Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 80

Epilogue: Death, Rebirth, and Nurturing Oneself Again

In recent years, I haven’t had the habit of writing epilogues, but for this book, I feel there are still some things I want to say.

First of all, I really appreciate everyone for reading this far, accompanying Shelley and Irey through their arduous journey. When I started writing this book, I never imagined such a niche topic could be seen and loved by so many people. Their story was nurtured by much love, growing into what it is today.

Thank you all for leaving so many touching comments. Throughout the writing process, I triggered my PTSD numerous times and fell into emotional lows. Your voices kept me going and finally completed this story.

This is a story about death, rebirth, and nurturing oneself again.

The process of creating this story was probably the most challenging for me, as the themes I wanted to explore were profound and not easily expressed or likable.

Because the human instinct is to avoid despair.

We do not live happily, yet we do not want to face death. We just live hurriedly, without understanding the meaning of life, and then rashly fall into the arms of death.

This kind of contemplation inspired me to write this book. I wanted to explore a bit of death, a bit of life’s meaning, and the real feeling of living—a story of seeking hope in despair.

There are too many unsatisfactory and fleeting things in life. Friends leave, families break apart, loved ones die before you, and various social rules suffocate you, leaving you helpless.

We strive to avoid despair, but despair grows like vines in the dark, following us like a shadow.

Struggling is not to prove anything, but just to breathe, to walk in the sunlight.

Death is not to end life, but just to end the pain, to live more earnestly.

Sometimes, despair is easy, like weeds in a field, growing wildly without water. But the process of regaining hope is like molting, painful and long. But hold on a little longer, wait a little more, and maybe you will see the sunrise tomorrow.

So, I want to say, go and find it.

Don’t worry about where the road is or whether you can find it.

Maybe you will never overcome the traumas of your childhood, maybe you will never change the state of the world in your lifetime, maybe death will find you before you find hope, and maybe pain and despair will always follow you.

But that’s okay, it doesn’t matter.

Go find seashells by the sea, go to the ice cream shop at the school gate, fulfill a long-forgotten wish, find a long-lost treasure.

Because hope will be born here, happiness will spread here, in some tiny little thing, you will touch the real feeling of being alive.

Death will always come.

And that brings about all of our meaning in being alive.

Finally, please don’t rush to unfollow. This book will have many extras dropping irregularly in June. I love them so much, and there are some things I want to add, maybe many sweet daily moments to write. If there’s anything you want to see, you can leave a comment, and I will seriously consider it.

My next book will be “Fragile Items,” tentatively set fifty years after “Omega Manual,” continuing the world view. Some unresolved issues in “Omega Manual” will develop in “Fragile Items.” If you like “Omega Manual,” feel free to bookmark the author’s column. The next book should not disappoint you. However, creating “Omega Manual” has been quite draining for me, so “Fragile Items” will start later, after accumulating more drafts.

Thank you again for everyone’s love and support. May we all emerge from our trials and tribulations as butterflies from a chrysalis. See you in the next book!


  • Nabong_uwu

    //cries// thank you so, so much for translating T^T
    This story was so touching, bittersweet and wholesome, I’m so happy for getting to know these characters and being able to experience this painful, yet healing journey with them, thank you so so much, this will indeed be a difficult to forget story!

    Also… I wanted to ask if you’ll be translating the other extras? 🥹

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