Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 68

A Night of Bliss

Long, long ago, a lonely rabbit met a hungry fox.

The rabbit’s ears drooped, its fur filthy. It said to the fox, “Mr. Fox, I’m so lonely. Could you please eat me?”

The hungry fox looked at it, its emerald eyes gleaming, drool dripping from its sharp teeth.

“Sure,” the fox said, “but you’re too dirty. You need to take a bath first.”

So the fox took the rabbit to the stream, washed its fur clean, making it snowy white again.

After the bath, the fox said, “You smell too bad. I can’t eat you like this. I’ll make you smell nice.”

So the fox took the rabbit to the flower field. They rolled around in the flowers, made a flower wreath for the rabbit’s head. Now the rabbit smelled good, not bad at all.

But then the fox said, “Your droopy ears look terrible. We have to make them look nice.”

So the fox took the rabbit to the beach, decorated its ears with seashells. The rabbit’s ears were supported, standing tall and shaking, very beautiful.

So many days and nights passed like this, and the rabbit couldn’t help asking the fox, “Mr. Fox, when will you finally eat me?”

The hungry fox ground its teeth and said—

“Shelley, calm down!”

The next second after pushing open the door of the hotel room, Irey’s back hit the wall heavily. Shelley must have used all his strength; even his bones ached from the impact.

Immediately, the omega warmly pressed against him, giving him no time to catch his breath. He could only stretch his foot out, hooking the door shut with his toes, and then chaos ensued.

The concentration of pheromones in the room reached unprecedented levels, making it difficult for Irey to even breathe.

The more intense it got, the less Irey dared to exert force on Shelley. During heat, Omegas were like an open shell, exposing all vulnerabilities without defense. It was easy to accidentally hurt those fragile parts.

But the more Irey yielded, the more proactive Shelley became.

Irey could hardly imagine how an Omega in heat could still have the energy to complete so many complex and difficult steps.

Something was fermenting in this small room.

It was like a hot sea here, water grass entangled around his ankles, climbing up his body.

Soft, helpless, burning, everything became chaotic and merged together.

He could taste the tears from Shelley’s lips, the salty liquid constantly sliding down, soaking his cheeks.

The slender waist was barely a handful, holding Shelley in his arms like the most fragile piece of art in the world, yet the toughest material. The neck he hooked was as captivating as a swan, driving Irey almost crazy.

If time could freeze at this moment, he would be willing to pay with his life.

But when Shelley turned around and revealed the softest part of the shell to him, Irey’s last bit of sanity grabbed him.

“No.” His voice was so hoarse that even he couldn’t hear his own words clearly. “We haven’t… Shelley, we can’t just…”

“Irey.” Shelley interrupted him, calling his name for the first time in an almost pleading tone.

Irey stood frozen in place.

Shelley’s golden hair cascaded like a waterfall over his shoulders, like a mermaid from a fairy tale, yet also like a seductive siren.

“Irey, I like you,” Shelley repeated, “I’ve liked you for a very long time, incredibly so, so much that it’s overwhelming.”

Tears welled up in his blue eyes, pearls rolling down onto the pillow, soaking the fabric.

He turned his head, his moist eyes like jewels just pulled from the sea, his voice hoarse as he pleaded softly, “So please, please, make me yours.”

In that moment, something deep in Irey’s chest fractured, emitting a sound too faint for human ears to hear.

He had seen many faces of Shelley.

The cold, expressionless face; the haughty and arrogant face with a slightly lifted chin; the tight-lipped, silent face; and the day he was driven out of the villa he had bought, his golden hair flying in the cold wind.

He would never forget Shelley’s expression then, his delicate features as if carved by human hands, beautiful yet devoid of soul.

And then he said to him, “Halton, I am not your possession.”

That cold Shelley, that arrogant Shelley, that lonely Shelley, that numb Shelley, now spoke to him in such a tone, such a plea.

Irey’s reason collapsed completely.

“Have you thought this through,” his voice growled like a wild beast on the plains, “There’s no turning back.”

Shelley smiled, “Irey, you are the person I love most in this world.”

Irey took a deep breath, gripping Shelley’s shoulder with one hand, flipping him over and saying hoarsely, “Fine. But I want to watch.”

Some say that the second sexual differentiation in humans symbolizes regression of civilization and the wildness of humanity.

Because Omega glands grow at the nape, when Alphas mark, they must crouch behind Omegas like beasts. This absolute emphasis on power makes Omegas only fit for a lowly position like female beasts, unable to see the aggressor’s face, unable to find any psychological or physical comfort, enduring the immense pain alone.

This natural distinction in status between Alpha and Omega cannot be changed or questioned.

Therefore, when Irey’s face, covered in sweat, came into Shelley’s view, he briefly showed a hint of confusion.

No matter how he thought about it, this position couldn’t reach the glands at the back of the neck.

Then he saw Irey bend down and embrace him entirely.

The Alpha’s warm body temperature spread through his entire body. Their chests pressed together without hindrance, their heartbeats echoing each other. High levels of pheromones blended together like flowing water, inducing relaxation and a sense of security.

Irey rested his chin near Shelley’s neck, as if wanting to give him a deep hug.

Shelley turned his head slightly, about to call Irey’s name, when he felt a sharp, nerve-racking pain in his fragile nape.

The pain of the glands being pierced by sharp teeth was even more terrifying than he had imagined, as if a pair of pliers were twisting every nerve in his body, twisting his internal organs into a knot, and still exerting force.

Tears almost instantly welled up in his eyes. Shelley made a short sound in his throat, then firmly held back.

Blood flowed down his nape like a small river, streaming down his body and limbs, staining the sheets.

At the same time, there was a deep, dull ache from deep within his body, where Alpha swelled into knots deeper than he could have imagined.

A permanent mark.

Shelley’s hazy consciousness vaguely realized.

After receiving this mark, he would forever belong to Irey Halton as his Omega.

Irey grabbed Shelley’s hand hanging at his side. His effort looked as if he were enduring intense pain, not Shelley.

“Don’t endure it,” his canine teeth buried deep into Shelley’s glands, his speech slurred but audible enough for the person beside him, “Call out if it hurts, pinch, squeeze, bite me, whatever. I love you, Shelley, come back with me alive.”

Shelley subconsciously turned his head slightly, wanting to see Irey’s face. The slight movement caused pain in the wound and the buried teeth, making him tremble all over, emitting a cry between a shout and a scream. It hurts.

Really, really hurts.

In his life so far, he had never felt such intense, vivid, clear pain, causing his limbs to curl up, his toes to spasm.

He broke out in a cold sweat, gasping for air as if he had just run three kilometers. His skin was soaked with sweat, there was a taste of blood in his throat, and every muscle in his body was taut.

For five years… no, perhaps even from many, many years ago, starting from the snow globe that disappeared from his sight, he felt so clearly for the first time that he was still alive.

His heart was still beating, his breathing continued.

His fingers could still touch the soft sheets, his toes could still feel the cold air.

The person he loved was embracing him, his body enveloped in warmth. When he cried, his tears would hit Irey’s shoulder.

Their pheromones completely blended together, creating a new, pleasant and comforting fragrance.

Irey finally completed the marking, slowly lifting his head and pulling his bloody canine teeth out from deep within the glands.

“It’s okay now, it’s over, it’s okay.” Irey lowered his head to kiss the swollen and injured area, licking clean the remaining blood around it, comforting softly, “It hurts a lot, right? Don’t hold it in. Did you bite yourself? Let me see…”

Shelley looked at Irey, fragments of moonlight shining in his brown eyes.

After checking Shelley’s mouth and body and finding no other wounds, Irey breathed a sigh of relief. He propped himself up, intending to find some gauze or bandage from the drawer to wrap Shelley’s wound, but as his hand reached out, Shelley grabbed it, his arm hooking around Irey’s neck and pulling down forcefully.

“Don’t stop,” Shelley’s throat was dry, his voice hoarse, “Irey, I want you, right now.”

The collapse of reason happened in that instant.

Irey seized his wrist and pushed forward, throwing all thoughts of safety measures, wound care, and gentleness out of his mind.

Damn it all.

Let the giant waves surge and the mountains crumble.

Tonight, nothing could stop him from spending a wonderful night with the person he loved.

Snow fell all night long, dyeing the earth silver-white. Moonlight spilled over the sea, gently rocking the fishing boats moored at the quay…

The hungry fox ground his teeth thoughtfully. “You’re right, foxes are destined to eat rabbits. But rabbits are filthy, stinking creatures with droopy ears, while you are clean, with seashells and fresh flowers on your ears and neck.”

“You stopped being a rabbit a long time ago,” the fox said with a sly smile.

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