Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 72

Little boyfriend

After Jiang Zhijin said these words, the living room fell silent for a few seconds.

Fang Xing lifted his eyes slightly to meet Jiang Zhijin’s gaze. He was leaning over Jiang Zhijin, their foreheads touching, breaths mingling.

Fang Xing always felt that dating Jiang Zhijin was similar to the past, with a bit of indulgence for being a kid. Their experiences and life backgrounds were entirely different. So, he tried to mature himself in this relationship, taking on the responsibilities of a boyfriend. But sometimes he felt that Jiang Zhijin didn’t need him to take charge…

But now, Jiang Zhijin said he needed him.

Fang Xing’s originally jumbled thoughts were suddenly cleared, and he quietly embraced Jiang Zhijin, looking at him without saying a word.

After a while, Jiang Zhijin spoke, “That’s enough; staring at each other like this will turn it into a staring contest.”

“… Come on.” Fang Xing’s moved feelings immediately turned into amusement, and he retreated a bit.

“Just got a bit moved, can you not ruin the atmosphere like this?” Fang Xing chuckled and spoke.

Jiang Zhijin also smiled, “Sorry, I thought it was over.”

“… Kiss me again.”

Fang Xing lowered his head, and his tongue directly parted Jiang Zhijin’s lips, delving in. Jiang Zhijin cooperated, relaxing as their lips and tongues intertwined, and their breaths gradually became warm and moist.

After kissing for a while, Fang Xing’s hand moved downwards, lifting Jiang Zhijin’s shirt, revealing his fair waist and abdomen. He rubbed against it, then slowly moved downward.

Jiang Zhijin lightly hooked one hand at the back of Fang Xing’s neck, and with the other, he helped pull down Fang Xing’s pants, hesitating for a moment when he saw Fang Xing’s school uniform. He laughed with a hint of helplessness, “Uh… can you take off your school uniform?”

Slightly moving back, Jiang Zhijin, still smiling, said vaguely, “Feels like I’m a pervert. I can’t even get hard now.” Fang Xing paused and sat up straight. The school uniform had a zipper, so he decisively pulled it down, along with the inner clothes, revealing his naked upper body.

A shallow tan, a well-defined waist, the chest rising and falling with each breath.

Throwing down his clothes, Fang Xing bent down and retaliatorily bit Jiang Zhijin’s lip, licked it, and kissed him fiercely.

Jiang Zhijin had taken off his coat before entering the room; now he was wearing a shirt with a wide neckline. Fang Xing kissed down slowly from his lips.

Allowing Fang Xing to kiss, Jiang Zhijin tilted his head slightly to catch his breath. His right hand boldly slipped into Fang Xing’s athletic pants without hesitation.

Fang Xing’s breath suddenly became heavier, and as Jiang Zhijin held what was in his hand, he began to move slowly.

Jiang Zhijin’s hand was warm, and the heat, combined with the pleasure, traveled from the lower abdomen to the whole body, as if it could ignite Fang Xing’s entire being. Fang Xing groaned and lowered his head, biting Jiang Zhijin’s collarbone and leaving a faint red mark.

It wasn’t actually painful, but Jiang Zhijin clicked his tongue and said, “Wild dog, aren’t you?”

His breath was unsteady, and he spoke in fragments. Fang Xing didn’t say anything; one of his hands reached down under Jiang Zhijin, touching his hard crotch. He grasped Jiang Zhijin, moving in sync with his rhythm.

The sounds of heavy breathing, mixed with low moans, accompanied the ambiguous sounds of friction from their clothing and the subtle sounds from their movements. Though very faint, in the quiet environment, these sounds were infinitely magnified, growing more intense. “Mmm—”

Jiang Zhijin’s voice was not loud, occasionally emitting a few low sentences with the lazy scent unique to him, like feathers brushing against Fang Xing’s ear, tempting Fang Xing to kiss him again.

It wasn’t until they reached climax that Fang Xing’s mind went blank, feeling surrounded by the heavy sounds of breathing near his ears.

When all the sounds in the room shifted from intense to calm, Tang Yuan, who had appeared from somewhere, walked slowly into view, standing not far away, staring at Jiang Zhijin and Fang Xing.

Both of them had already removed their upper clothing, with Fang Xing pressing down on Jiang Zhijin. Their skin pressed together, making them comfortable and a bit drowsy. Jiang Zhijin glanced at Tang Yuan, then reached over to pat Fang Xing’s face.

“Hey, Fang Xing, next time, can we find a more normal place? Being seen by Tang Yuan in the living room every time is like corrupting a child.”

Fang Xing, lying quietly with his eyes closed, didn’t move. Upon hearing this, he chuckled a few times.

“Can’t corrupt him; he’s a eunuch.”

“…Such harsh words.” Jiang Zhijin patted Fang Xing’s face. “Get up.”

Fang Xing sat up, realizing it was already quite late. The two of them took a shower together in the bathroom and went back to their room to review for an hour, not sleeping until two o’clock.

Half an hour ago, they shamelessly “helped each other” in the living room, and half an hour later, he was doing geometry problems… Fang Xing felt that his life was truly colorful.

After the college entrance examination, he could do everything he wanted, he could kiss Jiang Zhijin everyday, touch him… Or, go a bit further and do some adult things in love…

Tsk, shameless Fang Xing.


Due to the unexpected events last night, Jiang Zhijin left the gathering halfway. Although there were reasons for it, it wasn’t ideal. He hosted another gathering and treated everyone to lunch.

His comrades didn’t mind these details. They just asked if the matter was resolved, and upon knowing it was, they jokingly said, “Yesterday, we thought you were having a chat with Gu Wenyao. But after a while, he had to come back, saying you both had to visit the police station. It startled us.”

“Oh, really?” Jiang Zhijin glanced at Gu Wenyao beside him and said with a smile.

“Yeah. But later, Gu Wenyao said there was nothing to worry about, so we relaxed and had to go back home.”

“There really wasn’t anything major.” Jiang Zhijin smiled. “Sorry for making you all worry.”

“Haha, what are you talking about…”

That day was Sunday, and most people were about to return to work. Jiang Zhijin treated them to lunch, saw everyone off one by one, and spent the day busy. By the end, it was around four or five in the afternoon.

Gu Wenyao didn’t leave; he had a long vacation. According to him, he would stay in Shaojiang for two more days and then go home to visit his parents.

Gu Wenyao indeed helped a lot yesterday. So, after the gathering ended, he invited Jiang Zhijin to chat. They found a random coffee shop, placed their orders, and after the waiter brought their items and left, Gu Wenyao looked at Jiang Zhijin and started chatting with him.

“There have been too many things going on these days, and we haven’t had a proper chat. I didn’t expect you’re still working at the bar.”

Before they broke up, Gu Wenyao knew that Jiang Zhijin worked at a bar. However, due to distance and communication issues, he didn’t ask specific details until after the breakup.

“Too lazy, don’t want to change jobs,” Jiang Zhijin self-mockingly remarked.

“It’s good,” Gu Wenyao chuckled. “Running a business isn’t easy either, it must have been tough these past few years.”

“It’s alright,” Jiang Zhijin took a sip of coffee and set the cup down. “As long as I don’t incur losses, I don’t bother much with other things.”

“Then what do you bother about, raising a little kid?” Gu Wenyao asked.

With this question, a complete silence fell between the two. Jiang Zhijin looked up at him, saying nothing.

When Jiang Zhijin’s expression was blank, there was a coldness in his eyes. Gu Wenyao, feeling the tension, instinctively took a sip of the Americano in front of him and said with a smile, “Just kidding. But I was genuinely startled last night.”

“I guessed you might have a boyfriend, but I didn’t expect him to be a high school student,” Gu Wenyao said. “He was wearing a school uniform last night, quite noticeable.”

Jiang Zhijin curled his lips, showing little amusement in his eyes, but his tone remained calm. “High school senior, 18 years old, not a minor.”

“Hey, I didn’t mean that,” Gu Wenyao laughed, looking at Jiang Zhijin. “Don’t get me wrong.”

He added, “I also know that we’ve already broken up, and I don’t have any other intentions.”

“I just think he’s indeed a bit—too young,” Gu Wenyao paused, then continued, “When I pursued you, I was nineteen. I remember you found me too young back then… Fang Xing probably isn’t older than I was at that time.”

At that time, the age gap between Gu Wenyao and Jiang Zhijin was only two years, unlike now with Fang Xing, a full ten-year difference, two whole cycles.

Gu Wenyao glanced at Jiang Zhijin and continued speaking.

“I might be meddling a bit, but I still hope you think it through. A ten-year difference means you’ll have to shoulder more responsibilities, especially since you’re someone who likes to take responsibility.”

“Back in the army, if anyone in the squad didn’t meet the physical standards, you felt it was your responsibility and had to practice with them repeatedly. If someone made a mistake, it was also your responsibility, and you would face the punishment together. When you got injured, you also considered it your responsibility, not estimating the danger properly…”

“If you’re going to date an eighteen-year-old high schooler, you might feel that you have to take responsibility for every aspect of their life, including studying, college entrance exams, dealing with parents, coming out… and the other person may not be able to bear the same responsibilities, after all, Fang Xing is still a kid.”

“It’s too exhausting, Jiang Zhijin. As a friend, I hope you think it through,” Gu Wenyao said.

Two cups of coffee were placed on either side of the table, emitting a bitter aroma. On the table was a small potted money plant, about the size of a palm, lush in the midst of winter.

“Actually, Fang Xing coming to pick me up last night didn’t serve much purpose. The matter was almost resolved, and I could have taken a taxi home faster than he came to pick me up.”

After a pause, Jiang Zhijin suddenly spoke, his voice calm.

“But he still came out late at night, didn’t even have time to change his clothes, because he felt it was what he should do. After going back, he stayed up late to review the questions until 2 AM. Even now, I called him, and I estimate he’s still working on his test papers.”

Gu Wenyao was momentarily stunned, glancing at Jiang Zhijin without saying a word.

“Responsibility is mutual; there’s no such thing as someone being too young to bear responsibility. Fang Xing is indeed only eighteen, but he’s been taking responsibility for me and his own life in his own way. So, don’t think that he’s unreliable just because he’s young, and don’t casually label him as just a kid—”

Jiang Zhijin paused halfway, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled slightly.

“Fang Xing is my boyfriend, even if he’s a little kid, he’s still my little boyfriend.”

On that day, Gu Wenyao didn’t say anything more. Later, he sent a WeChat message to Jiang Zhijin, apologizing and expressing that he might have been a bit meddlesome. Jiang Zhijin happened to be busy that day and replied with a simple “It’s okay” after quite some time.

The matter ended there. Until Gu Wenyao left, Fang Xing had no idea about the conversation between Jiang Zhijin and him. Fang Xing had been quite busy lately; the final exams were approaching, and the provincial joint exams followed immediately. It was the sprint phase, and teachers and students were repeatedly going through the knowledge points like pouring medicine. Even a top student like Fang Xing felt exhausted.

However, every night during his brief breaks from studying, when he saw the light in the living room, he strangely calmed down.

Jiang Zhijin was there with him.

With this belief, Fang Xing managed to push through the joint exams and final exams. His grades even exceeded his own expectations.

It goes without saying that Fang Xing ranked first in the grade for the final exams, and surprisingly, in the provincial joint exams, he secured the second place statewide.

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