Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 46

Not teasing you anymore

In the early morning, Shelley was awakened by a ray of sunlight shining on his eyelids.

He slowly opened his eyes, finding a small gap left in the middle of the curtains, allowing the sunlight to shine directly on his face.

He furrowed his brows, wanting to lift his arm to block it, but found his right arm pinned down by Irey’s arm beside him, tingling slightly.

Shelley turned his head to see Irey still asleep beside him.

Irey’s sleep quality was good, he slept for short periods but energetically, always waking up earlier than Shelley.

Today, unusually, he was already awake while Irey was still asleep.

Irey slept without snoring, even in deep slumber, only emitting a calm and quiet breathing sound. His features were distinct, with a straight nose and angular cheekbones and jawline, handsome from every angle.

And much cuter than his usual frivolous demeanor.

Shelley couldn’t help but stare at his face for a while longer, then quietly reached for his phone placed aside, turned on the camera, and took a picture of Irey sleeping.

In that moment of pressing the shutter, he suddenly realized that it had been five whole years since he had taken a picture of anything or anyone.

Because of this, he forgot to turn off the shutter sound, and as he took the picture, the phone made a loud clicking sound.

Almost in the next second, as Irey opened his eyes, he moved like an agile cheetah, swiftly gripping Shelley’s wrist that held the phone.

The force was strong enough to almost twist Shelley’s wrist off, causing him to wince in pain. Fortunately, in less than a second, Irey realized what he had done, quickly loosening his grip but not letting go.

“Halton!” Shelley exclaimed in annoyance, trying to free his hand.

A familiar mischievous smile appeared on Irey’s face, “What were you trying to sneakily capture while I was asleep, boss?”

A blush crept onto Shelley’s cheeks, “I didn’t—”

“Let me see.” Taking advantage of his strength and height, Irey easily snatched the phone from Shelley’s hand, unlocked it, and whistled, “So I’m handsome even when I’m asleep.”

Shelley couldn’t bear it anymore, raising his voice, “Are you narcissistic or what?”

Raising an eyebrow, Irey teased, “So, should I delete the photo?”

“No!” Shelley blurted out, meeting Irey’s teasing gaze and realizing what he had said, his cheeks reddening, “—Halton!”

Knowing he had gone too far, Irey chuckled and handed the phone back, then leaned forward, lightly kissing Shelley’s forehead, “Okay, no more teasing. Good morning, boss.”

The kiss was gentle, tender, devoid of any desire. It sent a tingling sensation through Shelley’s forehead, as if a faint electric current passed through. The subtle aroma of oolong tea lingered around his nostrils, soothing his emotions almost instantly.

“Can’t you greet me in a more normal way?” Shelley snatched the phone back from him.

“It’s more memorable this way,” Irey innocently blinked.

With that, he sat up on the bed, glanced at the time, “Are you hungry? What would you like to eat? There’s half a pizza, a sandwich, and a bowl of noodles in the fridge. If you want something else, I can make it for you. After breakfast, I’ll accompany you to the city to inquire about the car. I don’t believe we can’t find a car in such a big city.”

Irey Halton, this jerk, always like this.

First, he provokes people, then immediately pretends to be innocent, making it impossible for anyone to get angry.

But perhaps the biggest problem is that he always leads me by the nose.

“Eating pizza and a sandwich is fine, and then we can wait for you to go grocery shopping and cook. It’ll be noon by the time we finish eating.” Shelley rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and tidying up his hair and clothes in front of the full-length mirror against the wall, “And with your cooking skills, I don’t trust—”

Mid-sentence, Shelley suddenly stopped, his hand freezing in the air as he buttoned up his shirt, “Did you hear that noise?”

“What?” Irey frowned, also stopping his movements.

As the surroundings quieted down, he indeed heard a clattering noise.

“It’s downstairs.” Irey quickly put on his clothes, pushed open the bedroom door, and walked out.

Before he could even descend the stairs, he saw a group of people dressed in white robes standing in the lobby on the ground floor. They were rummaging through cabinets and drawers, throwing Shelley and Irey’s belongings onto the ground. The suitcase that had been lying in the corner was also dragged out by these people and thrown outside like garbage, its contents scattered all over the ground.

In the midst of these followers, the former owner of the villa—the bishop with a long beard and a stout figure—was standing in the middle, directing the others to throw things out.

“What are you doing!” Irey exclaimed, startling everyone and halting their movements of moving things.

“What am I doing?” The bishop lifted his head, his gaze disdainfully sweeping over Irey, “Of course, I’m reclaiming the house that was swindled away from me!”

“Swindled?” Irey’s anger flared up instantly. He grabbed his coat, which had been thrown to the ground, and pulled out the deed from inside, slapping it on the table in front of the bishop. “A six-million-cash transaction, with all ownership transfer agreements, signatures, and fingerprints clearly stated. It’s all there in black and white. Now you want to deny it?”

“I want to deny it?” The bishop sneered, slamming his hand on the table, causing the deed to flutter to the ground. “The person who paid for my house is an Omega!”

Irey furrowed his brow, a sense of foreboding creeping over him. “So what?”

“The regulations set by the government are clear. Omegas have no right to register any property, real estate, or vehicles that require registration under the law.” The bishop smirked. “Concealing gender to acquire property is a serious offense!”

Irey felt a sense of absurdity. “Who the hell would know such ridiculous regulations—”

“Ask the Omega behind you if he knows.” The bishop cast a contemptuous glance at Irey’s back. “Every Omega must thoroughly read the ‘Omega Manual’ after differentiation, otherwise they could end up in jail.”

Irey turned around to see Shelley coming down the stairs. His hair was halfway styled, with a few strands falling from his temples, and the collar of his shirt creased, with half of it turned up.

He didn’t speak, looking calmly and silently in their direction, his blue eyes devoid of emotion, like transparent glassware.

“Keep moving,” the bishop waved his hand, and the believers hurriedly began to act, throwing more things out of the door.

“What about the money?” Irey suppressed his anger, reaching out to the bishop. “Give back the six million!”

“Give back?” The bishop mocked, “For such a serious offense, I’ve been lenient by not reporting you. Consider this six million as a voluntary gift, which I will offer to the merciful God on your behalf. You should pray that my Lord forgives your despicable deception!”

With that, the bishop paced around the hall, shaking his head with sorrow. “Ah, Omega is indeed Omega, disrupting this world like a devil, filthy, unclean, shameless…”

Before Irey could erupt, Shelley called out to him.

“Halton, let’s go.”

Shelley’s eyelids drooped slightly, his tone calm, showing no emotion on his face. Irey didn’t move.

After the believers finished throwing things downstairs, they went upstairs to clear out more. Not just luggage, but also cups they used, clothes they wore, underwear, shoes, and socks, all thrown down from upstairs like garbage.

“Let’s go,” Shelley repeated.

Irey clenched and then released his fist, saying nothing in the end. He bent down to pick up the scattered personal belongings, stuffing them into the suitcase one by one. Finally, he closed the suitcase, lifted the handle, and followed Shelley out of the villa gate.

The bishop watched them leave triumphantly, then turned to one of the believers. “Omega is Omega, not daring to even fart.”

As Irey walked out of the gate, he suddenly dropped the suitcase to the ground, turned around, and walked straight toward the bishop.

Before the bishop could react, Irey grabbed his beard and punched him in the jaw.

A bloody tooth flew out of the bishop’s mouth, and before he could even turn his head, Irey punched the other side of his face.

Blood immediately flowed from the bishop’s mouth, his small eyes widened in horror. Before he could make any sound, Irey kicked him in the stomach.

Only then did the believers realize what had happened. Some screamed, some tried to rush up to stop Irey.

Irey grabbed the bishop’s beard and pulled him forward. His eyes were chilling.

“He’s an Omega, but I’m an Alpha,” he said calmly. “I have a way to beat all of you to the point where you can’t stand up for the rest of your lives, without needing to go to jail. Do you want to try?”

Everyone was scared by the murderous look in his eyes. Some believers even collapsed to the ground.

Irey threw the bishop to the ground, and the latter crawled tremblingly behind the sofa.

Irey didn’t pay any attention to anyone else in the villa. He walked out of the villa, picked up the suitcase handle again, and walked away.

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