Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 27

Call My Name

Shelley’s eyes welled up with tears for a moment.

He curled up his body, burying his face between his knees, trembling with effort to hold back the tears for a long time.

There were many discussions about the gender mutation of the new humans who survived after the disaster.

Some believe that a small number of humans had genes resistant to radiation, so these humans, after being exposed to radiation, did not die like most people did but were transformed by radiation into what they were now, which was an inevitable price to pay for survival.

Others believed that the mutation of the new humans was not related to radiation but rather, when the human population decreased sharply, it triggered a strong desire in the ancient genes of humans to continue their offspring, thus developing a second gender more like animals, more conducive to mating and reproduction.

But regardless of which theory, when discussing the second gender, Omegas were never treated as human.

In the post-apocalyptic era, social civilization regressed significantly, and there was an urgent need for a large number of newborns to fill the gaps in productivity. The government soon issued a series of laws targeting Omegas, including but not limited to restricting Omega’s personal freedom, depriving Omegas of the right to work, legalizing forced mating during heat, and allowing the buying and selling of Omegas, and so on.

To popularize these inhumane new laws, there was a time when workers distributing pamphlets could be seen everywhere in the streets of various districts. The cover of the pamphlet featured a cute cartoon rabbit with its ears standing tall, cheeks flushed abnormally, and a large headline that read, “Omega Manual.”

At first, some people attempted to resist. Especially some males who had differentiated into Omegas couldn’t accept the sharp decline in their social status. They conducted numerous protests and demonstrations, but all were quickly suppressed within a very short time, followed by forced allocation and marking.

The characteristics of Omegas determined that they could never compete with Alphas, and ultimately, all resistance futilely turned into nothing. In less than five years, Omegas had learned to be obedient and submissive, unconditionally complying with all the unequal rules set by the new society, and desperately trying to please any Alpha who could provide them with shelter.

By today, considering Omega as less than human had long been widely acknowledged throughout society.

But there was still one Alpha who was willing, during the most difficult time of their sensitivity, to let go and set them free just because of his vague answer.

Before long, Irey’s voice came from behind the door.

“Don’t think too highly of me, I’m not that moral. The reason I did this is simpler than you think.”

“What?” Shelley subconsciously asked.

For a few seconds, Irey didn’t speak. Then came the rustle of clothes, followed by the click of a lighter igniting.

Shelley caught a whiff of a faint scent of smoke seeping through the crack in the door.

“Let me tell you a story, boss,” Irey said. “There was a girl born in a small town. Although her family was not wealthy, she was smart and beautiful, excelling in everything she learned, always ranking first in her class. Without any accidents, she would have graduated smoothly, entered the university and major she liked, shone in her field of expertise, and had a bright future. But in the year she was about to graduate, the meteorite came.”

Shelley didn’t speak, quietly listening to Irey continue.

“The school was gone, the bright future was gone. But even so, the girl didn’t give up. She started learning to cook from scratch and set up a food stall on the street to support her family.” Irey chuckled softly, “She was quick to learn anything and did everything well. Before long, the food stall business became very popular, and people lined up every day to buy her food.”

“That’s not bad,” Shelley said.

“That’s what her family thought too. Since she couldn’t continue her education, surviving in such a world and earning enough money to support herself was no easy feat,” Irey said, “But in the second year after the disaster, the girl’s secondary gender mutated into Omega.”


“That year, the government just happened to enact new laws. Omegas were prohibited from leaving the city, couldn’t be employed, had to participate in Offering Day… Most importantly, during Omega’s heat, Alphas could do whatever they wanted to them without consequences.” Irey took a long drag of the cigarette, then slowly exhaled the smoke from his lungs, “But when the differentiation just happened, no one knew when their heat period would come.”

Shelley felt like there was something heavy pressing on his chest, making it increasingly difficult to breathe.

But even after Irey finished exhaling that puff of smoke, he continued with the same tone.

“One day, while she was at her stall, her heat suddenly came, and all the Alphas waiting in line to buy food smelled the pheromones emanating from her. It wasn’t night, it wasn’t in a secluded corner, and she was wearing her usual oversized and dirty coat.” Irey’s voice gradually turned cold, “No one knows how many Alphas, seven or eight, maybe a dozen, just grabbed her on the busy street in broad daylight. No one intervened, and no one helped her. Everyone just left as if they hadn’t seen anything. It wasn’t until three days later that her body was found in the sewer, both arms broken, teeth knocked out, and her mouth filled with mud.”

“Halton…” Shelley couldn’t help but interrupt, but Irey continued calmly.

“That girl, that Omega, was my sister, Caroline.”

The room fell into a deathly silence, and no one spoke for a long time. The only thing still audible was the breathing of the two individuals, passing through the thin door, reaching each other’s ears.

Shelley heard Irey crush the cigarette butt.

“At that time, I was thinking, who decides which people differentiate into which gender? Why do some people, despite being so wicked, become Alphas, able to use privileges recklessly and trample on others; while some people, honest and kind all their lives, never stealing or robbing, become Omegas, suffering various hells for no reason?” Irey said, “Why did someone like me become an Alpha, while someone like Caroline became an Omega?”

Shelley didn’t know what to say for a moment. Subconsciously, he reached out towards Irey, but only touched the cold door panel.

But he knew Irey was there, within reach of his fingertips.

“So, boss,” Irey said, “I don’t care about these sensitive periods or passionate periods, or whatever mutated bullshit. As long as you don’t want to, I won’t touch you, promise.”

That bitter feeling in his eyes returned. Shelley closed his eyes and leaned his head gently against the door panel.

Even though they couldn’t see each other at the moment, he inexplicably felt that the distance between him and Irey was closer than ever.

The sweet fragrance of flowers slowly filled the space, gradually soothing the restless Irey strangely, but without any suggestive implications.

“Halton,” Shelley spoke up, “you’re an excellent Alpha, better than any Alpha I’ve ever known.”

Irey couldn’t help but chuckle, “You must not know many Alphas then.”

“There are many Alphas in Nantes, or I should say, most of the people around me are Alphas,” Shelley said. “It’s hard for Betas to find work in Nantes, and Omegas basically can’t leave their homes. Neighbors, police, security guards, civil servants, the majority are Alphas. But those Alphas don’t look as handsome as you, nor are they as reliable.”

Shelley paused for a moment, then added, “And they’re not as big as you.”

Irey buried his head in his arms and chuckled for a while, “None of them as big as me?”

Shelley shifted his position, leaning against the door to speak more clearly, “You’re the biggest.”

Irey chuckled again for a while before finally stopping, letting out a sigh, “Boss, can I ask you something?”

“You can ask.”

“That night, in Lansai, the night I marked you,” Irey said, “Did I hurt you?”

Sensory memories were stirred up again, and there was a strange warmth rising upwards. Shelley took a deep breath and slowed down his speech, “No, except for when you marked me, it didn’t hurt at all from start to finish.”

“Really? Don’t tell lies.”

“I’m not.” Shelley said, “Your movements were always gentle, and you went in slowly, and you always hit the right spot, so it felt good. It was comfortable from start to finish.”

Irey let out a low, frustrated roar, then after a while managed to squeeze out, “You really… saying these things at this moment!”

“You asked first.” Shelley’s cheeks flushed.

Irey fell silent, but Shelley heard a clear sound of a zipper being pulled from the other side of the door, followed by even heavier breathing than before.

“Boss,” Irey’s voice was hoarse, interspersed with heavy breathing.

Shelley’s cheeks were almost burning, but he still responded, “What is it?”

“Can you give me some pheromones? Just a little.”

Shelley closed his eyes, burying his burning cheeks in his knees, releasing more pheromones to the Alpha on the other side of the door.


“…What now?”

“Call my name.”


“Call it again.”


“Call it again.”


The heat of the beer festival gradually subsided, and there were fewer and fewer people on the street. The shouts gradually weakened with the rising noon sun until they stopped altogether, leaving only the occasional sound of the wind tapping against windows, accompanied by faint murmurs.

One Comment

  • Nabong_uwu

    How can people be so cruel and inhumane, it’s scary at what point humanity can get the moment they consider someone inferior to them, when they’re unbound by morality

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