Is there anything specific you want to eat?”

“Anything is fine.”

Jiang Zhijin walked ahead without turning back, “Just tell me the name of a dish.”

Fang Xing didn’t answer. He suddenly stopped halfway and turned around to look.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he always felt like someone was watching them from the corner.

But with people coming and going around, he suspected he might be overly sensitive.

Jiang Zhijin walked a few steps and noticed that he didn’t follow. He turned around to look at Fang Xing, who was standing still.

“What’s wrong?”

“…Nothing.” Fang Xing continued walking forward, answering Jiang Zhijin’s previous question, “Cucumber salad, it’s too hot.”

“… You’re too easy to please,” Jiang Zhijin couldn’t help but laugh after looking at Fang Xing for a while, “Let’s go.”

Although he said that, while shopping at the supermarket, Jiang Zhijin still bought cucumbers and also purchased spare ribs, beef, fresh vegetables and fruits, and a bunch of seasonings.

Because he was too lazy to cook alone, he hadn’t cooked for a long time. This time, he bought two large bags of groceries at once. Each person carried one bag, and before leaving the supermarket, Jiang Zhijin asked Fang Xing if he wanted an ice cream.

“Milk, fruit, or chocolate, which one do you want?”

Fang Xing originally wanted to say “any,” but considering the previous experience of ordering food, he resisted the urge and said, “Any except mango—.”

In the end, Jiang Zhijin grabbed two milk puddings. Fang Xing took one, took a bite, and found it sweet and rich with a strong milk flavor.

Carrying shopping bags in one hand and ice creams in the other, they walked back home. It was already past six. Jiang Zhijin carried the bags into the kitchen, and Fang Xing changed his clothes, throwing the school uniform and a pile of dirty clothes into the washing machine. Then, he went back to the kitchen.

Jiang Zhijin was washing vegetables, and Fang Xing stood at the doorway for a while, feeling that it was inappropriate to stand still. He asked, “Do you need help?”

In fact, his cooking skills were only at the level of boiling noodles, at most frying an egg. Usually, at this time, most people would say, “No need, you can go rest/study/watch TV.” But Jiang Zhijin didn’t look back, simply answering, “Come and rinse the rice.”

The kitchen wasn’t big, and the two standing in front of the counter were a bit crowded. Fang Xing took the rice cooker and, under Jiang Zhijin’s guidance, scooped two bowls of rice. After washing the rice, he hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Jiang Zhijin.

“How much water do I add?”

Jiang Zhijin’s hands also stopped, and he turned to look at him.

“Haven’t you cooked before?”

Fang Xing kept a straight face, “No.”

Jiang Zhijin turned on the water for him, then said, “Put your hand in.”

Fang Xing hadn’t reacted yet, and the water was already enough. Jiang Zhijin made a “tsk” sound, turned off the water, and held Fang Xing’s hand to put it inside.

Since he had just washed the vegetables, Jiang Zhijin’s hands were a bit cold from soaking in water. In the moment they touched, that coolness easily penetrated through the overlapping areas to Fang Xing’s backhand.

“Spread out your hand.” Jiang Zhijin said.

The hands of the two, one on top of the other, overlapped on the white rice soaked in water. Jiang Zhijin’s hand was on top, clearly showing the joints, and there were a few calluses at the joints, but it didn’t affect the overall appearance of his clean and slender hands.

The key point was that they were quite fair.

Fang Xing glanced, and surprisingly, he felt that Jiang Zhijin’s skin was almost as white as the rice soaked in water.

…Or maybe it was because of his own contrast?

Actually, he wasn’t considered dark-skinned, with a wheat-colored complexion. But when his hand was stacked on top of Jiang Zhijin’s, it was easy to see the difference.

Before he could examine it carefully, Jiang Zhijin had already withdrawn his hand.

“Did you see? Just show the back of your hand, not the fingers.”

“Oh,”Fang Xing responded.

Following Jiang Zhijin’s instructions, he cooked the rice and looked back at him.

“What else?”

“…it’s okay,” Jiang Zhijin smiled, “I’ll do the rest of the cooking.”

Jiang Zhijin was indeed good at cooking, considering he had been living on his own for many years. For dinner, he made deep-fried spare ribs, cumin-flavored beef, and the cucumber salad Fang Xing wanted, along with a seafood and vegetable soup. Surprisingly, they almost finished everything.

After dinner, it was already dark outside. Fang Xing washed the dishes voluntarily. When he came out, Jiang Zhijin was preparing to go to Cloud Seven and asked if he wanted to join.

“Let’s skip it,” Fang Xing replied. “I’ll work on my homework.”

Jiang Zhijin casually asked, and he couldn’t take Fang Xing to the bar every day. He smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll bring you a midnight snack when I come back.”

After taking a shower, Fang Xing went back to his room, put on headphones, and wrote two sets of test papers. The difficulty wasn’t high, and he smoothly completed them. Just as he finished the last question, his WeChat notification sounded.

[Qi Xiang]: Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!

A photo followed, showing a math problem.

Fang Xing opened it and, after about three minutes, started writing.

His solution was neat, with every necessary step, and when he finally got the answer, he took a photo and sent it to Qi Xiang.

[Fang Xing]: Which paper is this?

[Qi Xiang]: The last question on the weekly test paper. No one in the class got it right, and Old Zhang is furious, asking everyone to redo it.

[Qi Xiang]: Fang Xing, the eternal god.

[Fang Xing]: Send me a complete copy of the weekly test paper. Ask Old Zhang for it and tell him I need it.

Qi Xiang sent an okay gesture and asked: Are you at home?

[Fang Xing]: Yeah, doing homework.

[Qi Xiang]: Is your uncle there too?

Uncle, let Jiang Zhijin know that everyone is referring to him as uncle

Thinking of this, Fang Xing inexplicably felt like laughing and replied: He’s gone out.

[Qi Xiang]: Is your relationship still okay?

Fang Xing’s typing hand stopped.

Is it okay? It doesn’t seem so. If it’s considered bad, it’s probably not that bad. In the end, he sent a vague “more or less.”

[Qi Xiang]: That’s good. Anyway, no matter what, let’s get through the college entrance examination first. It’s not easy for others to take care of the examinees, especially considering your temper. Genuine Good Samaritans are rare nowadays.

Fang Xing: …

After chatting with Qi Xiang, Fang Xing stretched lazily and took off his headphones.

It’s hard to feel the passage of time when doing homework. He glanced at the clock; it was already half-past ten. Without the music, the room was eerily quiet, and Fang Xing heard faint movements from the living room.

He opened the door, and the dim wall lamp was the only source of light in the living room. Jiang Zhijin had returned at some point and was lounging on the sofa, watching a movie. On the table in front of him were beer and two boxes of skewers.

Seeing Fang Xing come out, Jiang Zhijin looked up, “Finished homework?”


Jiang Zhijin nodded, “Want some supper? Barbecue.”

Fang Xing was indeed a bit hungry, and he felt that he might have hallucinated because of writing too many problems—under the dim light, Jiang Zhijin sitting alone on the sofa watching a movie looked surprisingly lonely.

…Caring for the deserted Good Samaritan.


He went to the kitchen, took a can of cola, and walked over to sit next to Jiang Zhijin.

Neither of them spoke, and the screen’s light and shadow kept changing, falling on the two. Fang Xing raised his head and focused on the movie.

The movie had just started, telling the story of a group of college students going on an adventure to an abandoned village—these actors were all unfamiliar, a low-budget web series?

They had just entered the village and found a coffin at the entrance…

One of the college students died—someone, died.

Fang Xing finally realized that something was wrong.

“… Is this a horror movie?”

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