Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 56


Only a demon could come up with such a cruel punishment.

The omega’s gland is the place where pheromones are the most concentrated. Being this close to the source of pheromones is enough to drive any alpha mad, make them lose their minds, and become a slave to their instincts.

What’s more, this was an omega he had already marked, legally belonging to him. Their pheromones matched even better, naturally attracting each other.

Shelley’s gland was full and beautiful, slightly protruding against his fair skin. The previous mark was barely visible, discernible only by the scent indicating he belonged to someone.

Irey took a deep breath, lowered his head, and gently kissed it as if it were a fragile piece of glass.

Shelley leaned on the head of the bed like a lazy feline, openly exposing his vulnerability.

The sensitive gland, kissed with feather-like gentleness, twitched as if tickled and moved forward, only to be pursued and kissed with slightly more force.

A muffled moan escaped Shelley’s throat, and simultaneously, his gland involuntarily released more sweet fragrance.

The scent of tuberose soon filled the room, spreading softly and seductively into every corner.

At the source of this fragrance, Irey was almost intoxicated by its rich allure.

“Continue, don’t stop,” Shelley’s low voice came from the front.

Irey’s breathing grew heavier, his lips lingering on the soft gland, continuing to press kisses.

The floral scent grew denser, surrounding Irey’s every breath.

Instinct roared and battled with his dwindling rationality in his mind. Uncontrollably, he opened his mouth, revealing sharp canines.

His scent had faded.

If he bit down, he could mark him again.

If he bit down, Shelley would be powerless like a rabbit caught by the neck, messed up and in disarray, showing a pitiful expression, crying and begging him to stop.

The sharp canines pressed against the soft skin of the gland. Shelley’s body trembled slightly, but his voice was steady, “Continue, Halton.”

He couldn’t continue.

If he continued, he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t hurt him.

But this was a punishment, a punishment for his careful plotting and scheming.

The hunter, who had meticulously laid his trap, fell into his prey’s snare due to overconfidence.

Irey’s hot breath sprayed continuously on Shelley’s neck, his body trembling uncontrollably with restraint. Forcing himself to close his mouth, he gently pecked at the center of the gland.

Finally, Shelley’s voice sounded, “That’s enough.”

Irey sat up as if granted amnesty, distancing himself from Shelley. The latter turned around, seeing beads of sweat on Irey’s forehead, breathing hard and fast, pheromones almost dripping from his canines.

“Fuck you,” Irey panted, succinctly expressing his thoughts.

Shelley couldn’t suppress a smile curling at his lips. He bent his knees, leaning against the headboard, leisurely watching him, “Want to continue?”

This time, Irey Halton finally learned.

This young master from Nantes was crazier than any slum dweller he had ever seen when he lost his mind.

“Fine,” Irey wiped his lips with the back of his hand and extended his other hand. “Rock, paper, scissors.”

He chose scissors, Shelley chose rock.

“Question,” Shelley leaned closer, supporting himself on the bed, his voice low, “Do you agree?”

Irey looked into those deep blue eyes, husky as he answered, “Of course.”

The moment Irey answered, no one cared about the game that had started due to insomnia.

Shelley flipped over, pressing Irey underneath him.

Then there were sudden kisses and chaos.

Outside, the wind had risen again, rustling the leaves of the large tree by the road, causing the windows to creak. Winter and night blended, manifesting as gusts of wailing wind, even waking distant roosters and dogs, producing a few disturbing noises.

No one would know what happened in the narrow room, no one could interfere with the intimacy between an alpha and an omega, and no one would bless their future.

Fortunately, they did not need definitions, blessings, or a future.

Sweat dripped from Shelley’s temples, soaking his long hair. Irey restrainedly held his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

Shelley rested his head on Irey’s shoulder, breathing irregularly, his hair sticking messily to his sweaty skin.

Irey reached out, gently brushing away the hair covering his eyes.

Shelley lifted his head, his voice hoarse, “Halton, I want you inside me.”

Irey’s hand stiffened in mid-air, feeling all his blood rushing downwards.

“Are you sure?” His lowered voice barely concealed a hidden savagery.

“Stop talking, just do it,” Shelley bit his neck.

Like a shot of adrenaline, Irey leaped from the bed to retrieve the travel bag thrown on the floor. However…

Even after dumping out everything in the bag, he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

On the table, in the drawer, in the suitcase, even after searching all over the bed, there was nothing.

The arrows were already on the string, Shelley stared at him, “What’s wrong?”

Irey stayed silent for two seconds, then looked up at his boss, “The condoms, they’re gone.”

“What?” Shelley couldn’t help raising his voice.

“It’s highly probable that those idiotic disciples of that idiotic old man in Duhaat threw them somewhere,” Irey pinched the bridge of his nose, “I should have checked the luggage properly before we left…”

“We don’t need them!” Shelley said, unable to bear it.

“No!” Irey insisted irritably.

“Last time, didn’t you whisper in my ear that it wasn’t necessary?” Shelley’s teeth were itching with anger, “Now I’m saying it’s okay!”

“Jokes are jokes, reality is reality!” Irey’s mood didn’t improve, speaking rudely, “When I say no, it means no!”

Shelley stared at him fixedly for a moment, then said nothing more. He pulled on his pants, put on his clothes, grabbed the coat hanging on the back of the chair, and walked out of the room barefoot without looking back.

Shortly after, Irey heard the sound of running water from the direction of the bathroom outside, sighed, and collapsed onto the bed as if his strings had been cut, pulling out a cigarette from the coat pocket and lighting it.

After about fifteen minutes, Shelley, freshly showered, returned to the room. Any scent on his body—whether his own or Irey’s—had been washed away by the hot water. Except for the steaming heat and the faint scent of shower gel, there was nothing else to smell.

Irey had just finished his second cigarette, casually tossing the butt into the cup where cold medicine had been earlier. There was a tiny hiss as the spark met the liquid at the bottom of the cup, then it quietly extinguished.

Shelley glanced at him with only his peripheral vision, then turned over and got into bed, pulling the blanket over himself.

Irey sighed.

He had once again angered his boss.

This time, he deserved it. No bed partner would suddenly withdraw at such a critical moment. Shelley’s anger was within his expectations.

Irey resignedly dragged over a chair, stuffed his coat into it, and curled up inside, prepared to muddle through the night like this.

But at that moment, Shelley’s voice came from the direction of the bed.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you coming over?”

Irey was stunned for a moment, unable to react immediately.

Shelley rolled over, facing Irey, “You’re not sleeping?”

Irey opened his mouth, “I thought you were angry.”

Shelley pursed his lips, his beautiful eyebrows slightly furrowed, “Of course, there’s some dissatisfaction, but it’s not directed at you. If I must specify, it’s dissatisfaction with that rubbish bishop who tossed my personal belongings everywhere, and with not checking the luggage properly before leaving the city.”

As he spoke, Shelley raised his eyes and looked at Irey, “It’s not your fault. Although you’re a silly alpha who can refuse even when the meat is in front of you, I guess you’re the only one like that in the world.”

Irey smiled, swiftly turning over and getting into bed, resting his forehead against Shelley’s, whispering, “Then let it be because I’m silly.”

Shelley opened his mouth, taking the initiative to exchange a wet kiss with Irey.

After the kiss ended, Irey pecked at the corner of Shelley’s lips, and the latter lazily narrowed his eyes, yawning.

“Finally tired?” Irey asked.

“Yeah,” Shelley responded nasally.

“Go to sleep,” Irey pinched his earlobe, “Your cold hasn’t cleared up properly, yet you keep wanting to fuss around.”

Shelley frowned unhappily, but the drowsiness overwhelmed him, and he was too lazy to argue with Irey anymore, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

It was already late at night. Irey glanced out the window, freeing up one hand to pull the curtains shut.

The rough fabric separated the pitch-black, icy night outside, allowing only the faint blue moonlight to seep through the cracks.

In this quiet night, for a moment, he had the illusion that such peace would last forever.

But both he and Shelley knew well that such a beautiful fantasy only existed in dreams.

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