Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 68


Jiang Zhijin joined the group in the evening when people were relatively free, and someone noticed his presence as soon as he entered. Chen Bo added, “Brothers, guess who I ran into.”

Jiang Zhijin could only respond with an emoji, considering it a form of greeting.

Immediately, people started popping up in the group.

“Platoon Leader?”

“No way, it’s really the Platoon Leader?”

“Where have you been these past few years, Platoon Leader?”

“Platoon Leader, do you still remember me? It’s me, Da Yang.”

Jiang Zhijin had a good memory; even after so long, he could still match the names in the group to the actual individuals. Five years had passed, and some had wedding photos as their avatars, while others had pictures of their children celebrating their first month.

Jiang Zhijin greeted everyone one by one, almost answering every question. The group quickly became lively.

“Platoon Leader is in Shaojiang? I go to Shaojiang three or four times a year, how come I’ve never run into you?”

“A few days ago, the group organized a get-together, and someone said Platoon Leader wasn’t around, speculating if Cao Cao would show up when mentioned.”

“Who mentioned the get-together a few days ago, was it Gu Wenyao?”

“Yeah, he’s the deputy platoon leader.”

“Why isn’t Gu Wenyao saying anything?”

Jiang Zhijin didn’t notice; at this moment, he glanced up, and indeed, Gu Wenyao hadn’t said anything.

“Probably on a mission; it’s different inside the military.” Someone speculated.

It was quite good; even though it was such a long time ago, considering the sensitive nature of their relationship, Gu Wenyao’s absence spared them from much awkwardness. Jiang Zhijin continued chatting until he had to say goodbye to go and pick up Fang Xing, and then the group quieted down a bit.

Chen Bo, also in the business field, couldn’t neglect his business partners for too long. He repeatedly reminded Jiang Zhijin to make sure they had a gathering when everyone had time to meet again.

“Sure.” Jiang Zhijin inserted his hands into his pockets, smiling as he responded.


As he finished the last word, Fang Xing put down the pen, took a short break. The lights of the residential building across were almost all off. Fang Xing checked the time; it was now 12:30 at night. He put down his phone, turned around to prepare to open the bedroom door.

Just as he walked to the doorway, there was a knock on the door, just one. He casually opened the door.

“…Were you waiting by the door?” Jiang Zhijin outside the door was momentarily stunned, then handed the milk he was holding to him.

“I guessed it. I thought you would come over.” Fang Xing smiled, took the milk, and had a sip. It was warm; Jiang Zhijin had added a bit of fine sugar, making it slightly sweet.

These days, Fang Xing had been studying until 1:30 am. Although Jiang Zhijin knew it was the norm for high school seniors, he couldn’t help but feel a bit distressed. So, he usually watched movies or played games in the living room until around 12:30, then brought a cup of milk to Fang Xing, and only then did he rest. 

After Gu Xun found out about this, he commented that Jiang Zhijin’s fatherly love was as solid as a mountain, receiving a kick from Jiang Zhijin in response.

Fang Xing finished a few sips, and Jiang Zhijin put the cup back in the kitchen and washed it casually. When he came out, Fang Xing was already brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

After diligently brushing his teeth, Fang Xing also washed his face to stay awake. He didn’t close the bathroom door; Jiang Zhijin leaned against the doorframe, watching him. When Fang Xing lifted his head, he could see Jiang Zhijin in the mirror.

Jiang Zhijin had not been too busy these days. He usually went to Cloud Seven in the afternoon and returned home after the night self-study session, staying in the living room until now.

“Aren’t you tired?” Jiang Zhijin asked.

“It’s okay.” Fang Xing could lean on Jiang Zhijin’s shoulder by slightly lowering his head. He snuggled against him and gently closed his eyes.

“Just a bit of back pain from sitting too long.”

“Kids don’t have back pain.” Jiang Zhijin said.

“… What kind of feudal superstition is that?” Fang Xing laughed, looked up at Jiang Zhijin, “Some kids not only have back pain but also have abdominal muscles. Do you want to see?”

“Wow, that’s impressive.” Jiang Zhijin laughed, patting Fang Xing’s back.

“Let’s go, I’ll give you a massage.”

Fang Xing jumped onto the sofa, and Jiang Zhijin sat on the edge with one leg folded, reaching out to massage Fang Xing’s back.

He didn’t press too hard, through a layer of pajamas, with a bit of warmth, making Fang Xing feel quite comfortable. Fang Xing closed his eyes and rested for about two minutes.

“Not much longer.” Jiang Zhijin said. “Once this period is over, it’ll be fine, just endure a bit longer.”

“Yeah.” Fang Xing smiled silently.

Time flew by. It was less than a month away from the Chinese New Year, and this time they would probably get a ten-day break, a true blessing. Then it would be March, April, moving from spring into summer… and once summer started, the college entrance exam would be approaching.

By then, whether they liked it or not, the trajectory of their lives would begin to change.

In the middle of the massage, Jiang Zhijin’s phone, placed not far away on the sofa, vibrated twice suddenly. Jiang Zhijin was a bit far, and he couldn’t reach the phone without moving his hands, so he tapped Fang Xing’s waist.

“Check my phone for me.”

Fang Xing opened his eyes, reaching out to grab Jiang Zhijin’s phone. Jiang Zhijin’s phone wasn’t locked, and upon unlocking the screen, there was a red dot in the friend request section of WeChat.

“Someone added you as a friend.”


Fang Xing casually opened and looked. The person’s profile picture was olive-green camouflage, and the nickname was just a period.

“The note says Gu Wenyao.”

The next second, Fang Xing clearly felt Jiang Zhijin’s movements on his back pause.

Jiang Zhijin was momentarily stunned, then raised an eyebrow. Fang Xing turned to look at him, asking, “Should I accept it?”

Initially, Jiang Zhijin and Gu Wenyao did have WeChat, but later, probably due to some work-related reasons, Gu Wenyao changed all his contact information. Jiang Zhijin didn’t mind; things were in the past, just like this friend request from Gu Wenyao now. There was no way he would directly block the person, especially with Fang Xing around.

“Who is this person?” Fang Xing accepted the request while asking Jiang Zhijin.

Jiang Zhijin glanced at him, hesitating about how to tactfully explain Gu Wenyao’s identity…

“Former comrade, from the same squad before we were discharged.”

“Oh,” Fang Xing said. Jiang Zhijin’s massage service had stopped, and Fang Xing flipped over to sit on the sofa, stretching like a dumpling.

“Adding you on WeChat at half-past twelve in the middle of the night. This comrade of yours is quite —”

Before Fang Xing could finish his sentence, a flash of inspiration hit him. He turned his head to stare at Jiang Zhijin, not forgetting to slowly spit out the next word.


Jiang Zhijin couldn’t help but laugh.

“No, what does that mean?” Fang Xing squinted at Jiang Zhijin for a moment. “Honestly, is this your comrade?”

Too sharp, Xiao Xing.

Jiang Zhijin smiled and asked, “Is this the sixth sense of a top student?”

“This is the sixth sense of a boyfriend.” 

Jiang Zhijin’s hand hung by his side. Fang Xing hooked it up, pinched it gently but not lightly, then held it.

“Really impressive, my boyfriend.” Jiang Zhijin said.

“Stop flattering; this boyfriend is not falling for your tricks for now. Quickly spill the beans.”

Jiang Zhijin laughed for a while and then coughed a couple of times, suppressing his laughter. “…ex-boyfriend.”

“The one you mentioned before?”

Forget about tactful explanations; Fang Xing’s heart wasn’t fragile to that extent. Since he asked, he had the right to know Gu Wenyao’s identity.

After all, he was the current one.

“…Damn.” Fang Xing frowned at Jiang Zhijin. “Can I delete him now?”

“If you want to delete him, you can.” Jiang Zhijin said with a smile.

“…Forget it.” In the end, Fang Xing handed the phone to Jiang Zhijin, frowning.

“After all, he’s your friend… Adding you at half-past midnight, what’s this guy thinking?”

“He probably just happened to have some free time right now,” Jiang Zhijin replied. “Military management is quite strict.”

“Why did he add you then?”

“I don’t know.” Jiang Zhijin glanced at his phone. Gu Wenyao had sent a message with just two words: ‘Jiang Zhijin?’

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