Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 69

I am Your Omega

Irey had never indulged himself so much in matters of intimacy in his life.

It wasn’t until the sky outside the window began to lighten that he realized they had spent the entire night together.

Fortunately, Shelley seemed fine, buoyed by the hormones of their passionate period. Apart from the marked glands and a few bruises, there were no other injuries.

He lay on the pillow, slightly tired, yawning like a well-fed cat, exuding a satisfied and lazy aura.

An Omega’s heat period typically lasts from three days to a week, during which their pheromone levels remain at their highest, making it impossible for them to stay away from their Alpha for long.

As dawn broke, Irey bathed, dressed, and went downstairs to buy essential items for the coming days.

Douding was more enthusiastic about this matter than anyone else. Without Irey saying a word, he brought bed sheets, towels, hot water, and even sneakily slipped a box of condoms to him.

“…,” Irey chuckled at the boy, “Do you know what these are?”

Douding shook his head seriously, “No, my mom gave them to me. She said they were chewing gum, but I’m pretty sure they’re not.”

Irey laughed at his expression, ruffled his hair, and said, “You’ll understand when you grow up.”

Even as Irey walked back to his room, he could still hear Douding’s indignant shouts from the corridor, “What the heck, everyone’s like this! Just you wait, I’ll grow up soon!”

Irey closed the door with a smile, set down the things in his hands, and walked to the bed. Shelley was pretending to be asleep.

He balled up the quilt, closed his eyes as if asleep, blond hair scattered on the pillow, sunlight shining on his delicate face like that of an angel.

However, the slight tension on the angel’s face exposed the fact that he wasn’t actually asleep.

Irey didn’t expose him, just squatted down slowly at the bedside, then stretched out his hand and pinched Shelley’s nose.

One second, two seconds, until the third second, Shelley finally couldn’t help sitting up, “What are you doing!”

Irey smiled like a mischievous child who had succeeded in his prank for a long time, hands on the bed board near Shelley’s face, “Are you suddenly shy?”

“I’m not!” Shelley’s cheeks blushed slightly, “You’re self-centered.”

“Really?” Irey leaned closer, “You weren’t like that last night when you were crying out my name.”

“Halton!” Shelley couldn’t take it anymore and pushed him away, but Irey caught his wrist and held it to his chest.

“What did you call me?” Irey asked.

“Ha…” Shelley couldn’t say a word after just one word.

Irey stared at him intensely, his eyes deep and burning with the world’s fiercest flames, conveying vivid love without any disguise. He couldn’t stand it. He was always like this.

Any hiding or covering up would be futile under such fiery eyes. Before Irey Halton, Shelley was always bare, unable to hide anything.

“Irey,” Shelley whispered softly, feeling his cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

It was really inexplicable. With this man in front of him, he didn’t know how many times he had kissed and made love, and now that he had even been permanently marked, he was blushing just because of a simple name.

Irey held his hand and softly demanded, “Say it again.”


“Say it again.” Irey leaned down, forehead against Shelley’s, warm breath gently stirring the strands of hair at his temple.

Shelley closed his eyes and, abandoning himself, raised his voice, “Irey!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Irey’s lips touched his, and Shelley raised his head to kiss him, his hot tongue stirring him so he could hardly breathe.

After kissing for a while, Shelley had to push Alpha away, “Wait a minute…”

Irey froze for a moment, backed away, “What’s wrong, did I hurt you?”

Shelley’s cheeks reddened, his expression embarrassed to the extreme. He felt uncomfortable and crossed his legs, using his arms to cover his face, “The sheet… got wet.”

Irey paused, couldn’t help but burst out laughing, his healthy wheat-colored skin also turning a faint red.

“Don’t laugh!” Shelley pushed him hard, his cheeks as red as if he had been steamed.

It’s really over.

This time, Irey Halton really saw through all the privacy and secrets of his body.

He could no longer separate this person’s existence from his own life.

After being chased and pushed around by Shelley for a long time, he finally suppressed his smile and kissed Shelley’s cheek, “It’s okay, the hotel staff will take care of it. Now let’s take care of the bruises on the back of your neck.”

Although Shelley felt uncomfortable, he still made a sound from his nose and turned his head away.

Irey carefully lifted his long hair, revealing the nape of his neck.

Despite having mentally prepared himself long ago, seeing the bite marks on Shelley’s glands in the ample light made Irey’s heart ache suddenly.

The essence of permanent marking was actually the complete destruction of the Omega gland’s original function, injecting Alpha pheromones into the secretion gland, disrupting its natural secretion mechanism, causing all future Omega secretions to carry the distinctive scent of a specific Alpha.

In this process, Omegas not only endure physical pain from the pierced gland but also face rejection reactions from genetic information that does not belong to their own bodies.

Depending on the compatibility of pheromone matching, Omegas may experience varying degrees of pain. If matched with high compatibility Alpha pheromones, there may be minimal pain. However, low compatibility could lead Omega to endure reactions like fever, chills, and vomiting for weeks, with the gland’s wound persistently painful and slow to heal.

All this knowledge was imparted to him by Shelley.

As an Alpha, he had never before seen such information from any source, nor did any Alpha or Beta consider this information worthy of understanding and dissemination.

The wound on the gland was gruesome, but thankfully the bleeding had stopped.

Irey approached the wound cautiously, lightly brushing his lips against the intact skin around it, causing Shelley to itch.

“Does it hurt?” Irey asked.

“No,” Shelley had just begun to reply when Irey bit his ear.

“Lying is bad,” he said.

Shelley couldn’t help but laugh and had to admit, “A little, but not serious.”

This earned him a disapproving frown from Irey.

So Shelley turned around, reached out and hugged Irey, and lightly pinched his back, whispering, “No matter how much it hurts, it’s all from you, so it’s bearable.”

After treating the wound, Irey gently wiped Shelley’s body with warm water, changed the hotel’s large bed, and soaked their dirty clothes in a basin to wash them.

They did it again twice in the afternoon, and it wasn’t until dinner time that Shelley’s pheromones calmed down a bit. Irey went downstairs to buy a stewed pork ribs and a bowl of red bean porridge, and brought them up to Shelley. He blew each spoonful of porridge cool and fed it to him.

It was clear that after a whole day of heat, Shelley was starting to tire, but he still managed to smile when faced with Irey, his deep blue eyes sparkling.

“So diligent,” Shelley joked after eating a spoonful of red bean porridge that was neither too hot nor too cold, “I almost want to take you home.”

“With pleasure,” Irey replied smoothly, scooping up another spoonful of porridge to cool it, “From today, I’ll be called Irey Manta.”

Shelley laughed, causing his wound to ache. Irey put down the bowl and stuffed a pillow behind his back, saying, “Lean against this side, it’ll be easier on your neck.”

When he picked up the bowl again, Irey noticed Shelley’s beautiful blue eyes staring straight at him, like they held an entire ocean, deep and clear, as if he had something to say.

“What’s wrong?” Irey asked him.

“Nothing,” Shelley smiled lightly, “I just feel like this might be the most human-like heat period I’ve had in five years.”

Irey frowned, “How did you spend your heat periods before?”

Shelley pursed his lips and remained silent.

He didn’t want Irey to know about those past experiences that even he found nauseating to recall.

Over the past five years, every heat period had been accompanied by madness and confused memories. Under the influence of hormones and Alpha pheromones, an Omega in heat had dulled senses of pain, no matter how much they struggled.

After the heat period ended, the satisfied Alpha would pat himself on the back and leave, leaving him amidst the mess and the various pains left inside and out.

After experiencing several such episodes, Shelley gradually learned to separate his heat-driven self from his human life.

During heat, he was not human; just a creature of instinct, without dignity or reason, only bending low to endure the Alpha’s intrusion.

At least thinking this way made his numb heart a little easier to bear.

The warm touch on his chin brought Shelley back to reality. Irey held his chin, forcing him to look up and meet his eyes.

“Whatever your heat periods were like before, they won’t happen again,” Irey said softly. “It’s all over now. From today, you’re my Omega, and no Alpha besides me can touch you.”

A warm flutter stirred in Shelley’s chest. He took a slow, deep breath, leaned his forehead against Irey’s chest, and slowly exhaled. Many old memories and dirty, numb feelings seemed to dissipate with that breath.

“Yeah,” he said, “I’m your Omega.”

Moonlight spilled into the room from the window. Even at this hour, Fuba Port’s streets were still brightly lit, bustling with activity.

Shelley obediently opened his mouth like a domesticated animal, letting Irey feed him spoonful by spoonful until he was satisfied, squinting contentedly.

Then, half of the bed sank as Irey joined him. Shelley naturally leaned his head against Irey’s shoulder, and Irey glanced at him with the corner of his eye, reaching out to wrap his arm around Shelley’s waist.

In the quiet room, there was only the faint sound of breathing and the warmth and movement of bodies pressed together.

“Shelley,” Irey spoke first, his voice low enough that Shelley had to lean in to hear him, “Do you still want to go to Mount Yinbu?”

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