Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 55

Playing This Way

Irey looked a bit surprised, but answered seriously.

“No,” he said, “Besides you and Caroline, I hardly know any Omegas. When I first started differentiating, some Omegas did come to me for protection. But you know me, I don’t like troublesome things that don’t benefit me, so I refused them all.”

“Is having an Omega not beneficial?” Shelley asked, “Many people would kill for that.”

“They’re foolish, living aimlessly without thinking things through.” Irey lazily raised an arm behind his head, “Protecting an Omega means taking on more risks, earning more money, being more deeply trapped in this shitty societal system. So in principle, I wouldn’t do it. Of course, if there’s money involved, that’s a different story.”

Halton was still Halton.

Sharp, alert, cautious, and self-serving. Without these traits, he wouldn’t have thrived alone in this radically changed, messed-up society.

“So, I haven’t marked any Omega other than you.” Irey spread his hands, “If it matters to you, I can also tell you that besides you, I haven’t been with any Omega.”

Shelley’s ears suddenly turned red, “I didn’t ask about that!”

Irey showed a knowing expression, reaching out his hand, “Shall we continue?” Rock, paper, scissors.

Shelley played rock, Irey played paper.

“It really is turn-based, huh.” Irey smiled nonchalantly, “Let me think…”

Shelley said reluctantly, “Hurry up.”

“Before the meteor shower, what did you do for a living?” Irey asked.

This question seemed manageable, and Shelley let out a small sigh of relief.

“I was the CEO of Manta Tech, a chief executive officer.” Shelley said, “Many of Manta Tech’s series products were developed under my leadership, including the MX series chips, HY smart housekeeper, and the void projection technology that never made it to market.”

“I see.” Irey nodded.

“You don’t seem surprised at all,” Shelley frowned.

“Well, I already had a pretty good guess.” Irey said, “With your level of wealth, you’re not just any rich person. Plus, the projection you showed me on Caroline’s birthday pretty much confirmed it.”

“True.” Shelley chuckled lightly, “Let’s continue.”

This time Shelley played paper, Irey played scissors.

“Sorry, it’s me again.” Irey raised an eyebrow.

“Ask,” Shelley sighed.

“Those pills you take every night, are they really vitamins?” Irey asked.

Shelley opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Irey.

“Remember the game rules, boss.” He placed his index finger on Shelley’s lips, speaking softly, “No lying.”

Shelley’s face showed a moment of struggle and displeasure, but he finally gave up, reaching out to remove Irey’s finger from his face. “No.”

“What is it then?”

Shelley reluctantly closed his eyes and then opened them again. “…Sleeping pills and antidepressants.”

Although Irey already knew the answer before asking, his heart still twitched uncontrollably when he heard Shelley admit it.

“When did you start taking them?”

“That’s another question.” Shelley immediately said, “You’ve run out of questions.”

Irey was silent for a few seconds, staring sharply at Shelley. Shelley was not intimidated, meeting his gaze with his gem-like blue eyes, and it was Irey who looked away first.

“Alright. Rock-paper-scissors.”

Shelley showed scissors, Irey showed paper.

“The Omega who stole my wallet in Leisau,” Shelley asked calmly, “How did you feel when he died?”

“Do you care about this?” Irey asked.

Shelley frowned. “I’m asking you a question now. Don’t change the subject.”

Irey raised his hand in surrender. “I just thought you might not want to know my true thoughts…”

“Tell the truth,” Shelley said. “No lying, that’s the rule of the game.”

“Okay.” Irey retracted his hand and looked up at the ceiling. “I think he was a complete idiot. Shortsighted, simple-minded, stuck in the glory of his past life, unable to accept the harsh reality of the present. His suffering didn’t make him grow; instead, it led him to commit a foolish act of revenge against society at the cost of his life.”

Shelley was silent for a while before asking, “Do you think suicide is foolish?”

“Of course, the stupidest thing in the world,” Irey said coldly, his eyes half-closed. “No one really cares about your life or death except yourself. The world will keep turning without any one person. Death poses no threat, it’s just a clown seeking attention. But for the person involved, death is final, with no more outcomes. Even if there’s a slim chance of things getting better if you live, giving up is the ultimate foolishness.”

The night wind swept through the village, making the old windows rattle with a terrifying sound, which soon faded away as if it had never happened, leaving only the pitch-black night and a chilling silence.

Shelley finally said nothing, just extended his hand. “Let’s continue.”

Shelley showed scissors, Irey showed rock.

“My turn,” Irey said. “Boss, why do you want to go to Mount Yinbu?”

The expected question finally came, a weighty stone finally fell, hitting his heart, with the dull pain spreading slowly but persistently throughout his body.

Shelley exhaled slowly, “I don’t want to answer.”

Irey’s expression was unsurprised.

“Really? Then you have to take the punishment.”

“Punishment it is then.” Shelley rolled over in resignation. “I’m not answering that question.”

Despite his words, Shelley’s chest tightened.

Was it really okay to choose punishment like this? This sneaky bastard Irey might come up with some particularly outrageous punishment.

“Hmm… let me think.” Irey pretended to ponder seriously, observing Shelley’s tense posture with a mischievous sidelong glance. Then he chuckled softly and gave his verdict. “Then kiss me, boss.”

Shelley blinked, obviously not expecting such a simple punishment. “That’s all?”

“With tongue,” Irey added quietly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shelley wrapped his arms around Irey’s neck and pressed his lips against his.

Their lips naturally parted, gentle but lingering. The spots where they touched tingled, so Irey retaliated unreservedly.

Even with so many precedents, this kiss was the deepest they had ever shared.

Shelley’s tongue brushed against Irey’s sharp canine teeth on the upper sides, barely surviving. Those were the Alpha’s tools for marking an Omega, filled with potent pheromones.

When they separated, both were a little out of breath, Shelley more so, having to take deep breaths. His bright lips contrasted with his pale skin, like a perfectly placed strawberry on cream.

“Shall we continue?” Irey asked in a low voice.

“Of course,” Shelley said, pulling back a little to catch his breath. So that’s how you want to play?

Then he would play along.


Shelley showed paper, Irey showed rock.

“Your turn to ask,” Irey said.

“Last night, at the hotel in Duhaat,” Shelley said, “Why did you smoke so much at once?”

As soon as Irey opened his mouth, Shelley cut him off.

“You set the rules, Halton,” he said. “No lying.”

Irey looked at him in surprise. “You’re not easy, boss.”

Shelley didn’t reply, just looked at him.

“Then I refuse to answer,” Irey said straightforwardly. “Choose your punishment.”

Shelley frowned, biting his thumbnail.

Irey crossed his arms and watched him leisurely. He really didn’t think his boss’s innocent demeanor could come up with any truly damaging punishment.

Then he quickly realized he had underestimated Shelley Manta.

“I’ve decided,” Shelley looked up at him.

“Go ahead,” Irey shrugged nonchalantly.

“I want you to kiss my gland,” Shelley said slowly, enunciating each word. “But no matter what happens, you can’t bite down until I say you can stop.”

Irey’s mind buzzed, taking a long moment to react, forcing a smile. “…Boss, isn’t that asking a bit too much?”

“Otherwise, what would be the point of the punishment?” Shelley propped his chin on his hand, a naive expression on his face. “If you really can’t stand it, why not just answer the question?”

Irey Halton, who had always prided himself as the hunter, now saw a naked hunting desire and provocation in the eyes of Shelley, who should have been his prey.

Irey took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then sat up from the bed, leaning towards Shelley with his upper body, his throat unable to hide a hoarseness. “I get it.”

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