Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 8

Young master, please get out of the car

Shelley didn’t respond. Irey’s eyes remained on the road, thinking that he had probably fallen asleep, when the latter suddenly spoke again.

“Five years of driving experience, so you got your driver’s license ten years ago?” Shelley’s tone held a hint of confusion. “How old are you this year?”

Irey almost laughed at the fact that the young master had been silent for so long just to ponder this.

“How old do you think I am?” he suddenly teased.

Unexpectedly, Shelley actually turned his head to observe Irey’s profile.

“Your record says you were born in 2024, which means you’re 28 this year,” Shelley said, “But I don’t think that’s your real age.”

“Why?” Irey smirked, “Because I look older than 28?”

“No,” Shelley said, “Because I don’t think you’re the kind of person to tell the truth on your records.”

Irey paused for a moment, then laughed, not confirming or denying, throwing the question back, “What about you?”

“What about me?”

Irey glanced at Shelley, not knowing why, but his Omega boss always gave him a distracted feeling, as if his soul was far away from his body, often unable to come back in time.

“Age,” Irey said, “Of course, if you nobles from Nantes consider it private, I won’t ask—”

“31,” Shelley said.

This time it was Irey who was taken aback. He pressed the brake to slow down and turned his head to scrutinize Shelley.

“Are you joking?”

“No. What benefit would I have from joking with you?” Shelley’s voice sounded tired, indeed not like he was in a joking mood.

Irey couldn’t help but glance again. Whether it was his appearance, his eyebrows, his fair skin, or his long eyelashes, any of them made it difficult to associate him with someone in their thirties.

“Has anyone ever told you that you look like a college student?” Irey asked.

“Many people.” Shelley adjusted his posture, “Family, classmates, clients. One year, I had dinner with a client, and they even thought I was an intern at the company, asking me to pour coffee, then…”

His words stopped abruptly, as if he suddenly found it uninteresting, pursing his lips. “Forget it, it doesn’t matter.”

Irey glanced at him but didn’t press further.

Not long after, as the sun completely sank below the horizon, with the night slowly descending, the surroundings of the highway became eerie.

The crooked street lights no longer illuminated, casting terrifying shadows only under the headlights, like ghostly hands reaching out from all directions, sweeping across the car.

Irey had gazed out the window on a train at night before, where there were no lights, no fireworks, only a silent darkness except for the faint stars, like a realm of nothingness. This kind of chilling darkness was enough to devour anyone’s courage to move forward.

Fortunately, before long, they reached their first destination.

First, faint lights appeared at the end of the road, then the lights grew closer and closer until they surrounded the car.

Irey slowed the car, gradually driving into the town area. Soon, shops appeared on both sides of the road, and the sounds of human activity and the aroma of food quickly dispelled the unease brought by the darkness.

Irey glanced sideways and found that Shelley had fallen asleep at some point.

This person seemed unwilling to relax even when asleep. His brows were tightly furrowed, his upper body uncomfortably leaning against the seatback, his lips pursed as if ready to retort sternly at any moment.

Irey remembered the night he met him at the bar, he was also lying on the bed with furrowed brows, covering his eyes with his arm, lips tightly pursed as if enduring some torment.

And from that day until now, Irey seemed to have never seen this Omega smile.

This should be his first long-distance trip in five years, but he showed no excitement or joy in traveling.

Why did he put in so much effort to go to Mount Yinbu? What did he want to do there?

But these questions only circled in Irey’s mind and then drifted away. After all, apart from the employment relationship, there was no extra affection between him and this Omega from the upper city.

As they moved forward, the streets gradually became busier. A red sports car attracted everyone’s attention. Irey stopped the car amidst the amazed and curious glances of passersby, then rolled down the window on Shelley’s side.

The cold wind carrying the scent of food rushed into the car. Shelley subconsciously furrowed his brows, shivering awake.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met the curious glances of passersby outside the window, instantly feeling disgusted, he reached out to press the button to raise the window.

“What time is it?” he asked, still with a nasally voice from just waking up.

“It’s eight oh three, boss.” Irey tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, “We can’t continue driving today. We need to eat something here and stay overnight. Aren’t you hungry?”

Shelley made a sound from his throat, whether it was in response to Irey’s question or just clearing his throat was unclear.

“There are plenty of restaurants nearby. You go down and have a look first, I’ll go park the car.” Irey said.

Shelley furrowed his brows, not understanding Irey’s words, “Isn’t stopping here considered parking?”

Irey turned his head, looking at Shelley with a somewhat amused expression, “Leaving the car here, it could be smashed in the blink of an eye.”

Shelley looked at him incredulously, but before he could express his opinion, Irey opened the car door.

In just two or three minutes, a circle of curious onlookers had already surrounded the car. From front to back, various inexplicable gazes scrutinized the sports car.

Irey honked the horn in the middle of the steering wheel, and the sports car emitted a long, piercing honk, startling everyone.

“Haven’t you damn seen a car before?” Irey shouted, “Scram!”

His shout immediately scattered the onlookers, and he kept his eyes on them until they were far away before sitting back in the driver’s seat.

Shelley was also startled by him, almost jumping from his seat, his beautiful blue eyes widened as he looked at him, the remaining drowsiness instantly dispelled by the fright.

“I’ve had this car for six years.” Shelley stared at him and said, “This is the first time I knew it could make such a loud noise.”

“Well, that’s good. I helped develop a new feature for you.” Irey lazily remarked, while reaching over to open the passenger side door for Shelley, “Get out, wait here for me, don’t wander off.”

Shelley seemed very displeased with Irey’s tone, frowning coldly, “I’m an adult, I know how to have a meal in the city.”

“Sure, sure.” Irey patiently repeated, “Young master, please get out of the car.”

Shelley pulled open the car door and got out, slamming it shut with a bang.

He really didn’t cherish his belongings at all.

Irey clicked his tongue, stepped on the accelerator, and turned the car out of the restaurant-lined street.

Finding a parking spot wasn’t easy. By the time Irey locked the car and returned, the blonde figure was already gone.

“What did I say.” Irey furrowed his brows, muttering to himself, briskly walking to the counter of a bakery, gesturing to the shop owner, “I’m looking for a golden-haired Omega, about this tall, very handsome…”

Before Irey could finish his sentence, the shop owner interrupted him with gestures, pointing to a restaurant diagonally across the street.

The restaurant looked quite upscale, with a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window. Inside, there were elegantly dressed men and women, it should be the highest-consumption place on this street.

Shelley was standing in front of the restaurant, surrounded by five or six men and women. Judging from their height and scent, they were all Alphas.

Shelley stood among them, lacking in height and imposing presence, but he kept a cold expression, showing no sign of fear. “I said, I just wanted to come here to eat—”

An Alpha interrupted him with a laugh, “Eat? An Omega, out alone for dinner at night?”

“Is that illegal?” Shelley raised his voice slightly. “Does this restaurant not allow Omegas to enter for a meal?”

With that remark, the group of Alphas paused for a moment, then burst into laughter. The laughter echoed down the street.

“No, no, you misunderstood,” one of the Alphas leaning against the wall said with a laugh as he put his arm around Shelley’s shoulder and whispered in his ear, “Why wouldn’t we let you in? We welcome you.”

“I see you’re starving. Come on in, we’ll treat you to a good meal.” Another Alpha with a slicked-back hair approached Shelley suggestively, intentionally sniffing the scent near his neck and teasing, “Looks like your Alpha at home isn’t doing too well if you’re out looking for fun at this hour.”

“Don’t worry, I’m definitely better than your Alpha at home.” A bespectacled Alpha boldly hugged Shelley’s waist and lowered his voice insinuatingly, “Don’t believe me? Feel for yourself.”

“Let go! I don’t need this!” Shelley struggled, but he couldn’t match the brute force of several Alphas.

Although Shelley’s resistance was evident, no one passing by on the street thought anything of it. They merely cast a few curious glances and continued on their way as if nothing unusual was happening.

Irey sighed, lit a cigarette, and let the faint smoke disperse in the chilly air. He walked over, tapped the Alpha who was holding Shelley on the shoulder.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Irey said, “Is there a possibility that he doesn’t want to go with you guys?”

The Alpha who was tapped on the shoulder immediately bristled, furrowing his brow and lifting his chin high. “Who are you? Why are you meddling in our business?”

Irey shrugged, took a drag from his cigarette filter, and then punched the Alpha in the nose.

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