Omega Manual

Omega Manual chapter 2

An Omega in Heat

“Whiskey.” Irey sat at the bar, tossed a banknote onto the table.

The bar owner, with a thick beard and a sound somewhere between nasal and guttural, made a noise of acknowledgment and soon placed a full glass of whiskey in front of Irey.

Even in the dirtiest and most chaotic bars in the downtown area, most people could only afford a drink when they were financially stable. Most of the bar patrons around wore shabby clothes, with unkempt beards, having neither jobs to do nor anyone waiting for them at home.

Amidst the noisy chatter, Irey lifted the glass. The transparent liquid warmed his throat as it made its way down, dispersing some of the chill of the winter night.

“Oh, isn’t this Irey? Haven’t seen you in days. Where have you been, trying to make a fortune?” Irey raised his eyes and glanced at the woman behind the bar with a well-endowed figure.

Since becoming an Alpha, Emma’s appearance had become more provocative. Five years ago, she was a shy girl who wore long skirts and tied up her hair. Now, she boldly wore crop tops, afraid that no one would see her well-defined curves.

Five years ago, Irey would have been captivated by such a stunning beauty standing in front of him. However, now as an Alpha himself, he felt repulsed and averse, not wanting to look at her for even a second.

Even though Irey never believed in fate he had to admit that differentiation was an irrational and uncontrollable event.

“It’s good enough not to have lost my life.” Irey lifted the glass and took another sip of whiskey.

“He went to fix trains for those upper-class bastards.” The bearded bar owner casually shook a jug behind the bar.

“The train? The one that hit someone this afternoon?” Emma became interested, leaning on the bar counter with her elbows. “I heard it was a woman, Beta or Omega? It couldn’t possibly be an Alpha, right?”

Irey furrowed his brow, feeling somewhat annoyed by Emma’s intrusive attitude.

“I bet it’s an Omega,” Emma confidently guessed, then lowered her voice, “There’s everything during the Offering Day. Last month, they found…”

Emma’s words were cut off by a sudden commotion.

While the bar was usually not quiet, it was the first time it had become so chaotic. Half of the people stood up from their seats, and a corner of the bar was packed, almost overturning the roof with the noise.

“What’s going on?” Irey turned his head, and at the same time, a faint scent pierced through the foul air and entered his nostrils.

It was hard for him to describe this scent, somewhat like flowers and perfume, but much more penetrating, carrying a hint of temptation straight into the brain.

Without needing any explanation, any Alpha’s instinct would know: it was the scent of Omega pheromones.

“What the hell is happening?” Emma was also bewildered.

To smell pheromones here meant that there was an Omega nearby—a place in the downtown slums where most people reside, and an Omega entering heat was an occurrence that had become almost extinct in the past two years.

Although it was not entirely impossible, it had become extremely rare.

In the second year after the meteor shower hit the world and the surviving population differentiated into three genders, the interim government issued a series of regulations regarding the new genders. Among them was a provision that all behaviors of an Omega during heat were the individual’s responsibility, and Alphas who committed sexual assault or violence bore no legal responsibility.

Since then, even if there were still unclaimed Omegas, they dared not openly walk the streets, let alone run near crowded bars. The likelihood of such an event was about as likely as finding gold falling into your palm from the sky.

Irey had seen how Alphas treated Omegas in heat, these wolves could tear prey apart and devour them alive, not even spitting out the bones.

“Let go! Don’t touch me! Do you know who I am?”

The voice was clear, with a pure accent, unmistakably not from the dirty and lowly area of Lansai. Irey hadn’t heard such an accent in many years.

This remark provoked laughter from the wolves surrounding them, and the air was filled with joy.

“Who are you? Just a smelly Omega in heat, right?” The leader, without concealing his contempt in his words, said, “Look at yourself, the stench emanating from you can be smelled for miles around.”

“Let go! I warn you… This is a crime!”

“Come on, still talking about crime? Want to call the police to see if any cops will come?”

Emma’s eyes were also fixed on the direction of the commotion, eager to act, but she was just a bar staff member and could only watch the spectacle from behind the bar counter.

“A group of Alphas against one Omega. Let’s hope they don’t start a fight and wreck the place,” Emma said. “Who do you think will win in the end?”

The bearded bar owner showed no interest throughout the sudden event, just calmly wiping one glass after another.

“I bet on Robert, there’s nothing he can’t snatch.” A Beta customer sitting nearby spoke up, “Or maybe John, he just made a fortune a few days ago.”

“I think it’s Robert too,” Emma said, “Let’s forget about John, that iron rooster still owes me money for drinks, and he’s expecting to pay for an Omega?”

Irey remained silent throughout. He just lifted his glass, finished the remaining whiskey in one gulp, made sure there was no more liquid inside, then stood up from the bar and walked straight towards the source of the disturbance.

Passing through the crowd, Irey saw the pitiful Omega surrounded by seven or eight Alphas.

The first thing that caught his eye was a head of platinum blonde hair, followed by a pair of clear, light blue eyes like a lake.

Some Alphas liked to rate Omega appearances using the alphabet system. If judged by that system, the appearance of the Omega in front of him was at least S-class.

But his clothes were covered in dust, with several tears, revealing skin scraped and bruised, as if dragged all the way here.

As he drew closer, the scent of Omega’s pheromones became even stronger, smelling like some kind of floral fragrance mixed with the aroma of a delicious cake, intoxicating those who caught a whiff.

The tallest figure, Robert, had already begun to roughly tear at the Omega’s clothes, grasping the Omega’s wrist forcefully and pulling forward, while his other hand tugged down below.

The Omega struggled fiercely, surprising Irey as it was the first time he had seen an Omega in heat resist like this. Initially using both hands and feet to punch and kick at Robert, but the effects of the heat softened the force of the blows, making them land on Robert’s strong body without any real impact.

After realizing his resistance was futile, the Omega lowered his head without hesitation and bit down fiercely on Robert’s wrist.

“Damn it!” Robert yelled, pulling his hand back, blood immediately flowing from the wound on his wrist, indicating a significant injury.

This action by the Omega thoroughly enraged the powerful Alpha. He grabbed the Omega’s collar, lifting him up and raising his fist to strike at his nose.

But just as Robert was about to throw the punch, a hand stopped him.

Irey stood calmly there.

“Halton, what do you think you’re doing?” Robert roared, his Alpha pheromones filling the narrow space like a beast asserting its dominance, full of threat and warning.

Though Robert was already 37 this year, he was still the largest among the Alphas in Lansai. Even two Ireys combined might not match his size.

After this roar, everyone’s gaze converged on Irey, some with curiosity, even the Omega, momentarily forgotten, was pushed aside.

The situation had now turned into a confrontation between Alphas. Robert had already signaled the start of the conflict, and everyone was curious about how this slim Alpha who appeared out of nowhere would respond.

Irey said nothing, as if he hadn’t felt anything, unbuttoning his shirt casually, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, and lighting it.

The smell of tobacco spread, temporarily overpowering the chaotic pheromones in the air.

Then, he squatted down in front of the disheveled Omega, smoke swirling between them.

“Are you okay?” Irey asked.

The Omega with delicate features kept a cold expression, showing no intention of responding.

“Can you stand?” Irey reached out a hand to him.

Of course, there was still no response. Those beautiful blue eyes showed a wary look. Irey didn’t need a response; he just grabbed the Omega’s arm, lifting him up as if picking up a chick.

In the heat of passion, an Omega was not much different from a chick, completely powerless and at the mercy of others. The struggles just now must have exhausted all his strength; now he could barely lift his head.

His beautiful golden hair was a mess, covering his cheeks, like a dying little animal.

Irey glanced around, his gaze lingering deliberately on Robert for a moment before speaking, “He’s my Omega. Who else wants to touch him?”

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