Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 73

Going Home

After the exam results were out, there was a parent-teacher meeting. Jiang Zhijin still represented Fang Xing at the meeting, and afterward, he took Fang Xing out for a nice meal. In the past few days, Fang Xing had caught a cold. Although he was almost recovered, he still had a lingering cough, and his throat was probably a bit inflamed. Jiang Zhijin chose a well-known Cantonese restaurant and ordered a few steamed and braised dishes, keeping the meal light.

After finishing the meal, the two went to the supermarket to buy some groceries before returning home. Jiang Zhijin took a shower first, while Fang Xing lounged on the sofa, feeling a bit bored, so he opened WeChat.

The winter vacation had started that day, although it was only a short fourteen days, it was better than nothing, a chance to catch a breather. The class group chat was lively, with everyone discussing whether they should plan an outing during the break. Tang Yi, feeling compelled, came in to pour cold water on their excitement, reminding them to be safe, inform their parents before going out, not to go too far, and to remember to do their homework.

Once Tang Yi spoke, the group fell silent. Xu Hang privately messaged Fang Xing, sending a “life is unbearable” expression.

Xu Hang: Want to go out during the break? Just a few of us from our class.

Fang Xing replied: Where to?

Xu Hang: Probably around here. Play an escape room in the city or go further for a barbecue and hot spring. Nothing’s confirmed yet. Will you come?

Before Fang Xing could respond, Xu Hang, as if suddenly enlightened, sent another message: Oh, right, your home is not in Shaojiang. You’ll be going home for the New Year.

Fang Xing frowned slightly, his hand paused on the message bar.

In fact, when he was taking the exams, he had thought about going home for the winter vacation. After all, it had been a whole semester since he last visited, and it was also the Spring Festival…

But he didn’t really want to go back to Chaocheng.

One reason was that if he went home, he would have to face the pile of unresolved issues that he couldn’t avoid. The other reason was that he didn’t want to leave Jiang Zhijin alone in Shaojiang.

There was no one left in Jiang Zhijin’s family, and Fang Xing didn’t want to leave him alone during the New Year in Shaojiang.

In the end, he vaguely replied to Xu Hang with a “probably.”

As if there was some telepathic connection, right after Fang Xing responded to Xu Hang, his phone vibrated twice, indicating new messages. It was from Zhou Ling, his mother.

Zhou Ling: Xiao Xing, Zhijin said you’re officially on vacation today, is that right?

Fang Xing: Yes.

Zhou Ling: That’s great. Mom has booked a ticket for you to return the day after tomorrow. Come home early for the New Year.

Fang Xing was momentarily stunned before quickly typing: You booked it for me?

After a while, Zhou Ling replied with a voice message. “It’s not easy to get tickets during the New Year. Mom asked Zhijin about your vacation time and then booked it for the day after tomorrow. Is there a problem? Do you need to reschedule?”

Nothing was wrong. It was indeed hard to get tickets during the Spring Festival. It was normal for Zhou Ling to book the ticket in advance for her son. Fang Xing fell silent for a moment before replying: What about Jiang Zhijin?

On the other end, Zhou Ling’s voice sounded somewhat helpless. “I asked him too. But he said he has something to do during the Spring Festival and won’t come. I’ve advised him several times, but he doesn’t listen. Stubborn. You try persuading him.”

Fang Xing stared at this message for a long time, then replied at last: Understood.

After chatting for a few more sentences, Jiang Zhijin also finished showering.

He was only wearing a set of beige cotton pajamas, holding a towel while drying his hair. After the shower, he looked exceptionally lazy. When he arrived in the living room, he sat down on the sofa and said to Fang Xing, “Go take a shower.”

“I’ll go later.”

Fang Xing turned his head slightly, looking at Jiang Zhijin, who met his gaze for a few seconds.

“What’s wrong?”

“My mom called me just now,” Fang Xing said, “She said she booked a ticket for me to go home the day after tomorrow for the New Year.”

Jiang Zhijin was momentarily surprised. He had received Zhou Ling’s call a few days ago, asking about Fang Xing’s vacation time, but he didn’t expect her to move so quickly.

“Your mom misses you,” Jiang Zhijin said.

Jiang Zhijin’s tone was very indifferent. Fang Xing looked at him, almost blurting out—Do you want to come with me to Chaocheng for the New Year?

But he didn’t ask.

He really wanted to spend the New Year’s Eve with Jiang Zhijin, but before the words could leave his mouth, he thought of the pile of issues at home.

Fang Chenglin, Zhai Wan, the illegitimate child, the gossip from people who knew about their family matters… These things wouldn’t quiet down just because of the New Year. Instead, they were like time bombs that could explode at any moment, turning everywhere into a minefield.

If nothing had happened before, Fang Xing would have definitely let Jiang Zhijin come home with him for the New Year. But now, he couldn’t let Jiang Zhijin step into these inexplicable troubles with him and bear these absurd matters.

Fang Xing’s words lingered on his tongue and finally turned into, “So, are you spending the New Year alone in Shaojiang?”

“Not exactly alone.” Jiang Zhijin smiled, “Zhou Hong is a local, Gu Xun won’t be going home, and a few other friends I know will be together.”

Fang Xing felt a bit relieved, but he still felt uneasy seeing Jiang Zhijin spending the New Year away from home, without family. He leaned slightly on the sofa without saying anything, and Jiang Zhijin smiled.

“Alright, you worry too much. We’ll have a chance next time, okay?”

“After the college entrance exam.” Fang Xing didn’t smile, looking at Jiang Zhijin. “We’ll go back together.”

Jiang Zhijin, who had been talking while drying his hair, suddenly stopped his movements upon hearing this. He glanced at Fang Xing, whose expression remained calm.

But he understood what his words meant.

After a while, he smiled and spoke slowly, “Got it. We’ll go then.”

The next day, Fang Xing didn’t go anywhere. He packed up his things at home. The flight was scheduled for 9 a.m., and Jiang Zhijin drove him to the airport, accompanying him to the security checkpoint.

“Be careful on the way, send me a message when you arrive.”

“Got it.” Fang Xing turned around, looking at Jiang Zhijin and then walked to the security checkpoint.

With no one around, he stood at the security checkpoint, watching Jiang Zhijin take a deep breath.

“Avoid staying up late, drink less alcohol, smoke less. Eat breakfast on time, don’t sleep until noon. After dinner, take a walk and play games. Tang Yuan walks more than you every day. If anything happens, you can send me a message. I’ll be back when school starts…”

Jiang Zhijin was almost laughing. He interrupted Fang Xing, saying, “I didn’t realize you talk so much.”

Fang Xing looked at him, and despite Jiang Zhijin’s teasing, he managed to say the last sentence, “And remember to find time to think of me.”

Jiang Zhijin stopped his movements and looked at Fang Xing, who had just finished saying a series of things.

“That’s too cheesy, where did you learn that?”

“I came up with it, the romance of a top student.” Fang Xing said.

It was time to go through security. Jiang Zhijin laughed, his gaze falling on Fang Xing’s face, and finally spoke softly, “How about a hug?”

Fang Xing didn’t hesitate, putting down his luggage and hugging Jiang Zhijin.

He felt that every cell in his body was screaming, “Don’t want to go, don’t want to go.” Being hugged by Jiang Zhijin, it finally felt like he found a place to belong, and everything quieted down in an instant.

Jiang Zhijin, like a tape recorder, repeated, “Got it, i’ll try not to smoke, i’ll drink less, and stay up less, and also—”

“Find time to think of me.” Fang Xing said.

“No need to find time, I’m already thinking of you now.” Jiang Zhijin said.

He hugged Fang Xing, ruffled his hair, speaking in a low voice.

“Go, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Fang Xing closed his eyes, hugged Jiang Zhijin tightly for a few seconds, and then let go.

“I’m Leaving.”

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