Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 42

Like, or Love

“Caroline was amazing too,” Irey said, still laughing. “That pig was dazed but still tried to get up. Caroline ran up, lifted her skirt, and kicked him in the groin, shouting, ‘That’s what you get for being disgusting!'”

Irey laughed even harder at Shelley’s shocked expression.

“The next day was Caroline’s birthday,” Irey said. “March ended up in the hospital, and Mom found out what happened. We thought we were in big trouble. But Mom didn’t say a word, just bought a big cake and gave Caroline a happy birthday. From then on, every time it snowed on her birthday, we’d have a snowball fight to celebrate our little princess defeating the evil dragon.”

Irey couldn’t help but smile, covering his face with his free arm. “Tomorrow is Caroline’s birthday. If she were still alive, we’d probably be having a snowball fight. She’d be twenty-one by now.”

Shelley noticed that whenever Irey mentioned his sister and mother, his expression softened. His eyebrows relaxed, and the tension in his jawline eased. It was like a traveler in the harsh winter stepping into a warm room, and his family’s names were the source of that warmth.

Shelley had never experienced such warmth and thus didn’t understand this tenderness and cherish it.

But Irey once had something so precious, only for it to be forcefully taken away by fate.

It was the cruelest thing Shelley could imagine.

“What about you?” Shelley asked.

Irey was puzzled by the sudden question. “What?”

“Tomorrow is your sister’s birthday,” Shelley’s voice was soft. “When is your birthday?”

“Honestly, I don’t know.” Irey smiled helplessly. “When my mom gave birth to me, my deadbeat dad was hiding from debt collectors. My mom was traveling and scared while heavily pregnant. She got a high fever around the due date and was sick for over a week, so she can’t remember exactly when I was born or where, only that it was winter, sometime between December and January.”

Irey looked at Shelley with his usual playful expression. “Why? Planning to give me a birthday present?”

Shelley moved his lips, seemingly wanting to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden sneeze, “Achoo!”

Irey sat up from the snow with a start, clicked his tongue, and said, “I forgot how frail you are. You shouldn’t have been lying in the snow for so long. Get up, be careful not to catch a cold.”

Shelley wrinkled his nose, clearly displeased with Irey’s comment, “I’m not—Achoo!”

“You’ll be stubborn to death one day.” Irey couldn’t be bothered to argue further. He extended a hand and pulled him up from the snow. “Let’s go back and take a hot bath to warm up.”

He brushed the snow off Shelley’s shoulders, shook the snow from his own clothes, picked up the shopping bags on the steps, and opened the door to go inside.

Shelley followed behind Irey, only able to see his broad back which filled out his coat beautifully. The hem of his coat was gently lifted by the wind, making it impossible to guess what expression he had on his face.

The nights in Duhaat were brighter than those in Lansai and Leisau.

One reason was that it had snowed today, covering the ground with a silver-white carpet that reflected a pale blue light under the moonlight.

Another reason was that at midnight, when the church bells rang, a group of white-clad worshippers would walk slowly through the streets, holding candles in their hands.

Looking down from the second-floor balcony, the distant line of worshippers appeared like a glowing ribbon, undulating through the dark streets.

Even though Irey didn’t know how long they would be staying there, he diligently sorted the purchased items.

Then he cleaned the bedroom and dining room, wiped the soup-stained dining table clean, and threw the trash into a bag to be taken out.

After finishing all these tasks, he surveyed his work with satisfaction. The dirtiest thing left in the villa was himself.

The only problem was that Shelley had been in the bathroom for over an hour and showed no signs of coming out.

Irey walked to the bathroom door, indeed hearing the sound of the shower and feeling the steam seeping through the door crack.

But he couldn’t hear Shelley; he was showering very quietly.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door. “Boss, how much longer are you going to take?”

There was a pause inside, “Just a little longer. Why?”

“I need to use the toilet,” Irey said lazily.

“Isn’t there another bathroom upstairs?” Shelley frowned.

“The tank is broken, it won’t flush,” Irey replied. “The toilet is full of rust, who knows how long it hasn’t been used.”

How could a perfectly fine villa be lived in like this by that bishop?

Shelley angrily scrubbed his hair. “Got it. Wait a minute, ten minutes… no, five minutes.”

“I can’t wait any longer, I’m about to burst,” Irey said, looking distressed.

“Well, I can’t just fly out!” Shelley said angrily. “What’s the big deal about waiting a little longer!”

“I really can’t wait—” Irey dragged his words. “My bladder is about to explode, another minute and I’ll wet myself. Or I could just go in the sink, it’s all plumbing anyway…”

“Halton!” Shelley was disgusted beyond measure. With a “click,” he unlocked the door. “Fine, come in and go, hurry up!”

Irey raised an eyebrow, then turned the doorknob and walked into the steam-filled bathroom.

Shelley stood under the shower, his skin more flushed than usual in the mist, his golden hair wet and draped over his shoulders. Water flowed down the golden waterfall, gliding over the defined muscles of his back, waist, and butt, disappearing between his legs.

Shelley’s expression was extremely awkward, always keeping his back to Irey, refusing to turn around and expose his front.

Irey found it amusing. “Is it really necessary? It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

“Cut the crap and do your business!” Shelley glared at Irey, his beautiful face turning bright red.

For Shelley to use such language, it meant he was really pushed to the limit.

Irey stopped talking, walked over, and lifted the toilet lid.

In the steamy air, Shelley, with his back to Irey, couldn’t see his actions, only hearing the sound of a zipper and the rustle of fabric, followed by the unmistakable sound of water.

It made Shelley so embarrassed he wanted to crawl into the cracks of the tiles.

Unbearable! Did this man named Irey Halton have no shame at all?

Did he have no concept of “boundaries” at all!?

But at this moment, Shelley had no way to deal with Irey, so he could only close his eyes and endure, waiting for him to slowly zip up his pants.

However, after Irey finished using the toilet, he didn’t seem to have any intention of leaving. Just as Shelley was about to turn around and chase him out, Irey suddenly spoke.

“Don’t take what I said this morning too seriously,” Irey pressed the flush button. “I’m not as miserable as you think. Besides, it’s been four or five years, the hardest times are long over.”

For a moment, there was only the sound of the shower in the air.

“Are you afraid I’ll pity you?” Shelley lowered his eyelids, letting the warm water flow down his lashes. “Don’t worry, if you don’t want to, I won’t bring up this topic again…”

Before he could finish, Irey chuckled. Shelley looked up to see him closing the toilet lid and leaning against the cold tile wall.

“You give me too much credit, boss. I’d be thrilled if you pitied me,” Irey said, “People born in the slums have cheap lives. We live like rats, and it’s normal for a few to die now and then. Only someone as kind-hearted as you from Nantes would sympathize with a rat like me.”

“Don’t say that about yourself,” Shelley frowned.

“I’m saying this because you’ve been in the bathroom for an hour,” Irey leaned down, placing one hand on the tile behind Shelley, not caring at all that his clothes were getting soaked. “The last time you took such a long bath was the day you got blood on you. Do you think I wouldn’t be worried?”

Shelley blinked in surprise, realizing what Irey was talking about. “I’ve been in the shower for an hour?”

“No shit!” Irey said exasperatedly, “Otherwise, why would I be crazy enough to squeeze in here just to pee?”

Shelley slowly understood the situation and then burst into laughter. “I’m sorry, I have a habit of thinking while showering. Sometimes I get so lost in thought that I lose track of time. Nothing’s wrong, I just made you worry.”

“Lost in thought for an hour?” Irey asked in disbelief.

Shelley nodded.

Irey stared at him, his expression screaming, “Are you kidding me?” That look, in this situation, had the opposite effect, making Shelley want to laugh even more.

“Halton. Do you think I’m that fragile?” He looked up, eyes filled with amusement, and the water droplets in his hair flew up with his movement, sliding down along his jawline. “I may be an Omega, but I’m also in the top ten of Nantes’ wealthy list. I’ve earned plenty of money off the poor’s sweat and tears in my life. I wouldn’t be kind enough to cry for an hour in the bathroom over your misfortune.”

“…” Irey looked at Shelley speechlessly, pushing his shoulder to create some distance. “Of course, I know that, but I’m worried something might happen.”

Shelley wanted to say, what could possibly happen?

Even if he did cry for an hour in the bathroom, or faint inside, or even secretly slit his wrists with the warm water running, what would it have to do with Irey Halton? He was just an Alpha doing his job, with no need to take responsibility for anything beyond that.

But looking into Irey’s eyes, he couldn’t say it.

Those wild, primitive, and simple brown eyes showed only pure concern, with no impurities and no demand for anything in return.

Realizing this made the air around them warmer.

For Shelley, the bathroom was his most private sanctuary. Here, he was naked, stripped of all identities and disguises, facing only the steaming mist and his soaked self.

This should be his solitary sanctuary. Yet he not only let Irey intrude, but also allowed him to cross that inviolable boundary.

And he found that the feeling he experienced wasn’t disgust or rejection, but warmth, realizing he was already done for.

This uncontrollable heat, irrational trust, and inexplicable acceptance could only be described by one word.

Like, or rather, love.

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