Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 74

Fang Chenglin

That day was a workday, and Zhou Ling hadn’t finished work yet. Fang Xing, used to this routine, called his mom as soon as he got out of the airport and then took a taxi home.

Their home was a standalone three-story building, and his room was on the second floor. When he entered, it was quiet inside, and no one was there. He directly took his luggage to his room. The house was quite clean, with freshly changed sheets and covers, indicating that the cleaning service had been busy.

After unpacking his things and placing various books and study materials on the desk, Fang Xing finally pulled out a chair and sat down at the desk.

The desk was by the window, and the weather today was excellent, with sunlight streaming in, inexplicably lifting his mood. Fang Xing had spent more than ten years in this room, and there were many things from the past: textbooks, figurines, game discs…

Jiang Zhijin should like game discs. Fang Xing thought about bringing some back to him when he returned to Shaojiang.

After looking around for a while, he took out his phone and sent a message to Jiang Zhijin.

“I’ve arrived.”

Jiang Zhijin didn’t reply immediately. Since Fang Xing had nothing to do, he put down his phone and randomly picked up some recent study materials. When he took a look, it was “One Hundred English Essays,” so he casually flipped through a page.

After memorizing an essay, his phone rang. Glancing at it, it was a call from Jiang Zhijin.

He answered the call, and on the other end, Jiang Zhijin’s voice came mixed with the pitiful cries of Tang Yuan.

“Did you get home?”

“Yeah,” Fang Xing responded and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Washing your brother.” Jiang Zhijin said.

Fang Xing was momentarily stunned before bursting into laughter.

“No wonder he’s crying so miserably.”

“Not only is he crying, but he’s also causing a ruckus. It’s annoying.” Jiang Zhijin’s voice carried a hint of laughter, sounding in a good mood. “When you come back, you can bathe him.”

Fang Xing was about to say, “Why should I?” but then he thought of what Jiang Zhijin had just said about “your brother.” So, he added, “he’s still your son.”

Jiang Zhijin immediately responded, teasing without hesitation, “Then, do you want to call me daddy?”

Fang Xing clicked his tongue and said slowly, “…Just keep teasing and see what happens when I come back.”

“Wow, I’m scared.” Jiang Zhijin insincerely responded before asking, “What are you doing now?”

Fang Xing looked down at the “One Hundred English Essays” in front of him and answered, “Reciting essays.”

“…What?” Jiang Zhijin seemed silent for a moment before letting out a long sigh.

“Oh my, heavens.” Jiang Zhijin’s tone was half amused and half incredulous. “Your first thing after returning home is to review? Truly a study god.”

“Not exactly.” Fang Xing smiled and replied, “The first thing I did was to send you a message.”

The first thing was to send you a message, the second to review, the third was to answer your call… from beginning to end, it is because I miss you.

Jiang Zhijin laughed for a while and finally said, “Persist for a few days; it’s a long-distance relationship.”

“I know.” Fang Xing smiled, “Go give my brother a good bath; he’s become such a mess.”

“Is this what they call brotherly love?” Jiang Zhijin chuckled, “Hang up, let’s talk tonight.”


After ending the call, Jiang Zhijin tossed his phone aside and stared at Tang Yuan with big eyes.

“Don’t stare at me like that.” Jiang Zhijin reached over and scratched the cat’s chin. “Your brother won’t be back for a while; no one is here to support you.”

Tang Yuan, uninterested in having a heart-to-heart conversation, meowed in response, looking annoyed. 

“Your brother misses me.”

He patted Tang Yuan’s head, “I miss him too.”

After finishing the shower, Jiang Zhijin patiently dried the cat. When it was almost done, he looked around and felt satisfied. Ignoring Tang Yuan’s wishes, he took a picture and sent it to Fang Xing.

“Done with the bath, didn’t cause me too much trouble.”

Fang Xing opened the photo, probably due to Tang Yuan’s lack of cooperation, Jiang Zhijin directly held the cat to his chest with one hand. Tang Yuan’s eyes widened, looking panicked, with an expression suggesting, “How dare a mortal like you hug me!” Fang Xing laughed for a while, then looked at the photo of Jiang Zhijin.

Behind Tang Yuan, Jiang Zhijin wore a slightly amused expression, typically deriving his happiness from Tang Yuan’s discomfort. Perhaps fearing that Tang Yuan would move, Jiang Zhijin didn’t look at the camera, instead, he lowered his eyes to look at the cat, giving off a casual and carefree vibe.

Still handsome.

Fang Xing looked at it for a while and set the photo as his wallpaper.

After chatting with Jiang Zhijin for a while, Fang Xing’s mood improved considerably. In the end, he insisted on completing the English essay he had been memorizing, as well as writing two more comprehension essays.

When he went downstairs after resting, Zhou Ling had just returned.

Fang Xing descended the stairs in a few steps and called, “Mom.” Zhou Ling’s face showed some excitement, and she smiled, waving for Fang Xing to come over.

“Why does it seem like you’ve grown taller again?” She smiled, patting his head. “Wait here; I will cook for you.”

Fang Xing hadn’t come back in half a year. Zhou Ling didn’t hire a cleaning service this time and cooked lunch for Fang Xing herself. During the meal, they discussed Fang Xing’s grades, study situation, and homework. Finally, the conversation turned to Jiang Zhijin.

“Zhijin still didn’t come back with you?”

“No, he said he’s celebrating with friends.”

“Stubborn.” Zhou Ling sighed and picked up a piece of chicken for Fang Xing. “You two are quite alike.”

“…Really?” Fang Xing was momentarily surprised.

“Yes, stubborn, once he decides something, no one can persuade him back.” Zhou Ling said, “Like you.”

“I guess.” Fang Xing smiled.

The two of them never mentioned Fang Chenglin throughout the entire meal.

After finishing the meal, Fang Xing wanted to wash the dishes, but Zhou Ling didn’t let him touch them. After she cleaned up, she chased him upstairs to rest.

“I need to go to a construction site this afternoon. I will be back to have dinner with you. The day after tomorrow, the company is on holiday. I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

Fang Xing agreed, and after sending Zhou Ling out of the house, he went back upstairs. Glancing at the time, it wasn’t even two o’clock.

Jiang Zhijin was closing the bar.

All the tables and chairs inside had been arranged neatly. Gu Xun locked the door and hung up a sign that read “Spring Festival holiday, temporarily closed.”

“Are you spending the year alone again this year?” Gu Xun hung the sign and looked at Jiang Zhijin beside him. “I thought you would go back with Fang Xing, especially since you’re neighbors.”

“I’ll go back with him after the college entrance exam; it’s too obvious now.”

“What’s too obvious?”

“The sour smell of love; it’s too obvious.” Jiang Zhijin said with a smile.

“…Fuck.” Gu Xun chuckled and cursed, “Then let’s still do it like before, the few of us will celebrate together.” He paused for a moment and then asked, “Are you going back to Chuanzhen after the New Year?”

Chuanzhen was a pretty small town, not far from Shaojiang. Jiang Zhijin’s hometown was in a village below Chuanzhen – the same as Zhou Ling’s hometown.

“Yeah, going back to see my parents and my grandmother.” Jiang Zhijin replied.

Gu Xun didn’t say anything more and handed a cigarette to him.

Zhou Ling had originally planned to take Fang Xing out for a trip after the company’s holiday, but with the upcoming New Year and Fang Xing’s short vacation, it didn’t work out. Fang Xing also wasn’t very keen on going out; the only time he left the house for the next few days was for his morning jog. The rest of the time, he stayed at home, studying, sleeping, playing games, and exchanging messages with Jiang Zhijin.

As Gu Xun wasn’t going home, Zhou Hong was a local, and a part-time worker also didn’t return to their hometown, the plan for Jiang Zhijin to celebrate New Year’s with them remained intact.

“So, what are you guys having for dinner?” Fang Xing lay on the bed, messaging Jiang Zhijin.

It was past ten at night, and Fang Xing had finished washing up. Zhou Ling had gone out to play mahjong with her best friend, and he spent the whole day studying. In the evening, he took a break, lying in bed, chatting with Jiang Zhijin.

Jiang Zhijin was probably free, quickly responding with “Hot pot.”

“You lazy bunch.” Fang Xing sighed.

“You, who can’t even cook a meal, shouldn’t criticize others.” Jiang Zhijin didn’t accept the criticism. “You spent half a year with me and still haven’t learned to make a single dish. The learning ability of a top student is just like this.”

Laughing, Fang Xing replied, “But I have you, right?”

Jiang Zhijin was about to burst out laughing, “Then be obedient; otherwise, when I’m gone one day, let’s see what you’ll eat.”

“Eat you,” Fang Xing replied. “A little wash and rinse, and you’re good to go.”

This time, Jiang Zhijin took a while to respond and sent a voice message. Fang Xing opened it, and Jiang Zhijin’s voice came through with a smile, “i’m getting a bit heated on this side, are you doing this on purpose?”

“…Damn.” Fang Xing instantly realized, “Can’t you be a bit more pure at this hour?”

Still in a voice message, Jiang Zhijin continued, laughing, “You’re the pure one. If you can, try not to think about it.”

As the conversation continued to deviate, Fang Xing laughed for a while. Jiang Zhijin retrieved the topic, sending, “Alright, go to bed early.”

“Yeah, goodnight.”

After ending the conversation, Fang Xing checked the time; it was half-past eleven. Zhou Ling’s friends playing mahjong were in the same residential area. Fang Xing considered giving them a call to see if they needed a ride.

As he opened the call interface, he heard faint sounds from downstairs. His immediate thought was that Zhou Ling had returned. He got up, opened the bedroom door, took a few steps to the stairs, and suddenly stopped.

The sound from downstairs was heard by the person down there. They also looked up and coincidentally met eyes with Fang Xing.

Surprisingly, it was Fang Chenglin.

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